PAGE FIVJS T H E B PrtiN U FlK LU NEWS T llURBÜAY AUGUST 4. 1927 la In charge of K Z committeeman. Michigan h Proud Maxey, aeout Local Scouts Preparing to Go to Summer Camp 22 The boy» leave Saturday afteraooa They return Bundy night. GARDEN WAY year. With the unusually excellent record night on top of a mountain. With but Mr and Mr» H N oll of Ida Grove, of Carrol Adams as their example. two canteen» of water, two matche», A num ber or frl. nda aurprlaad Ml»» »re vl.ltlng ui th. homo of ih.-lr Springfield Boy Scouts will leave Sun­ ! and »tmilar scarcity of equipment for Eola Harrlngh-i< with a party on Io . <11. Mia» Carol Chaae. Ml»» Darllno per I tel of the camp, waa praised high days are visiting days. Between 40 Waite. Ml»» Kllxahvlh Hugh... Ml.» h ,v “ ,o ’ 0,1 land. ly toduy by County Scout Executive and 45 boys w ill be at camp this - Leali H arrington, Ml»a, Huri» Meyer«, Eye strain mean» nerve strain The extreme hot ’«ether hai driv-'i C. K. Clark, who declared that tble period Kenneth W 'lir , Stanley Helinein v \'l" ,-ianiev W n a aite. n e , Ralph nsipii —correct glasses improve vision , .. ,,, „ , t inny people to the aummer swimming city may well be proud of the youth Dr W C. Rebhan will go to the ■ Hughe» and Sorville Ko«» The h. »I 1» ».e»e>l»M / v t * u u e f . f l i l «B raira. l i t M W t i l l t i l < I l f and nerve». Our method» as­ park» r Over f.00 were In awlmm’iig ’ who ws under the care of the execu­ tam p next week to give It a thorough Mr» George I* H arring to n . * » » a» sure accurate examinations. at Swim m ers' D elight south of ''oaat tive during the outing. »unitary Inspection. alNted by M re. I Cline. T H E S C IE N C E Fork bridge Mr. and Mr». 0 E. Adame attained the enviable OF O P TO M E TR Y Jacoby, who opened up Swimmers' achievement of becoming a member I Mr W I 1 M l«»« i»ti" ----- - and Mr» ea H w F. m. Halley and ...... fam —— Skill and experience In the of the Son» of Daniel Boone while at SCOUTS GET BIG T R IP lly of Wendllng »petti ttunday at the Delight are putting the proceed» Into profession of optometry cannot camp. And the executive explained J II Flab home. conatant Improvement». They have am D in a aa. c . . « . of Port TO LAKE IN M OUNTAINS be acquired In a month or a Huron, Mich., who today 1» ac­ that to do thia 1» no easy lob I ««lie McElhany of 1‘enn «pent laat added many building» thl« year They knowledged America'» foremost year Modern optometry Is the Requirements for thia honor Include week with Mr and Mr» C C. Kellogg already have 170 locker» and according About 10 Springfield Boy Scouts are woman Tratarnallst. In 1892 she result of long and exhaustive the obtaining of the pioneer merit promised a big time on a trip to The Harold Chaae fwnlly have re to Mr» Jacoby have not half enough fonnded the Woman'» Benefit study. Such experience Is our badge Thia la won by building a lean- Scott's lake, high In the Cascades, Association, and today it leads all turned from a week'» varatton at yet. A. C Dilley haa Installed a elide bid for your patronage and good women associations la the world. and ha» »everal boata rented at River­ to out of brush and native material»., Yachata this week-end. At a m eeting Tuesday will. side Park north of the Coaat Fork building a truss bridge that will hold m a/iir Harrington iiiiiu u « and a»»«« »»«-j»- w - —• — —- --- . Mlaa i Mayne nep night the boys were given Inotructions Ix.wla McCanna of Spokane, bridge Many plunlckera are taking latlvea and friend» here. 400 pounds with the stringers lanhed as to preparation» for roughing it. hei Little Vern Stone from San Fren-1 together at the center, building a Washington. vlalted at the T J Max advantage of «hade and »wlmmlng Transportation will be furnished to farllltlea at Lowell Bridge. claco fell from a horse laat Wednes- camp kitchen nook and knowing all welt home last week take t i e boys to