TH U R SD A Y AVGUHT 1». IM T FAG B SIX RECEIPTS OF NATIONAL FORESTS SHOW CAIN Chamberlain Flies—Leviathan Deck to Shore The national forest* o f Oregon and W ashington showvd the largest re­ ceipt» of any of the eight federal forest d is tric t*. taking tnfil S6O.17S I * during the fiscal yaar ended June »9. 1M 7. Thia was a gain of >185,017 .72 over the receipt» for that D tatftct In the preceding fiscal year, according to the Diatict Fbrester, Portland. Oregon. The California D tatrlct was second m total receipts, taking in »1.162.581 3S S & fc fW Clarence Cham berlin added new achievement . t o man'» performances by f lf it flight from »hip at sea to shore __delivering mail from the U S. Leviathan to New Y o rk. H e "took the a ir 75 feet a fter the start on the 118 foot run wav J Sales of tim ber, perm its for gras- fpe and other use» of a ll the 180 nat..>nal forests brought a total of »6,166.666.3» into the treasury of the federal governm ent during the past fiscal year. T he total receipts from the national forests for the last fiscal year were an increase of fill).888.37 over the am ount received in Ute preceding fis­ cal year, and exceeded any previous year, except 1833 and 1834. when the receipts were >6.336.818.13. and »5.- 351.903.11. respectively. The tidal national forest receipts last year came from the following sources' tim b er sales, »3,206.833.S3; tim ber settlements. $31.863.83; tim ber treepasa. »5.673.83, turpentine sale*. $18.87.73. graxing fees (cattles and horses) »874.613.83; graxing (sheep and goats). »»«7.048 54. graxing tres­ pass. 19.285 75; special uses. »377-811 63; occupancy trespass. »388 07; w ater power. »98.748 34; fire trespass. »5c 606.84; property trespass. »56. In sales of national forest lim b er the cutting is done under the super­ vision of forest officers in such a way that the future tim ber production of the area w ill not be impaired. Gra*- ing permits on the national forests likewise are issued w ith a due regard to permanent m aintenance of the for­ age resources Point last year. and M rs t ie o r t f r Grilfia visited Sun the Epworth le a g u e convention day at the Ben Endicott home at W il­ Visits B rother— M r and Mrs Bed­ Visitors from Idshe— Mr aad Mrs. lamina. ford and children of Escalon. Callfor (Terence O Pinch of Fairfield, Idaho, Here from W illa m in a — M r and Mrs. ula. visited at the W C. M<’la g a n M rs Bedford la M r. visited Friday night a l Ihe home of Jack Howe were here Sunday from home Tuesday. W illa m in a visiting her parents. Mr. M e ls to n e sister M r and Mrs K E Pyne T hey were and Mrs. Kerns Hee Jeb at The D alle»— Miss Itaarl on ih e lr way from llonnera F erry. Idaho. Io Plllshurg. C alifo rn ia Mr. Return from Oregon City— M r end Peterson, sister of City Recorder I Mrs. Fred Freae returned from Dre- M Pelvraon. has been employed as a Finch was a form er « u p lo y e r of M r. gun C ity Sunday, bringing hack their prim ary teacher for the com ing year Pyne. while Mrs l*yne was a »Indent son. Lloyd, who has been spending a t T h e Dalles, Dre. Mlsa Petersen is In high school of which M rs Pinch the summer on a farm there. visiting for a few weeks with M r and Mra. I*eterson before taking up her was principal H i i Tonsils Removed — Ernest new work She was teacher at M yrtle Roberta, son o f Mrs. G A Roberts. I i t-rwont a tonsil operation at a i local surgeon's office Tueeuay. .... f Miss L arim e r Substitutes — M is* ’ Dorene L a rim e r Is substituting for a i few days aa aaalstanl In the office of A ! D r W . C. Rebhan and Dr. C a rl Phet- te place. c-*.