THURSDAY AUGUST 4, 1927 * THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Her« from Noil— Mr anil Mr« Phil Has Maier Operati«»— Mr«. Harry Pnrrlah of Noll were Vlaitoa Sunday Herbert underwent » major operation I al ili» I'»rifle t'hriatlan hospital Mon. al the houi» of Mr and Mra E W. | Collin« «lay. SCHOOLS— C OSTS— ANYHOW PROGRESS It is pleasant to learu that thia nation spend* more on public t chools than on any other govern­ B p rtn g rie M . U rn » C ow n ty. O reg o n , by ment function not excepting the cost of keep- lug ready for war. Our public schools cost two T H l W IL L A M E T T E P R ES S thousand million dollars a year, about one-fourth H. B M AXEY. Editor. the total amount spent for public purposes. Two billion a year seems a great deal, but it is •a second d as« m atter February St. ISOS a t the I not much really Public education, on which the postonica. Spriogtiald. l 'ragna — future depends, absolutely costs less than twenty M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T I 'dollars per capita. And. b ythe way, it c<»sls less Oa» Tear la A dvance___>1 T# ri»r«a Month« 750 than half the money spent on cigarettes. O P T O M E T R IS T — B Y E B ia H T S P E C IA L IS T Z Bti M o n th s _____________ 11-00 Single Copy 1 ** > That hist is an encouraging fact, it proves that 878 Willamette St. Eugene, Ore. when the people want a thing they get it, some- U l'ST 4. 1927 THVRSDAY _ ____ — how or other. Just now. they want the best fPST ONF THING. PUT I DO IT RIGHT' I cigarette. Some day they w ill deride that they FOR GOOD STREETS want the best possible education. Then they will The Springfield city streets are in the best con- k l* n d ten billions and more a year for it Instead dltion in the history of the town but it has about <“ two billions. . . . exhausted the city street budget to put them that way and there is still five months of the year to Headline in newspaper says "Emergency Still The Itegular Full Term at Ib» Eugen» llusln»»a Coll**« will begin go on. People who drive automobiles, and that is jo ists ju Vienna.” Which ain't news at all Tu»«duy 8»ptiu»b»r Hlilh. Thereaftar »«< h Monday will be enrollment about 99** of us. appreciate good streets. They arc because there are nothing else but emergency day. both a comfort to ride over and a saving on the gtll]s in , hi8 country. Our u p to d a le equipment. efficient loatrnrllnn. and reasonable wear of the car. No one will blame the council rales make Ibis a good arbool where you ara assured ot a business for over running the budget on street mainten- training dial will hl you for a responsible position Margot Asquith says if women, didn't dress for ance. In fact they would approve of a little more men they would wear much less. M'gosh—what | money being put in the budget for streets this she mean—MUCH? coming year. • • • A E ROBERTS. I'realdeut »92 Willamette HI Eugen». Oregon • • • Court statistics show that women get of 1 WILLOS AND KELLEY the divorces -and men's pocketbooks show they Willos and Kelley condemned to die for the get 10O‘~- of the alimony. murder of guards at the pentitentiarv during a • • • break find lots of people ready to intercede for This is the health age. Girls are taking long i them. Although convicted by a jury who heard walks for their complexions. Since the drug the evidence there are self appointed super courts store moved to the other end of Main Street. that are anxious to find them innocent. Theirs Is the action of sentiment, they need no evidence, they are against hanging. We all belong to the state and we hate to take i part in a hanging but there seems to be no other But you will not mind It much If you call nt Eggtmann’x solution. Shall we let Willos and Kelley stay in every day for u nice cold drink or a dish of Ice cream. It prison to participate in another break and kill B each b e k u tic t lh i> y e a r l i . . . more guards9 Let's think of those they have kill­ tu rn e d Io Saunet -w iin n u n g tm t« - will cool you off and make you feel better ull day. e d and those whom this type of men would kill If Because something has happened to you which they got a chance. There is no other way but to •liminate these men from society—they should interferes with your efficiency is no proof that all TOW N AND V IC IN IT Y We make 'em like you like 'em. is lost. M ade There is nothing unconquerable to the human E llio tt I« Vialta»— 1» W K lllo tl of It takes a special election in Multnomah BPi ^ ere i8 no truer saying than. "Where there is skwt* Clara w a. a Springfleid visitor County to Ml the vacancy left by the suicide of tj,ere ¡g hope " Monday Representative Maurice Crum packer. Some of The problem is to utilize what remains of I . . . „ „ — c u r s a c . Ek of t h e brothers of the brothers of the press lament ... k h i« fr o n t ’ Fe • < larence k k ot S i s and have come