For the Lane County Fair, The People’s Own Show Get Ready Now! Printing get* thing* done Phw ie 2 August > II THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ç °otember 2nd * '«opts s ('»p»'' A L IV I N B W S F A R IR IN A LIVI TOWN twknty - fovhth yeah HEMHNGON'i WIRE IN MOUTH OF BABY CAUSES SHOCK AND SERIOUS BURNS VEATCH STILL SOUGHT BY EDUCATION BOARD With the appolntement of C. A. What the atten din g phyalclan »..Id' 8tlU without a »uccea.or for Ml«» Wyman, local Initurance man. a sl ______ might have proved a fetal r - • d o t 1 Sylvia Veatch. high school teacher electric Inspector for the city. Mayor 'occurred to KrneaL 16 rnoulh. old son I who la Becking to break her contract Bushman announced today that the S a w s B e g in W h ir r i n g a t P la n t OT Of Mr and Mr» K It thinner, at the ¡for (lie coming year, the Sprlugfiel I operation of the new emergency or- ■ , ».n :_^ Lorane Timber and i a Milling Chairman Bean of Public Ser­ fam ily lion.«- R.iurday night, w h in ! school board la determined to hold dlnance passed by the city council at , Company; Sales Connection* vice Commission Says Cnlan- the baby put the eo.l of an -lectrlc the teacher to her prolnlae until the the last session la to start Immedi­ Complete and Logging Undef rde will be Cleared Today for . urllng tr n cord in tta mouth. ' poaltlou baa been «lied, according to ately. Frayed . uda of the wire, baring the , Chairman W Q. Hughe«. Taking Uo Second Street Mr. Wyman'» work will be to give j Way. . ^i.i. ii Mr. Hughes aald, however, that h>- a thorough Inspection to every electrl-1 copper, o a a e In ooBtsct with the In I (hgl bMo Proposal: Judgo at Salem. Saws are whirring at the new plant cal Installation made here, and see i aide or the c h ild , mouth *»“< k>«’« > * , ,Uo|| ,„.fore v w . . . w . — — - _____________ , ot the Lorane Timber and Milling that It conform» to the rules set down i The elate public «ervlc« coinm's- him over, and rendering him In auch () w(H fro|n h, r in the state code. If not. he will de- company, a Springfield concern, and eton Immediately will » t • dale for a condition that he w n. unable to call I contract. ....... u . . taken . . . . . j pr(M)urt|on for commercial disposal Id mand that the Installation be the hearing on the proposed clo»tng ",r "** p 1 -W e feel that If la our right to hold out and the work started over again. to start as aoon aa the lumber needed of tfecond street In order that this HI. »later, Audrey, wa» In the room teacher, under auch ctrcumatancea City officials say that the new ordi­ Important atop In the Springfield at the time. I.ut probably would not . unl)j , j „ |r (accessor ha. been found," for finishing construction work about here .n , n nance a n c e fills rill» a a need neeu H ere » for » aafety ... bride'- bulldlne program may iw «01 have realized what waa happening In in ggM Mr H u g h e. "For example. electrical Installation., and I. In line the plant 1. gotten out. 1« was annouh- ten oul of the wiiy Imtnedlately, ac time had .lie uol heard the wire »lx I when Mia» Veatch announced her tn- Itb action taken by nearly all mo- ced today by Herbert Cox, president cording to a telephone me«»ege re xllhg aa It burned the Inalde of the i tentlon of realgnlng. we got In touch What Is described as one of the dern communities. Springfield, It 1» reived by The New» today from I. E mouth She truned and found the I with a young woman who haa a North pointed out, has been unusually lucky most modern and complete small Itrnn. chairman of the eommlaslon baby lytag on the floor. Dukota school, but who had applied in freedom from fires during the past plants In the country has been built "I ahall have the clerk «o oyer the previously for the Springfield Job heel She Jerked the wire from his several months, and the city govern- by the company at Gillespie corners. calendar today and arrange a dale by Mis» Veatch. im»’Dt la desirous of keeping up this Although completed SO days ago. >ia Immr,lately." aald Mr Bean, after In­ mouth, and a doctor wa» called. The ••She wa» anxious to take the posi­ plant has not been operated because good record. quiring about the need felt here for baby suffered had burn, to bin mouth, tion. and attempted to sever her con­ and hla lipa were seared. Reports of seasonal conditions in the lumbar Immedate artlon on the matter "It 'a nections with the North Dakota m arket but all Is now In readinead probable that the hearing will be held thle week were to the effect that he At a lute hour this morning. Mia» SPRINGFIELD SWELTERS school. Her board