THURSDAY AUGUST 11. 1927 T I M BPRiNOTOBLD NEWS PA S S E N G E R T R A IN S C H E D U L E S P R IN G F IE L D S TO PS PAGE SEVEN Zine l M r ‘ lh pl f * r* * h‘w n e 's Subdivision of 8 p ris e . flekl Investment and Power C o i P»»X'» Add.tlon. 127 68 Cascade Lina A D. and Alice L. Clink Lot 7 Block Northbound 8«. Washburne's S u b d iv isio n ^ Hnrtam West Coast, to Portland, 6:0« A. M Ask, Inve.tment V n d p ”wer laical, No. 1 1 ____________ «;>> p. m pany’a Addition >27 5« ’ . n . Southbound A I I and Alice L. Clink. L o ts Block 8 4 Washburne's Subdivision of Hprlnff. laical No. 1 1 ....................... 8:48 a . M field Investment and Power ' - m West Coast, ____ #; 11 p. m pany”» Addition, >27 68 Number 91 carries a sleeper, and J T Mcf rackes. Lot 9, Block 8d. connscts at Black Butts for Sen Fran­ W aehburnes Subdivision of S p rln » ‘“ ’ll" “f h,,u*" Kelso n o p PICKKHH »(MikU Aeld Investment and Power Com­ m illiin - t — l l»»r pur room and n „v ' ’ 1 RKItH Printed and FOR HALE Full sited lot W illamette cisco and Loa Angeles. Both West aod ut> up Roy pany's Addition. 927 51 Koch. Call u t j In slock at The News oAice 12 P«r J Heights. North front Road to be Coast trains stop here on flag tf. J. T McCracken. Lot 10. Block M. W andling T ra in s hundred. graded and roraed. 1276 00. A. J washburne's Subdivision of S p rin g SEPTIC TANKS Bartbnund ml led , at SprtngAeld, field Investment and Power ^ox^k Morgan. 111-M. 9:15 A. M. Ready for you to loatsll pany^s Addition. >27.5g. WIIAT'R TIIR CRB OF GOING TO For family of fly«» ............... .............. Westbound mixed, at Springfield d*r’ n - BIo<* 'O*- l i t BIIOKNK WHEN YOH PAN RUT IT FOR RALE—Hllghtly used Burroughs Washburne's Subdivision of Spring- For family of eigh th ................... Adding Machine. Perfect condition 1:60 P. M 121 CHBAI'BR IN YOUR OWN TOWN field Investment and Power Com­ I.U B K K '8 M K X IN D H A N D R T O R E ■I our plant Cash or terms. Inquire at Spring pany's Addition. >27.58. fled Poetofflce, Rawer P ip e - Drain Tlla OPBN DAT AND NIGHT DONALD YOUNO, Attorney for Earnest Berg, Lot 12. Block 10«, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE plaintiff 860 Willamette Street. Eu Chimney Blocks -' * IIS 6th Rtraet tf. Washburne's Subdivision of S p rin g STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE gene. Oregon, W atch repairing done correctly field investm ent and Power Com­ E U G E N E C O N C R E T E P IP E CO. COUNTY. Work In today—Out tomorrow. H o n Jl 2128: A « lM M S : 3 1: pany's Addition, >27.58. Blank Promissory notes and re­ « 1 Main sL tf 0. A Serfllng plaintiff, y. George O. if A. A. Moe, Lot 13, Block 10«, Yoran. Frances Yorati and Luclle Washburne's Subdivision of Spring- NOTICE TO CRBDI «’ORS CALL AND SEE nr N W B m ety ceipts printed and In stock at the Voran, his wife, Ada Yoran Hale field Investment and Power Com­ News office. on prices on plate and other work tf V es- Ves Indttd pany's Addition, >27.58 and Hale, her husband. Fred Estate of Andrew J Price. Deceased Notice is hereby given that Walter O ersld—■How long is It since you i A. A. Moe. Lot 1«, Block 105, S Dunn and Anna Dunr hie wife, Price has been by the County Court Washburne's Subdivision of Spring- were abroad? Edna Dlgglea and ... niggles NOTICE FOR PUBLUCATION of the State of Oregon, in and for Lane field Investment and Power Com- her husband. Lavlnla Belknap Julia Three husbands ago L A T E M O D E L CARS FOREST EXCHANGE Christian, Catharine Christian Bar­ County, appointed executor of the last panFs Addition. >27 58. NO. 01754» will and testam ent of Andrew J Price, Claud Lansberry. Lot 15, Block 10«, rett. and Clinton Barrett her hus­ deceased Driven only a few miles. Washburne’s Subdivision of Spring- NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL