The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 04, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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th « aPR iN ortn^D nkws
Advertising made the Bdiaon famous.
It is displacing the truck horse with horse-pow er
'" w h o would know of Gold Medal Hour if it were no»
for advertising?
It has helped yout o an appreciation of a certain
brund of shoes.
It has put I’olarlne m otor oil in your car.
It has made Westclox. Big Ben and other clocks
fam ous all over the world.
Advertising has put Gillette against your haylleld.
It has Jumuied your feet In 1: J 1
Paris garters on your leg«, and TTITany rings on your
It has put Pcpaoilent on your teeth.
Go where you want to. «I» anything you wish and
advertising lias had a hand In It absolutely.
The Springfield New» Presents to its Readers a Series of Sketches of Prominent Business Men and Concerns
Is Known In This Section as a Conducts One of the M ott Com­
plete Monumental Plants in
Funaral Director Out of
the State of Oregon
the Ordinary
Extensive Dealers in All Kinds
of Lumber and Building
The vocation of a funeral director
Mighty few cities uo larger than
and esnbalmer Is a most delicate «ne. Eugene support a mure up-to-date I
The lumber business as it is con­
tacted under modern methods bss
«ached a high stage of perfection,
■he lumber dealers hare had to
hange their methods, and today, the
insinesa is as radically different from
ormer years as the construction of
louses differ A concern which will
lave much to do with the future de-
relopment and upbulKing of Spring
leM and surrounding country is the
toothK elly Lumber Co. with office
,« 7th street, and who carry a moat
«snplete line of lumber from their
iwn mills, also all sorts of mill work
md bu.ldlng material. They are pre­
pared to fill orders promptly and
[note prices that are most sattsfac-
ory Their facilities for delivery is
4 the very beet, and customers do
let suffer any inconvenience by de-
ays In every way. the Booth-Kelly
number Co. Is a credit to Springfield,
lad The Springfield News takes pies-
mre in commending them to the read-
irs of this progressive number. Phone
and requires m e services of a man
with strong human sym pathy—one
who 1» not only widely experienced
in the profession, but who strives to
alleviate the sorrow of those left be­
hind A concern which does thia, and
one which has gained success in thia
profession in Springfield is that of W.
F. Walker at 223 Main street. Spring
field. He is thoroughly schooled in
his calling and takes complete charge
of ail funeral arrangements as moat
people are at a loss ho» to proceed
In such matters By telephoning 62-J
you will get immediate attention
Many people who have had funerals
conducted hy W F Walker, a ttest the
splendid service rendered in each in­
stance Kindly, attentive, reaso nable
charges and a strong bond of human
sympathy tor his fellow men has gain­
for him
standing in hit profession
Springfield News commends his up-to-
date funeral directing methods to the
readers of thia progressive number
monumental works than that conduct
ed by a C. Lake at 58 ll lh W Hui
then he draws trade from every pari
o f this entire section, there being few.
it any. cem eteries hereabouts that do
not contain monuments or headstones
from his place of business, a fact that
is due to his carrying such an unusual-1
ly large and varied stock, hia ability
to fill special orders, no matter how
large and the very' modest prices he
charges for his work. There is no
thing in stone work for cemeteries
th at-can n ot be obtained from Mr
Lake and to yuur entire sattsfkrtinn.
as he is noted for not only turning out
his monuments and headstone* at the
minimum coat, but also instats upon
a satisfied customer If you conteni
plat anything in the monument line,
i t will surely prove to your ¿»est in
terest to first consult Mr. Lake before
closing a contract for a monument
elsewhere Phone 415.
An Institution That Has Made
Splendid Progress in This
Thai the business peopl le and others
Manufacturers of Ice, College
Offers the People of Engene and I living in Eugene and surrpundi inc
Ice Cream In All Flavors of
Surrounding Country a Most [ country thoroughly appreciate Ihe con-
the Highest Quality
Complete Banking Service
| sentence and accommodations*offered
In presenting thia progressive nusc-
ker of The Springfield Nears, it wishes
(o make special mention of the aplen
did service and the excellent products
gnch as ice and College ice cream they
The management un­
derstands the making of pure ice and
tee cream in all its different branches
end has equipped the plant with all
the most up-to-date modern appliances
fer insuring their customers with
absolutely the finest quality of ice and
tee cream and other products. The
Bugene Fruit Growers Association is
well patronised by
knowing people and that their efforts
is this direction has been appreciated
by the people of this community, is
evidenced by the splendid patronage
they are enjoying. In every way the
Bogy-re Fruit Growers Association at
8tb and Ferry is a credit to this ccsc-
gsu n ty and The Springfield News com­
mends their splendid products to Its
readers of thir progressive number,
phone 1480.
