rjnc wwi. - mm iw.—; H iiiW iiriiM iim w in T rn THURSDAY AUGUST II, 1137 THE SPRINOrOBLO NEWS PAGE FOUR PRIZES OFFERED FOR BEST VOICES THURSTON Thursday rolurnln» Friday. '■ Mr. and M n. Klmo Chan« IM* Tue» any on ¡heir vacation, part of which will be spent on the McKonutie. | Clarence Chase has returned alter ' a business trip to San Francisco, > - ----- National R a d i o Audition Open to Young Singers in This Country. -■ Ths young men and women who have HONEST BILL SHOWS Won sfafs honors will be taken Io a COMING HERE SEPT. 12 central broadcasting slallou In oue of five districts, where an audition No one can fall to notice the atino« will be broadcast to select the ten winners • youns man and a young phere of refinement about thlh parti­ cular show. Th* performance goes womsu -from that district. The two winners In each «Mstr*. t alohg with perfect ayatem and during will receive gold medals aud III« leu the myriad and bewildering Idll no tin finalists thus selected will be tak> n rest la felt. Acts follow each o ih n to New York tor the dual National without delay, the program Is made Audition, to he broadcast over a it - of all big feature acts not forget tin,* tlotinl network ot stations. All *-x- penses ot contestants In the dislr.ct the children with a troupe of trained and final niidlllona. Including rail ro ot and educated ponies and dogs consist­ fare, hotel hills, eiiterinlnnienl, e t c , ing ot many clown dogs la a hilarious will he paid by the Atwater Kent bill of laughter. Show (III be In Foundation. Springfield September 13. The spirit and purpose of the Na­ tional Audition are Indlcaied In a Thurston la d le s Plonle statement by A. Atwater Kent, presi­ Last Thursday the la d le s Aid dent ot the Foundation, who said: tusitored three miles ah»». Villa and "The discovery of one of those rare voices, of which each generation pio- spent the day with Ihelr ex president. duces a very few, seems to me ail Mrs Arch Shough. and husband, on event of profound national Impor­ their newly arquired homestead They tance Even when such a voice could took well filled baskets and al noon give pleasure to only a few thousand people in a year It was a national treasure. Now that millions may en­ joy It on the same evening through the medium of radio, such a volte has become prtceleas "The National Radio Audliiuu. sup­ ported by the Atwater Kent Found«- lion. It an undertaking io search the entire country tor beautiful voters and to offer these alngera an oppor­ tunity for full development, recogni­ tion and reward." The principal qualifications for con­ testants are as follows: Must not be over 35 years old; must never have been associated with a professional theatrical or operatic company: must never have been a paid principal Io any concert held out­ side their own states; must declare an Intention to follow a musical ca­ reer and must be free from theatrical or musical contracta This limitation permits choir slng- •r* to enter the sttdlUona even ¡hough they may have received flnan- tal compensation tor singing in Ourchsa Other groups from whirb •ntrles «re anticipated ars students in musical school* and locally promt- 1 aent singers m high schools sad cob leges Musical organisations In sack tats are also afforded an opportuhltj 1 « participate James Calvert and srandaoa, Roy Calvert, from Junction City were in Thurston on business last Wednesday America’s future generation of vocal Her vey Calvert accompanied them stars will be disclose,! to the world home and spent the remainder oi t, this Full as another of (hs wonders week visittinc relatives near Juucliou UPPER WILLAMETTE due to radio. F iery young man >r City. woman with the gift of song, whether Mrs Cl.ne and Mrs Thotnas Staub.v The Tellatsons are threshing west from country, town or city, m il have (Tom Nebraska, are visiting at U. O. i of Hugene. Clarence Monson. Alvin an equal chance. A nation-wide quest for the best Baugh s home. Mrs. Staub.« and Mrs. Olson. Floyd Lord, and Chris and lieu Baugh are Sisters iu iaw. Tellafsun are working on the craw. young singers and the opening of the Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W eiss motor- Sw ift and Cooper will be through door of opportunity it them baa been ad to Newport last Sunday, returning threshing this week, fclrnest Shrvok undertaken by the Atwater Kent Foundation, an institution vstablhh- 4 Is threshing tn the Meadow-view dis­ IB the evening. for sclentlllc and educational purposes Mr. and Mrs. Arch Shough b-om j tr ic t Donald Kahler anu Floyd John by A. Atwaler Kent, the Phliadslph * Vida spent the week-end m Thurston are working with him radio manufacturer and sponsor of CliOord Hanson of Ulenada was in 1 Helen Mauney and Ralph Bricker the Sunday night grand opera hour, Thurston last Sunday. of Trent were married laal week i broadcast over a network of nineteen A ustin M athew« has his face bauly Helen Mauney waa a sophomore at stations. The Foundation has announced lacerated Irom being in on auto colli­ i'leasani HUI high school last year sion last Monoay. