THURSDAY AUGUST 18, 1827 TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS Classified Ads (BUYING 0,1 SELUN6’ 6ET RESULTS) PAGE SEVEN PA S S E N G E R T R A IN B C H E O U L I S P R IN G F IE L D STO PS Cascade Line Northbound West Coast, to P ortland._ 5:04 A. M laical, No. »2 ........................1:11 P. M. Southbound laical No. »1 ____________ 8:46 A M. West C o a s t._____________ 8:81 P. M. Number 91 carries a sleeper, and connects at Rlack Butte for San Fran- cisco and Los Angeles. Both West Coast trains stop here on flag. In Confidence By FLO A TRIBUTE TO THE AVERAGE WOMAN Osar Miss F lo :— p articu lar sphers I am accomplish- W on’t you please w rite something Ing just as much as they. W hy c a n t ■bout vns average wom an— tbs woman my husband res Ills this? G. G. who baa no desire for ■ career—the j _____ whose tim e is completely i If I had power to distribute some of taken up with her husband and h e r , the medals of merit, I would give children and making a horns on a vary one to the Average Woman. For she All kind« of I i i h i n i * t h l l l i l l f i n ; Kain limited income? My husband Is a l- .ls Indeed the real heroine of life, HOI’ P1CKKJ1M HOOKS Printed and FOR SA LE OR TR A O E m in . > a n d u p. I” 11 ways drawing comparisons — always j Perhaps she doesn't keep up with In stork ut ìlio News ottlf«, 92 pori jr,,r Springfield property. Eight Koch, C»l| I-’5 J. W endllng T rains telling me how clever some other politics—-she may have to think two Ito ml roil. ! risun room House li dune and nix lot« at Drain Eanibound mixed, at Springfield, woman la. I'm not envious of those ‘ or three times before she remember« ttfcPTIC T A N K S Good house und good land. See N. A 9:15 A. M women— and I do think they .are who the vice-president Is She WHAT'S THE USE OF GOING TO Rowe. Heady for you to lustall • A 11-18 Westbound mixed, at Springfield wonderful, but I fsol that In my own not keep up on the reading well, For futility of nv«* I l l EUGENE WHEN YOU CAN BUY IT 1:50 P. M. either. She doesn't pretend to. The For family of night .........___ .... FOR HALE—Hllghtly used Burroughs 92» CHEAPER IN YOUR OWN TOWN. west 140 feet to the place of begin­ evening paper Is all she has time for LUBKEH 1MCF*JW7. requlr appearance. She may be good look­ quired to appear and answer the Com­ ’ I »24 Chevrolet Redan. NO 01764» band. Alonso Patterson and Mabel ,n< , h>,t1 «»Is summons be served by plaint filed against you In the above I»2f, Standard Ilulck Coupe. Patterson, his wife. Kester D udley, Publication thereof at least once ■ ing. well dressed and well taken care entitled suit within six weeks from Oeperem ent of the Interio r, United 1924 Ford Redan, Christian, Louis Belknap Christian, «"eek for six consecutive weeks in the of. Or she may be plainly dressed, the date of the first publication of this States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore Ira Summer Christian, Zulu Kupetz. Springfield News, or that In lieu there she may have a tired face and work- Summons, and If you fa., io answer, i 1924 Rtudebuker Coupe. gon. July 28, 1827. for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ and Joseph Kupetx. her husband, of you be served with sum worn bands—the sort of woman that 1»22 Ford Coupe. Eugene Christian and Olive Chris- moos ontalde i f the State of Oregon you m eet a hundred times a day with­ ply to th e C o u r t fo r Ho- re lie f prayed N O T I C E la hereby given that 1924 Ilulck Touring tian, hlB wife Roy Christian. Elva _ . . . . .u >• E E Faulkner, of Corvallis, Oregon, 1*23 Essex Four Coach, balloon tires 1 for In the cimiplalnL to-wlt: for a dis­ Christian Moire. Ethel C Smith , ,ot, «nB PubllcaGon the 21st out giving her second glance or a solution of the marriage contract ex- Hind application No 01754» uuder the thought. and Clement Smith, her husband. day ° r Ju,y' 11,27 Act of March 20, l»22, (42 Slat 455) Ford Delivery with good rubber price I Istlng b e t w e e n mu and the plaintiff. This summons is served by publica­ Frank Christian. Elmo Christian. DONALD YOUNG. Attorney Years ago, when she was fresh and for 966 to exchange the N% N W i NWV* tion by order of the Honorable C. P. Mllllnder Atkeson and George L. plaintiff, 840 W illamette 8treet, Eu young, and gay. and light-hearted, she NE>.,. H W i< N W t» N W I« NK«q. 1924 Ford Touring, iiulloon Tires Barnard. Judge of the County Court Atkeson. h e^ husband, or the un­ gene. Oregon. NWtg 8WK, NW% NEl» W tt married, and her head was full of 1923 Dodge Coupe, Reconditioned for Lane County In the State of Ore­ Jl 21-28; A 4-11-18-25: 3 1: known heirs of Mllllnder Atkeson. 