Printing g e t* thing» done P h rtie 2 THE SPRINGFIELD NEV.'S TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR NEW SNAGS HIT IN 61G BRIDGE PLANS RPR1NOPUBLD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON,THURSDAY AUGUST 4, 15427 D EVELO PM EN T OF WELLS SOME T IM E I N FUTURE IS SEEN BY W. C. McLACAN Springfield Boy H urt In Diving SPR IN G FIELD FOLK OUTDOOR PICNIC AT S W IM M ER ’S D ELIG H T Man Injured Here In A u to Collision Tn« P »op,»s F a p a r •Aw g n c w s f a f i * • ' . L IV I TOW N NU M B ER 30 N D U S IM IB IC I NOT TAX EXEMPT About »0 Springfield folk enjoyed a Cars Driven by H. C. Dippel and While thnre 1» no Immndlte need Gerald Morrlaon Hita Rock in i picnic at Swimmers' Delight last Herbert Roberta H it at for the wuter supply rev»sl«ri In re- Bottom of Willamette Thursday night. Following the lunch Attorney General Rules T h at I vent well» auuk lu the vicinity of tile Seventh and C and other diversions a dan,« was held Injuring Head City of Eugene and Terminal Fill Approach Opposed by W ant• induvtriw tract near Hprinrenw. h. ..i lu the pavilion with the Bell theatre , ,, . . I people may have the »atlafael,SS of Colliding st Seventh and C streets Company Should Pay Taxes ills head crasblug Into a rock at ‘ mu»|c|i gM furnlshli« the music. Springliald People, Sou**’* i knowing that there la a good »upply at 7o'elock last night, automobiles of on 247-Acre Industrial T raat the bottom of the river, Gerald Mor Tho»* who went Included the follow­ aider* Sign Petition on Cloe- j avitllab|» (a »„ra,. time in the future H. C. Dlppel, 1260 Ferry street, Eu­ and Park Leased Springfield. rlsotl eon of Mr. and Mrs. E. E Mor­ ing families l-evl Neet, Dean Wool ins Street; State Commiaaion ,b„ nmMj develop» according to w c. •_ »_- Mct-agun. ______, superintendent of the Moun­ rison of thia clt), was painfully In­ aey, Walter Gossler, Paul Basford, II gene, and Herbert Roberts of 1143 to A c t The 247-Acre industrial tract and tain Slates Power company properties. jured while diving at the "santl W. Whliney. Robertson. Carl Obion. Seventh street. Springfield, careened park site, leased to Springfield for 41 banka a half mile above the highway Haro|d w illiam s. Sidney Ward, Grant Mr MeLagan holds that the first More anng» have appeared aa ol> across the Intersection and came to years by the city of Eugene must re­ bridge across the Willamette river ,$„„»„1,, |,r. Carl Phetteplace, H. M atari»» to the plana of iJtne county teat of the wells may have shown , a_ . .S t.« F. aa _ - - r v — t a f / ' L> V main on tbe tax rolls, according to a Stewart, Elvin May. Dr. W. C. Recitan. rest on the parking at tbe corner. and the elate highway commiaaion more contamination than should have last night shortly after 6 o'clock. ruling of Attorney General Van J Morgan. J F Ketels. Dr. S. II. Virtually IIllUdH/ stunned by the ------ blow on -- - — for early conatructtoa of a ttH.OOO been revealed, perhaps due to care­ Mr. Roberts was knocked from his Winkle Just received by County A»- li Is head, the boy »as able to call for Dippel. W. C. Wright, J. C. McMurray, lessn ess In obtaining the aagnples. or bridge ai-rogs the Willamette river at ... — «, — —— automobile by the force of the impact, Ben F Keeney, who had asked Hprinrflriil. and local men Intereated ,,rn,rH m the teat. Further teat» are to help to his swimming companion. Ivan Male, and others. falling on his eboulder. He was taken tbe „tate tax commission to make a In the project are looking with appro 1 p , mad,- »■„) It le expected that they Hilly Knox, who helped him out of the to a physician’s office suffering from decision In the matter. HOP PICKING EASIER; (tension upon new developments and wm »how the supply to be aa pure as river. sprained shoulder, lacerations over | Tf)p attorney general's opinion set difficult le» which U’.