Oassif’ ed Ads (BUYING E t SELLINO1 * I* I Indn of Imit««' to il. *ig per lo o m PAGE SEVEN TUB BPRINOFIKIJ) NEWH THURSDAY AUOUHT 4, 1927 GET RESULTS) puintiin: PABSCNQER TR A IN S C H C D U L I 8P R IN Q F IB L D STOPS Cascade Lina Northbound Weal Coaat. to Portland, 6:04 A. M Local, No. 9 2 ------------------3:11 P. M Southbound Local No. 91 ___ ________ 8:45 A. M 9:31 P. M j W.-st Coast. Number 91 carries a sleeper, and connects at Black Butte for San Fran­ cisco and L or Angeles. Both Weat Coast trains stop here on flag. Wsndllng Trains Enstboiind mixed, at Springfield. ¡9:16 A. M Westbound mixed, at Springfield 1:50 P. M. About Ito u f ( ( Cedar Sw am p 9 9 Continued from Page 4 route to the accident that no evidence eras forthcoming. Into the minds of the Jud1» , the fhi««ge Y ou Should K now Jury and the spectators seeped the ! belief that the story be told was. in the main particulars false. They rea­ soned that tbe prosecutor's theory , must be the correct one In the cold light of 'd iy his Quixotic defense of another, even at the possible exp«” ’ « Illifi ¡hm of his own freedom, (lid not r 1 logical John Joseph Caines, M . D They went a step further If. by any chance he was telling the truth , REST he had an unworthy motive, ami not Rest is the cure of many com­ a worthy one. for keeping the n m e plaints—and is within tbe reach of of hts companion a secret. His ; >urt- every man and woman; the trouble is, we do not treat the subject with 1 ship of Nance Encell was remember­ intelligence. ed. Their friendliness since his mar­ Since my last letter to this pa­ riage. Innocent though it was. had per, 1 note the deaths of tw o dis­ been a subject of comment In town, tinguished men; one a statesman go—was the next step In their minds nationally known, 60— and the other a politician of state-wide no­ —If he wasn't driving the truck, then toriety. 67. Both endowed with he was Joyriding around with that all that make for long life; neither Encell girl while his poor little wife knew how to rest. Neither of was at home these men used the muscular body one hour out of the twenty-four; The Jury brought in a verdici of both burned the nerve-candle to •‘Guilty.'* Interpreted, it really meant the vanishing-point. Neither knew the meaning of mental or digestive j “Guilty on appearance and general principles.' In a scathing arraign­ rest. The newspaper diagnosis was, of course, "heart disease.” ment that lasted for 20 minutes. Judge When shall we learn that, the I Randolph Parsons sentenced Edison nervous and digestive system s art Forbes to from 6 to 15 years in the the universally overwrought of ths state penitentiary at Jackson body? Our digestive apparatus, which is really governed by the Edison made the few hours' trip to nerves, needs rest, must have it: the prison city in a daze of misery. otherwise, food swallowed is ab­ The deputy sheriff in whose charge sorbed without digesting, hence is he was. Linus Beal, was a school-time at once poisonous to the heart and brain A spurt of protracted over­ friend. He sympathized deeply wPh mental-work, and, the curtain goes the prisoner and respected his tr&Tic down. Heart-disease!!! bewilderment. He did not insist on Some men practically never al­ sitting with Edison. He realised that low the nervous system to rest; especially is this true of the more I his prisoner preferred to he alone. brilliant of men and women They The outstanding thought In Edison"« losre work—revel in accomplish­ mind was that he had been a fool, a ment, and—die before their time. crackbrained. overg“nerous fool. In Eatlr.g too much and toiling with protecting one who could not be saved tbe brain incessantly, affords the most certain passport to the great by protection. And one who COUNTY. WANTED AT ONCE NOTICE Is hereby given that the , _ . „ ~ EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. Mun with tar to wholesale Llghtn- . reigned administrator of the | 0 *• Serfllng. plaintiff, v