J Community News father's placs camping. • y Sprcisi Correspondants H onoring h er m otht'r, Mrs. 8. Noll, who Is visiting at Pleasant H ill from Ida Grove. Iow a, M rs. C. E. Jordan entertatu««f the ladies of Plea-an t HUI last Thursday August 4. T he a fte r­ noon * H - spent quilting. Kefrvsh- ineuts o f sandwiches, cake an«l fru it pudding were served, Those present were Mra. Dora Harden, Mrs. lhffbert Hard« n. Mrs. Ernest Schrenk. Mrs. A. Mrs. L ester Cyr. Mrs. Hom er Chase, J. Higgens. Mres. Dmges. Mrs. Baker, M iss Dorothea Bailey, Miss Maude Mrs. E. Y S w ift. Mrs. J. A. Ph« Ips. Mrs. Chase. Mrs. OolUngwood. Mrs. T . J. T. F Kabler. Mrs. Barnum . M rs E. B T in k e r. Mrs. S. N o ll and Mrs. Jordan, M a x w e ll and Miss Grace Maxwell. Joe Neal returned Sunday from the and M ild red S w ift, Evelyn Phelps. M ercy hospital where he recently G enevieve*and Junior Harden M rs W . L. Bristow turned her ankle underw ent an operation for appendi­ several weeks ago w hile going off the citis. back porch of her home. At first it M rs Lester C y r was hostess to a was thought she had only slightly num ber of friends at dinner. Wednea- sprained her ankle but as the hurt day evening st the J. W '. Chase home. grew worse she was taken to a doctor T h e d inner for tin Sunshine Club at her how. Thursday afternoon It was d ivid ed to hold the next m«-eting w ith Mias Maude chase. IJ g h t refreshm ents w ere served a fte r the buslnes- me« !• ing. Th-'se present for the afternoon w ere M rs. George H arrington. Mtsa Kula and Miss Leah H arrington. Mrs. W aldo H ardie Mrs. A W . Ferre«», V. I* F. Farnham . Who is located near Loganberry season is over and the Lea Angeles, is very ill w ith scarlet cutting of the vines bas begun. Peaches are ripeniDg and are of good V isitors a i the J. R Fish home Sun­ site. Green applet aad Red. Junes are day w ere M r and Mrs. W O. B ailey finding a good demand and are selling Mid fam ily of WenaUng. Mrs. A. 8. as high as (c a pound at the ranch, W ilson of Eugene. M r and Mrs. w ith peaches at Sl.SO a peach crate. M any of the pou.try raisers who George Fish of Springfield. M r. and M rs H. E. Bailey and fam ily of Wend- brooded the ea rly chicks are reporting lln « and Mrs. A. C Bogart of Junction a good yield of pullet eggs now. W ith the price of eggs advancing poultry City M rs. W . J. Pengra spent several raisers are a little more optim istic. A picnic p a rty consisting of the days In Portland last week w ith her Parks. Coopers, Sw ifts, Phelps, an I Stater M rs. J. H. Z im m er, who is verv , Olsens enjoyed the coolness of the 10. Mrs. E d ith Bockes of Eugene visited shade at Low ell bridge Sunday. W ith her sister. M rs. L o ttie Allen last ■reek at the W . J. Pengra home M r. and Mrs. M a rk Cole have moved fro m the H. E. W y lie house, to the douse at Chase Gardens form erly oc- gupled by Holtons. W J. Pengra and grandson. Junior Brockes. returned Monday a fte r a five days trip In the Deschutes coun­ try M r. and Mrs. F ra n k Bailey and fam ­ ily o f Fall Creek visited at the home • f Mrs. K in tzle y ’s mother. M rs. Clara Male. over the week-end. Miss Lucille ■ed Miss M iram M ale returned to thorn for a short Visit. F. B. Chase accompanied M r and M rs. Elm o Chase and daughter Jean to the coast, Wednesday. T h ere was a meeting of the P. T. A S t the Elm o Chase home, F rid a y even- and spent the night W ade Fnulaon tom Honolulu. H a w a i­ ian I land«. vlaltm l at T a y lo r N-< ,1 hum a last Thureduy. M i» Bates and son. M r. M itc h ell, of Seattle, W ashington, vtelled at th«- Needham home last week. UPPER W ILLAMETTE GARDEN WAY F u ll C reek .with THURSDAY AUGUST 11. 