tZ • OZ Printing get* thing* done Phone 2 0 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS WEIGHT AND EXPERIENCE SADLY NEEDED TO HELP HIGH SCHOOL PROSPECTS HEARING ON CLOSING OF SECOND STREET IS EXPECTED TO BE SOON A L IV I N ffW fiP A P ffK IN A L I V I T O W N NUMBER 31 RPR1NGPUBLD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY AUGUST 11, 1927 tw enty - fourth yeah T n e Psopia a Paper Seven Climb Peck of Middle Sinter LOOM. SCHQBLSTO OPEN BN SEPI. 12 Word la anxiously Weight and experience—Iwn India- ------------------------- - awaited bore as i , gOy Scout Party of Eighteen | petiaable qualltle. of a mod football to *-* the date for the bearing "" on ,h" the ‘ < loa-, 1 vi*it Glacier* in Three Sir*- " ' .............— _______ team are sadly larking In the mol. r- In« of Berond street to be conducted ■ Area During Week End Emergency is Declarod a* Mean* i * i out of which Coach t-oonani May , hr the atate public *»rvfee b o f Aaaurine Safety in Elect- H e» « mold a Hprlngfleld high I »Ion on the r.q u e. of lb ., atoto high | Heven Sprln b0, tor I. to be Named: Improve- * * t> up |h„ |)1 M clagan. Harry . today aa he looked over prosper«. for “ will start. D eclaring that *a r ...... . « l . t . the coating year yggr J“ ‘‘“ lie recaueu , m hat a il ' < «uut> Judg« arnar Wright, and fire hoy scouts, Carroll In connection «Uh the nece.alty of <>oa(.h w > ||er aurprlae th l. morning that no word t w , ( Oef)r(w. Maaon. a a f. electrical wiring In th l. e l . y j h e Sprtn|(<)Ul g0 affixed. a n / tb<> Board at Tuesday Meeting In­ formed of Resignation of Mi«* Veatch of High School Facul­ ty; Commercial Teacher I* Named. September 12— an even month away : —is the date for opening Springfield I public schools, both elementary and high schools, according to announce* ( m ent. made by Chairman W. O. . Hughe, following a meeting of the school hoard Tueietay night. Final preparations of buildings and grounds are being rushed this month for the opening of school, and the board la making every effort to line I up Its teaching staff. t hief Executive of M anachuietts out t h e p r .r n .lo n . of the or.llnan.-e even the moat optlm latlc. There »re genl „ tb„ pubIlc .e r v lc e commla- ** crppk Mof< In this matter, tjwo snags have been upon whole shoulder» fell the task It w a. pointed out that th l. city ha- » to * veteran, left. | They w, re Informed that Ina.- (hga u^ #j fouf)d alonr , bp of rendering the final decision as to struck by the school board this sum­ whether Sacco and V enietti were gone for year, without these provl "Another trouble th l. year la the mu< h a . the council already had act- an() glacier la .«111 well cover- mer, one, the difficulty In obtaining * to die in the famed murder case .Io n . which have been adopted In matter of w eight Moat of our beat ,,d „„ the matter the delayed aubmla- ^ h| h fl)|R uj> (bp ama|| commercial teacher and the other the which has been in the courts more virtually all modern communities. men are .m all. There are some big gton o, the petition would be of little er rrPTaBB,.R and hide, hide, the the ice The resignation of Miss Sylvia Veatch as than * years and Ice. The teacher of mathematics and physic*. Hereafter. peraSts »hall l.e required boys In school, and wo ahull have to value entire party climbed up near the head for electrical wiring Jobs, and will be , make real football ■men out of thorn -----— — Paced with the difficult situation of of Collier Olacler, about 8500 feet MRS. JOHN SCOTT IS I replacing Mias Veatch at a time so granted by the city Recorder on the I "I'm not the least bid afraid we £ LMER SMITH RESIGNS elevation. payment of a It foe. A fine of not lea. ( are going to have a failure aa a football . ---------- . KILLED