George O Yoran, Frances Yoran and Luclle tr Ing Contract for County to husller. I estate of Murgartt M Liles, deceased. ; ban filed his account for the final I Yoran, his wife. Ada Yoran Hale CALL AND SEE Dr. N W Emery ' 1 “ll “’ "“ '“ E* 7 1,1 9 Oregon Llghtn- settlem ent of said estate In the County and Hale, her husband, Fred 8 Dunn and Anna Dunr his wife, on prices on plate ami other work. U mg » o., Illi.W Lawrence S t , Eugene, < ourt fnr t,ane County In the State of Edna D lggles and ........... Dlggles. Oregon. I T . Hurd. Stale Agent. , Oregon, and that Saturday the 13 her husband. Lavlnla Belknap Jl. 21-24: Au. 4 ; day of August. 1927, at the Court NOTICE FOR PURI.IICATION Christian. Catharine Christian Bar­ Room of said Court In the County FOREST EXCHANGE rett. and Clinton Barrett, her hus­ number of real f OUrt, ’’T f ' '» E , UBene' ‘T " 0“ ' NO 017549 WE STILL have a band. Alonso Patterson and Mabel ten o clock In the forenoon, has been Patterson, his wife, Kester Dudley buys In lute model used cars O s p a re m s n t of th s Interior, U n ite d j by said Court fixed as tbe time and Christian. Louis Belknap Christian [ place for hearing objections thereto States Lend Office, Roseburg, Ore- If you are figuring on a ueed car ¡and for final settlem ent of said estate Ira Summer Christian, Zulu Kupets Son. July 26, 1927. and Joseph Kupets, her husband, ONA V LILES. Administrator of Eugene Christian and Olive Chris­ NOW IS THE TIME N O T I C E la hereby given thzt the estate of Margaret M Liles, de- tian, his wife, Roy Christian. Elva E E Faulkner, of Corvullla, Oregon, I ceased. FORD FOUR IMMIR SEDAN. new Christian Moore. Ethel C. Smith filed application No 017649 under the L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. and Clement Smith, her husband. Art of March 20. 1922. <42 »tut 445) paint. Jl 14-21-28: An 4-11: Frank Christian. Elmo Christian, to exchange the Nty NW Vi NW% Mllllnder Atkeson and George L. NE1». 8W H NW*4 NW ti NKH. 1**0111) COUPE, good rubber. Tonsila Removed— Mrs Ray Bawley NWVi HWI» NWVJ NK%. WW SW'4 Atkeson. her husband, or the un­ HWS4 NK‘4. HW% » B it NWV,. STUDEBAKER COUPE known heirs of Mllllnder Atkeson, underwent a tonsil operation at a local HKfi HE'e » E l, NWt4, WVi N W 'i If deceased............. Erickson, wife surgeon's office Monday. HEVj EVi NF. % NEV, SWV4. SWVi DODGE HPBUIAL SEDAN, like new. of Charles Erickson. ------- York. NK^' NEW SWI4. 8 U NEW 8WW. wife of James York. ......... Humph­ WH NWW NEW HWW. W% SEW STUDEBAKER SPECIAL BROUG­ rey, wife of Ralph H um phrey.----- SUM M O NS s w w . WI4 RW N «w NWW. Sec­ Corblt. wlffi of Henry 8 Cor- HAM. lo lle model, «■crlflce price IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE tion 14 Tp 15 » . Range 10 W -st W bit, ..........Corblt. husband of Sarah STATE OF OREGON. FOR LANE M . containing 140 acres within the BUICK COUPE, standard Francis Corblt. the unknown heirs p COUNTY. Hluslew National Forest. In exchange of Norris Humphrey, deceased........ O. E. Hegburg, Plaintiff, vs. T. H. for timber of equal value from the BUCK FOUR CYLINDER TOURING Bowman, husband of Wilma Spooner and Saddle L. Spooner, his BWV, NEW NEW. Section 4 Town Bowman, Irene C. Marks and ........... I wife. A. N. De Vanl and Juanita De ahlp 20 S . Range 13 West. W M con­ ESSEX COACH. Six Cylinder, A real Marks her husband. Lena C. Wing Vaul, his wife. Gall De Vaul, Carl taining ten arres. also within said and . Wing, her husband. De Vaul, and the First National buy. Sluslaw National Forest Mabie Veatch and _____ Veatch. Bank. Eugene. Oregon, a corpora­ The purpose of this notice Is to al­ CHEVROLET FOUR -DOOR SEDAN, ber husband. Margaret Klnsella tion, Defendants. low all persons claiming the lands and ...... _. Klns»lla, her husband. j To T. H. Spooner and Saddle L. Spoon­ late model. selected, or having hone fide objec­ Ralph W Calllaon a n d -------- Calli- er. his wife, A. N. De Vaul anil tions to such