PAGE THREW THURSDAY AUGUST 4. 1»27 Thea - The Flying Fraulein .St’Cfl Snake PertonaUty1 Says Women W ill One Day Equal Man’s Feats only because I love It There» n my trying It before neat spring. Written Specially for The New* Sees Women Flying thrill In It every time I step Into my lly Kninin Pin Wilson Miss Itasche believes aviation for ('del Flamingo plane Every day. New York, August * A blonde Mid every hour, Is wonderful because It women Is s great thing, but she also buxom Gurmsu (tri »at down to ha» Is uncertain, and I can fly fearless admits tht there are many difficulties flrst Anierrlan b rnikfsst—a substsn because I have no one dependent up' to be overcome before women can tlal one, iBcldentallr and In a matter on me It's the thought of loved ones hope to receive proper recognition In thia new Held. of fact manner announced that »h« “It »111 lake men a tong while to would attempt a Iran» Atlantic air­ /•cognise women’s power In the flying plane flight In the spring! 'eld. But It will come some day At Hhe la Thea llaacbe. the Ilyin« Iran- the present tlnftv. however, flying for leln whose daring stunts In aviation women Is Just a fad" la the pride of all tiermany. Only Miss Rasrhe Is anxious to sho twenty three yet »he haa exceptional America what the only Oerman wo­ pol»e and |.erfe,'t command of herself man flyer can do. and her plane will »5 all time! be assembled at once at Roosevelt George* T happelle of France, Smartly «owned In a becoming Field Within a day or two she will now in the U S.. is head of the or- frock of white crepe georgette. her nmke her first hop-off from American ganization which annually exttr- face flushed with excitem ent. »lie m in x es 2 million snakes and liz­ »oil Into Amt-rlcn atr. »»win an efllctenl modern Juno rather ards in India and lava. He* ex- Asked If she had a husband, she plains here that •’Chariotie —tn than a sportswoman who risk» death replied that she bad not. '•! have hand— it deadly—bn* really Of gen­ with that calm, steady »mile of hart. nothing, In fact, except my plane." tle breeding and full of person­ Itut »he Is tall and strong looking, Miss Rasche's parents are living In al, ty" when yon know her right and seem s tilled with a courage that Berlin. Is almost masculine ller sparkling gray eyes, sod her flushed cheek«, belle her apparent coolness While Breakfast Cools Not being sure of herself t Miss Knache speaks English very haltingly, but her accent Is unfailing perfect. Earh new arrival was welcomed warmly In her suite at the Hotel Balti­ more. and was asked to "sit dahn " Ih-a Kavh, weahby _ (For the Dry Season) And while she talked politely to the Get nan Aviatria, now m l numerous reporters, she eyed hungrily w ill i ur the U. S in an swj and wistfully the c antelope, cold >,g - »I I-I,out at varmtu cewtev*. meats, rolls and coffee that wa» to who muat be provided for that would DANGEROUS TO SMOKE have been her breakfast cramp the hand on the controls. pllut her time was taken up entirely WHILE TRAVELING "I took my flrst ride during the war. In answering the nuqSerous questions On Forest, Brush or Grassland that were being asked by everybody In l»l& In 1S24. I started learning to fly. and a year later received g«y at once. There was a constant stream of them, end soon Frauleln Rasrhe license from the Oerman government. "1 am here to study. I want to learn SMOKE ONLY had forgotten her food entirely tn the thrill of being In America and In talk about American methods of avlstlon 1. While Stopping In a Safe Place Clear of All tng of the subject nearest her heart — and about American planes. I hope to do some exhibition flying. 1 do Inflammable Material, or Aviation, and her proposed flight to stunt flying rather well." Burope Thia latter bit was as near as the 2. During or Right After a Heavy Rain, or Miss Rasrhe te very wealthy and there Is nothing commercial In her flying frauleln came to ssytng one word of her sm sxlng exploits. 3. Inside a Vehicle on Two-Way Highways, or visit here. "I mould like to fly across the ocean, Per the flport of It • My flying la all for sport." she and I would like to be the flrst woman 4. Above Timber Line, and began "Not for glory, not for money, to do It. but there 1» no possibility of Smokers’ Code CACTORV 11 TO YOU > M oney Saving Sale Sale Lasts the Entire Month of August W i Are Crowing! The Auj?ust Factory-to-You Sale finds the 10.000 Rf-xall stores, which reach from coast to coast and across the Atlantic, better prepared than ever before to serve the steadily-growing army of buyers who Insist on quality goods and who appreciate money-saving values. Juat a Sample of the Bargains O ffered A $1.50 Bottle of