IN ACCIDENT near the opening of school, the board _ TRAFFIC . .............. ... OFFICER The party !wa* conducted to t h e , AS In fact. I am aure we".! have a at Tuesday night's meeting refused to than >10 or more than >50 for v io l. , team atr-v-CD A M O N T H S ' D U T Y i Olacler. by H. E. Maxey, chairman of A F T E R * MONTHS DU I T romm)Ue<, who tloo of the ordinance Is provided team that will be wwll worth watch- Victim of an automobile accident at accept her resignation. An effort wUi •traat Improvaman» Approved ' Ing And after all Is aald and done. _ many trips Into the Three Cregwell Monday noon, Mrs. John be made, however, to find a satlsfae* Elmer .Smith, - appointed The council received and acted « * may chalk up a surprising string -- --------------- -------- -- Springfield . Slaters area. Besides those named Scott of that place died Monday even -! tory suoceesor for the mathematled f.vyjrably on a petition asking the Im of Victoria, before (he season la over." truffles offleer four months ago. re- Instructor, and If this la accocivpllahe* above others In the party Included lng at the age of *1. provement of Park .tr e a t betw een I Coach Mayfield la alt.m pUng is ar- signed this morning The automobile which was driven | do effort will be made to hold her to FVankKn Drury, Dennison Andrews, Poruth and Fifth atreet». in the WII rang« b eltt.r fadlltlaa for the athiodc , Mr. »rottb was reticent concerning OordOn Deoda, Ford Daaner, Billy by her husband overturned! on the her contract. The board has ato tamette Heights section Another pad- rooms at the high school gymnasium hla reasons for quitting h l. Job here, Knox. R ee.e Chase. Billie Wheeler, sidewalk after aa effort waa made to nonneed that la Is open to application* but aald that hla Ideas aa to how the tlon, seeking for a number of aide 1 avert a collision with a pedestrian. for the position. Job should be handled made la Im­ and Bari Wheeler of the Lion* cluo Mrs. 8cott was planed beneath the oar, Several have been elected' to the walk Jobs scattered over the city. ,RA NICE AND OSSIE perative that he resign. Ha Intimated troop, and Dr. B. R Dtppel and H. J. ■ commercial gew position this summer, — bat - u u n iu j g a * broken UIUADM collar WSOOT irvac, mea^vea a— suffering bone, several vVlUUiDH-ta. also was approved and toe work > C M . CHRISTIE WED HERE that his leanings toward leniency with broken ribs, and Injuries to her head each time resignation, have left th* authorised The party ban aa enjoyable trip and the motoring public was the chief An ordinance providing for asseaa- come back carrying coat* of sunburn Hemborrages from the last-named In Job open again. Tuesday night th* Osale Chrletla, of Long Beach. Call ! troub| , Juries brought on her death. board tried again, naming Mlsa fl. menta to par for the grading of P atreet between Ninth and Tenth aBd 1™ N‘<* e,,rk of **“ I im n iig uia sw v part of Mr ---------- During the m latter Smith's from spending several hour, on the Loyal Scott, employe at the Ketel’s | Wagner of Corvallis. Her answer I* «BOW. atreet. and Ninth between O end F »PrlnffB.ld poMofflce. wer- m i s r r 1 .d Onnectton with the localI police force FTanklln Drury and Bari Wheeler drug store here, la a son of Mrs. Scott, awaited ««> arfoBted Abutllna or.. •< • ’ u,et ‘••r«moBy Bl **• of the number of arrests for Duffle of- Vasby brothers are finishing paint* stopped of at Camp Lucky Boy on the She waa a member of a well-known D eny la «»«e.iied In the action I J' T Moor’' ot th,B cMy Au*“ OBy werB Mts have bene few In the laat two months. ing: R. H. Parsons of Springfield new roof Is now Installed on the LI** Hlmnn Klovdahl w a. «runted the J T Moors. John E. Nice of S i* '» « ' partlcuUrly