application, an oppor son. his wife, James G. Callison and Juanita De Vaul, his wife. Gall Dc tunltr to file th»lr proleat with the OTHEitS RRH'ED FROM $60 to 9260. Calllaon. his wife, Rufus G. Vaul. and Carl De Vaul. defendants: Register of the U S I-aml Office at Callison. Jr. and .......... Callison PETTY JO H NS In the name of the State of O rm an Roseburg. Oregon. Any aucb protests his wife. Emery E. Callison and I you are hereby required to appear end or objections must be filed In this of. Callison. his wife. Martha BUICK DEALERS answer the complaint which has hern fire within thirty days from the date Wallace and _____ Wallace, his filed against you In the above entitled of the firs! publication of this notice, wife, Henry E. Callison and -------- Seventh and Olive St Eugene Ore. court and cause within six weeks from beginning July 34. 1927. Callison. his wife, and also all other the date of the first publication of this Phone 1297. non-ooal. persons or parties unknown claim­ summons or within six weeks from HAMILL A CANADAT Register. ing any rig h t title, estate. Hen or the date of the service of this sum OPEN EVEN1NGS Jl 34 Au 4 11 18 25 Interest In the real estate described mons upon you If the same be person- In the complaint herein, defendants. ally served upon you outside of the NOTICB TO CREDITORS SU M M O N S State of Oregon: and If you fall to NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice hereby given un- ! BppPBr Bn(j B„sw er for want thereof Notice Is IB nereby given that that the the un- To Frances Yoran and Luclle Webster has been ap- th plB)ntlff wln Bpp . ,ne court Yoran. his-w ife. Ada Yoran Hale Rnd Estate of Emma M G rig g s. Deceased der« gned . e Ksrel i m i n i . i » « . , «» . a . . . . . . . I . 1........... Hale her hugband Dlg. Notice Is hereby given that M F. l hu com gles and ........... Dlggles. her husband. Griggs, has been by the County Court } Bnd eB<.h of „ heH Ijivlnla Belknap Christian, Alonzo of the State of Oregon. In and for C u B ty Court of loins County. Oregon. ¡ p ,n7 defaUll ,n , he p im e n ta due Patterson and Mabel Patterson, his d - The" Iatne County appointed administrator and all persons having claim , against , , o wife. Catharine Christian Barrett and fendants and each of them be forever same cold dampness in the prison of the estate of Emms M Orlgw de­ ceased. i r n f f l . 1 M Z W mde W F Rff‘ F B“r«*r Clinton Barrett, her busbnd. Kester barred and enjoined from asserting office, and a strong sm ell of dlsin- Rnd T H Spooner which contract Is Dudley Christian, Louis Belknap any claim thereto. All person having claims against »«afford. 315 u M , 4 W , Bldg . . Eugene. . .................. ; fectsnts. both depressing and degrad- said estate are hereby notified to Oregon. 00 <»r before six months after ; dB(ed th|> R(h d>y of s . pfpmher. 1925 Christian, Ira Summer Christian. Eu- summons Is served upon you publication of this notice. Bnd undPr , erm> of which the said I gene Christian and Olive Christian, by This present the same, duly staled and veri­ publication in accordance with an listed and first published July 21. , T H 8pooner contracted to purchase ! j,|s wife, Elva Christian Moore, Ethel Linus received a receipt for hia fied. at the law office of A E Wheeler order mate at Eugene. Oregon, by the In Eugene. Oregon, within six months 1927 from W. F Barger and Effa F Barger n Smith and Clement Smith, her hus- Hon. O. F. »kipworth. Judge of the prisoner and went away after a silent from this 24th day of July. 1927. KAREL WEBSTER. Admlnlxtrator the East seventy feet of loit No fiv e ’ hand. Frank Christian. Elmo Chrls- Court of the State of Oregon, handclasp. Hts mouth twitched with M F. ORIOGS. Adm.nlstrator. WHITTEN SWAFFORD Attorney In block No. twenty-one of Drlverton's tian, Mllllnder Atkeson. anil George Circuit on the 19th day of July. 1927. requlr emotion so that he dared attempt A. E. W H EELER . Attorney. for K*t:it>. nddlton according to the recorded plat ** Atkeson. her husband or the u o Ing that this summons be served by word The clerk in charge had Jl 24: An 4 li 14 25. Jl. 2*. 