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Oean and daugh- plans tor a National Radio Audition.'* Daniel Homer and Henry [ Ur ot Globe. Ansona, visited al th e to find by competition the best an,Its. CaUiaon from BUety spent Tuesday aorne ot Mr. anu Mrs. hi. U. Tinker covered voices In the Vnlled States. Prises aggregating »17.500. with tui­ visiting friends hare. la s t w eek . Mr O ean h a s b eeu su p ei tion for a musical education In certain Mias Maude Russell, who has spent luteaaent ot the superior and Boston cases, are offered as follows: U.S past month In Newport, returned I Copper Mine at Giooe, Artanoa. Hu The two winners ot first place m home las: Monday. .aid n u larniiy alter visiung relatives the National Audition— a man and a Misses H aiel Edmislon and Mar­ in the west wul thou motor througu woman —will each receive s gold garet Russell have returned to Thurs­ leuow alone Dark and on east and ton after spending a few days at N es- leave m Uie tall tor ¡south Air tea port. where Mr. Dean will agaiu go into N est Sunday will be Rev. Turner s copper ui-uius While m the iniu.us farewell day as pastor of the Thurs­ easiness in orison s Mr. Dean was ton churcn It has been decided t j • _____ _ auu trap uiacu tuiereaieu in raising gave a basket dinner in a grove near- nvvvng tuioue island teed hens tie 1 6y. The church has prospered greatly recorvi of one ueu Uiat laid s eggs under his leadership and it is won 11 one day. two son aneU eggs and great regret of the congregation thai one tally developed egg. hs Is leavin g He expects U> spend Mr. Heed *nu la in n y ot hiugene who, a few months m the an s t before leav* have purcuased -v acres along the mg for his hums m Australia. river a l bew eu bridge were out last Last Sunday about 75 friends and Bunday loosing over their new pur­ ralBUves gathered a l the home ot Mr. chase, making plans tor cottages auu and Mrs. Ray Baugh to celebrated improvements to be made neat year, the event* of Mr. James Calvert. Mrs. reach ricking has begun at rtea- Baugh « father, and Mrs. D. O. Baugh. s a n t H u e Mr. Baugh a mother, birthdays. A Tne bell which F. F. Cooper gave pKhic dinner waa spread m the grove the rleasant Hill high school several gear the house, alter the dinner the years ago has been ins tailed in the afternoon was spent in visiting and Deilry ot the new buikumg and its CHICKEN SHOW TO BE »summing Mrs. Stanhie, Mrs. Cline, sw eet tunes nave been heard consider FEATURE OF FALL FAIR khd Mrs. Mitchell from Nebraska. J ame. irom the building. Work ’ Were there, and others from Portland, q q ^ne building has been progressing. It looks as If there will be staged Junction City, Eugene. Goshen, Shedd, Work on a cut through the Wooten A. Atwater Kent, regular chicken beauty contest In tim ira. Donna, and Sptingheld were ranch to avoid the sleep pilch behind W r . t l d . n t of A t w s t o r K e n t F o u a S o iio n , the poultry division of the Lane ' w h ic h sp a n s S o ar s f o p p o r tu n it y t a , IB attendance. the Woolen ranch on the road ot u n S is c o v s rs d v o c a lis ts . County Fair this year at Eugene. r . e a s a n i in ti to Creswell through decoration. »5,004 la cash and two August 30 till September 2. GARDEN WAY Cloverdale was begun Uns *eek. There will be birds of all sites and ' years' tuition in a ¡«sling conserva­ Several Pleasant Hill young folks tory. colors to fill the classes and contend Mr. atu Mrs. L. B. Bailey and family are pianala» on going hop picking Winners of second prizes will each for prises offered by the Fair Board • f Toledo spent Thursday at the J. K. Among them are the Misses receive »3.440 In cash and one year s Jed W Wheeler Is In charge of the f i s h home. Upon their return they ! Belle and km Olson, Mrs. J. A. tuition. department and says that this looks Were accompanied by C. E. Bailey of ' Kbelps and daughterh Evelyn and son. Winners ot third prizes will earh like s record-breaking show. receive »1,000 and one year's tuition. l i e , who has also been visit- UoOerC and Mr a hi. E. Kilpatrick Mr. Wheeler says that the Judges Winners ot fourth prises will each lug at the Fish home. Arlene Mitchell and Osa McLMniels. will stress the value of good rooster« Mr. anu Mrs. W. W. Whitehead and who have been picking beans near receive »500. to