T H E S P R IN U n m j) NEWS PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY AVGUST 4. 1927 Governor Patleison appointed K. D Non Skid Cafe Mrs. El Ion otr.'swa .a the naw gust Patron Walter, there Is sand ‘f tha m ’tress st lim it» It Malheur county Warner Pendleton, a member of ih* hoard bread. Si,.- su. < -da J. 1. Ila;ii:uark. who 1» , Oregon, livestock ssn#i«ry Warner was re< emmendeil by the Or» Yes, sir. T hat's tu ke.

coast Douglas Mahoney, <1. one of the pany no» op, rale, between Portlaud beat known residents of th» Oakland and Gresham The Coos Bay Chamber of Com­ community, was killed recently tu an ; automobile wreck about a ll miles from merce has be. n organised, with Ban doa. Coquille. Myrtle Point. Marsh- ' ' hia home. Homer C. Campbell, the man win» field an.l North Bend as uu'.t members. built the first bridge across th» Wtl- Each city Is entitled to two delegalea Oregon's largest and brat wheat > lauiette river at Portland, died at his i home In Portland last week after a crop Is beglnnlug to flow Into I’orl- ‘ t h e U N IV E R S A L c a r land elevators at the rale of 50 to 7# . I long Illness. Reports from harvest fields near cars a day. ami by the and of next j Forest Grove Indicate that a yield of week It will be on In full swing a> i SO bushels of wheat to the acre and the rate of 180 to 220 cars a day. ac < : 50 bushels of oats to the acre 1» ex i cording to reports from Portland gram j i hrt'kers and the Port of Pori land com pected thia year. i . Ethel N Everson. Creswell, was mission. Another member of the "vanishing I elected presideut ot the National We will appreciate an opportunity to i League of District Postmasters of race ' who saw Or .ter. and Cellata See rest. Lowell; licensee to the following during the ! George Turnbull and Mary Lou Bur- M a n / Oat Licenses ( I , I OREGON STATE NEWS CF GENERAL INTEREST M A R C E L L IN G You Can Prove It Plenty of Rubber in While Waiting for The NEW FORD U. S. Royal Cord Tires Demonstrate a Fordson Tractor Springfield Service Station Sales and Service Depot E. R. Danner Motor Co. Buy Your DOMESTICS During Our —personal efficiency Manufacturers’ Unlnad’ng SALE 43c 27c 23c lie 98c 29c 25C Commercial State Bank The Forward Look 25th Anniversary Sunny Days Inside, Too When Your Drapes Are Gay