tiivkhoav aikwbt i i . »»27 T H l aPRINQFM J) NBW8 PAOS SIX surprise and antlsfa«tlon. was found sand ’hat won t mine ragweed Yours, ! to be In fairly good condition The evrept along I’orlage. la mostly sand l roof was whole Apparently, deer- It’a all right to apeud a vacation on. hunters had used the place the pre :hough It's pretty lonesome, eve«. In vloua autumn aa a camp. There was summer. I'm sfruld you'll be pulling a rusty but serviceable stove which up slakes again pretty soon “ Eddie had a giant, »liable Jaw. He he did not recall aa having been there thrust It forward unconsciously aa h" previously. In the kitchen. The kitchen was a leanto adjoin­ answered: ‘‘Oh. no. we won't. We've ing the main building The bigger ( decided to locate in the northern pnit structure was divided Into a combina­ of the state. We haveu't seen much tion llvtiur-nwim and dining-room, and of our laho. but we like what we've C u m •» r«w Uni«««'» ediu.«l a bedroom considerably sm aller The seen. I don't think It's lonesome M ic h a e l J. P h illip « living-room had chairs and a table, here-— " He looked doubtfully at of a sort, and there were bunks nailed Patsy Jane. IU »sa f r a t i o n s l{y H e n r y J^y L e e 22 depar Unenti ol ihe ( -llene oí "Neither do 1.' she supplemented, 1_ to the log walls on two sides. O *m nrt^ht M io h a a l V . P h i l l i p « L ie i «ture. Science and the A rta spiritedly ”1 want to stay here. I "Why, we can stay here tonight. ■A thrurukllaiaar» A tsleoutor fi««vioe love it If the farm won't support us. And ,» (*• •/ Pat," he announced gleefully "It A rc h ite c tu re and A llie d A r t s — nvy husband ran find something to do, won't be much of a Job to clean up buBircess A d m in istratio n Educe- I'm sure We won't need much." Wonder If Ihe pump’s nil right?" lion - -Journalism --Graduale Study Sealman considered without speak­ A few strokes of the handle of the la w —M e d s ine M u»s Phy« ing for a time He spoke slowly: You see. it sort of puts us in the hole Iron '•pitcher" pump near the back cal Education — S cxtolo gy-S o cial THE LEADING CHARACTERS — he had finished. • Well. If that's the way you feel about "But I don’t know and makes the long hairs right If you door brought up an abundance of V o r k -E s t e n a io n Division Edison Forbes. a young reaMaat of Eddie nodded “W ere alttlng It I mlaht be able to use you. Forties Scottdale. goes on a little joy ride with that 1 would have done It." he confer fall down on me. I'd like to turn the clear, cold waiter I oiler- Vrs» Opra» Srptoabrt I t . I*>D I'm raising a good deal of alfalfa another young fellow Some liquor red frankly. "If I'd thought they'd laugh against 'em Now run along tJ pretty." he declared. "Let's have lately They’ve taken to feeding that little wife of yours." i lunch I'm crasy to tear In anil make la consumed. They are stopped svd convict. It dldn t seem possible they sheep on these harrqne Most of my pw «♦*» In the train-ride from Ihe capital t , this place Into something " denly by the sight of a boose truck could do that on the evidence." OrvfBFt / t»^n*w. 0»« I need a In mid-afternoon, as thev scrubbing laud's under cultlvntlon driven by J “Anyway, you did," returned the Scottdale Edison came as near to hand— —” he stopped. ”1 ie ll you Scoots Libbey, a worthless charae- • governor. "The world calls you a true happiness as at any time in his and furbishing happily, thev had a t ’olue over slier you’ve seen aboil ter. who has smashed hla trachine in chump for th a t But somehow my life. The fate which he had faced and visitor He had walked to ihe cabin your taxes and mode up your mind rolling jam Jackplne w r the th«» rolline pm* wastes *......... .. .. to another car, killing its lone occu­ boy. I'm for you. There's too much so narrowly escapist had toned down o over "(b o xi d a y to you." he began " I saw . w h e th e r yo u 're going io a a ty pant. a weman. Forbes' compam n thinking of ourselves and too little tue riotousness of his Joy. The tor­ (TO BE CONTINUED) My end Libbey quit the scene hurrWly, thlnging o fthe other fellow in the nado of emotion which had carried the smoke front your chhnnev name Is Isaiah Sealman My land him breathlessly to the depths of world today. leaving the former alone, to f t « a FOR SALE OR TR A D E MISS BILME BEIU1 I suppose you're surprised at my misery, through the uncertainty of the »•Joins part of your quartersertlon constable who reasons that Eddie. MAHCEl.l-S - ................60« For Springfivht property Eight- _ governor's office and on Ihe west " Journey _ to _ _ Uie with the scent of whiskey about h.m sending for you. Fact 1» Edison we _______ Phone 156-J "H ow do you do?" greeted Eddie, room House and six lots at Drain must be connected in some way with should know each other. DM you through most of the interview that fol #J7 II street Springfield. Ore. Good house and gocxl ¡and See N A taking the poffertxl hand ’*! am Edi­ the accident. Accordingly, Forbes is ever hear that your father was one of lowed, had left him somewhat exhaust How,- A 11 IS son Forbes. T h ia Is my w ife “ my