because the traffic offleer training artth other Lane county and Will Parsons of Eugene, brothers; coin building. Fire Chief Jess Smlt* contract for l » t l l a t l o n of . .ew -r I fleld- » “d B,1,B M,,,er °* h "' h a . been handling other duUe. during scout.. Mrs. lula Shaub and Mrs. Ann Rogers son has offered the local fire equip* ------- - E. » F. nephew. i the vacation schedule. of Creswell, staters; Mrs. Laura ment to be used In burning the old through .................... block No. — 88. . between WALKERS SURPRISED ON A snxldlng dinner waa pre pared "at Mr Bmlth la returning to Bugene Brown, Alturas, California, Mrs. shingles about the Lincoln buMlng. Ninth and’ Tenth street. HI. bid w a. the home of John & Nice. 8lxteen Police Chief Bmltsoa la expected to - WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Serena Phillips of North Bend and | ..........—— ■ >350. The city city has h a . not not received en n o n were present. Including Mr. and Mrs. 'appoint a new man for the Job tm- The received a a p petition Mrs. Belle Thornton of Reedsport. NEW CLEANER PUT IN On the occasion of their auppoeedly circulated am ong »outh J T Donaldson. Kill. Miller Mr. A mediately. He aald today that th ere, On tbe ocoeaton tneir 17th in n wed- r r .- Mr. Scott was driving home from n a aldera opposing the closing of Secm d J Miller of Halem. Mr J. Freeman. need for a traffic offleer here, and din< ann|versary. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reedsport when the accident occur-j AT SPRINGFIELD MILL cum other umo. aaw a. —— ----- --------— street rros.lng end a . city offlclala John Nice and family, and the bride that duties connected with the | Walker Walker were were given rt,e n a a pleasant pleasant surprise surprise reid „_«* W-- dpi l*»k ma-ammaPW that «__ a number of tkwla ______________ A new receiving separator for wheat Job «wehee snakes m necessary that thl* the dtV city i I by their felonAa friends loaf last ovan. even- have advised the »outh.W er. >h»t and groom «5 F V F B A I A R F IN J U R E D haR b<‘en instBlled at the »Prln,uv ■» - -- — - - _________ a a - t o r . m a n v . u d l e n . e s here .mrdinv tused. and a bone may be broken. broken Paul Radtke, employed by Hills Ashland and Miss Estelle Chaney, if appeared before many audiences here cording to W W. H H. Pollard, Pollard, city city health health the the local local order order or or n n o o t t Mr. K lier was cleaning out a plug­ brothers of Jasper, sustained —____- _____ Marshfield, a number of Springfield a crack In connection with the aupertnten-, officer. I a— conveyor, when someone started ed pelvis bone and other Injuries when young people gave a swimming p art/ - a better *--- ---------to dcncy work. I T h l. . la a much record .U th -_ a n 1 Return from Portland-M r. and ged ----- . la s t Sunday. M is. Douglass, of the , U . t toonth. when death, for the first Mrs. Fred Montgomery returned Wed- the conveyor, h l. hand being caug he tell from a dock. t *Bd P * nic »» Swimmer s Delight Tue» day evening. northwest training schools for d ea-, time In a long time exceeded hlrths. negdBy n lg h t_ a fta r_ a _ trtp _ tO -P °tt* ^ l^ ^ .^ ^ M^ — — Miss Hartley and Miss Chaney ar* coneaeea, Seattle, addressed t h e j ™w™"- s ^ TWO ACCIDENTS ON visiting at the home of Miss Jut* Methodist congregation. A speaker SPRINGFIELD STREETS : Pollard, following attendance at th« from Harrisburg will apeak thia Sun­ ' Eitworth League convention at Cat- day morning. Fred Bosserman waa s l i g h t l y cade Resort. bruised when knocked down by a ! Hl*hway Patching on motorcycle driven by Paul Nice at F ire Engine Called The slate highway department waa Fifth and. Main streets last Friday. preparlngt his morning to continue