8W*a NK0 8 . Range 1! Went. W 'M . con upwards. I snd ........... Wing, her husband sent the same, duly stated and vert-1 talnlng ten acres, also within eald NOTICE OF 8HERIFF'8 SALE ON soul hungers. Mabie Veatch and ----- .... V«*tch. | fled at the ,aw offlce of A E Sluelaw National Fnreet W E TR A O E AN O A R R A N G E T E R M S EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE her husband..^ Margaret Jiln sella (ln Eugene. Oregon, within six months Day after day she cooked and clean­ The purpose of this notice le to al­ TO S U IT YO U Notice la hereby given that by vir­ and ....... ....Klns»lla. her husband. low all persona claiming the lands from this 11th day of August. 1927. ed and mended to make a comfortable tue of an execution and order ot sale Ralph W. Calllson and ....____Calli- selected, or baring bona fide objec WALTER PRICE. Executor home If the husband was not one of F. W . P E T T Y J O H N CO. In foreclosure Issued out of the Clr- I ■on. his wife. James O. Calllson and tlona to such application, an oppor­ A. E WHEELER. Attorney. the fortunate few who have the gift cult Court of loine County. Oregon, on 1 tunity to tile their protest with the Calllson. his wife, Rufus G. A. 11-18-25: S 1-8: Eugene Ore. the 1st day of August. 1927, to a suit of making money It Was up to her Register of the U 8 Ijind (Iflli-c it Seventh and Olive St. Calllson. Jr. and ............ Calllson wherein on the 29th day of July. 1927. Roseburg. Oregon Any such protest! his wife. Emery E. Calllson and Phone 1297. to see that the wolf was kept away A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N O T IC E In said court. The Pacific Savings an 1 ; or objections must b*- tiled In this of­ ....... Calllson. his wife. Martha from the door. And women know the In the County Court of the State of fice within thirty days from the date Wallace and _____ Wallace, his O P E N E V E N IN G S 1-oac Association, a Washington C or-! Ore»on in snd fo r the County of worse of poverty. For it is the wife, of the first publication of this notice, wife. Henry E. Calllson a n d -------- poratlon plaintiff, recovered Judgment , In Probate. who has the spending of the insuffl- beginning July 28. 1927. Or See Mr Masters, 624 *th Street against the defendants W H James ' Calllson. his wife, and also all other In Lane re Estate of Eugene W. Bowder, sient family income who learns all the aon-ooal and Bertha James, his wife, for the sum persons or parties unknown claim­ Springfield, Phone 132-J deceased. ing any right, title, estate. Hen or HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register of 11794.24 and Interest thereon at the Notice is hereby given that by the bitter ways of sdm ping and paring Interest In the real estate described j terms rate of 10 per cent per awnum from JI 28 Au 4-11 18 25. of an order duly given and made and saving). The husband must make In the complaint herein, defendants. . on July February 1, 1927. until paid, and for 25. 1927. the above entitled a decent appearance for policy's sake, NOTICE TO CREDITORS the iurtber sum of 9204 00 as Attor­ ! Court appointed, me. Ralph C. Bowder, and certain things are necessities for SUM M O NS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un­ neys fees, together with costs In the To Frances Yoran and Luctle administrator of the above entitled Estate of Emms M Griggs. Deceased dersigned Karel Webster has been ap­ sum of 917.04. which Judgment was en­ Yoran. his >«4fe. Ada Yoran Hale and estate: that all persons having claims the rhlldren. so the heaviest of all pointed adlmlnlstraRir of the estate rolled and docketed In the Clerks Notice Is hereby given that M. F. ..... ..... Hale, her husband. Edna Dig- aratnst the said estate shall present the deprivations fall upon the woman. Griggs, has been by the County Court of C. L. Webster, digressed, by the office of said Court in said County on gles and _____ Higgles, her husband. the saw» to me with vouchers attach­ But she never falters in her self- ot the State of Oregon. In and for County Court of lam e County, Oregon, the 2»th day of July. 1927. and said Lavlnla Belknap Christian. Alonzo ed at the law office of mv attorney. H sacrifice. And in this she is only like Lane County appointed administrator and all persons having claims against execution to me directed commanding Patterson and Mabel Patterson, his E. Slattery. 