24: Au. 4-11-18: thereof In Eugene. Lane County, Ore­ known heirs of Mllllnder Atkeson, if publication thereof at least once a , gUrte(J on p ^ t^ e I ' gon ; that the court fix and determine deceased. —. Erickson, wife of week for six consecutive weeks In the 1 the amount due under said contract Charles Erickson, ........... York, wife Humphrey, wife Springfield News, or that in lieu there and set and determine a time within of James York, "Never mind. Jerry.” he said to the ... Corbit, of you be persona.ly served with sum which said amount should be paid to of Ralph Humphrey, mons outside of the State of Oregon ¡clerk And then to Edison: You re the plaintiff and th st upon failure to j wife of Henrv 8. Corbitt. Cor­ so pay said amount to the plaintiff with- b)t husband of Sarah Ftancis Corbit, Date of first publication the 21st Forbes of Scottdale?” “Yea. sir.” in the time fixed bT the court that you ’• the unknown Heirs of Norris Humph- ( day of July, 1927. Phone 130 M ( I o Be Continued) and each of yon he forever barred * rey deceased. „ B<’wman hu8' DONALD YOUNG. Attorney ft Life, Automobil« and Firs Irene C. plaintiff. 860 W illam ette Street, E and enjoined from asserting any right jj^J.|tB°and ' Marks Inturancs her hus­ Shot at Sunrise title or Interest In or to said contract band. Lena C Wing, and Wing • gene, Jl Oregon. 21-28: A 4-11-18 25: S 1: German—There Is one word in the or property and that your In’c e s t ht-r husband, Mabie Veatch and CARL A. WYMAN ....... I therein be declared to be forfeited Veatch. her husband Margaret Kin-1 Resident Agent English language that is always pro­ and that anv person, firm, or corpora­ sella and Delivering Produce Here Kinsella. her hus-1 734 D Street, 8pringfield. Oregon tion claiming . under, by, or through hand. Rufus G. Callison. Jr. and .............. B. O. Smith of Natron is delivering , nounced wrong. American—What word Is it? you or any of yon he likew ise forever cn hf, w)fp Empry E CBili8on. ja 224 Main St. Residence 125 C 8t. hay and grain to his warehouse here. ; “Wrong, of couse.” I barred nnd enjoined from asserting 42 J 42M Rnv right title or Interest In or to said and Callison, uls w.fe. Martha Mr. Smith has leased the warehouse . Res, Phoue ISO Plano Moving ! contract or property and that the de- ( W allce and . . Wallace, her husband, on the old Morrison property on the I An Unkind Cut Full Auto Equipment fendant, the First National Bank. En- : Henry E. Callison and . Callison. track for several years. SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER "I shall never marry.” William de­ Lady A ssistant gene. Oregon, be authorized and j,ls ^ |fe, and also a!l other persons WILL!» BERT8OH. Prop. directed to turn over to the plaintiff : or pHtjP<, unknown claiming any right,: clared. “until I meet a woman who OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAOE ORDER FOR HEARING all papers In Its possession In Conner-|t l t ,p estate, lien or interest in the is my direct opposite.” 633 Main Street j tlon with said transaction. real estate described In the complaint IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR LANE that "Well. said A8K1B. Successor to Sutton Transfer COUNTY IN THE STATE OF ORE w 1 Bill.” S3M This summons is served upon you j herein, defendants QOX shouldn’t he difficult. There are a hy the publication thereof In the IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Springfield News, a paper of general OREGON, vou are hereby require?' ' IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOP- number of intelligent girls at school.” VASBY BROS. circulation, published In Lane County. appear and answer the plaintiff's com- T1CN OF THOMAS JAMES TUR­ J Offilce Phone 43 Res. Phone 3 Oregon In accordance with an order pja(nst fl)P(i agninr.t you in the abnv NER. By George H. Turner nnd Painting & Decorating W e 'll Say it la ¡made by the Honorable G. F. Bk'b-1 entitled suit within six weeks frern Musette Turner. Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. ‘ What's the hardest th in e about worth on the 14th day of Jnne 1927 ,t,p da, e of the firs» publication of in all its branches This matter coming on for hearing General Practice, Special Attention directing that service of this summons this summons, and If you fail to so upon the petition of George H. Turner ice-skating when you’re learning?” 312 Main Street ) be made by publication or that In lieu appear and answer, for want thereof and Musette Turner praying for the ask“d the beginner. to Obstetrics and D iseases of chil­ , thereof the defendant he personally the plaintiff will apply to the Court adoption of a male child of the age of dren. “The ice.” wa< the short reply. served with summons om slde the for tbe relief prayed for In fhe com­ one year and of unknown parentase, First National Bank Building State of Oregon. Date of first publica­ plaint herein, to-wit that the : 'ain- nnd for a change of the name of said GOVERN­ Springfield, Oregon tiff be decreed to be the sole and child to Thomas James Turner, uni NOTICE CF SA I'* tion of summons J" le 23rd. 1927. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL MENT TIMBER DONALD YOUNG, Attorney for absolute owne* in fee simule of the that the Judge of the above entitle-'. Court be appointed to act in these G””*r»l Land Office, Washington. D. DENTIST plaintiff 440 W illam ette S treet En- following described real propertv: Beginning at the southwest correr proceedings as next friend of said C-, July 18. 1927 gene. Oregon. WM. G. HUGHES X'.* e herejj jiven that subject Phone 43 of a tract of lar-t convoyed by William child and that notice of hearing of J 23-30: Jl 7-14-21-28: / 4 4: to the conditions and limitations of Sloan and wife to Norris Humphrey said petition be given to the FIRK ANO AUTO INSURANCE FI ret Nat’l Bank Bldg. Springfield the « e t of June 9 1916 (39 Slat.. 2181 parents of said child by publication; SUM M O NS I"* deed recorded in Book H. page 240 NOTARY PUBLIC and pursuant to «Lrartmcntal regula­ i n t h io r i’n c t ’lT COURT OF THE 07 ,h '' , *anP County. Oregon. Dec«l and Office at o’w n’n X in N TlN \N n FOR Record’ , said point being in the east It appearing to the Court, and the tions of April 14. Ifi24 (50 L. D 3761. STAT^ ,? ,r« m v E^ w NrIi^ w W a n .? "f W illam ette Street. In Eugene 1 Court flndH that the mother and father the timber on the following lands will FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE COUNTY OF LANE. SUIT Lane County. Oregon, running thence 1 of said child are unknown anti that he sold at ten o’clock a. m. Sept. 14. Springfield, Oregon FOR DIVORCE. 1927 at public auction at the U. S. land north on the east side of Willamette Mne McCarthy. Plaintiff, v e r s u s Street. 176 feet to the south line of there is no *wn.v of ascertaining who office at Lakeview, Oregon, to the I Is the mother of said child or who Is Charles McCarthy. Defendant. 14th Ave. east, thence east on the ' his next of kin and that he has no highest bidder at not less than the ap­ To Charles McCarthy. Defendaf.1:— south line of 14th Ave. east 110 feet, guardian in thia state; and that the praised value as shown by this notice, All kinds of gravel for con­ DR. N. W. EMERY Vou arc hereby required to nppear crete or road work. We thence south 62 feet, thence east 50 Court should proceed herein as though sale to be subject to the approval of nnd answer the compin'” ! filed against feet, thence south 114 feet, thence said child had no parent living, and the Secretary of the Interior. The O8NTI8T make a specialty of cruahed vou In the above entitled suit within w est 160 feet to the place of begin- purchase price, 'with an additional sum no guardian or next of kin in this of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, Sutton Bldg. Phon« 2O J rock and rock sand. Bunk­ four weeks from July 7. 