band. Alonzo Patterson and Mabel D epartm ent of the Interior, United All persons having claims against field Investment and Power Com­ Patterson, hie wife « ea ter Dudley Stalea Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- 192« Master Bulck Sedan. ACCOUNT Son. July 29, 1927. Christian. Louis Belknap Christian said estate are hereby notlAed to pro pany's Addition. >27.58. NOTICE I s hereby given that the I >ra S u m m c^ h rlstlaL “ Z ui V k u ^ U . fl'ed’ at^h “ Tw office M A * F “u T t .X r Claud Lansberry. Lot 1«. Block 105, 1927 Htaadard Bulck 1-door Sedan. iderslgned administrator of t h e ’ t n,l Jo* ’ h . Kn«*U - .’,«r In Eugene. Oregon, wlthfn r tx ^ Z J th s Washburne's Subdivision of Spring- N <’ 3 ,< 'N 1« hereby given that undersigned field Investment and Power Com­ F. K raulkner, of Corvallis. Oregon 1927 Dodge Sedan. Eugene Christian and Olive Chris estate of Murgar< t M Liles, deceased this 11th day of August, 1927 pany"* Addition, >27.58 MSd appll.-utlon N„ 0 1 7 6 « im.lur flan Ills wife Roy Christian. Elva i from 1 has Aleil his account for the Anal PRICE. Executor. Claud Lansberry. Lot 17. Block 105, Act of Mnrih 20. 1922. <42Rlal . <06, 192« Chevrolet Sedan Christian Moore, Ethel C Smith ‘ WALTER settlement of said estate In the Countv E WHEELER. Attorney. Washburne's Subdivision of Spring- to oxchnng» th« N U NW U NWU and Clement Smith, her husband, I Court for Lane County In the State of A. 11-18-25. S 1-8: field Investment and Power Corn- NK'e. H W , N W li NW <4 NF.«? Frank Christian. Elmo Christian, | 1927 Standard Bulck 1-door Sedsu. Oregon, and that Saturday the 13 pan Vs Addition. >27.58. NW'» 8W'< N W ', NK>, W% 8W% •Millinder Atkeson and George L. , ‘ dey of August, 1927, st the Court Claud I-ansberry. Lot 18, Block 105, t, NK‘«. SW«q SE14 NWLi ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 192« Hludelisker Special Coach. Atkegon, her husband, or the un-1 , Room of said Court In the County Washburne's Subdivision of Spring- •K H HE', »K t, NW «,. Wtk N W , known heirs of Millinder Atkeson. In the County Court of the State of field Investment and Power Com- Court House. In Eugene, Oregon, at 8RL4 BH NK1« NKU HWU, HWL 192« Dodge Sedan. If dec eased. ..... ...... Erickson, wife ten o'clock In the forenoon, has been Oregon In and fo r tha County of panvs Addition. >27.58. NK% NK% HW t,. Rip NBU 8 W |4 , of Charles Erickson ........... York. by said Court Axed as the time and Claud Lansberry, Lot 19, Block 105, ’ In Probate. 1936 Standard Bulck Coupe. wife of James York. ?____ Humph­ In Lane place for hearing objections thereto re Estate of Eugene W. Bowder, Washburne s Subdivision of Spring- 8W H . Wtk BH NKH NW>, Sec rey. wife of Ralph Humphrey..........I and for Anal settlem ent of said estate. field Investment and Power Com­ deceased. tlon 14 Tp It 1». Range 10 Weal. W 1923 Essex Coach, balloon tires. Corblt. wife of Henry 8 Car- ONA V. LILES. Administrator of Notice la hereby given that by the pany’s Addition. >30.04. conlalnln* Ito arm s within the bit..............Corblt. husband of Sarah terms of an order duly given and made the estate of Margaret M. Liles, de­ Total for E s t r e e t _______ >5011«, Rlualaw National Forest, In agchangn 192« Ford Sedan. Francis Corblt the unknown heirs ; on July 26. 1927. the above entitled ceased. •TH 8TREET for limber of equal value from the of Norris Humphrey, deceased........ Court appointed, me. Ralph C. Bowder. ' n ,Jo? tph P. *’ Bloc^ 19*- L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. S W t, NEI4 NKH. Re. ’tlon 4 Town 1922 Ford Coupe. Bowman, husband of Wilma administrator of the above entitled , i ? htia r n e * Subdivision of Spring- Jl 14-21-28: Au 4-11: ehlp 10 R . Range 11 W e s t W M con Bowman. Irene C. Marks and ........ .. estate; that all persons having claim* | "eW , Power CO"» U lnlng tefl acres also within said 193« Studehaker Coupe. Marks her husband, Lena C. Wing against the said estate shall present ■ pa£L*„A<,di t {’,n' t i 4 I i n > , _ Rlualaw National FOrwat. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON and Wing, her husband 1 1 Pratt • _ and _ Ida Pearl h u u c ih u h ■ Holverson. Lot The purpose df this notice la to al­ 1933 Itulck Touring. Mabie Vestch and ___ Vestch. : 2 ” .t0 ,r1th/ mlch*r’ i 7. Block 105. Washburne's Subdivision EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE low alt persons claiming the lands Notice Is hereby given that by vlr- her husband. Margaret Klnsella , i ” ™* ' * " 2 ot SPf1“«»®!«* Investment and Power selected, or having bona fide obfec- Our used cars are all In Arst class ! tue nt aB «xecution and order of sale and -------- Kins«>lla. her husband. E Slattery. 717 W illamette S tr e e tE u - Company's Addition, M.43. tlona to such application, an oppor Llllson and r -m . W W » . within stx months from . p ra tt and « r l Hnlw Ralph W Callieon a n d _____ Calll- Pratt and Ida Ida P Pearl Holverxon. LoC mechanical condition, Let us show : ln foreclosure Issued out of the Clr- the date of the first publication of tunlty to Ale their protest with the . cult Court of Lane County. Oregon, on soa. his wife, Jam es O. Callieon and this notice In The Springfield News, 8, Block 105. Washburne's Subdivision you. Register of the V S M od Office at ' the lat day or August, 1927. In a suit - ......... CalBaon, hie wife. Rufus O. which Is August 11. 1927: and that all of Springfield Investment and Powor Roaeburg. Oregon Any such protests wherein on the 29th day of July. 1*27. Callieon. Jr. and ........... Callieon persona owing the said estate shall CompanVs Addition. >4.43. O PE N E V E N IN G S or objection* must be m*d In this of- Jacob A Schwarzen. Lot 9, Block 10« i In said court. The PaciAc Savings and his wife. Emery E. Callieon and pay the obligations to me. Ace within thirty d ay, from the date Washburne's Subdivision of Spring- ----- Callieon. his wife. Martha Loan Association, a Washington Cor- P E T T Y J O H N . _ RALPH C. BOWDER, Administra­ field Investment and Power Com­ of the Aral publication of this notice, Wallace and ...... . Wallace, his tor. F u r e n e O r. Poratlon plaintiff, recovered Judgment Seventh and Olive St. beginning July IS. 1917 pany's Addition. >4.43. wife, Henry E Callieon and _____ against the defendants W. H James non-coal H. E. Slattery, Attorney for Admlnls- Phone 1397. Jacob A. Schwarzen, Lot 10. Block 105 and Bertha James, his wife, for the sum Callieon. his wife, and also all other ! trator. HAMILL A CANADAT. Register Washburne's Subdivision of Spring- persons or parties unknown claim j of 11790.2« and Interest thereon st the A. 11-18-25: S 1-8: Jl 38 Au «11 18-25 field Investment and Power Com­ ing any rig h t title, estate, lien or I rate of 10 per cent per anbum from pany’s Addition. >119.98. Interest In the real estate described i NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERN- j February 1, 1927 until paid, and for Earnest Berg, Lot 11, Block 105, In tns complaint herein. defendants. TIMBRR NOTICE TO CREDITORS I the further sum 'of 1200.00 as Attor­ Washburne s Subdivision of Spring- N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S neys fees, together with costs In the Notice Is hereby given that the un­ 8 U M M O N S General Land Office, W ashington, D. field Investment and Power Com­ pany’s Addition, >119.98. Estate of Emms M Griggs. Deceased dersigned Karel W e he ter has been ap­ sum of 117.00. which Judgment was en­ To Frances Yoran and Lucile ! C-, July 18, 1927. rolled and docketed In the Clerks Earnest Berg. Lot 12, Block 10», Notice le hereby given that M F pointed adlmlnlstrator of the estate Yoran. his 'wife. Ada Yoran Hale and ‘ Notice la hereby given that subject Washburne’s Subdivision of Spring- Griggs, has been by lb«- County Court of C. L. Webster, deceased, by the 1 office of said Court In said County on Hale, her husband Edna Dig- t0 the conditions and limitations of of Ihe Stale of Oregon. In amt for 1 ounty Court of lotne County. Oregon, Ihe 29th day of July, 1927. and said gles and ........... Dtggles. her husband th?i act of June 9- 1916 ,:?9 sta t-. 