Judge a Store by the Advertising It Doe*. THE SPRINGFIELD NEW S TWENTY-FOURTH YEAH UG M KZATIM SIQ RESUME ACTIVITIES SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY AUGUST 25,1827 LOCAL TIMBER OFFICIAL TALKS OVER TELEPHONE FROM HERE TO CHICAGO Preside nt "Chooaea to W e a r 10 G allon H a t LITTLE GIRL “ MOTHERS" BROTHER ON LONG TRIP FROM THE MIDDLE WEST •X n« e M r n A Pipe»" L IV I N g W S F A P ffR IN A L I V I T O W N NUMBER 33 FIRE HITS POWER C O M J H IE L BIN Seemingly unaware that there waa anything unusual about their experi­ ence. Pearl Williams. 12, and her brother, Kenneth, ^ged 3, arrived In Blaze Thought Started From ] Springfield yesterday following a trip Stacks Does Several Thou»» all alone from Fargo, North Dakota. and Dollars Damage Before Here they wtll live with their uncle Controlled Early This Morn­ ' and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Will. ing; Repairs Under Way. They left Fargo at 8:11 o clock Monday morning, traveling through A spectacular fire broke out shortly to Spokane where they changed cars I after 1 o'clock this morning in the for Portland. They made another top of the fuel bins of the Mountain change at Portland. State Power company plant a n ! We had a great time at Spokane w e iu*u « »I««« - * * — h - i threatened the destruction of the eU- sald Pearl L re building The Springfield fire de- expertecnes a . mother- of a L y e . , Booth-Kelly company She said that old on a long Journey. She said that tertm ” ent, the Booth-Kelly 1 fire fighting equipment and a pumpef through the traveler's aid she and her from Eugene fire department were little brother were given a ride all brought Into play before the stub­ through the city, and "got acquainted born blaze was brought under control. with lota of nice people.” From her The readiness In which the volun­ story la appeared that everyone with teer fire fighters responded with the whom they came in contact took an Booth-Kelly hose and the fact that Interest In the two kiddles. to the city for the rail and winter there was an absence of wind saved months. In many cases progressive S W IT C H E D P L A T E S A R E Pearl la a sober-faced little girl, the big sawmill adjacent to the burn­ none too big for her age. Incidental­ activity program»« are being planned CAUSE OF $25 F I N E ing fuel house. Bight or ten lines ly, she looks very capable, and that by committees and Ihe coming months 1 of hose were need from hydrants Iff may account for her bravery through promise to be buay ones for local or . If Harry Pullen had washed his lic­ : the mill grounds and from Seven!* the long trip. ense plate* when he gave hla auto­ ganlxatlona. street. The Springfield pumper dreff They will make their home per- John Will, commander of the Am mobile a good bath the other day. he water direct from the mill race. Hy­ manently with the local people. ertcan leg io n , aonounced thia morn I might be »26 to the good drants -with hose attached were iff tug that that orgaalxatlon w ill start But he either neglected to si»« the readiness at the mill and power plant Its fall propram September 2. a week p|a(R, , balh. or (hey neere put on the COST T O COMPLETE and all the volunteeri had to do wag from Friday He aald that there are (.ar aflar la waa cleaned, at any rate, McKENZIE ROAD HIGH to turn on the water. The Bogens some special «natters to come up at ,he|r app»arance aroused the auapl engine laid two Hnes of hoee. thia session. and urged that all mem ' clooa of Traffic Officer Herbert Moore The estimated cost to finish about Thia la the second time the fuel her« he present The laaglon Autlli- a, latter viewed them from the 23 miles of the McKensle highway la bouse has burned. On November 1A ary la a* heduled to start work about (,an placed at »31*.61» by the state high 1920. It was destroyed by fire and the the same time. Officer Moore waa alona la the hall. When P resid e« Coolidge attended Ihe M l Rushmore Memorial way engineers according to a report present structure was built A con* Celebration near hit Se*«h Dakota summer ho wie. be