1»27 THK S P R IN O m n iì NEWS PACE TWO M r and Mrs Fred Stone and i li I i.ren and M rs W e a v e r motored lo C resw ell last F riday where they visit­ ed relatives. Mr. au«i Mrs. A rth ur lluy««rs and two children from Portland spent the week-end In Thurston visiting reh lives. M r. Buyers is an electrician OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings o’ the Week Collected for Our Readers. Selecting palate pleasing meats is not difficult. Modern packing methods have been perfected through keen compe­ tition and Americans as a nation enjoy the most savory morsels served to man. J Right here in Springfield you can get as good meat selec­ tions as in the largest city shops. Fresh, tender and juicy HlvaUS. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. a C. STUART • 4th and Main Sts. fo r Delivery PRATT HOLVERSON Phone 63 l*rv I*«* M«»rr e e e e e e e e e a a • FARM MARKET REVIEW • • e '« e e e e e e e e Corvallis, Oregon, August. 11— Ths dates for tha Pine Valley fair hgvs been fixed at F riday and Salur day. September 11 aad 14. Prepara lions are being made for the best (air ever held In Pins Valley G ra in : Reports of fu rth e r spread of ru *t la the spring w heat areas of Roseburg last week was tha news both the U nited States and Canada paper capital of Oregon w ith editors together w ith moderate offerings of there fro m a ll parts of tbs sta le is w in te r wheat caused wheat m arkets attend tha annual coavsntloa of the to strengthen generally la^t week. Oregon E d ito rial association. Spring «wheat showed most strength T hs state land departm ent tnrnsd reflecting the rust situation the out­ over to the stats treasurer daring thr come of which depends upon the month of July a total of 8118.11118 weather. H igh protein brought sub­ according to tha report of O Brown stan tial presclums. Export bids ad­ d a r k of the state land board vanced and soft w inter was strong on T hs Hood R iver Apple Grow ers’ as lim ited supplies of good quality. Paci­ fic coast m arkets were quiet. C entral •Delation w ill forward to growers this checks aggregating 116,000 western barley m arkets declined week sligh tly but C a lifo rn ia held steady. bringing total returns on the 1816 (on nags of apples aad peart to 81.616.01X1 Corn made fu rth e r advances. Livestock: Good k ille r aattle. es­ One hundred and sixty dollars is pecially lights were g enerally steady the postage bill on one box of apple« w ith poorer grades.tending to weaken. which left O ntario iw ceatly far Mem A little broader interest in feeders phis. Tenn„ by a ir m all to ba on dis was noted buff tradin g Is very lim ited play st tha Apple Dealers’ lumvention Hogs w ere steady for w e ll finished Although tha K lam ath Falls potato stock not too heavy but grassy kinds i yield w ill probably not average as and heavies were not too strong Fat 1 high as U st year's m ark -130 sacks lambs came tn liberal numbers on 1 per a c re —the total crop atu ch will most m arkets and prices Inclined to ' ba harvested this fall w ill be la the toeaken s ligh tly. Feeders were steady - neighborhood of 10O0 cars. to w eaker according to m a rk e t C arl Nelson, connected w ith T ittle B u tter: The San Francisco m arket was steady but at N ew York, Chicago, Brothers, road cunlractoru. was In Philadelphia and Boston m arkets were ' • ‘* “ “ 7 k l>led n«“ r Tillam ook. Halur easy to unaettled w ith slight price de- d ,jr' whcn “ l , r * 8 rock’ ' " ‘•‘“ ‘• « I <»> d in e . Receipts and Into storage move- a slide, struck him on the head Nel m enta are lig h te r but the shrinkage son was a student ut G. A C. ; and production and sm all carryover. , Prices have weakened sligh tly hut a-e I ¡till about In line with last year. Cash • seed In foreign ports is selling at a ¡s m a ll prem ium over September- ; October delivery.. i Apples: Latest reports Indicate the sm allest crop In the United State ; for tw en ty years except In 1921, hut more apples in Canada, England and Europe than last year. The crop on j the Continent, however. Is not up to I average. Economic conditions In prln- clpal Im p ortin g countries are favo r­ able. P o s rt: T he U nited States pear crop is estim ated a t B9 per cent o f lavt year. T he Canadian production Is re­ la tiv e ly more promising than In this