717 W illam ette Street. Eu­ of the estate of Emma M. Grlgga de­ ■aid estate will present them duly me In the name of the State of Ore­ wife, Catharine Christian Barrett and gene Oregon, within six months from the millions of other Average Wo­ verified st the law office of Whitten gon. In order to satisfy said Judgment. ceased. Clinton Barrett, her husbnd. Kester the date of the first publication of men who cook and sew and pinch All person having claim« against Swafford, 316 M A W Bldg . Eugene. Interest attorneys fees, costs of suit Dudley Christian, Louis Belknap this notice In The Springfield News, and economise, to do the best they can and accruing costs to sell the follow­ Oregon, on or before six months after said estate are hereby notified to Christian. Ira Summer Christian. Eu­ which is August 11. 1927: and that all for their loved ones. ing described real property, to-wlt; present the same, duly stated and veri­ the first publication of this notice. gene Christian and Olive Christian, persons oaring the said estate shall And when the census taker, snakes Tbe East one hundred and ten (114) Dated and first published July 21. fied. at the law office of A E Wheeler feet of Lot one (1) In Block three (3) his wife. Elva Christian Moore. Ethel pav the obligations to me. his rounds for official records, he lists In Eugene, Oregon, within six months 1927 RALPH C BOWDER. Administra­ KAREL WEBSTER. Administrator nJ Mountain View Park Addition to C. Smith and Clement 9mlth. her hus­ tor. from this 28th day of July. 1927 her as Mary Smith, wife of John Eugene, in I-ane County, Oregon. band, Frank Christian. Elmo Chris­ M F ORIOGfl. Administrator WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney H E. Slattery. Attorney for Admlnts Smith. Occupation—none! Now therefore In the name of the tian. Mllllnder Atkeson. and George for Estate A. E. WHEELER. Attorney. State of Oregon, In compliance with L. Atkeson, her husband or the un­ trator. She la the Average Woman. And Jl. 21-28: Au. 4-11-18: A. 11-18-25: S 1-8: J1 28 Au 4-11*18-26. ■aid execution and order of sale and known heirs of Mllllnder" Atkeson, if lucky the man who married her. in order to satisfy said Judgment In deceased. _____ _ Erickson, wife i f terest, attorneys fees, costa of suit Charles Erickson............... York, wife NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERN Blank Promissory notes and ra ­ WENT TIMBER and accruing costs. I w ill on Saturday of James York. ........... Humphrey, wife the 3rd day of September. 1927. at the of Ralph Humphrey. ............ Corblt, General Land Office. W ashington. D celpts printed and In stock at the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon 1927. News offlce. ' of Henry of S. Sarah Corbitt, ........... Cor- !, C , July l8 18, of said day. at the Southwest front wife bit. husband Francis Corblt. , ^ re? y I ------------------------ door of the County Court House, tn Phune 130 M Bowman""^us' ' <* 9 191« S ,at 2 l8 ’ ' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Eugene. loine County. Oregon, offer rev Ud t neaZedHe'r" Rnwnvin and Pursuant to departmental regula | Sealed bids will be received by the for sale and sell for cash, at "public h tn d d L ife, Automobils and Flrs l e r hl.« tions of April 14' 1924 <5° L' D 376). City Recorder of Sp. ingfield, Oregon, auction, subject to redemption as pro­ m rk . Insurance Marks, her hus- (h(> (lmber on , hp following lands will up to 12 o'clock Noon on the 22nd day vided by law. all of the right, title Marks and Wing be sold at ten o'clock a. m Sept. 14. of August. 1927, for the grading and band. Lena C Wing, and and Interest of said defendants W. H. CARL A. WYMAN ' James and Bertha James, his wife, her ber husband, husband. Mabie Mabie Veatch \c .it in and and _ l927 at public auction at the U. S land graveling of Park Street between 4th Resident Agent Ethel M Mahany and C. Arthur Mg-1 Veatch, her husband. Margaret K.n- offlce a, ^ R ev iew Oregon, to the and 5th streets in Valley View Addl- 734 D Street, Sprlngfleld, Oregon 1 hnny, her husband, and all person» sell* £nd .. Klnseiia. her nus h,Kheat hldder at not less than the ap- tion to Springfield and of South D praised value as shown bv this notice, street from 2nd to 4th street and 4th 228 Main SL Residence 126 C St > claiming by. through or under them band. Kurus G. t alltson. Jr. and | or any or elthe- of them In and to said <• nlllaon. his wife. Emery E. t alllson saJe