refused to release in Springfield I cannot aay until we wua Improving rapidly after hla ex ­ IN RECORD SEASON HEAT > running at full capacity. M C o l Mlldrea Doran. Michigan's "flying her.” said. have gone over the calendar Ju»t how perience It appears that the board finally ha» school inarm,'' (above) had not ar- aoon It will be. but It la certain tj Ing a a commer­ coromer- rived at the Isle of Oahu to complete Record season heat haa been ex-| Sales > onnectlons f Hmenta been »urre»eful In finding MINISTER TO RETURN come In the near future" who her trip In the Dole air derby. Orave perlenced thia week by Springfield pany are comp • e ,, output cial teacher. Misa 8 - Wagoner, . fear, were felt lest she and the two resident., • I [or “ i ^ * 1* * X “ X m X reeling that further delaye muet AFTER HIS VACATION waa given the position at .A the last be eliminated If poa»lh|e, County The mercury climbed steadily dur- are n board meeting, haa Indicated her In­ arlators who arcompanied her In the Judge C P. Barnard went to Salem biplane. "Mis. Doran.” may have met ,ng the early part of the week. factured at the plan will g to the Rev. Oabrtel 8yk«a will again fill tention of accepting Mias W’agoner east and m middle west. The «»les of­ today to Interview the highway com the polplt al the Springfield Method I Is a resident of Corvallis, and comes with an accident en route and either gi.terlng In the neighborhood of 99 fices an are located la Springfield. mission and — the , public service com 1st church heat Sunday, following a ______ ____ are floating about on the ocean or and 100 here. here well recommended The plant has a capacity of 40.00* mission regarding Immediate action vacation He haa spent a j o n e postration resulted. Chester Principal A. J. Morgan announced have met with more serious fate. on the hearing The rapid approach |arg„ par( ot , hr tlWe at Hood River. ------------------------ Williams. 26, was given treatment by feet a day. No pains were spared la this morning that Miss Wagner had _________ < a... *x _ _ «»A w it h a n n r ft- of full weather . I la . ■ viewed with appre­ accompaal'M by Mrs. Sykes LANE COUNTY FAIR « locai physician for sunstroke, re- making It modern and complete. veU I signed her contract. eras mill men bringing tbelr experi­ hension by those Interested In seeing Rev Sykes will speak at the church A l i n Trt TCI <5PFT ? c®lred whn® he W“ workl,,« ““ a A U (X 3 0 T 0 SP E T < 2 tractor near Goehen Williams was ence to aid In planning the plant the bridge program go through thle In the morning, and will be the speak B LEAGUE CHAMPS HAVE year. It Is equipped wrlth steam feed, found lying beside the tractor In an er In the evening at the union ser- The Lane County Pair haa been The feeling here that Immediate vices to be held at the Christian GOOD PROSPECTS AGAIN uncounscious condition. He Is report­ steam operation. Hill nigger, live rolls, placo.1 on dates which It Is believed artlna must be taken was explain»! church transfers and other nsechanical de­ ed tnrproved. _____ Prospects for putting out another will Insure good weather tbls year, to Mr ___________ Bean today But 10 days will Tbs Willamette river has proved a vices Installed wherever possible to August 30 to September 2. This dste be oeceo a ry after th* hearing date ,d".t by B K K'” “ ‘r,ck- co*rh ° f ,b e will be late enough however to allow ing relief from the warm weather. Logging has started already. The That fact would Indicate that It will «»• “ . " “ 2 * ’I«*»*«“ hul h"{h • <‘ho° 1' w1nner’ of for a good display of most agricul­ The "sand banks" and the place company has acquired or has avail­ tural products. Much Interest is be­ be a lltle more than two weeks beforo c urc ,r ' lur< ' '' ' the B league championship In Lane beneath the highway bridge have able enourtt timber to supply the mill X . h i r i n g I. held if the date is set ruturnml - . « . o n ^ y , told of her ex- ing shown In the fair tbls year and county last year proved most popular durln the past ‘ at Its present capacity for 20 years. pericacea la Korea the exhibits w ill probably be more Nearly all of the veterans will be today or tomorrow few weeks. The logging costs are cheap. hack In the line-up for the new se a so n .' complete than usual. A group of Southside residents are The lumber will be trucked to MANY ARE INJURED K R t I N J U N t O and wllh Kilpatrick coaching for hla , One of the biggest departments will U A D V /F Q T NillAf opposing the closing, which Is fsvorev Veneta, 12 miles distant over a maca­ IN ACCIDENTS HERE second year