the (lock and that the Judging will glgn d stn . George Scow, who have Coburg, have returned to Pleasant Winners of fifth prizes rill each be open to the public. H en visiting nt the home of Mrs. HilL A scrub hen lays about 150 eggs a receive »350. W hiteheads brother, Mr. B. Waite, The Sunday school ot Trent is plan- Musical, civic and women’s clubs la year." states Mr. Wheeler "A really Igft Monday for their home in bos ning a good time Saturday night when each community la each «tats will bu good hen will lay 350 eggs a season Angeles. they will hold a big bon-flre on the Invited to bold local contests to select There Is a big margin of difference. Mr. and Mrs. A. Vlk spent Sunday Wheeler ranch and sell ice-cream and the best young mas and best young With n pure bred rooster to head the M iltin g in Silverton. woman singers of their towns. The»« flock It can be economically Improved other goodies. winners will then be certified Io Mr. ano Mrs. Arthur Hetz and fam­ Grandma and Grandpa Gresham ot • I After t wo or three years there will be ily of Bear Creek and Mr. and Mrs. Trent will leave the last of this month state audition, which will be broad- cast by a radio station In each slate. i U e *trub bl<>°<1 l*ft ¿Aurence Bailey of Shannon were to pick hope kt Independence. Mrs. I A state winner of each sex will >>e i Cull!n* wlH ** emphasised at the VUltors al tne Frank Bailey home Gresham will open a nursery at the chosen and will receive a silver • how- Poultry men can gain much gtjaday. I information as to weeding out the hop yards where she will care for medal. Miss Beebe Gates entertained a few the children of the hop pickers. The next step Is a district audition, slacker hens. triencs with a slumber parly at her The young folks ot the Christian borne Thursday n ig h t Guests were: Endeavor picnicked Sunday on the Miss Dorthea Bailey, Miss Leah and W illamette back of the old Thompson Miss Eula Harrington ranch. They enjoyed swimming and The O. H. Haugann family have re­ playing in the water. turned after a week's trip to Newport Miaa Leola Ewbanks, stater of Mrs gad Silverton. J A. Phelps, is expected to return to When Eggs were 5c a dozen. Milk 5c a quart, the Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Maxwell and fam­ Pleasant Hill this week from a camp­ butch gave away liver and treated the kids to Bologna, the ily visited at the M. N. Gent home ing trip up the McKenzie. She will Hired Girl received two dollars a week and did the washing, »ear Irving Sunday. then leave for California, where she and Butter lt>c a |>ouiid Quality was not a Important Harold Chase and James Maxwell is an instructor in the high school Factor. e a business trip to Portland at Lamore. 1.50, $1.90. $2.50 and $2.90 p»r roll Mineral Surface Roofing $2.90 and $3.25 per roll. Mineral Surface Shingles $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00 per square. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR ROOFING WRIGHT & SON Wait For Big Circus Honest Bill 3 Rings America’s Best Circus Twenty Years Ago 5 ÏL O X £ .< a Y O UK T H O U G H T S ... lunch was spread on the camp gronod Just across the road from their house Aitar dinner several went sight see lug over the place, many gathering bouquets of ferns and other shrubery 125 - - PEOPLE - - 125 100 Horses - Ponies $75,000 Worth of Wild Animals ELEPHANTS, LIONS, TIGERS, CAMELS. BEARS, GOATS, DOGS, MONKEYS. LEOPARDS. BUFFALO. ELK. GORILLAS, ZEBRAS, AND OTHERS. | The W hite Front Grocery— ia a Quality Store SEE TEX, WORLD'S LARGEST ELEPHANT SEE DIAMOND, ONLY SPOTTED ELEPHANT ON EARTH • c4 YO UR V O IC E ... Business A sset is an im p o rta n t business asset. ■* T h e salesman realizes that selling himself to the trade is fully os essential as selling his goods. V oice is the true reflection o f personality. Long Distance calls between sales visits preserve th e personal touch th a t keeps customers sold. A n ever Increasing v olu m e o f business is transacted over the voice h ig hw ays o f Long Distance. Results show larger volume, quicker turnover and reduced selling cost. T o th * boundaries o f th« N a t i o n and be­ yond, by Long Distance - from your telephone. » , T H E P A C IF IC T E L E I T I O N E A N D T E L B G R A P H C O M P A N Y Home Grown Fresh Vegetables Wire Walker, Jugglers, Acrobats And Funny Clowns One Day Only—Rain or Shine Big Street Parade at 1:00 P. M. Quality Tomatoes, Corn on cob. j Alberta Peaches for canning (the peach crop very : short). | Dillard Melons have arrived. Be sure to get yours. Guaranteed: Quality and Service Delivered to You Phone CALL Phone -9 SEE OPEN CAGES IN PARADE AFTERNOONN AND NIGHT Springfield Monday, Sept. 12