those to go September 13 Is the date for the . and CoUldnT leave. He saw Pullen go received, by the county court. Thia la wayor for loading hog fuel has head astrde 'Mistletoe* toe favorite bores. to wear *♦»_««» first fill meeting of the Springfield up the ai ra»i, BDd he thought hla bird with wooden bridges and tf concrete built over the plant by the Booth- and good I a t l i t i i l l awwfcoy rtdmg koota ~ Q * te Seawble. sard Women's Civic club At thia meeting. J had gowa But be looked up the num la used It will be still higher. The Kelly company. Thin waa burned t* Dakotana. a homo products dinner to he bald pniien-g ear. finding that the grading with wooden bridges Is e s l l - two. ___ _______ ______________ Damage to the fuel bins will ruff early la the fall -will be planned, ac- p|alaai now on a coupe, had been re­ mated at »181.»16 while if concrete la ‘ lnto geveral thousand dollars and slag LOCAL GIRL SCOUTS PAPER AND PULP PLANT cording to Mrs Bernice Van Valiah. aiatered for a sedan TO CONDUCT CONTEST used It w ill be »231.116. Surfacing the conveyor will have to be rebuilt chairman. Other artlvttlea also wtll lU rdly had be flniahed making this POSSIBILITIES TALKED cost ie estimated at »137,900. by the mill company. be outlined The club Is to hold the investigation, when Pullen drove up In view of the coats of ether por- Automatic stokers run from the A contest continuing until October So far. the only definite Idea made dinner In an effort to replenish the front of , he c(ty ha|| and »topped, be held by the Springfield <* ‘»la highway and other moun­ fuel bins to the boilers In the power treasury to provide funds for the win- That waa enough for Officer Mooro. public concerning tha estab lish m en t, 33 is to tain roads county officials believe the house and when the fire broke out II ley’s work The meeting -wtd be held an(j arrested the motorist. A eea of paper Industry In thia section girl scouts, It was decided at a meet- estim ate too high. Besides hharing in was necessary to fire the boilers by at the chamber of ctunenerce. »ion | n recorder's court, and Pullen designates a Springfield location as lag at the chamber of commerce Tues­ the construction of this uncompleted band from piles of wood in the plant, The Springfield chamber of com- , i5 day evening. The girls will divide highway the county Is asked to buy an I Although several theories as to the merce will hold Its Aral meeting on oth er traffic arrests made over the the moat logical one. Into two aides, and live points will be SO-foot right-of-way over the entire origin of the fire have been advanced, September 22. according to President wenk end by Moore Included Mr». O. A. H. Dougall. J r , of the Pulp and ___ j that most generally accepted by power Paperboard bureau, with office, la the awarded for each merit badge won highway. H. J Cox. Fall program will be plan , Mc.Quale. who palu a »10 fine for ——— — —— company officials is that a spark from ned | speeding, and H. J. Bailey, who paid Spalding building. Portland, met tth and three for each second class teat GRADING OF STREETS ¡th e Stacks alighted on the fnel hl». Plans for a pre-school clinic have aame amount for speeding «0 mllea the industrial committee of the Bu- passed. The losing side w ill give What actually caused fhe Mate will been outlined by the Springfield an hour on Springfield streets. gene chamber of commerce recen tly• (hp winners an entertainment, ON SOUTHSIDE STARTS never be known, but this is considered group of the Lane county health uaao- snd outlined o n . pow lbl.lty for a , the probable cause by W. C. McLagaa, datlon. and the first meeting will be WILL POLLARD TO TAKE Grading of streets the Southside paper plant hern. I a QX ' by power officials that It is not at all out for the frosh football team. Clayton Barber of ihe Lions dun ‘ T d X t e d the sewer between E, F. Ninth and Tenth , Pollard 'utaa one of the outstanding poss,h l.lt.es. he « I d that U I. lik e ., „ . . .