It appears that eveb a be that of Boys and Girls Club work. G R A IN r lA K by the city council, the county court I smoother-working aggregation Is In | There are over 1,200 members of |g |N FULL SWING dam highway, and loaded at the rail» and the highway commission on the road at that point. Accidents trfM tT toll of Injuries’ of prospect. Pleasant Hill attempts no the various clubs In the county and groand thnt the Southern Paalfle With bumper crops, the grain har­ football, and for that reason the In- the greater part of thia membership would give 136.000 toward the bridge various kinds here this week The «-year old daughter of R C t-rest In basketball develop, early In has been interested In one way or vest is in full swing In this d istrict, : QUANTITY TEST WELL If the dantpsroua croeelng Is ellml according to O. G. Bushman, head of j Kelsey of Oakridge, fell and brok- the fall with much more chance f o r . another in fair exhibits, IS NOW BEING SUNK nated | The program of free sttrwtlotm 1. the Springfield Mill and Grain com j Speaking of 'he arguments of the her am , while playing In the house e .r ly practice Ktlimtrl« k doe« not expect to win to be greater than ever before, Includ- pany. An 8-lnch well to test the quantity opponents that It would require a is getting well started : lave < K in n n , snip n> ' * 1 the championship without strong com- ing numerous numerous features. features. The The racing racing The company Is & possible underground water sup« longer trip for school children living tin . brother, at Dexter, suffered a ,n Q be limited to runn; running events but _________ in its annual ruah accompanying the aboTe the Springfield plant is be- on the south tide. Judge Bernard said severe scalp wound when a bolt fell Th(-r<> Br<, Reverai BC»lo„is m this line will be full of Interest, ^ a m harvest, new supplies of grain BUnk by the Mountain States PoW- yesterday that there Is no doubt that from a block and struck him on th - league. There are several schools In this line will be full of Interest, grain harvest, new supplies of grain * • thst promise to p it out better t» ; Inducements are being offered especl- being hauled in dally from surround- er company. company. Three Three small small well well al- al- arrangements will be made for - heg(j .. . »a. s a aa 1 » » a n * II« , 9 c * n n lr s c b o r l rtrH tx s C lt A H P « w lo n lf t t r a , r lia tr ic tA d d itio n a l _ a. n m n s a w untracked h horses of I Lane ing » agrlcnltural districts. A Additional rwu, y haye gunk by the « company this year than last, and It Is not at ally to turnstile to h»“*’'- . „ . t r i e Smith of W est D street trucks have been hired to handle the ' obujn sampIe8 of the water for all Impossible that the chomplot ship county, S orb as een n e ,« oreesed br»h" her collar bone when she fell hauling, and many farmers are haul- cup will coni-- d' wn off Pleasant lllll first he said The Judge expressed Ing. their own produce to the plan t we(J npw dr(ned ia »boat Hostess to Visitor surprise at the seem ing feeling on lhw «Ui®wallx. this year. P'n the hill players ere Mrs. W. C. McLagan was hostess at Wheat Is received at the plant on * mfle aboTe the plant, and - -- H against using the Mill street under Austin Mathews sustained lacera- going to do their best to keep It at a luncheon last Friday noon at her the mill race, while oats are taken gufflciently large for actual use if It grade crossing “ « * • ••*>“ < I»” » h*B lhe trock hdtoa. home for Mrs. Edith Olson of Marsh- to the warehouse on the tracks. , decjded to utilize the under­ “The most desirable things In ths he was driving collided with an auto- Spends Vacation H a r e — Wayne sold. The table was set with a | Farmers are anxious to get the»r Rround supp| v there. W A. Slate ot way of highway arrangements are un mobile at Kugnne. Mathews was drlv d.-rgrede or overgrade crossings." said lug the truck for the A. C. Mattawa Hawke returned to Salem Monday beautiful centerpiece of gladiolus, p-am to the m ill as soon as possible. Tangent ,g drilling the well. purpose of the drilling promatn after a vacation spent with his parents Covers were for Mrs. Olson. Mrs. W. many of them hauling It ont while j the Judge ••Rut here we have opposi­ gravel company. determine the ouallty and quan- here. He was accompanied by his K Bonwell. Miss Ellen Tomseth. Mis» harvest Is still going on. One rea-, tion to use of this very thing. The - th<> gupp,y w| th possible pro- merits of the two crossings as re- j King on Vacation—Jhon King of the sister. Bernice, who will visit In the Oneta Smith. Mrs. N. L. Hllterbrand. gon for this, said Mr. Bushman. Is the | <8 pf ,tg uge at gome future Urn«. garde safety are not to he compared,” Booth-Kelly lumber company office, capital city with her sister, Mr». Mrs. Glae Lyons of Bugene and Mrs fpar of thievery, one farmer having . g McLagan. _____________ reported the theft of 30 bushels of , 1 _________________________ la away from the office on a vacation Harry Holt. ...... ......