2181 field Investment and Power Com­ lA iie County appointed administrator and all persons having claims against execution to me directed commanding Lavlnla Belknap Christian. Alonzo ! and Pursuant to departmental regula pany's Addition, $4.43. A A. Moe. Lot 13. Block 105, of the estate of Emms M Griggs de­ »aid estate will present them duly me In the name of Ihe State of Ore­ Patterson and Mabel Patterson his It,on8 of A’,rU 14- 1924 L D 37S>- ceased. verified at the law oAice of Whitten gon, In order to satisfy said judgment. wife. Catharine Christian Barrett and ,h e H™ber on the following lands will Washburne's Subdivision of Spring- Interest attorneys fees, costs of suit field Investment and Power Com­ All person having claims against Swafford, 316 M A W Bldg., Eugene. accruing costs to sell the follow­ Clinton Barrett, her hnsbnd. Kester b<> soW at ten “'doc* a “ Sept. 14 pany's Addition, >4.43. said eetale are hereby notified to Oregon, on or before six months after and Dudley Christian Louis Belknap 1927 at Public auction at the U. S. land ing described real property, to-wlt A. A. Moe. Lot 14. Block 105, present Ihe same, duly mated and verb ihe Arst publication of this notice Christian, Ira Summer Christian Eu at Lakeview. Oregon, to the The i-sHl one hundred and ten (U0> ; gt ne cli; )gflan ’ Bd ¿ h ™ Christum, higrhewt bidder at not le*s than the ap- Washburne's Subuivision of Spring- Aed. at Ihe lew office of A E Wheeler Dated and Arst published July 21. feel of lx>t one (1) in Block three (31 In Eugene. Oregon, within six months 1927 r k r f.,: .» ____ __ i praised value as shown by this notice. field Investment and Power Com­ , of Mountain View Park Addition to r h i. s o-ir. ± ^ heI 8a'e t» 8“bJ « ‘ “ >e approval of pany's Addition, >4.43. from thia 28th day of July. 1927 KAREL WEBSTER. Administrator : Eugene. In Lane County, Oregon. hand KvZZb r-,i ? u . u n 9 m w |l1' ,he Secretary of the Interior The Claud Lansberry. Lot 15, Block 105, M. F. GRIGGS. Adm.nlslrator. Now therefore in the name of the WHITTEN SWAFFORD Attof ney ii.n Minind n v a°' ®™o ^ ri8' purchase price, with an additional sum Washburne's Subdivision of Spring- A. E WHEELER. Attorney. for Estate. Stale of Oregon. In compliance with i , v in h ? T ^ and .?e° rKe ° 7 one-fifth of one per cent thereof, field Investment and Power Com­ Jl 28: Au «1,-18-26. »aid execution and order of sale and h n n tn h2i, Jl 31 28: Au 4-11-18: / ' f L the ““i b®lnr commissions allowed, must be pany's Addit on. $4.43. In order Io satisfy said Judgment In- known heirs of MHlInder Atkeson. if d e p o s i t at time of sale, money to b e , Mary Peronl. Lot 1, Block 10«, a?. terest. attorneys fees, costs of suit deceased. ........... Erickson, wife of returned if sale Is not approved other-, w ashburne's Subdivision of Spring- 1 and accruing costa. I 'Will on Saturday Charles Erickson. — ...... York, wife wise patent will Issue for the tim ber., Held Investment and Power Com- the 3rd day of September. 1927. at the of Jam es Y ork ,----- Humphrey, wife which must be removed within 10 i PaQy s Addition, >119.98. hour of one o'clock In the afternoon of Ralph Humphrey................ Corblt, | years. B k s will he received from ‘ Mary Peroni. Lot 2. Block 10«, j of said day. at the Southwest front wife of Henry 8. CorbttL ....... ... Cor-, citizens of the United States, associa-1 Washburne s Subdivision of Spring- : door of the County Court House, ln b it husband of Sarah Francis Corblt, ' Hons of such citizens and corpora­ field Investment and Power Com- Phone 130 M 1 Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer t e unknown Heirs of Norris Humph Hons organized under the laws of the panv's Addition. >4.43. j for sale and sell for cash, at public Lift, Automobile and Firs Mary Peroni. Lot 3, Block 10«, Bowman, hue- United States, or any State, territory auction, subject to redemption as pro rey. deceased. Washburne's Subdivision of Spring- Insurance vlded by law. all of the right, title band of Wilma Bowman. Irene C .1 or district thereof only. Upon applica- field Investment and Power Com­ and Interest of said defendants W. H. Marks and .......... Marks, her hus- tlon of a qualified purchaser the tim­ pany's Addition. >4.43. CARL A. WYMAN Wing, ' James and Bertha James, his wife, band. Lena C Wing, and ber on any legal subdivision will be Francis J. and Alberta E. Brown Lot Resident Agent Ethel M. Mahany and C. Arthur Ma- her husband; Mahle Veatch and .......... 1 offered separately before being Includ­ 4. Block 104. Washburne's Subdivision , hany, her husband, and, all persons Veatch, her husband. Margaret Kln­ ed In any offer of a larger unit. T. 41 of Springfield Investment and Power 73« I) Street, Springfield. Oregon Kinsella. her hus­ claiming by. through or under them sella and S.. R 7 E . Sec. 9. NE>4 SW H yellow Company's Addition. >4.43. 228 Main 81. Residence 126 c St. or any or elth. r of them in and to said I band. « Rufus u™8 O. Callison, Jr. and ~ ' plnP 400 M. SE«4 9W «, yellow pine Francis J. and Alberta E. Brown Lot ! premise«. callison, fils wife, Emery E. Callison. 4(M) M none of the , imbpr on tbig 5. Block 104, Washburne's Subdivision 42 J «2 M Res. Phone 180 Pieno Moving FRANK E. TAYIX1R, Sheriff of and .—...... Callison. ills wife, Martha section to be sold for less than >4.00 ] of Springfield Investment and Power Lane County, Oregon. Full Auto Equipment W allre and Wallace, her husband. per M. Company's Addition. >4.43. SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER By BEULAH BRINNICK Deputy. THOS C. HAVELL. Acting Com­ F W Hogg, Lot 16, Block 19«, WILLIS BERTSCH. Prop. Henry E. Callison and .... Callison, Lady Assistant Au. 4-11-18-25: S. 1: 1 Washburne's Subdivision of Spring- his wife, and also all other persons missioner. OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE A. 4-11-18-25: S. 1: field Investment and Power Com­ or pattes unknown claiming any right. 633 M ain Street pany’s Addition. >4.43. ORDER FOR HEARING title, estate, lien or Interest In the Successor to Sutton Transfer O R D IN A N C E N U M B E R 519 F. W. Hogg. Lot 17. Block 19«, IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR LANE real estate described in the complaint An Ordinance Declaring the Costa i Washburne’s Subdivision of Spring- COUNTY IN THE STATE OF ORE herein, defendants: of Grading and G raveling F Street field Investment and Power Com* OON. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OE VASBY BROS. OREGON, you are hereby requlredi to between 9th and 10th Streets and 9th panv's Addition. >4.43. IN THE MATTER OE THE ADOP­ Oflllcs Phone 43 Res Phone 3 F. W. Hogg. Lot 18. Block 194, T IO N O F T H O M A S J A M E S T U R ­ appear and answer the plaintiff's com- ®trTe4 l> ?iw ^5n F and G , StreeU ,n Washburne's Subdivision of Spring- Painting & Decorating N E R . By George H . T u rn e r and plainst filed against vou In the above Springfield, Oregon; Levying an As- Carl H. Phet«eplace, M. D. field Investment and Power Com­ entitled suit within six weeks from ! f?r Musette