«y Involve retard the regular city supply now In use W ORKERS SHOULD SIGN oae eye, and bruises. Mr. Dlppel, fortb tbat tbe |an(j wag not purchased Destte his lujurtes, the Morrison tug of progress on the enterprise, It I "There la no Immediate need for youth mounted bis wheel and unaided I tather of Dr. 8. R. Dlppel of Spring- by Eugene in her >175.000 bond Issue was learned today ! the water," s*M Mr. Mri-agan "Bill rode beck to town and to a physician's im v. — — --------------------------- , Hop picking will be easier this year field, was unhurt. j for municipal purposes and even If It The latest report of opposition to 1 »„me day I should like to see those „Ace- Blood was streaming down his gg lbay are cjeaBer »nd have less foll- Mr. Dlppel in a Maxwell sedan, was had of been it was not being used fog pruJ«*Tr ;» running the Seavey Hop Inland Robert, was driving his Overland “eld that Eugene could not leaae the where It was reported a petition la j - the skull as he rode his wheel here. rancb across the river near Ooshen. north on Seventh street. They come j at ‘he 9ame ““ lt being circulate,! seeking a revamping p | V £ A R E H U R T IN It was necessary for tbe physician Early picking will start the latter J together almost at th.- center of the municipal Purposes Even the f i v of the plan» for the approach Is» the AUTOMOBILE CRASH to lake ten stitches before closing up part of this month. Of the 140 acres __ ... acre acre park park site site m m ust ust be be included included on on tB the Intersection, the Roberts car smash new span on that aide of th» river tax roll according to him. the abrasloos received by the Morrl- of hope on thie ranch about 42 acres to conform with a flood prevention Five peraons were more or lesa son boy lu the diving accident. He are early hope. Nearly 200 plckere 'will ing squarely Into the side of the other Nothing about taxes eras mentioned program being urged by resident g of aorlously hurt In an automobile acci­ ' machine. » In the 4*-year lease given the city fit was reported improving thia morning ' be needed to harvest thia crop that d istrict dent at the outskirts of Marcóla Satur­ In their reports filed with the police Springfield in 1»25 and the City of Hop men aey that pickers should In the meanllm». residents of th» day night when car» driven by Walter Gerald and the Knox boy were department. Roberts claims he was Eugene being the owner it follow* south end of ¡Springfield have been Boggs and Paul Schell collided swimming alone at the t *ne. Gerald begin signing up at once to be sure traveling no more than 20 miles an she must pay the taxes. Officials of pushing their effort to prevent the Rogge sustained a broken arm Hla dove from the diving board hie body of tbelr Jobe this year. They are hour and Dippel places his speed at both cities had expected the land closing of Second street-su g g ested wife and two children were badly entering thfc weter unusually close especially anxious that their old pick­ 15 mllea. would be exempt from taxation. mi a means of getting 136.000 from the bruised and shocked. to the bank He was beaded for a deep ers Sign up so they will not have to The matter of taxing the land cama A large crowd was attracted to the Southern Pacific for the new develop­ Hohell was bruised and otherwise dive snd almost immediately hit the j turn them away when plcklni[ fc lin * The pay Is expected to be about the Intersection following tbe colllsslon. before the assessor when he charged m en t- end It was announced today by Injured A passenger In his car. W. huge rock. It to the Southern Pacific company same aa laat year although the grow­ 1» W McKinnon that an opposing A Koooa. received serloua Injuries for 1925 taxes. There had been M ers are not getting very good prices petition has 5» signers. and on Monday was taken to tbe Paci­ CHANEY TO SPEAK AT deed recorded when the assessor pro­ for their hops. Most of the high BOOTLEGGER’S T R A IL Pill Is Disapprov'd fic Christian hospital for treatment. ceeded to assess it on March 1, 1923, UNION SERVICE SUNDAY priced contracts have expired and Efforts are being made by county West Springfield people are Intsr- H IT BY REALTY MAN but the railroad company reported It bops are not expected to bring but eated In the gubstitutlon of some sort authorities to fix responsibility for the Rev. 8 J Chaney, district superin­ about 1* or 20 cents a pound this IN W. SPR IN G FIELD had sold the land to the Eugene Ter­ o f trestle to hold up the approach to aocldent tendent of the Methodist Episcopal minal company. Consequently the year. the bridge rather than a fill aa II la church. Is scheduled to preach at the _ _ _ _ The scented trail of a Lane county land was assessed to the terminal understood Is