* TOWN AND VICINITY FREE INSPECTION FOR ALL FORD CARS Bring In your c«r and have uh check ll up. No m atter whether you have II fixed or not you should know whether your ear 1 m working correctly. Mr. Ryan. of the Ford Motor company of Detroit. haa asked us to make free Inapectlon of all Ford cars without obligation to the owners Thia la part of Ford Service which all Ford owners are entitled to. Here from H ill— Dorothy Mathews ; Visitors Here— M r and M rs V erne Pleasant H ill was a S»pringrteld S tew art were business visitors here Saturday evening. visito r Monday. of In from Jasper— Mrs W a lte r W a l­ lace of Jasper was a business visitor here Monday. V is it Rowe Home— M rs John lawn berty and daughter are viatlng at th> home of her mother. Mrs. N. A. Rowe In from Marcola - M r s Guy Redding of M arcola was I Springfield visitor Monday. Go to Bandon— M r. and Mrs. W ayne Clover and M r and Mrs. H a rry B rour- field le ft Sunday on a trip to Bandon Tonsils Removed— 7-enobla W rig h t underwent a tonsilectomy at the office of a local surgeon Monday. V isiters from Eugene— Mrs Em ma K irk p a tric k and M rs Em ma Soverns of Eugene were Sunday visitors at the N. Nelson home in Springfield Another Exclusive Feature E. R. Danner Motor Co. Fifth at A Street Authorized Ford Service and Salee Does Your Oil Need Changing? Coes Your Car Need Greasing? GAUZETS 49c Box of One Ooaen L e t Us Serve You. The Kexall Store offers Io discrim inating women a perfect sanitary napkin that affords com fort and protection. H ig h ly absorbent — light í ’ e and cool. Another Southern Pacific excursion Grove Men V isits— (' A. Crites of rtll go to Odell L ake Sunday, offering Cottage Grove spent a part of Tues­ educed fares and convenient tim e to day in Springfield. Springfield people desiring to visit he high mountains. T he train w ill Santa Clara Man Here — L. W eave here a t 8:35 A. M.. and w ill re- E llio tt o f Santa Clara was a Spring- urn to Springfield about 8:30 o'clock field visitor Monday. n the evening, according to C arl Ol- Baby Daughter Born— M r. and Mrs. ion. local Southern Pacific agent. The excursion is prim arily arranged j Ben U ch ytii o f 545 K street are the or W illa m e tte valley realtors, but parents of a baby girl, born Tuesday h a t docs not mean that it w ill not be morning. Cow* to row naw Uni««r*ty Io* cultora] I «hm m and p*->i«to-or*i M im e * CSpc-i-to-ip io in 2 2 department» o f the College of Literature. Science end the A rts ;pen to everyone, said M r. Olson. And to <8* School» of Has M ajo r Operation — Helena Scott underwent a m ajor operation Inform ation Bureau at the Pacific C hristian hospital Tues­ inquisitive Lady (on visit to a battle- day. ¡pl— And did they put those rocks the bottom of the ocean to build Leave for C alifornia— M r. and Mrs. A rc h ite c tu re end A llie d A r t s — Business A d m in is tra tio n — Educa­ tion— Journalism— Graduate Study — Law— M edicine— M u » « — Phy»;- . cal Education— Sociology— Social I W o r k — Extension Division i t breakwater? Assuring Gob— No. m adam ; T hey t two inches so that the fish could CoSege Yew Opees Sepiesdm 26, 1927 « THE U N IV E R S A L C A R Tonsils Removed— The little daugli 1 te r of L in k Yarnell had her tonsils Drive to W estfir— M r. and M rs W Goes to Sioux C ity— J. E ckh art ob­ r.