Turner. in all its branches General ITactlcs. Special Attention Directing the E n try thereof in the pany's Addition. >4.43. This matter coming on for hearing 14be date of the first publication of Docket of Tow n Liens and Declaring John O. and Lizzie H. Smith. Lot 19, to Obstetrics and D iseases of chil­ 312 Main Street upon Ihe petition of George H. Turner [ this summons and If you fall to so Block 194, Washburne's Subdivision Emergency. and Musette Turner praying for the I appear and answer, for want thereof an The dren. Tow n of Springfield does O r­ of Springfield Investment and Power adoption of a male child of the age of | ’he plaintiff will apply to the Court Company’s Addition. $4.43. First National Bank Building as Follows: one year and of unknown parentage, for the relief prayed for In the cont­ dain WHEREAS, the Town of Spring John O. and Lizzie H. Smith. Lot 29. Springfield, Oregon end for a change of the name of said plaint herein, to-wlt: that the plain- DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL field has heretofore caused the grad Block 194, Washburne's Subdivision child Io Thomas James Turner, and Hff be decreed to be the sole and Ing and graveling of F street between of Springfield Investment and Power that the Judge of the above entitled | absolute owner In fee simple of the 9th and 10 streets anu of 9th street Company’s DENTIST Addition. >119^99. Court be appointed to act in these following described real property: between G. and F streets, at the cost Total for 9th street........... .. >550.83. WM. G. HUGHES Reginning at the southwest corner of the property abutttlng thereon, and proceedings as next friend of said Phon« 43 Section 2. The recorder is hereby F IR E A N D A U T O IN 8 U R A N C « child and that notice of hearing of of a tract of land! conveyed by William WHEREAS. The Common Council to enter the foregoing as­ Fir»« N s t’l Bank Bldg., Springfield said petition he given to the unknown Sloan nnd wife to Norris Humphrey has ascertained and does hereby de­ directed N O T A R Y P U B L IC sessm ents in the Docket of Town parents of said child by publication; by deed recorded In Rook H, page 240 clare the cost of said improvements to Liens and' to give due notice thereof O ffice at of the l4ute County, Oregon, Deed be as follows: F street, >501.14. 9th to the owners of said property by and It appearing to the Court, and the Records, said point being ln the east street >550.83. FIRST NATIONAL BANK United States Mall. Court finds that the mother and father line of W illam ette Street, In Eugene. Sprlngffsld, Oregon U is fu found and declared that Section 3. Inasmuch as it is es­ Lane.County, Oregon, running thenre of said child are unknown and that the property liable for the cost of sential to the peace, welfare and hap­ north on the east side of W illamette there la no w ay of ascertaining who said improvements, and the propor piness of the Inhabitants of the Town is the mother of said child or who is Street. 176 feet to the south line of tionate share due from each lot or of Springfield that said assessm ents All kinds of gravel for con- DR. N. W. EMERY his next of kin and that he has no 14th Ave. east, thence eas, on the part of lot abutting thereon, is as become effective at once, an emer­ crate or road work. We guardian in this state; and that the south line of 14th Ave. east 110 feet, hereafter set out. gency is therefore declared to exist D E N T IS T Court should proceed herein as though thence south 62 feet, thence east 60 It Is further ordered that the pro­ and this ordinance shall become ef­ make a specialty of crushed feet, thence soiijh 114 feet, thence ' said child had no parent living, and portionate amount of the costs of said fective from and after Its passage by Sutton Bldg. Phono 20-J rock and rock sand. Bunk­ no guardian or next of kin in this west 160 feet to the place of begin- improvements as hereinafter set out. the council and approval by the Residence Phone 158-M ers at foot of Main on Mill Intng; also be and the same are hereby assessed mayor. . state; Beginning at a point In the north and levied upon the property abutting street. Passed the Common Council thin Now therefore. It Is hereby ordered Springfield, Oregon line of 14th Ave. east which Is 67 feet upon and benefited by the improve­ 8th day of August. 