^1 i v tenv>osslble for sparks big enough to club troop said that It la not likely streets Payment for this Job will be --------- - players on the Springfield team dur that a pulp plant established at start a fire to crawl through tha thal Tuesday nlsjit will be the regular girls in military drill before dism iss­ authorized at the next meeting of the smoke screen over the stacks. A Ing Its »successful season In the fall Springfield near the Bodth-Kelly plant meeting night of the club this year as city council, it Is expected. ing. of 1928 under the tutelage of Walter could u tlllie thia raw material. screen fine enough to prevent thtff It has been Fenwick He played center through would also elim inate the necessary Dougall waa emphatic In stating The Parent-Teachers association al­ Escaped Prisoner is Captured most ot the season on the first string. that he had no definite plans for any LOGGER’S SPECIAL IS draft. It was said. so starts with ihe opening of school. At the University. Pollard will take such plant, but said that he was mere­ DISCARDED BY S. P. G. E. Wetzell. who was arrested In 1 No time fg being lost In repalrt*< Date for the first meeting Is Septem­ up a course In prcmedlca. later going ly drawing attention to the possibili­ Springfield several months ago and jj,e damage. Already employes of tha ber 1«. The Sunday evening "logger's convicted on a liquor charge, has been company are at work this mornin# to the Oregon medical school at Port­ ties. One obstacle which would be A calendar of other coming meet­ land. His father. Dr. W. H. Pollard, difficult to overcome, he said. Is the special” train to Oakridge has been caught in LaGrande and will be re- tearing out the damaged portion oi ings. as reported to The News by or­ studied medicine at W illamette Uni­ matter of allowing -Waste water to flow discontinued by the Southern Pacific turned to the Lane count Jail. Wetzell , be bln and preparing to rebuild. ganisation officials, follows: versity. at.d played tackle and full­ Into the Willamette river. The water because of lack of business. as a trusty around the Jail ran away The fire attracted a large crowd of Masons. September 13 back on the W illamette football team. la charged with chemicals, and a per­ Announcement was made to this several months ago and has Just beeu Springfield people awiakened by thff Eastern Star. September ». alarm. mit would be difficult to obtain, he effect by Agent Corl Olson, who stated found by the sheriff. Methodist Episcopal Brotherhood. that the business formerly handled by LORANE PLANT SAWING Indicated. Septem ber 19 (tentative). the special wtll henceforth be taken Excursion Attracts Many Rehekshs. August 29 TO APPLY ON ORDERS The Springfield Industrial commit­ care of by the regular train. No. 16, LANE FAIR WILL HAVE Progressive Twenty-bwvj», October About 25 Springfield people took the I tee has turned over data collected which leaves here at 9.31 P. M , and Accumulation of manufactured lum­ MANY NEW ATTRACTIONS 14. here to the Eugene chamber In regard stops at Lowell. Westfir, Oakridge, excursion of the Southern Pacific to I ber to apply on orders has been start­ Needlecraft club. October 4 Odell lake last Sunday, according to j ‘ ‘ to the possible pulp wood supply and and McCready 8prings. Car. Olson, local agent. The trip to* C. T 1 r ed by the Lorane Timber and Milling Five Hundred club. October. mill sites. company, according to the president, | The special train which brings log­ the lake has proved attractive to many » regular Out Doors Circus thiff W illamette University club. October H. J. (’ox. Sales connections are com- l gers out for the week-end will con­ valley people this summer, and the [ ’* \ of “t 8 (tentative). plete and It Is hut a matter of a few H. G. HALLECK BUYS There will be a fine card of running tinue to operate. Southern Pacific will continue In the days before the first carload of lum­ races, acrobatic and vaudeville stunts, GROCERY OF GRINDELL future to provide special trains when MISS WRIGHT IS WED ber will be shipped from Veneta by novelty autos, whippet dog races and BIG FARM AT JASPER there is a demand for them, he said. IN