One of the most re li bale banks in
this part of the state is that of the
First National Bank of Eugene which
was first established in 1883. and
which has been serving the people
most faithfully from its first inception,
and is a striking example of Us sub
stantial progress. Its officers and
directors have been many years imthe
service of the people in local financial
matters, being m ost efficient and with
their wide experience thus gained
hare added to the growth of Eugene
as well as the attractiveness of its
service to the people
The First National Rank represent.,
an honorable career under conserva­
tive management, and today with b e t ­
ter facilities than at any time in the
past, la endeavoring to promote the
best interests of Eugene and Lane
County. The have a capital and
surplus of 400.000 dollars also mem
bers of the Federal Reserve System,
and are Installed with the very latest
burgular fire proof vault and deposit
boxes for the storage of valuables.
In thia review. The Springfield News
wishes to compliment the officers ami
directors of this spendld banking or­
ganization as broad-minded citizens.
The “ Homey" Atmosphere of
the Osburn Known Far and
Wide Bv Motorists and
Notice is hereby given that by vir­
The Osburn is one of the oldest and
leading hotels to be found in this part
pf the state of Oregon, in consequence
ef which is most favorably known
to travelers and motorists who make
Eugene. It is centrally located, Is well
lighted, heated and splendidly furnish­
ed throughout, and affords auto-
m ebilists and travelers every accom­
modation known to good hotel life.
O n e of Its principal attarctlons Is the
lin in g room in connection, and. the
dining tables are plentifully supplied
with clean and wholesome well cook­
ed to o i, the service throughout being
altogether most commerable one of
the best hotels to be found anywhere
outside of Portland and Sacramento.
T hey specialize in business lunches
and chicken dinners.
A proof of the popularity of the
Osburn is Ihe fact, tht It Is nearly al­
ways filled, while the excellence of
Its cuisine draws a large patronage
from business men and others who
enjoy the wholesome cooking and
congenial surroundings for which the
Osburn is famous. The Springfield
News wants to compliment the man­
agement of this splendid hostelry upon
Its splendid service and m eals served
a t such reasonable prices.
Cafe and Confectionery One of
the Most Appreciable Places
to Eat When in Eugene
Very Reliable Concern With
when one is hungry there is no
M ott Modern Service
i plBcr ukr hom, of
but then.
It doesn't pay to experiment in most one cannot always be under bis own
thing*. This is especially true in roof when the time comes to appease
transfer work or long distance haul the appetite
Ing It la pleasing to note that one
In such rases, there Is no public
does not lake the least sort of a eating bouse In Eugene where
.a .,
chance when empoytng the Wiliam rooking more nearly approaches that
.. . , ,.
ette Valley Transfer at 285 W 8th of mother or wife than that of the
SR. to do thia work for this responsible Veter l*an Cafe and < oufwctionery
concern has long catered to the people located nt 10th and Willamette streets,
of this section of the state In a moat for tbia place la fast becoming very
satisfactory manner T h e, do a gen popuUr (or
, txM, mrBl, „ „ . d . llB
era! transfer buslnees and tbelr many 1 , p|en(jw rooking, the cleanly and in
eutoa. vane and trucks are kept busy 1 T|( |Dg appearance of the place, with
making daily tripe between Eugene
|OTe|y private booths, also the
and Portland. Salem. Corvallis, June- senerB| B|r of welcome that is always
tion City and Munroe. This splendid Brcorded patrons, to say nothing of
service is alw ays at the public's de-
general excellence of service
AU goods insured while In (Everybody about the place, from the
transit. The W illamette Valley Trans 1 owners down, Martha and Walter
fer is a good one to remember wh»n Hummel Is anxious to please, and do
you want to move anything, such as please. that's why the Peter Pan does
household goods, pianos, safes, or fur auch a splendid business. In every
niture packed. No matter what tlm>- way ¡t |( a credit to Eugene, and The
of the day you telephone 135 you'll I Springfield News wants to commend
find a quick response and action They n to the readers of thia progressive
enjoy a splendid reputation and never cumber
Visone Hi»«
do things by half*, hence their success •
Concern That I •
The above laundry la une of th*
beat equlpped in Eugene and all sur-
roundlng country and the reputalion
for the general eacellonce of tbelr
work ia spreading far and wtde
through thia section
The New tier-
«Ice laundry s slogan is;
. . ....