proposed In the high­ FIR E C H IEF GOES TO Springfield union services at the Bap- ' cAC'IIC HAH bootlegger was struck by M. W. company. company, Later i.a in title passed w to — the » way commission's plans It la thought Walker, Springfield real estate man. ( cjty of Eugene and it was for a deci- PORTLAND C ONVENTION tigt church Sunday evening. Hie sun- EPW ORTH LEAGUE HAS by the local residents that the fill Joct has not yet been announced. j M EETIN G AT RESORT on a W est Springfield property this ston as to whether Eugene should pay would serve aa an obstruction In case On Sunday morning at the Method- . Fire Chief Jess Smltson lefl yester­ week. But long since the bootlegger taxes on the property that the deci­ o f high water such as occurred last day for IMrlland where he will attend 1st church the program will be In ‘ Members of the Epworth Leagues had gone, perhaps to continue in other sion was rendeed by the attorney gen­ gprlng and would prevent the water the seeslone of the state snd north­ charge of deaconesses from the North- of thio dtatrict are holding an annual fields, or to spend his regrets in the eral. Taxes to the amount of about from running off th» land west fir« c h ie fs convention The con west training school at Seattle, here ronventlon at the Cascade Resort this county Jail >600 stand against the terminal com- The same people have suggested clave start» In the northern city today. on their way to the Epworth League the delegates camping there and Early in the webk Frank Craiger o f 1 Pany- that the Southern Pacific substitute It will contluue for eight days. convention at Cascade resort. - attending the dally seaslons. Wendling called on Mr. Walker with Several unu-ual transactions, ars such a trestle for the fill which car Chief Smllson probably wlli not re­ here are Mrs. 1 Delegates from nere nr», Willis v. „»>» regard to the sale of a 4-acre tract in ‘“e handling of the transfer rted the rail» to the now railroad main throws hout the session, as he Is . _ _____ H e r t s ,M i s s Jule Pollard, Miss Thiel the Glenwood park addition. l lUnds Corvallis, secretary. Lane giving much service during the pre­ authorities said today. the days of Volstead rule. There were benefit program, followed by a dafto* that body to lay the matter before the I e I .Nebr„ bj, n, are e lp e cUd to sent hot weather, and Is the first pub­ As a matter of fact. It has been other signs of a once thriving busi­ with a six-piece orchestra. highway commlgalon an dthe state In addition to the remedy, geveral lic fountain of this kind to be est­ geveral weeks — perhaps months - ness. public service commission. It Is heldI ‘ beM „ |h u other feature numbers are planned. since the last traffic a rrest A liberal ablished In Springfield. On the same trip. Mr. W alker had by some that the P-‘“ .on w.lI h.» n f , f(jr , he ye#r. These will Include numbers by attitude has been taken by the authori­ occasion to go to a field not far dis- - ~ -„a little force addressed to the council. I K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nadvornik, local violinist h,fU and ties and when m otorists drive sens! tanct. HI. detective sense appeared Cb«' Now Indicator Installed but should have been addressed dlrec-j bly they are allowed to drive faster. For the benefit of the motoring pub , ---- to be working exceptonally well for Andy Glbgoiu . — . . __ «eofFc trnna tly to the public service cimmlsalon CRAIGER PROPERTY IS ,,c. a new air indicator h a . been In , It was saRL There .r e no his step , led him directly to a huge , chanlpj(jn harmonica player: SOLD TO MRS. ANDERSON The slogan, "Remember the ahopa." stall, d at the Springfield Garage. The kept In this c >. . keeping fireplace, erected In the field to carry GraTO8, described as th* ap|e*ars at the end of the petition of device I. a great convenience to local Officer Elmer Smith h a . keep Through the real estate agency of the southslders. recalling the dlgap •‘youngest Charleston dancer; tfc alter an eye out for reckless drivers, ------------ “u 7 point ment suffered by Springfield W W. Walker, the Frank Cralger pro­ autolsta. L ee’s Hawaiian trio, and the “Charle*- when the proposed car shops of the perty In Glenwood park addition. Weat ton dance trio.” Southern Pacific were taken to Eu­ Springfield, has