CHARMING CEREMONY the company. Purchase of the grocery operated numerous features. This will be the BOUGHT BY MONTANAN About 26 men are emiployed at the by D. B Orlndell by H. O. Halleck Operator Replaced best Pr0«ram put On by "ny In a charming home ceremony. Miss mill and In the woods as the Industry of San Franclaco was announced this in the State thia year, the Fair of« W alter C. Darr ot Jasper has sold Arthur Sayles, operator for the flci>|i| Anne Wright, daughter of Mr. and get under way. week. The change already has taken Mrs. 8. C. Wright, was married Sun­ In the local officea of the company | effect snd Mr. and Mra. Halleck are hla 217-acre farm in that district to J. Southern Pacific, has been replaced , Thp dat#g Qf thg fa)r wer(? splecte4 F. Troops of Roundup. Montana, it by F. E. Hall. Il was announced today I tQ |nsure comJn|f w|thJ„ thp Rood day afternoon to Mr. William l*rlce of are two alaba from the flrat log put In full charge. and |t |g thouRht w (|| was announced this week by Bart Mr Sayles will go to W est Fork. Mr. ( weBthpr Portland. Rev. W A. Elkins of Hu through the new plant eatahllahed Mr. Halleck annoupneed that he Johnston, Saginaw realtor, who nego­ Hall and his fam ily have moved here ( qu(te sgtlsfactory t0 the farmert gene read the beautiful ring service. by ttprlngfleld men at Gillespie cor­ would operate the store along the Twenty-one members of the families ners. tiated the deal . I as fair week comes between harvest* aame methods used by Mr. Orlndell. gathered In the Wright home at Sixth Friday Party Planned Mr. Darr will move to Springfield 1 Ing and the beginning of fall's work. Mra. Halleck was manager of a large and F streets, the rooms being at­ Mrs. Harry Stewart and Mrs. W H. - Thp Auo le empleyed by 1 vices, which have been held alternate* ounce and each fraction thereof, A. W. Gould leave today for their year September 10. Deer will he ing at Portland. Rad McPhereon on the latterie ranch, ty In the different buildings. home In Eureka. California, after vtelt- dom estic rates. plentiful this year, according to Dis­ After September 1. all the tnlnlsterff feti from a horee Snodar n lg k t dle- tng the past few days at the home of The vacation schedule has started Iryl and Garth Knapp left Tuesday trict Game Warden Rodney Roach. He w ill he back from their vacations, anff locatlng hla loft shoulffer. He waa says they have already come down for Sioux City, Tow*, aftef rihttlnif D»r at the local poatoffice. Poatmaater Mr. Gould's sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. gtveai treatment at a tonai phyetetaa'e the fall programs of the SprtnsgtoMK low and can he seen from nearly any soma time irith thefr 4nnt, Mra 0 . W. Hamlin hopes to *ct a vacatloa thia Benff, at Ernie’s Barbecue la West obnrehes will g e t under way. f Springfield. year. Hobson. o f the mountain roads. Talking over Ihe telephone for a distant'» of well over 1600 rollea was the experience of President II. J 1 ox •Zsro Seaton” is Over for of the Lorane Timber and M illtig com pany thia week. Springfield Groups; Legion Mr. Co* got Ihe rail from the Hayes Starts Ball Rolling with Meet­ I.umber company ut Chicago, it waa ing on September 2; Other »»mewhat of a surprise when he took , down (he receiver end the operator Dates Listed. j «aid: "Chicago calling Mr. Cox." Resumption of acllvttlsa of itprlng- The local limber company ofltotal Iteld social, civic and fraternal or ganlxatlona are scheduled for early aald that be could hear the llayea September. bringing to an end the leprem ntutlva aa plainly as he could summer «lump during which few of had the man been culling from Bu the groups have attempted to keep u gene Dfscu»»l»n of timber orders took regular meeting» or to engage In defi­ place between Ihe (wo men. nite actlvltly program*. "It coat »20 to make that call, »aid Nearly all of them, however, plau Hut to »tart meetings either In September Mr. Cox today. Then he added: or October. with school starting Sep­ 1 the charges were not collect, thank tember 12 and bringing fam ilies back goodneas.”