forth with the suggestion that y° i f n“* X urn Mun t h e state law be changed so that unexpired terms Life |g ij^e a coin stamped on both sides. On eould be filled by the governor. This sounded all one side is the face of smiling fortune, on the ■ Employed at sak«ry— Arthur Pot- r<«bt, but, it so happens that the federal constitu­ other the image of frowning reverses. Som e-: tar ha» b»»n employed to h e lp at the tion provides the method of filling vacancies in times one side lies up and sometimes the other, apringflrid bakery. congress Some eight grade pupil might have and sometimes the two seem to spin, alternating Visit Rivsrsids Park—Mr. and Mr». told them that. continually. But the two are always there in C K. Swart« and daughter, Edna, war« every life, side by side. Such is history. Now we are dedicating to | So one^half o fth e a r t of life is knowing how t o , »*•“»« »“ ’«v “ *»*•'**<* i»rk. patriotism the house in which Barbara Fritchfe ;m*et misfortune and the other half understand- Baby Daughter Born — A baby daughter wa« born at tbr Pacific did not wave a flag at Stonewall Jackson's troops ' inK how to treat prosperity. as they did not march down that street in which j Near Lincoln. Nebraska, a nineteen-year-olfl Christian hoapltal Saturday ulghi lo the house stands boy named Edward Smith lost both hts arms in an M r and Mra George Williams of Rain . * • • • accident when he was helping shuck corn on his bow. father’s farm. An Austrian Archduke, now in the U. S., wants With that accident most of the means of earn- H a v s Sunday P ic n ic — M r. and Mrs t o fight a duel with a Hungarian Count, also h ere,' jng a living open to him the day before were ob- T. T. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. U. M. pever mentioning purse, gate, split—or anything. iiterated. There were few things that he could Harker and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Col. "What boobs,” chimed Dempsey and Sharkey in do. Yet one of these he did superlatively well. accompanied by members of th e ir • pnison. Providing himself with artificial arms, he be­ families, enjoyed a Sunday punlc at i came a salesman for a Kansas City manufacturer. The “Three hundred miles an hour—five miles a Later he was sent to Europe to open a branch Riverside park. palnute— 140 feet a second” is Navy-Lieut. Wil- factory. He became a success in spite of a well- fo r your Montgomerys Return— Mr. and .Mrs. Mams’ hope with new mechanical skyrocket air- j night insurmountable handicap. Al Montgomery, who have lieen away plane. All that is worrying us is how the timers i in New Buffalo, Michigan, on the shore of Lake pre going to be able to see it. ! Michigan lives Joe Jones. From childhood he hu- from Springfield for »eterni months. • • • had a crippled leg. with one ankle that is stiff ami i “ rt! a » “ ln “ l hom e here. They «p«*nt And thru. place for ser­ Camden, N. J., School Board votes that women without feeling. Yet he has saved five people vo®« hnte living at Los Angeles, ami AS LO W AS vice! Brownies always in later 1'uu"' ni,r,h staying t° r several school teachers may smoke an occassional cigar­ from drowning at the beaches near his home. Mock also him and sup­ For nineteen years Magdalen Beans of Pitts- w»eka Ashland before returning to e t t e — but not about the school buildings. Bvi- plies. Fine* t quality devel­ dently it is possible increased fire insurance rates ; burgh, has been confined to one room with a -'prmgtieid oping and printing. F e tu s rhich causes the board to rule cautiously. nerve center in her back deranged so the slight­ • • heipyoutalfegood pictures. est movement causes agony. During this time j Mere ,r° m s«iem — Mia» Francesj Eight year old boy floated six hours on inflated she has written stories and poems that have been I Hodge, member of the faculty of th- 1 3 monthly iuart o f puto tire tube in Atlantic off New Jersey before widely published and have given robust people : ^ ‘ "'Sheld high school, wa» her« from “Kodaktry" FREE home at Salem early thin weak. being rescued which no doubt will give him a enjoyment and encouragement. with etery Hrounie Such items bring strength for meeting our own iShe * aM accompanied by b»r mother doughnut complex for the rest of his life. —atk fo r it! i troubles and enlarge our respect for the spirit o f ; Tl,ey »»»Bed at the home of Or and Chicago fashion note: Bandits still dress to kill, human nature. 1 ’" ’’5 Mr,t N Emery, ami Mia» iimige PwbUefced Every Tboraday at Dependable Eyeglass Service Dr. Roijdl Qiçk TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER SIXTH EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE r>‘* ?i Hot Weather is here DR. FRANK CRANE SAY EGGIMANN’S A placa Brownie! •2 KETELS’ DRUG STURE — — — " 1 May Be 1928 Thriller? "” ” — lh ~ 'in t e r v ie w e d I 'r i t n i p a l A lf r e d j re g a rd in g »