-iroved at a local surgeon’s olfice tained a ticket to Sioux City. Iowa, at H. Adrian were busineaa visitors at Saturday. W e s tfir Sunday. the Southern Pacific office;’ yesterday Returns from Ashland—-Jute Bollard Hom er Jono» Back from Seattle— Jerry B aker has H ere from Junctio is hack a fter a visit at Ashland with returned a fte r a visit w ith relatives of Junction City was a Springfield Miss H elen H a rtle y T he two became at Seattle. j »lellor Sunday. acquainted at. Cascade resort during V ad er the federal law, 35 per cent of a ll the gross receipts of the na­ Go to Coast— M r. and Mrs. W illia m tional forests is turned over to the I Dawson left Tuesday on a trip to the Go to Bend— M r. and Mrs T im e r States and counties in which these Findley. M rs. Lulu Lester. M r and forest* are located, to take the place coast. Mrs. O- Lester and eon. Jackie, tart of taxes which m ight he collected if Here from G rants Pses — Robert Sunday fo r Bend where they will visit I the lands were in private ownership, Hays or G rants Pass Is spending a few Mrs. L. M ag ill. government lands being exempt from days In Springfield. tavafinn These funds are used for V is it at W illam in a— M r and Mra Go to Monroe— M r and Mrs. C. F. schools and roads in the local com- Isaac Endicott. Mrs Sarah Holverson Eggimann went to Monroe on business munitiea. a Tuesday. °J > ■XCURSION TO LAKE TO Here from Veneta— M r and Mrs. Floyd T aylo r of Veneta were visitors BE HELD N E X T SUNDAY in Springfield Monday. 1m through. V a llie r on Vacation— Street Com ’ mtasloner George V a llie r Is aw«» on his vacation He Is vlslllng In the neighborhood of Florence Charles F in ly have le ft for San Jose, California, a fte r visiting a few days a t the home of M r and M rs| 8am Richmond, th e ir cousins. Springfield Service Station 49c SALES AND SER VIC E D E P A R TM E N T FO R U N IT E D STATES T IR E S AND TUBES J u it agk for Gauxets 1 Flanery’s «Drug Store Tfie T IR E R EPA IR IN G Main at 5th In the Heart of Springfield Store For inform ation or eotololue The Re^iStrer. U w Pertit g of O regon / . ’y f r r . O re P rV Dr. Geo. A. Simon Spend Specializing in Tonsils Sunday, August 21 Over Penney's Store Phone 355 At Eugene Odell Lake (Cascade Summit Station) Present-day smokers fin d their sheerest enjoyment in Cameb T H E p eo ple o f th ia age spend m illio n s fo r th e good th in g * o f life . A n d th e y place C a m e l first a m o n g cigarettes. M o d e rn smokers m a k e m o n ey , h u t w hen th e y spend it th e y insist on q u a lity , a n d m o re p eo p le to d a y b u y C a m e l* th a n ever b o ilg h t an y o th e r c ig a rette . C a m e l v a lu e has w on th e m o d e rn w o r ld . M o n e y cannot b u y choicer tobaccos, n o r a m ore g lo rio u s b le n d in g . T h a t ’s w hy increasin g m illio n s in the m o d e rn age single o ut this fam ous sm oke as th e ir fa v o rite . Y o u , to o , w ill fin d it 60 Eye Strain— Nerve Strain Eye »train means nerve strain — correct glasses im prove vision and nerves. O ur methods as­ sure accurate examinations. T H E 8 C IE A C E OF O PTO M ETRY S k ill and experience In the profession of optom etry cannot be acquired In a m onth or a year. M odern optom etry Is the result of long and exhaustive study. 8uch experience Is our bid for your patronage and good wtlL Dr. Ella G. Meade Optometrist a t N o. 14 8 th A ve. W est. Eugene, O rego n . Special Train ' * Leave Springfield 8:35 yours. "H e re a C a rn e t!" A. M. Tm Arrive Cascade Summit 11.40 A. M. Returning— Leave Cascade Summit 6:00 P. M. f A l Phone 6 5 a For Further Information C A R L O LS O N , A gent I I ••1 |nr . SO UTH ERN PACIFIC <0 nr. a. t. tiem»ue pea»,, WtRsfowSolofifi, N. C.