country and In Europe where produc­ tion Is expected to bo much less than average except In the higher regions of A u stria and Sw itzerland. • Eye Strain— Nerve Strain Eye strain means nerve strain — correct glasses Im prove vision and nerves. O ur methods as­ sure accurate examinations. T H E SCIENCE OF OPTOMETRY Optometriat at No. 14 8th Ave. West, Eugene, Oregon. »««■TV yu«lH > 8 > tl 1 e r H a ra 's Iix ia y 's N r w * fr o m C a ra w a y 's D n p t. S to re Note These Reductions A Drastic Cleanup on Odds and Ends: R ead! D escrip tio n V a lu e 6 0 p a ir s Ladtoa* Sllk H «>««>. Karl««rn brand In btark and whltn unty. Kolllns colora Rayon H o m . ail 36 ptocsa Rayon Mutsrlals, atrlpes and cbecks. Now 98c pr. Regular V alu ta •So to 76o pr. I Now 49c pr. Regular V alu ta 6118 to 61 60 Now 98c yd. 69 Ladta«' l*ura«a. assort ed m ateriala. Four Bags Ix iils « Teo Ladlaa" Its»« 18 Voile Dreaeea Regular V a lu ta 16c ta 46e Regular V a lu ta M o to 82 M Underarm L e a th e r and RsguAar V a lu ta «6.00 Now at $2.98 1« 1 .ad tea Sweaters, all wool, and silk and wool Regular V a lu ta ta «7.80 Sixty Children's Dresses W ash R egular Values «1X8 Eight HaU S p o rt Regular V a lu ta «1X8 T w eaty-five dren's H oar K luteo Suita. pairs C h il­ C h ild re n s Wasn | Now at $7.90 Now at $2.98 1 Now 79c ea. Now 79c ea. V a lu ta I Regular »3.00 to 87.80 1 Now at $1.98 Regular V a lu ta 2»o Now ] 9c pr. Regular V aluta Si 4« to 61.8« Now £>8c ea. alt alzaa L T tw rn ty eix Hats Now 49c ea. 1 Now at $1.49 Regular V a lu ta ta 818.Z8 30 pairs la d le s and C h il­ d re n '! Shura. Now 10c ea. Regular V a lu ta 82.8« Georgette Lud le i C l t a r u c e Price Regular V alu ta »2 00 76 Ladisa' L«ath«-r Boita. 1 assorted colora. VÄ Now 69c ea. ’ Men's H ire » Regular Values 88.80 Half Price 27 M en ’s H arvest Hats. Straw Regular Values to 98c Half Price 17 p ie c e s Cretonnes. beautiful patterns Regular Values 3«o Now 29c yd. Hix pieces bungalow Cre- t panes. Regular Values 2«o Now 19c yd. Five pieces Prints. Regular V a lu ta 83c Peter - T h ree h u n d r e d Rtrmnants. Several thousand Valencia Laces. Pau New Regular Values yards Regular Now 3 7 !/2c I Half Price 4 yards 15c 7 / 9 Organdie Collars, sorted colors. as­ Regular V a lu ta 82-49 Durham Regular Vsluea 82.80 Now at $1.98 20 p i e c e s Uaronnettg Satin, «0 Inches wide. Regular Valuea »1.00 Now 79 c yd. Regular Valuea »34.78, $69.76 $5.00-$29.75 60 pairs Hose. In d ie s ' 24 I-adles' Spring Sum m er Coats. and Now at $1.98 Our Merchandise Policy Is Demonstrated Daily Every time you make a purchase in thia store you partake of our merchandise policy. A plan of buying and selling that gives you the maximum of value at the lowest possible price. Every item In the store Is merchandised just that way. Absolutely dependable quality—prices at the loweBt pos­ sible level. Assortments are kept up— fresh and complete stocks are yours to choose from at all times. S k ill and experience In the profession o f optom etry cannot be acquired in a m onth o r a year. Modern optom etry Is the result o f long and exhaustive study. Such experience Is our bid for your patronage and good w ill. Dr. Ella C. Meade Î MMVIM**» \«-O«'ff»l M V\ t* I (*ffff4l lo M r Ir to«! y imO«) io U l Prkw Claud Hlunti. P rin eville faruu-r. was Instantly killed laal week when he Miss M ildred Price from M eK etn le took hold of a live w ire al the W agner bridge and Mrs. Arch Shough a n 1 ranch near Prineville. daughter. P atricia, speut the week-end The moulds were filled and (Ire w ith their parents, M r and Mrs. John started for the first lim e Saluruay Price. D arrel H am er from S tle ti spent at Ashland’s new Industrial plant, the Clay Productu company Saturday night In Thurston. M r and Mrs. Fred Stone and fam ily The first of the nsw bean crop of from San Francisco. C alifo rn ia, left Columbia county to be received al Wednesday (or th e ir home after the Barbey Packing company's can spending several «lays here