Scott's lake, where O ptom etrist Mr» I. T Circle and daughter. Mr» day morning and broke bis arm The knots and their uses. Mre iMrrle Parshall of Junction i amp will be made. From there they llh her Frank Slorer and Iwo «on» are vlalt tail uud hl» parents are vtaltlug hl» at No. 14 8th Ave. West, City »pent the week-end will go by foot into Die glacier region Ing at the coaat with Ixtater Circle on grand paenta, Mr and Mra. A. w . ' In addition, the would-be Boone Eugene, Oregon. daughter Mr» A W Ferree Earl Wheeler, senior patrol leader, is must »pend a night atone In the I Weaver, Mr and Mra F X Gallagher and ht» homestead helping plan the Jaunt Transportation woods. Adams chose to spend hla Mre. Anna Pitney and daughter» family of Santa Clara. Mr» l e e Clirla Mlaa Irma ~ Laird accompanied . by from Junction City were In Thurston m .n Of T h . a n ie » n e a r J u n c t i o n ----------------- man of The M Junction Maple» near Ju m ll n h(>r Lore« M lrd. by her niece. - . City. Mlaa Margaret O'Farrell and Myrn(| Je>B , n - M)„ '•«» J J Jack Harblt left aat Sunday for Miss Franca* of f K Eugene M l., W r e a e e . r Fransws ra n m n o uaene Ellgrn,. Mla. Andrew« Portland where he expects to get em veers dinner guests al the T. J Mag- of Vancouver, Washington, and Ml»« I'loyviNNii- well home. Tuesday evening. Dean of Grant» Parr left this week for Eu(jene'» Mr. and Mra. Ted George moved to Eugsns's Mr and Mr» F W RtHMk of Btl a two week»' camplnv trio Into th-- Most Lorane last week gene and Mr and Mr» Clayton Coll mountains. Newest Progressive Clifford Weaver from Salem «pent inrwnod and family returned Friday Depsrtm snt Mrd D F Galllgan. formerly Fred*- the w eekend with hl» parents. Mr Store after a week'» trip to Waldport. Flor­ Laird, 1» visiting at the home of her Store and Mrs. A W Weaver, here ence and Yachata ice and Yachata pareut», Mr and Mrs P. N. Laird Mr and Mra Stone and Mr» Weaver Mr and Mrs Frank Galea. Mr and |(w . hui(bnit arr|TeR , oln„rniW Mr W e Lead in motored to Junction City la»t Monday Q uality Mr» A W Ferree and Mr» Carrie mid Mr» Oalltgan hve been attending i Stylo and Ml»» Haxel Edmiaton, who has finish Q uality in All Parshall took a tip to Dr Reiter'» Columbia f’nlver»lty In New York the ed Normnl at Ashland returned honi • Reasonably Sanitarium on the McKenxIe. Friday. past winter. They will be located at Pnce Classes laat Hklurday evening Priced Mr» Laater Cyr will he hostess at Winona. Wisconsin. next year where Mr. and Mrs Mosier» and daughters dinner to a fsw friend» Tuesday even­ Mr Galllgan 1» director of physical Sarah and Johanne, spent Satur ing at the J W. Chaae home The education In the high school. Bight at John Edmislon's. dinner will be prepared by Mr Ix>m I Ralph P. 1-slrd started cutting bis Mr. and Mra. Erneat Bertsch and hard of Springfield, who will demen- second crop of alfalfa this week He family attended the Texa» picnic at struts food cooked without water In expect» to get over two tons to the Eugene Camp grounds last Sunday. • ____ aluminum utenalla. acre. He has 5.1 ton» In hl« barn and Mr >n<1 Mr, Belmont Russell from 1» ton« balled from hl» fir»t crop. 1 81| Terlon HPe nt Sunday with relatives Mr Mlrd. who la In the dairy bust UPPER W IL L A M E T T E _____ ne»a. expect» to Install electricity on Mr >n<, Arnold Tracer and Threshing haa bewun In earneal In the farm as aoon as the power line faInj|y, pred Tracer from June I'pper W Swift | n io l u run Jasper which he — »late« may - tlon City »pent Sunday at Ray Baugh's I the U O a ww illamette V Valley. «sw v^ • l l t a to r ,*« »"»»’ • ee e» »« ss ssw- ww. - and Cooper started their machine he within the next thirty days. Mr and Mr8. A. W. Weaver. Mr. Monday and have a good run aheud ahead of j The Cloverdale Community Club Rn<1 Mr> B fr, le a v e r and children them Jed Wheeler ba» abut down waa hoatees to the Trent and Ih-xter Rn