Mr. Bosserman was not seriously hurt, The city fire department was celled with patching Snath Second and South and the operator of the motorcycle upon last evening to extinguish a D streets, recently Improved with oil­ was not held responsible for the ac­ grass fire on East Main street. Th« cident ueui. flre was not serious nor was is threat- ing Automobiles driven by D. M. Morse enlng Bny damage, according to the Visit Murphy Homs— Visitors at the of Springfield and George W. Murphy report oj ch ief Jess Smltson. Yester- homo of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Murphv ' of Santa Rosa. California, came toget- day, the fire engine was einrployed at Sunday were Mr. and Mra. Jesse Os­ ■ her at Sixth and Main streets Monday, the Lincoln school iwhere shingle* borne and son, David, of Berkeley. i But alight damage resulted. were burned. California. Miss O'Bryan of Oakland, and Delbert Mitchell, formerly of Montgomerys to Leave MRS. WM. WADSWORTH 8prlngfleld. They were en route IS DEAD AT PORTLAND Mr. ana Mra. A1 Montgomery are north by automobile, and will return leaving again for Ashland, after a this evening for another visit at the Mrs. William Wadsworth, slater of short stay In Springfield, their former Murphy home. Delbert Mitchell haa Bert Doane of Springfield, died at her , home. Because of Mr. Montgomery’s sold his business at Oakland. 1 home In Portland following a long Ill­ health they found It impossible to re­ ness. She came to Lane county 22 main for long here. As soon as the Drives up MeKanala— Mr. and Mrs. years ago from Clnclnattl, Ohio, and weather ts cooler, they will return Walter Ooasler. Mrs. Ella Ixvmbard. was well-known in Springfield. from Ashland to Los Angeles, where Mr. and Mra. Evan 1/ombard of Eu­ I Besides her husband she leaves to , gene, Mr. and Mra A. J. Buchan of mourn her loss her mother, Mr*. N. they spent last winter. Deer Lodge, Mont.. William Bean and Doane; an adopted daughter, Mrs. Return to Grants Paas— Paul Nice son. Dredsel, of laCroase. Wla.. and Katherine Mitchell; four sisters, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bean made up a H. H. Ruth, Mrs. E F. Judkins of Eu­ and friends. J. Freeman, who have picnic party on the McKenale river gene. Mrs. L. L. Barrett and' Mrs. Mary been visiting here for a few days, have returned to Wildervtlle, near Sunday. They visited the fish racks. E. Hill of Portland; four brothers, E. Grants P u s , where they are employed B. Doane og FJugene. Bert Doane of Visitors from W isconsin— William Springfield, and Allen Doane of Port­ ob a state highway Job. They went south on their motorcycles. Bean and son. Dreedel, of LaCrosse land. W la, are visiting at the home of Mr. MaKay la Injured— Arthur McKay and Mra. Walter Ooasler and other Oeee to k>wo— Miss Lucille Ohlsen, relatives here. Mr Bean la Mra. Ooe- who hag ben visiting her oraadmother. of Mhrcota, employed by the Fischer sler1« father, the son of Mra. F. M Mrs. Hare McPherson, left Monday Lumber company, suffered contusion» Bean, and brother of Mra. Rlla Lom­ with her father for Iow a where the to hta foot yesterday rwfiien he drop­ bard. will visit for some time. Mtae Ohl­ ped a piece of lumber. I ™; w . / »¿E. .“ 'XZrJS: Just Dying o f Curiosity son's home la at Marshfield. Balna Leave Todey—Mr. and Mr*. Verne Bain, Who have beeq visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mra. Walter Ooasler, will return to­ day to Woodburn, where Mr. Bain ta principal of the i.lgh school. Ge to Oregon City— Mr. and Fred Frees will drive to Oregon Hare from Minneapolis—Mias Jeealc Fawalt of Minneapolis, Minn., 1s visit­ Batnrday to bring hock their ing at the home of Mra. Alfred Lloyd, who h u been there thl* Morgaa. Mra. Ctty so«, *an»