Service and Fair Trsatuient
tbelr work la turned out ta auch au
excellent nuuiner that yuu will b*
more than pleased with II. The rapid
>»«— *
“ »• u p lo d .le laundry
•• modern throughout, la due to tb*
more than ordinary a hl Lily of Ite
management. Patrons have com e to
know that only the highest grade of
work is turned out. and by reason
of this fact the general public Is more
then pleased with it. You can either
drop your work la as you go by at
838 High Street, or phone 825 and
your work will be promptly railed for
and delivered to your entire aallsfac-
lion The Springfield News commends
the New Service Laundry* to the read-
ere of this progressive number
Manufacturer* of Kerr's Quality
Conduct Ona of the M ott Sani­
Poultry and Dairy Feeds.
tary and Appreciaable Bak-
eriet in Lane County
Most Reliable and Pro-
greasive Concern of Its
Kind in Lane County
Progressive G e n e r a l
by the U 18. National Bank which is M oit
If you are net a patron of the pro-
located at 8th and W illamette. it
■ 1 1
i ducts of the Williams Bakery at 1718
That the Eugene Mill and Elevator
shown in its large and growing list
It is almost needless to Inform <ur 13th street, you ought to hi for th > Co . at 6th and Mill street Is doing lie
of depositors and customer«. The
bank's depositors are many of the leaders of this progressive number ( fresh end delicious "Malted Milk and th ere In causing Eugene to be known
most substantial residents and busi­ that Eugene in the horn* of a number 1 Butter Krust Bread” they manufar- a:' a good rlty io which to buy or
ness houses of Eugene and surround­ of efficient contracting firms, one o fftu re 1» of the very best sort the most sell grain Is shown In the splendid
ing country and many of whom find a them Is the W. W Head Construction . perfect that much ezpertence and the business enjoyed by tham every day
The Eugene Mill and
checking or savin n account at whai Co. and who make a specialty of road purest ingredients can possibly pro- In the week
may be termed ihetr home tvnk
building. SUPI lemented by wide ex­ dure The plant is modernly equipped Elevator Co has suffi. lent rapacity io
decided convenience at '¡me-«
The perience and honorable fullflllment of with all the latest machinery to turn meet all -lemards that are made up-
bank is officered by men of wide ex­ contracts Being progressive and < n out fresh Malted Milk and Butter on it. and as in«- farmers or thia aec-
furnish estl- Krust bread and
other bakery pro tloa h a ve long placed every cenfldMiee
perience In financial affairs I* does a terprising. they promptly
for all kinds of reinforced coo-i ducts daily under the most sanitary | 0 them, kaowtrg th. y will find ready
general banking business and Ik broad mate
and liberal, yet conservative In all Crete or paving and construction work. 1 condition. You will be more than sale for their .train and always at the
its transactions The V . 8 Nationiil Dur i! their career here In Eugene, pleased with the results. If you ever top m arket price, they haul or ship
Bank is growing stronger and strong­ they have completed many kuportant become a patron of Williams bakery products to them with the realisation
er each succeeding year. The officers contracts and built up a most note ; products. It Is quite likely that you that they will receive the beat results
are: W. W Calkins. President; F. N. stantial business through their honor- will quit the arduous tank of home All of their feeds are of the known
Vice-President; HDavId able and conscientious dealings The baking, a tr'al order will convince you quality kind and prices right toget-
Au id. Vice-Presidlnt; Powell Plant, head of this enterprising concern, W Williams Bros have had much experl- her with courtesy and accommodation
Cashier; H. H. Hobbs. Asgistant W’. Head, g vea his personal attention < nee in the bakery line, hating well most pleasing, with bualneag auch sa
Cashier; N E. Barrett, Assistant Cash­ to every contract that is entered Into, earned the splendid reputation and to make a one time customer a regu-
ier; Mabelle Russell. Assistant Cash­ , and to d ' M e r t.iiv o f a great deal f sin < < ' - lli>-V a r e e n j o y i n g f r o m rri-,n
| „ r n lll
T fcg M U tio n - you are In
ier; M Ethel Taylor. A ssistant Cash­ credit for hia past success. Honorable of the best families of the entire need of anything In the feed, dairy
ier; C E. Lombard. Assistant Cashier In every way progressive and public ( community And ’«hen you patronise poultry lin« Just phone 16 and your
All of whom in many '«ays have spirited to a degree. Mr Head Is a Williams Bakery, you will not onlv order will be promptly filled and de­
demonstrated their faith in the future man that The Springfield News de i be getting the best bread for your llvered to your entire satisfaction,
of Eugene and Lane county. The alrea to give Its hearty commendation mon« y. but you II also be showing your The Hpringfteld News takes pleasure
Springfield News takes pleasure In and bespeaks for him a fast growing loyalty and doing your "bit" toward in commending thia up-to-dute mill
commending this splendid banking and successful business which he so the support of a worth home Industry, and Its products to the readers of this
organization to the readers of this Justly deserves. Phone 1831.
Phone 914-J.
progressive number.
progressive number.
auction, subject to redemption as pro­ Ing a ball around.
• Well, how're they coming?" the
vided by law. all of the right, title
and Interest of said defendant« W. H. captain for the nine asked him a li’tl*-
tue of an execution and order of sale . James and Bertha James, his wife, later.