-_________ : fine Bubank wheat saved for seed. ROBERT NELSON NOW SPRINGFIELD COUPLE ---------------------------------------- — ----- The Springfield Mill and Grain com­ HAS 2500 CHICKENS MARRIED AT EUGENE pany Is in good shape to handle the By Albert T. Retd harvest this year. A new cleaner Robert Nelson, crack Springfield Miss Sara Davis, daughter of Mr has been Installed fo ¡receiving the poultryman. now has 2500 head of and Mrs Lee Davis of Springfield, and wheat. chickens on his ranch near here Thia Melford Allen, were married In a quiet ceremony tn Bugene last night to e rt . mW r»t 1» the largest number he has had HERBERT MOORE NAMED z \ r r * i / \ r n his farm, which is Raining wide atten at the homo of Rov. 8. Karl Childers, NEW T RAFFIC OFFICER tlon through the high records and pastor of the Springfield Christian m » 4 « a prizes won by Nelson hens church. Herbert Moore of Springfield was Nf>lgon hag seTprai h ens who Mr, anil Mrs. Allen left today fn- named traffic officer shortly after the kln- hiKh records this year Ha Stayton, where thay will visit his resignation last Thursday of E lm er, decided whether he will ex- mother They w ill then take a short Smith. Smith quit after four month s , nternatlonal Livestock honeymoon, trip, returning to the Mo- service saylfig that his leniency with gt PortlaBd. due to the Gtnnls apartment» here in about a motoring public seemed to be , Mppnge pf mftking tha week. against him In bis Jo , wUh {he Mrs. Allen has been employed In Moore has made several minor nr- demand for his baby chicks hai an abetract office of Eugene for some rests since beginning his office after , (hgt aIready ba» time, nntl Mr. Allen Is assistant to W. appointment by Police Chief Jess tw o thirds of them arranged P. Walker. Springfield mortician Smltson. He warns m otorists that despite the liberal attitude Springfield , ° '___________ _ is taking toward automobile driving HOSE CART RACE TO PLEASANT HILL SCHOOL Infractions of the law will be BE PICNIC FEATURE IS NEARING COMPLETION noted and prosecuted. W here Is She? m Big Hogs from Little Piggies Grow! A hose-care race between the Wend ling saw mill local and the Springfield local will be a feature of the 4-L pic­ nic to be held at Wendllng on labor day, September 6. Preparations for the picnic are proceeding rapidly. H. May Is In charge of the prepara­ tions of the local team for the race. Right men are two volunteer for tho team. SEWER WORK RUSHED BY 9 IM 0N KLOVDAHL Simon Klovdahl Is busy construct-1 Ing a now sewer througti the a lle y , between B, F,Ninth and Tenth streets. | The sewer will be a valuable lm ■ provement to that district. The work will be ooraplstod rapidly. Sidewalk work Is progressing «Up factorlly. Street work la experienc­ ing a lull while Commissioner Oeorge Valller Is on his vacation. Remodeling and enlargement of the MANS FACE GASHED Pleasant Hill Union high school 1» BY WIRE IN HOPYARD nearing completion and the school will Henry W bttsell. employed at the Beavey hop yard, received a long gash on his face Tuesday when be was struck by a hop wire while driving • through the yard. Mr. W hltsell was brought to Spring- field for treatment. The wire struck him In the mouth. Jerking hts head J back, and gashing bis face from the i mouth across one cheek. be ready for occupancy in the fall. Additional class room , and an as­ sem bly hall will be provided In the en­ larged building The Interior Is being plastered and attractively finished. SPRINGFIELD BOYS AT HOTCHKISS, COLORADO Three Springfield boys. Oral Neet, Bdgar lx>uk and Joe Thompson, are Taylor Atto^fa Session — Daniel at Hotchkiss, Colorado, and probably Taylor, former teacher of science In will remain there alt winter, aeeor*- i the Springfield high school, is attend­ Ing to word received by tbelr parenrte . . ing post session at the University of her*- The boys have found work at Hoteto i Oregon. Otto Burchum. Cottage Grove, formerly principal of the Ltn- ktee and are loathe to leave their Jobs, ' coin school, also Is attending the ses­ they said. H otehklsi la in the e > treme weatern end of Colorado sion.