Shari Perfume GIVEN AWAY ---------- With every pruchase of a / D r v f u m C Regular $2.50 Box of SHARI P 0WDER. All Shades. Perfumed with the fragrance and charm of the early blossom time Factory-to-You Sale Price BOTH FOR $2.50 To give you the opportunity to know, at rock bottom prices, some of the merchandise which these factories produce and distribute exclusively through Rexall Stores, we are going to run, the entire month of August, a big Factory-to-You Sale. There will be more than 100 genuine bargains on standard, guaranteed goods which we sell tn our store every day at regular prices. It Is a real opportunity for you to secure unusual values on items used regularly In every home, and to learn, If you have not already, the practical application of our Rexall creed: “You Save with Safety at your Rexall Drug Store.” Flanery’a Drug Store E U y « M to £ t A w 6. After Smoking. Put Out AU Lighted Material. TOWN AND VICINITY K sissy on Vacation— Dwight Keg- C úseos Man Here— J Byers of Eu soy haa left for Ssn Francisco on hl» gene paid Springfield a visit Monday vacation He ws« accompanied south by by Itarney Parker, who has em , L taves for North Bend— Franklin ployment tn California Clark hse left for North Bend. Ore Tonsils a t Removed— Beth Schantol 9mlth In Town—It O Smith of Natron was a Springfield visitor Mon of West Springfield underwent a tonsil operation at a local surgeon's office day. Monday. Hers from Monmouth— Miss Flossie Have Camping Party— Mr. and Mrs. Harrington of Monmouth ws a vlaltor I C. K Kenyon of Sprlngfleld. Mr. and In Springfield Saturday Mrs. Clarence Luckey of Burns, and Goes to Marcóla—Hr Eugene Keator 1 Karl Luckey of Eugene enjoyed I went to Marcóla Saturday nkrhl on a 1 camplnr party on Row River last Sun professional call. day Clarence t-ueksy Visits—Clarence I.uckey of Burns. Oregon Is visiting relative» In Eugene. Read ALL of the ADS! The I-aw Prohibits Throwing Away Any Burning Matches or Tobacco, or Other Lighted Material In a Forest Region. ForeBt fires from smokers result from thoughtless­ ness and carelessness. They are on the Increase. Remedy a bad record by foUowlng the bove Code when In the forest regions. On Vacation»—E W Alberts and O. II. Smith esnployes of the Mountain States Power company, are on their annual vacations. New Westinghouse Automatic Electric Iron To Visit Newport— Newport visitor« this week Include Ml»» Pearl Nelson and Miss Lulu McPherson of Spring- field. Mr». King Her»— Mrs Richard King who I» now living In Southern Oregon, visited for a few days with friend« here. Pollada at Grove— Dr. and Mr». W H. Pollard were visitors 8unday at Cottage Grove. Has Operation— Mrs A. C. Ounder- son submitted to a major operation at the Pacific Christian hospital Monday In from Fall Creek—M. R. Wagner of Fall Creek was a business visitor In Springfield Monday. Gordon Leo Return!—Gordon Le», who recently enlisted from her» In the ♦United States army, has returned to Vancouver barracks after a short visit here. He stopped at McMinnville w hile en route north. Visit at Bellfountain—Mr. and Mrs. FYed Frexe and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sehlewe and family. Miss Georgia Rhoades and Mr. and Mrs Ham Montgomery visited on Sunday at the Bellfountain home of Mr. and Mrs. George Rhoades. We will Allow you $1.00 toward the purchase o f a brand Helping at Bank—Miss Harriett Luke of Eugene Is helping at the Commercial State Bank during the vacation period. « Old Flatirons Wanted This age finds Camel 'worthy o f leadership T H E people of this modern, busy age are always anxious to recognize quality, and they have placed Camel first among cigarettes. Modern smokers have an experienced taste that quickly learns to know good tobaccos. Camel is their favorite, because they recognize in it the choicest tobaccos grown, blended to bring out their exquisite taste and fragrance. Camel has won its way to the top in the hardest-to-please age ever known because it has the qualities of goodness that make smoking a pleasure. Y o u will revel in the enjoyment o f these cigarettes. N o better smoke can be made. "Here « Ctmel!” for your old iron, regardless of whether it is electric or not. Pay only 75c down balane $1.00 monhly Total price $7.75. $6.75 with old Iron. get yours today n MouNiAiN S tates P ower co m pam y Young People R »tum A group of Skprlngfleld young people who attended the «U te Baptist as sem hly at McMinnville have returned to their home«. In the party were Dorothy and Ralph Oakes. Paul Freso ,a n d Naomi Carlton. Rev. and Mra. C E. Bom also attended the meeting. “ Do It Electrically” © 1927, R .J . Remolda Tobacco CoBiiMny, Winatun-Salom, N . C.