THURSDAY AUGUST |1 , 1927 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TOWN AND VICINITY REV. CHILDERS WILL SPEAK BEFORE LIONS PAGE FTV» In Confidence Roy. 8. E Chillier», paator of the TWO PICTURES OF THE Springfield Chrlatlau church and mem In a recent interview, Mme. Ix r of the faculty of the Eugene Bible Alexandra Killantay, the Soviet University, la acheduled aa »peaknr Minister to Mexico, said: before the Hprlngfleld Lion'» club at The modern woman, the tomorrow'» weekly luncheon. self-supporting professional wo­ Rev. Chillier» will probable nil the man, cannot allow love to take entire period with hl» talk. He waa , on .be program la .t week nu. waa un- I ” " ’ t P1“ * 1,1 ,h ’T l l f e , The . mo­ Hara from Portland— A J Pvrklna Jaapar Man In— Fred Wallace of wua down till» wi i'k froip Purllaml J«»l»er spent u purt of Monday Iran- nulling bu»lne«a in Hprlngfleld. Mr». P s rk ln t III- •Mr» AI Perkins I» ■ IHirtvd III ul I v i home In re. In from Pengra— .Mr« H W. Rich­ ardson of Pengra wa< a Hprlngfleld Keaaay »I Yathala— llwlght Ki'»,ioy vlaltor Motitluy Mint Knli’ iid t'urkrr went ln Yachats come becau»« »Uknea» wor>>an « learning to BUb- llil« wi I fur ul, online Baby Son Born— Mr. and Mr» . W II. able IO to come becaune of of alcknea» Idue her emotions to reason, to Edward» of Juaper arc the happy par­ hl» family. (Havana at Portland— Welby Hleyena i master her tenderer feelings ents of a baby »on, born Haturduy. « m l I" Portland M