1927. which | "¿i,„ 1 state; ers at foot of Main on Mill being commissions allowed, must he Recidane« Phone 1SS-M »«• tb e date of the first publication of j BeiflnnlnRi at a point in the north Now therefore, it Is hereby ordered deposited at time of sale, money to be t : this summons In tbe Springfield line of 14th Ave. cast which is 67 feet street that the Hon. C. P. Barnard be. and News; and yon are hereby notified east and 240 feet north of the south­ S p rin g fie ld , Oregon returned If sale Is not approved other­ HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. that, If you fall to answer within w est corner of a tract of land con- he is hereby, appointed to act as next wise patent will Issue for the timber, friend of the said child In the above ¡said period of time your default will vevest bv W iliam Sloan ano wife to which must be removed within 10 he entered for want thereof and fhe Norris Humphrey, by deed recorded entitled matter and that he may give vears. Bl«.s will be received from General Law Practloe plaintiff will make application to the In Book ll, page 240. Lane County, or withold his consent to such adop­ citizens of the United States, associa­ Court fnr the relief prayed within said Oregon, Deed Records^ in Eugene. tion In loco parentis; and It is further tions of such citizens and corpora­ I. M. PETERSON complaint, to-wit: That the man-lsge I ane County. Oregon, running thence ordered that the said petition be heard tions organized under the laws of the Attorney-at-Law contract now existing between yon east on the north line of 14th Ave. 93 before this Court In the County Court United States, or any State, territory JEW ELER nnd plaintiff be forever dissolved An feet thence north 45 feet, thence west Room in the Lane County Court or district thereof only. Upon applica­ City H all Building Repairing a Specialty order of the above entitled Court 03 feet, thence south 45 feet to the House, in Eugene. Oregon on the 24th tion of a qualified purchaser the tim­ , dav of September 1927; and that a dated July 5, 1927. directs that this place of beginning: also Springfield, Ore. Springfield, Oregon ¡copy of this order be served upon the ber on any legal subdivision will he summons be published In the Spring- Beginning at a point 346 feet north I unknown parents of said child by pub­ offered separately before being includ­ field News once each week for a of the southwest corner of a tract of lishing a copy thereof once a week ed In an-- offer of a larger unit. T. 41 period of four successive weeks, and land conveyed by W illiam Sloan anti I for three successive w eeks in the S . R. 7 E.. Sec. 9. NEV, SW ’4 yellow FRANK A. DE PUE lisst you nppear nnd answer the said wife to Norris Humphrey bv deed , Springfield News, the last publication pine 400 M SEM SWM yellow nine M. G. HOGE complaint within four weeks from recorded In Book H rove 240, f-ah*’ to be st lenst four weeks before th” 400 M. none of the timber on this ATTORNEY AT LAW A ttorney-at-Law the date of the first publication of Cno” ’*'. Oregon. Deed Records, in the ’ time herein appointed for said hear- section to be sold for leas than 34 00 NOTARY PUBLIC this summons. east line of W illam ette Street, in Eu­ per M Practlne U. 8. and S tate H. E. SLATTERY, Attorney for gene. Lane County. Oregon, running ! tug. THUS. C. HAVEL!,. Acting Com­ Dated this 29 day of July. 1927 Courts 1 Plaintiff nnd mv postoffln nddresx Is 1 thence north en the east side of Wil- Springfield, m issioner Mutton ! C. P. BARNARD, Countv Judge. lnmette Street 58 feet, thence east Eugene, Oregon. Eugene, Oregon A. 4-11-18-25: S. 1: Au 4-11-18-25. Oregon. Building Jl. 7-14-21-28: A 4: 160 feet thence south 58 feet, thence m ol tip ^ B U S IN E S S * ; ^ D IR E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. D. W . R oof ■» -