PAGE THREW gl^nm encompassed the little car as which bad convicted him even before going to drink any of it. Though • From a distance of nip on a bleak anil dreary day ilka they drove homeward. They had the Jury had gone several miles before Eddie broks aome hundreds of m iles the littl»- this would help. But bed bids I*. the silence! "Eight hundred dollars, town bad taken an endearing and do- Maybe someone else would need a j sirable qualities. He wanted to go drink pretty badly, sometime I'at. That’s a lot of money." His thoughts were oot very clear, "I know It," agreed Patsy Jane, back where ba could see familiar faces, even though they were turned except that he emod keep the liquor gravely. for the present. He went apn;ri*om "We’ve got about sixty.” he wpnl from him. cold with disapproval. He worked doggedly away, hoping a short distance, looking for a uicha oq. with a rueful smile. This car is worth mighty little. All of our belong­ that the mood would pass, while the >r which to hide It. He found • nar­ rain drummed monotonously away on row opening under a rock which .1 it ings wouldn’t bring much " "The land Itself, Eddie. Couldn't the leaky roof of the log woodshed ted out from the bank of the stream, we sell part of It and pay off tbe • It was approaching noon when he lie thrust In bis srm; the hole >enl ] beard the exhaust of a heavy-laden back for a considerable distance. Ha M ic h a e l J. P h illip * taxes?" vehicle on the north and south road; pushed tbe bottle Into It as fa.* a i he I He shook bis head. "If* a dozen IU « M * r a * to n ( ljy ITanry J^y L «« could reach and went home to dlnne«'. aud later voices. ' miles from town and the railroad, if Capyrl¿j»t Miabaal V. PKilll»* The devil of restlessness and home­ When the voices persisted he went It were worth 'irtich for farming pur­ Bataaaad thru PuSILAar* AuZaoazZar Sarvia» sickness was not exorcised by 'he poses, which It Isn’t There are som" out to Investigate. A big truck from i Jsckplnes which would produce rail the north had attempted to make the tempting meal which Patsy Jane had prepared The warm kitchen fire and road tlea and fenceposts, only they'd turn ou of the sunken road Into the the crackling pine knots and splinter* bankrupt you, getting them to market. Long Prairie highway. But there was In the fireplace could not banish the muck Instead of sand for a footing T H E L E A D IN G C H A R A C T E R S — i you think of (he way »au should at the crossing of the stream •‘I.ook* Some city aportsman might like t clammy dew which the rain drinrming Edison Forbes, a young resident ol I smell. " as though there were aome travel on well enough to buy It as a summer near the creek and muck squashed Scottdale with an Inherent era« Ins I There was a trail following the that, loo." he continued. "We seem home, or for the deer season. But he treacherously under moisture. One of on the windowpane seemed to distil la for liquor, la held for the death of a easiest grade which surmounted the to have a corner on the main trails. wouldn’t give a great deal for the the rear wheels had sunken to the bis heart. "Guess I’ll run over and see Seal- hub. "Bet It was made by deer," This one inual go north till it hlta the whole thing, the house Included ” wiauan who has been killed by a boot­ knoll man," he said, when the dishes had The two hurley, hard faced men in lake Remember on tbe map bow "Oh. dear-” mourned Patsy Jane. legging truck. circum stantial evi­ said Eddie "Gee, you get a fine vie™ been washed and put away. "Want Huron cuta In sharply Just above us?” “1 don’t want to sell the whole short, waterproofed coats; the tar dence points to Forte's and ruthor up lierej" paullned truck, the bulge at the hip to go along. Pat?” The drive to the village waa awlft Hare spot were visible on top of the thing. I want It, I want It! I’m Just than tell the truth of the episode She looked out at the pelting rain of each of the truck attendants—ail which would d ear him but cast an­ knoll. The sod had been scraped and pleasant. There were few grades. crazy to live here!” there were easily-read signs This and shook her head. "I’ll put in a The aands which later In the sum m er "So am I. Pat Well maybe we can away, aud the subsurface was srysta other friend In a had light, he stands was a booze-truck. Apparently the riotous afternoon with those maga­ trial and Is sentenced to s long term line aud while as snow He broke off would he powdery aud hard to nego­ make the riffle. I’ll get a Job and main line of entrance from Canada zines we bought yesterday." she told In prison The governor of the stale, some of the crystals with his heel and tiate. was firm and damply brown. Il we’ll pinch and squeeze. That won’t him. ran past his very door. made a Ideal roadbed Tbe flivver be very pleasant." tasted cautiously. It was salt. "Sure,” an old friend of Bddlo'a father, be­ Waterproofed and booted he step­ "Want some help?" he asked, with skimmed about the myriad curvet at "I don't care," returned Pat, stur­ lieves nlm Innocent and pardons him he sa id ; "this la a deertlck. The deer ped out the back door and cut through a smile. They looked up suspiciously, They'll a smart pace dily "This place Is worth sacrificing shortly after his arrival at the Jail love salt. Just like cattle but his friendliness disarmed them. the fields toward Sealman’s. It waa Portage county had recently Invest­ for." (ravel miles to get It Ought to bn ? Scoots Llbbty, a worthless charoe He welcomed the break in the day’s not unpleasant. The sand was drink­ ed In a combined courthouse, Jail, and A flne Insistent rain was falling monotony. They cut a stout sapling ing up the rain as it fell. The brown ter, who has smashed bis ttachlne In some bunting here In the season. It was an ambitious (hough of course It's pretty close to offlce-bulldlng next morning when they awoke and for a lever; rolled a fire-blackened surface was firm and springy. Exer­ to auotber car, killing its lone occu­ two-story building of red brick. The there was a chill in the air which stub beneath the sunken hub tor a cise fought off the chill. pant, a woman Forbes’ t-ompanl n the house " population was sparse, and one ofllte They looked for miles over undulat­ seemed to penetrate the marrow The fulcrum; and paved the truck’s path end hlltbey quit the scene burrhtly. 8ealm an’s double log house _ wag . _ ing stretches of svildreneae It was housed three departments ,— clerk. leaving the former alone to f«c* a treasurer and register of deeds Peter J « * * 1» « » » « « m ess looked partleu way tQ flrm