PAGE TWO THURSDAY AUGUST 18, 1927 THE SPfUNOFDDLD NWWS Slaw fs e —stsw far Saparlan«« Spaaka Anti-Third Term for President Roosevelt. Second: Physicians who have attended ITesl- I’vof. (glvtiK a lecturnl—*'1 don't “Stetnrf" aakod Tommy, "do fairy No IHsprace in Drfoat dents of the U. S. consider that the presidency Is talas always twwin with 'One» upon a mind If « student look» al lila watch Publtahed Every Thuraday at a man-killing job. And It is generally believed that ont » In # »while, but what gata me la tim-'T" Springfield. Vane County, Oregon, by no niau can humanly endure three terms in sue-1 to »«« someone lahp out hi» watch, "No. Tom m y, not nlwava They T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS cessiou. President Coolidge doubtless feels this »onetlm ea begin with Thor»'» gout« •hake it a few lime», and thou pul It H E MAXEY, Editor. himself. u |» t o . .« • ur. * thing about you'.** Third: President Coolidge is a poor man. It : the second class matter, February 24. 1S03 at Entered aa is not unreasonable nor unlikely that In* would | poatoAc«. Springfield. Oregon desire to accumulate a sufficient amount of I wealth to enable him to live in ease and comfort MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE $1 75 Three Months ........ 75 k - in his later days. IVesIdent Coolidge has made a I One year ii n Advance tK* profound impression upon the big business men j tl.tW Single Copy glx Months of the country and big business corporations. It , THURSDAY AUGUST IS. ISi? is commonly understood that a billion dollar cor poration. would tender the presidency of this cor- | RADICALISM. REDS. SOVIETISM AN1) o t h e r poration to Mr. Coolidge. The salary for such O P T O M E T R IS T — E Y ia iQ M T S P E C IA L IS T positiou would be around one-half million dollars ISMS B78 W illamette St. Eugene, Ore. We of the west are Inclined to think that radi­ a year. Fourth: ITesident Coolidge possibly considers JUST ONE THING. HUT I DP IT RIGHT' calism in this country is somewhat overstreeaed and to take little stock in the report that Russia that if he does not run this time that the third and Mexico are carrying on organized propa­ objection would not airily except to three conse­ ganda in this country. The demonstrations in cutive terms and. hence, after a lapse of four he might be available for reelection to the ihis country in behalf of Sacco and Vanzetti. con- years, . Vic ted murderers and self confessed anarchists, presidency, Th» Regular FMII Tartu at tha Eugen» Ilualnaaa Coll»«» will begin should be sufficient to make us change our minds President Coolidge gave his message to the world in one sentence of twelve words. Doubt-1 Tuesday Septmeber Sixth. Tharaaflar each Munday wilt ba enrollment These men have been tried and found guilty ies8 jje gave a great deal of thought to this ' day. Just as hundreds of others have in this county.1 phraseology and the word “choose" was not sllp- Our up-to-dala equipment, efficient Inatrurtlon, and reaaonable The bombing and other outrages as well as the jn accidentally. He undoubtedly will not be u rata» make thia ■ good school where you are »»mired of a bualnaaa public demonstrations in behalf of these convicts candidate. He does not “choose" to be a candi-1 training that will lit you for a reaponalble poaltlon. have not been so much because there is any evi- date. However, if his name is presented to the deuce that they had not a fair trial but because I convention, as it undoubtedly w ill- be unless the they are anarchists. These people are against president absolutely forbids such action, the con­ Affi » A. E RtilIKKTS Praaldant »»2 W illamette St. Eugene, Oregon •11 law and order. American people canuot af vention will “choose" to nominate him. and. ford to be lenient toward such conduct. Radical President Coolidge. In all probability, will accept lam and other doctrines that depend on force to the nomination. overcome the will of the majority should be dealt if President Coolidge absolutely forbids his f L>C ffitf? . - with severely wherever found. name being presented to the Convention, the ------ . Mt- is r a X world thrown °Pen and the Republican \ n o l h r r H e le n fro m B e rk e le y , There T X ? of difference S ie T s t h e between ^ h ^ n e n demo- T o f tie,d «™b?b,v