best friends 40 years ago?” nd. arrested. Sealman. Somehow. Ihe name fit­ "He mentioned. you sometimes be-I go g of Out on bail Eddie keeps from his ted him admirably, Eddie thourht He fore he died. sir. fu| lan4Vor swaihed in the Ineffable wife the name of the person he was "Well. I brought you here on his Uou> man- f r - e was as sleek as a aeal which had Just with. Forbes does this to shield the He had vounger fellow who would be ruined account. When we were both young u k e up emerged f-om the water if the truth were learned. Insteal »ters we worked In Ihe lumber w ood. )(fe wRh Jan<> , ^ „ ()n smooth brown hair, worn long, but . , xi ... XL i kept In excellent order He had a full Eddie bears the brunt of the clrcum together It was he who gave me my doors did not open blackly behind foreheml and a large stantial evidence and at his trial is 'sta r t He came Into a little money him They had closed, closed forever UKn 1 ‘ IKh brldgvxt n os- The lower part of . declared ______________ *nd sentenced to nrt about the time I had a chance to buy, . . . __. . . gu tlt^ -an d .entenced pr. ,, J "That's a, „ „ as , I want s s „ near want to to get. t|g fg(,e by , b-srd sev- son for a long term of years At the In a couple of year. I cleaned up a x »e . raid . to « h im s e lf w ith a |(“ • »T ^ e center, «hieb a good stld "I’m Warden Courtney." announced spot in my heart for J o . FMrbe. If “Here for a summer outing. I sum income no that you will have aomething left the newcomer. ‘ "You’re to go up to J It hadn't been for h !x . the chances drink would plug up effectually. pose?" persuaded Sealman. aa he at the end of the year. You decide upon a A Change ef Scene Lansing right away. The governor. are about fifty to one I'd never been looked about with large, shrewd blue certain limit of expenae for rent, clothing, Scottdale hummed like a swarm o> eyes. wants to see you." food auppllea. recreation and other Iteiun. governor of Michigan. Edison looked at him uncompre | •T h at’s why I sent for yon. Edison. angry bees over the governor's par­ "Here for good." returned Eddie, De|xialt all of your earnlnga with ua on a hendingty. “The governor?" he atom-1 I feel I owe his ton something. I kept don. The community had never been smiling frankly. ”t own this place, checking account. Pay your bills with a for Albright. In all his campaigns it mered. ‘ Me— why?” you know. We thought we'd give the an eye on your case. I couldn't inter check. We do the bookkeeping so that you The warden smileck “He'll tell you fere until you'd had your trial When had voted for his opponents, profess­ north a trial." can check up the money you spend with the when you get htere. If you hurry I heard you'd been convicted I tele- ing church-goers who singled out the Sealman shot him a quick glance budget. Your deposits are a complete re­ iw j heard llr_lv that people named you can catch the next Interurban • phoned the warden to send yon down liquor lay In their speeches as the "I t had cord of income. The cancelled checks show limited. There's one due ln 10 a d o ­ . Boy. I've pardoned you " one they would enforce most vigor- i p,,rbp, owned It” he said, slowly your expenditures. This applied to Scottdale "But I thought you'd abandoned IL ptee." "Pardoned me— pardoned *" gulped ously. which, furthermore, disapproved of The taxes------ " "But—" Edison looked about u n ­ Edison. You will And It easy to leave a part of your Richard Albridght because he was certainly. "By Jove, that's so!" Interrupted “Yes. I read the evidence pretty earnings In your account every month and "No offleer; you go alone." Still close. I came to the conclusion you known as a “liberal." Eddie, frowning thoughtfully. T ’vs almost without knowing It the road to Inde­ Judge Parsons Issued a public state­ neglected the taxes for some time. I smiling the warden shook hands with were telling the truth. I w as far pendence will grow smooth and straight for ment in which he declared that the must go downtown tomorrow and ss,- him "Good luck.” The handclasp enougn you. It Is Just one of the wuyB we can help enough away rrom from swoitnaie Scottdale noi not to io be ue __ on propelled Edison toward the door. blinded by prejudice, and local issues k °’ *fnor • at on * aH a *r' a about them you. . 7* .. 'o f power, and made the Forbes case __ "You know where the station is? All Q.» ' a a fw aaax man r "Vnil n f F You I Intend to farm. Mr. Forbes?" So you're free man _ "travestry of Justice right; better step lively." "To tell the truth. I don t know." Edison sat motionless, bereft of the j To Edison and his wife the town had He caught the car. He did not power of speech. “Of course the long­ returned Bridle "We haven't had Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System know what to think. In fact, the hairs will rant about my turning you become Impossible. He could have time to look around and decide I I stayed on. found work of some kind. waves of emotion which had passed loose." arent on the governor, with a don't suppose much of this land is A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD C O U N TR Y over him made clear thinking impos­ good natured smile. "But I'm through and forced it to revise Its estimate. good I haven't any Implements or But the game was not worth the can sible. He dared not hope; but the car with this term. 1 should worry what horses------" wheels clicked endlessly: “The gov­ they say. when my conscience tells me die. He knew something of the inert vindictiveness toward the erring of Sealman nodded agreement. "The ernor, the governor, the governor—" I've done right. Now Edison— ” •• ! which small communities are capable. SPRINGFIELD land isn't much good. It goe-t In and it seemed a song of hope. "Yes. sir.” ■ It might be years before he could fight streaks up here in the Jackplne coun When he reached Lansing he found •'There's one thing 1 want you to | back grudged position again These try. There’s an occasional belt of that Governor Albright was expecting promise me. You know your father , wouid be years of loneliness and os- good land and then a belt of white kiat When he gave his name to the was a fine man and a clever roan. He ' tracism ittendant in the executive suite, he would have gone a long ways If it "It Isn't worth IL Eddie." agre-d was ushered at once into the private ha4jn-t for__” Patsy JaJne. soberly when, the first office. "Well. Forbes." grunted the .., kcow ,,qnor.- rapture of reunion over, they discus­ rovernor. as they shook hands, “how x. x . . . x_ . . x -\ » . i x . x„, „ "That s right, boy. It looks as sed the future. "Any boy that was many n U P though you've started the same way. born here and tries to be somebody mV De ° y°x< * «a a-» There’s nothing ln It; never has been, Is under a handicap They can't admit e xu s x g man w jse age w s you’d he can possibly be as good as someone kard to estim ate and whose hair was __ . . . x .x j x a .x promise me, Edison— not to quit who comes from away. No; we'll go. yf a certain shade which defied the F drinking, because that may be beyond But where?" coming of gray. Edison started at the •'I've thought of that." replied Eddie your strength, but to try to quit drink­ beginning and told him the whole eagerly. “Don't jx>u remember dad ing." story, withholding only the name of '•Oh. Governor, 1 promise to quit had some cutover pine lands near bis companion. Long Portage? Let's go up there. The '•So you took a chance on prison now, forever!” breathed Edison. land Isn't much good. I suppose. Bat The governor clapped him on the to protect this fellow who was with luerc's a house on the place, anyway you?" queried the governor, when shoulder. “All right, lad; that's fine. there was three years ago when I went fishing on Portage creek. "It's wonderful up there in the sum­ mer. We can make the land support I us. If you'd care to go so far from civilization and rought it, Patsy Jane/' he concluded, wistfully. "Why, of cuorse I would. Eddie." she returned promptly “I'd love It! If the land won't support us. why there are opportunities there Just the same as there are here. It’s that or 942 Willamette St., Eug ene, Oregon. a big city. And I hate big cities.” n , "So do I." he rejoined, his face ‘ clearing rrngically "I’m crazy to I give the wilderness a trial We'll buy ' e second-hand bus and some camping i stuff and start." It was nearly noon of the third ; day when surmounting a considerable ! ridge, they wtas the roof of the log F or H ot W eather ; cabin. Patsy Jane greeted it with a triumphant chirrup. The Journey had MODERN people ere hard to satisfy. But Camel has pleased been a pleasant one They had left them and they have made it the most famous cigarette of For the man who prefers knit union behind the prosperous section of the suits these knitted, ankle length suits all time. state wlh Its paved roads, with the Present-day smokers are "tasty,” and they recognize in are just the thing. Of excellent qual­ first day. Concrete had been replaced Camel the choicest tobaccos grown, blended for smoothness ity ecru ribbed. by gravel, which in turn yielded to and mellowness. Camel leadership in this modern world is dirt turnpikes. an overwhelming tribute to the taste and fragrance of this These made way for sandy tracks Short sleeves and full cut and well quality cigarette. which wiggled with apparent aim less­ shaped. An exceptional value at the Camel will prove itself to you. W h a t a cool, satisfying ness through the Jack-pine country. very low price of— smokel When, you try Camels, you will tee why they ere Spring was appreciably more tardy as first and favorite with p r e s e n tly smokers. Have a Ctmel! they penetrated northward The nights were chill but the days were fine and sunshiny. The Forbes’ hundred and sixty O 1927. «. J C m b PM T. W acres ueere tw elve miles east of the village of Long Portage They had stopped In the woods town for pro­ visions and other supplies It boasted n railroad division headquarters, s saw mill, and little else. The log house, much to Eddie's ' & $ O I1 CEDAR» SWAMP MARCELLING the household BUDGET s u m w a ii m Commercial State Bank 125<6 Annwersarÿ] Cool Union Suiis chooses Cam el < 11 "^B! 1