visiting nery at R ainier was canned last week Mrs. Stone's Parents. M r aad Mra. A. The hay harvest la ths T u le 1-ake W . W eaver. region of K lam ath county la now In M r. aad M rs Venhousaers from , full swing and the crop thia year is Seattle. W ashington, spent Sunday estim ated at 70.094 Ions, tlaa Urges! w ith M iss Heeram a ever grown Mrs. W illia m W eaver from Portland Hears are on a rampage again, the and Clifford W eaver fro m Sales» and M ra M cE lroy from Belem spent Sun­ latest report coming from W aldport that Lee Doty has lost four goats. M r day a t A. W . W eaver's. Severn! friends and old neighbors Doty fin a lly killed the bear, which of M r. and Mrs. Lanrtsnce Gossler, dressed 117 pounds when they llvsd a t Booth-Kelly log- Viola Caroline M e rritt. IP-montha rin g camp a t W endllng, spent last old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W L Sunday w ith tham. T hey held a pic­ M e rritt, was killed instantly when nic and enjoyed Ire cream and w ater the fell from the fire escape of a Med melons. ford apartm ent house. Misses M arg a re t Russell and llaael T h a postoffice at Swan, la K lam ath Edm iaton left last Sunday for newport county, has been discontinued, due to to spend a fee* days visiting m en tis lack of patrons tn the district. Rest there. dents of the district now twcelve their m all In K lam ath Falla. Good t . U l i v o « * 81 Lightning W ednesday sta rte d nln ftr«s in th«« Umatlilu national forest Seven were In Hie H eppner urea aud two in (he Asotin. J. A. H ills of Toledo last week In production Is irregular. P re lim i­ nary estim ates place the August 1 brought In to m arket a crate of let THURSTON storage a t 10 to 13 m illio n pounds tuce which many mistook a t first ahead o f last year glance for cabbages. One head alone M r and Mrs. H o w ard Cotton from H a y : L ig h t receipts continued to weighed three pounds, and a ll were Eugene visitd Ray Bdmiston Thursday give some strength to the cash solid and o f perfect, sweet quality evening. njarkets, but country trading was dull Methods of application of sulphut M rs. Anna Pitney and two daugh­ and western a lfa lfa draggy w ith prac­ dust to combat the disease of brown ters, M ary and Modena from Junction tic a lly no tradin g In the Y akim a rot of Italia n prunes was demonstrut C ity spent Sunday a t A. W Weaver's. valley. ed at Ed A lle n ’s prune orchard, north A fte r church services last Bunday Feeds: In spite of some weakness west of Forest Grove, by O. T. Me most of the congregation drove to the In feed grains by-product feeds price« W horter, W ashington county agent. John Endicott place on the riv^r bank are w ell m aintained generally with •««» Monday. where they enjoyed a basket dinner lim ited o fferin g b e in g rea-ll’y a fte r which the young people swam absorbed. On the Pacific coast de­ In the riv e r. It was given in honor CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery mand Is b etter in the south than to­ of Rev. T u rn e r, who Is leaving In two ward the north which reflects relative on prices on plate and other work, tf week« for the east. A fte r spending production of hay and gra n In the some tlzme there, he expects to leave bwo areas. for his home In Australia. W ool: A strong situation w ith L ast Thursday was Miss Leone Ed- good volume of m ill buying but coun­ m lston’s b irth d ay In honor o f iwhlch try buyers re tirin g fro m the field I several o f h er g irl friends and h e r­ feature last Week’s reviews. Receipts self w ent near the riv e r banks on her of domestic wool In eastern center« have been unusually heavy but Im­ ports have been correspondingly light. , M anufacturing is on a much better i basis than a year ago. H a iry V etch: Recent reports con- , firm e a rlie r ones of Increased acreag-« There’s None Better WHERE QUALITY MEETS CONFIDENCE OPPOSITE REX THEATRE J ara^au^ Flagn« Î2S3 > Latraway ButUInff »X »M WilUmrtt. Sti S trrrt I 2232 WHERE QUALITY MEETS CONFIDENCE