Ethel M Mahany and C. Arthur Ma-
In foreclosure Issued out of the Clr- | hany. her husband, and alt persons
"Rotten. Sump'n’s wrong with my
cult Court of Lane County, Oregon, on claiming by, through or under them arm boas. I ain't getting the speed I
the 1st day of August, 1927, in a suit or any or either of them In and to said
wherein on the 29th day of July, 5927. premises
"Great Scott, man! That isn’t a base­
in said court. The Pacific Havings and
FRANK E TAYLOR. Sheriff of
ball you'» throwing. That'a the 16
Loan Association, a Washington Cor-1 I.ane County. Oregon.
poration plaintiff, recovered Judgment By BEULAH BRINN1CK Deputy.
pound shot."
against the defendants W. H. James
Au. 4-11-18-25; 8. 1:
and Bertha James, his wife, for the sum
of 81790.2« and Interest thereon at the
When cigarettes are lacking,
rate of 10 per cent per annum from
February 1, 1927. until paid, and for r
With many sigh and groan.
the further sum 'of 8200.00 as Attor­
He takes his sack-o’-'bai Iter out.
neys fees, together with costs In the
And calmlv rolls his own.
sum of 817 00. which Judgment was en­
When rotxiern «trie« are calling.
rolled and docketed In the Clerks
office of said Court In said County on
With puff, sigh and'groan,
the 29th. day of July. 1927, and said
She grasps her hose below her knee
execution to me directed commanding
UVt'v« NCV£»b
And calmly rolls her own.
me in the name of the State of Ore­
When these two meet they woo and
gon. In order to satisfy said Judgment,
in terest attorneys fees, costs of suit
and accruing costs to sell the follow­
And built for them a home.
ing described real property, to-wit:
Then In a carriage down the street,
The East one hundred and ten (1101
They calmly roll their own.
feet of Lot one (1) In Block three (31
of Mountain View Park Addition to
Eugene, In Lane County. Oregon.
It’g Fact
Now therefore in the name of the
H—It feels like rain.
State of Oregon, in compliance with
said execution and order of sale and
She—What feels like rnln?
In order to satisfy said Judgment In­
He— Water!
terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit
and accruing costs, 1 'Will on Saturday
W eight Handicap
Messenger Service
the 3rd day of September, 1927. at the
One of the aspirants for a pitcher's
hour of one o'clock in the afternoon
Householder—So you are out of
of said day, at the Southwest front berth on a college ball team had re­ work, eh? Well, you are Just In time
door of the County Court House, In cently arrived from the countr). He
I’ve a pile of wood 1 wanted chopped
Eugf-ne. Ijtne County, Oregon offer
for sale and «ell for cash, at public was told to warm up a bit by throw and 1 was Just going to send for a
about one mile below the Ferry street
man to do It.
Tramp—Okcb with me. sir. Tell bridge, Eugene, and Just below the
me where he llvea and I’ll fetch him. country club
10.30 Prof. E Tborstenherg place
one mile north of Truman Chase.
Sounds Reasonable
11:30 J. O. Holt place operated by
Collegiate—I beg your pardon. Miss,
H E. Fish, one mile north of Ferry
but would you care to take a ride?
Co-ed—Sir, I’ll hnve you know I’m Street bridge
1:30 Woodruffs
tw o
a lady.
Collegiate— I snow that. If I wain- J miles north of Eugene city limits on
ed a man, I'd go home and get my Pacific highway.
2:00 Don Schaffner place on River
2:46 R V. Rogers orchard on river
W o rth K n o w in g
If all the Jokes written about lipifir loop No. 2, lower Santa Clara.
3:30 Wilmar Walton gnrden and
were placed »Ida by side, they would
orchard on river loop No. 3, lower
be censored.
Sanin Clara.
Among the features to be seen on
the tour are (he following: practical­
ARE TO BE STU D IED ly all makes of pumps sold by laine
county dealers; Skinner overhead sy s­
Study of supplemental Irrigation tem, both with and 'Without pregsure
system s In use In latne county orch­ lank, and with and without oscillator;
ards, nurseries and truck farmg will underground concrete pipe dlatrlbii-
be the feature of a tour to he conduct­ tlon system ; light galvanized Iron
ed on Wednesday, August 10, by the pipe distribution system ; portable
Lane county Horticultural Society, ac­ pump and gasoline engine mounted on
cording to County Agent O. H. truck, used In conjunction with can­
vas hose; and both electric motors
E. E ITIce, extension engineer from aadgasollne engines as sources of
Oregon Agieulturnl college, will at­ power.
tend to discuss the system s nd help
All persons Ipteested In irrigation
the farmers plan (heir Hyatems.
nro Invited hy Ihe horticultural god-
Here Is the itinerary of the tour:
ety to Join In the tour and devote a
9:30 Truman Chase famn on the day to studying Irrigation system s and
north glde of the Willamette river problems