1927. that the Hon. C. P. Barnard be, and HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. east and 240 feet north of the south­ Approved by the Mayor this 8th ment. he Is hereby, appointed to act as next The description of the property as­ day of August. 1927. : friend of the said child In the above w est corner of a tract of land con­ veyed by William Sloan ana wife to G. G. BUSHMAN. Ooneral Lew PrecUoo entitled matter and that he may give Norris Humphrey, hy deed recorded sessed and the amount of the as­ Attest: I. M. PETERSON, Mayor. j or wlthold his consent to such adop­ In Book H, page 240, l,ane County, sessm ent Is as follows: F STREET Recorder. tion In loco parentis; and It Is further Oregon. Deed Recorda, in Eugene. I. M. PETER8ON John D. Bagley, Lot 2. Block 86, ordered that the said petition be heard Lane County. Oregon, running thence Attornoy-et-Law before thl» Court In the County Court east on the north line of 14th Ave. 93 Whshburns's Subdivision of Spring- j njiVEi .K R Dumb Dan Phones Room In the Lane County Court feet thence north 45 feet, thenre west field Investment and Power Com­ City Hell Beildlng Repairing a Specialty pany's' Addition. >30.94. House. In Eugene, Oregon on the 24th •3 feet, thenre south 46 feet to the "Operator. kindly get ne Jakob John D. Bagley, Lot 3, Block 8«, Rprlngflald, Ore. Springfield, Oregon day of September 1927; and that a place of beginning; alec Wkshhorne's Subdivision of Spring- Stultz; he's la the cloak and suit copy of this order be served upon the Beginning at a point 84« feet north unknown parents of said child by pub­ of the southwest corner of a tract of field Investment and Power Com­ Operator (after a minute's delay*)—- lishing a copy thereof once a week land conveyed by William Sloar. and pany's Addition. >27.68. FRANK A. DE PUE Anna O Baker, I37.68. business. Don't yon know h is tele­ time herein appointed for said hear­ Practise U. 8. and State east line o f W illamette S tr e e t In Eu­ Charles O. Vreeland, I k A 6, Block 88. phone number? ing. gene, I-ane County, Oregon, running Washburne’s SnbdtTlalon of Spring- Courts Sutton Sprlngttold, Vlaltor (after fumbling throogh Dated this 29 day of July, 1927. thence north on the east side of W il­ field Investment and Dower Com­ Eugene, Oregon O. P. BARNARD, County Judge. Building lam ette Street 68 feet, thence east pany's Addition. >27.68. paper)— Yss, here it Is, Au 4-11-18-25. 180 feet thenee south 88 feet, thence Charles O. Yrsslnad, Lot «, Block 86. 117«. (BVYIN6 B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W . Roof ‘ that none of the defendants have any J’lght title, or Interest therein or thereto whatsoever; and that the de- fendmju and each of them be forever barred and enjoined from asserting any claim thereto. _ k 111 ’• **rT*d nP°n 7°“ by publication In accordance with an order mate at Eugene. Oregon, by the Hon. G. F Rk Ip worth. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, on the 19th day of July. 1927. requir­ ing that this summons be served by publication thereof at least once a week for six consecutive weeks In the Springfield News, or that In lieu there- of you he served with sum mans outside t f the State of Oregon. Date of Aral publication the 21st day of July. 1927