been sold to Mrs. By 4Oart T. JWd "The Trouble W ith, This P op Catching Business Louts Anderson of Springfield The gene. SVA R VER U D RESIGNS AS The petition cites among reasons property consists of four acres C H IE F DEPUTY S H E R IF F Mrs. Anderson already la moving to for keeping the crossing open the fol­ lowing Inconvenience to pedestrians , the place and Intends to operate a Van Svarverud. whose trip to Lod and school children; failure of the j Hman chicken ranch, Angeles to bring back an escaped crossing to show Itself a dangerous | , prisoner when Albert Brownlee and one becauge of the few accidents V is it At Hobson Homo Dewey Russell were still at large start- which have occurred there; doubt that ... T. McDonald, of Mr and Mrs W. ed the effort to recall Sheriff Frank the Southern Ihiclftc would contrl- Rp,|n,on(j, Oregon, were week-end Taylor, has resigned his post as chlst hute the proposed sum to the new ■ guests at - — - — the G W. Hobson home near deputy sheriff. He will leave Septem­ bridge; disfavor on soiithslde motor- Springfield. Mr. McDonald Is county ber 3 for Paris, where he will attend Isis to drlvelng “through the hole' «gent of Deschuttes county. Miss the national convention of the Ameri­ on Mill street. The southslders add Dorothy Hobson accompanied Mr. and can Legion. that they are paying taxes hut are Mrs. McDonald home for a visit. Earl Luckey, for more than 10 year* getting Inadequate Improvements as In the service of the Sheriff's office compared with other parts of the city. as the traffic Increases. New align «went, widening of the right-of-way, Petition Copy Here and the tax office was promoted to In the meantime, the highway com elimination of curves, are among th» chief deputy. Frank Rogers, formerly mission, acting •— on endorsement — of Plan» now made. Eventually, there with the Southern Pacific’s Investiga­ rouncll and the Lane will be RIMIO cars a day passing over ting department, was appointed to the th Springfield . _ county court, has drawn up a petition this route, while 2700 is the dally sheriff’s staff by Sheriff Taylor, and to the public service s eeklng the ell-1 vehicular count at present. w ill make criminal investigation » irtlnatlnn of what Is termed one of the ■ The commission then points out specialty. most dangerous grdes crossings In that there are three possible ways of eliminating the Second Street cross­ this district. A copy of the petition Nadvornik* Move A viaduct would coat >61,300; h as been receive! at the office of ing The tailor shop of J. F. Nadvornik overhead crossing. >110,176; bridge, Recorder I. M. ePterson. has been moved from the Fourth It begins with a picture of th« >166,000. street location in the Peyktns building By eliminating the crossing, tho future development of the McKensle to the Commercial state bank quarters highway, giving Illuminating reports Southern Pacific should be required to formerly occupied by R. W. Smith, as to what the atate officials hops for pay >.15,000 toward the bridge, It Is Justlc of the peace. The bank building slated. Finally, the commission asks th is Important thoroughfare which quarters have been divided between has W«Ht Springfield rb Its western that arrangements be made for car­ the tailor and the offices of the Lorane terminus It Is pointed nut that from ing for pedestrian traffic across the Timber and Miling company. Second street Intersection with the I that point the read extends through Springfield, the McKenzie Pass, to tracks. . Tonsils Removed—Florence, daugh­ With these as tho week’s develop- j Redmond where It conneets with The ter of E. E. May. underwent a tonsil ments, Springfield people are await­ Dalles Callfnrnln highway. From operation at the office of a local sur­ there. It extend» on east, and by virtue ing further steps In the big Improve­ geon yesterday Four children, daugh­ ment. It Is likely that the hearing o (connections with an Idaho rend ters of Mrs. Pearl Wallace, of Jasper, date on the petition will be set short system becomes both an Interstate also had their tonsils removed here ly. The roslutlng find'ngs will place and a transcontinental system link. yesterday. the whole matter on a more definite General betterment of the highway is planned by (he state commlgslnn basis, It is understood. a s '“i