THURSDAY JULY 28. I»27 TIIS SPRINGFIKU) NEWS PAG« SIX week. They are returning from a month's visit in Chicago to their homo Viett Frees Hom«— Mr and Mr». ' In Washington. Sam Montgi’mcry of Noli mere Spring- Visits Friends Hers— H. L. Marster- Hold visitors at the Fred Ftese resi­ <>f Salem vlatted Mr. and Mrs. F. B. dence. ' Hamlin Tuesday They are old | Visit Nelsen Hom«—Mr» Emma friends. Mr. Marsters continued t o ' Kirkpatrick i.nd Mr Irma Soverns and Vkla. where he Is visiting hi» daugh­ daughter. Mabie, visited at the N Nel­ ter Mrs. Sylvia Kills. I ’ I son home here Sunday. Returns from Trip—George Perkins Return from Portland—Mrs. Hasel has returned from a motor trip down Bradley and small sou have returned the Roosevelt highway to Cescent 1 from I'ortland after a few days visit­ City. He went by Bandon and return-, ing there with friends. i ed V> Grants Paas, then visited Crater Lake before coming home. Jess Walker Here— Jess Walker of toburg. who several years ago opera­ Gordon Lee Visits Here Gordon ted a blacksmith shop here, was a Lee. enlisted In the army ut Vancou­ Springfield visitor Sunday He chatted ver barracks, spent the week-end here with old friends here. cn short furlough!. He went north Visits Brother— Mrs Joe t'haiupie Tuesday to visit ai McMinnville for a and little daughter. Betty Jo. of Ellens­ few days before returning to Vancou­ burg. Washington. are visiting Mrs. ver He has obtained his letter from t'hampie's brother, H E Maxey, thia the Springfield Baptist church and has TOWN AND VICINITY WHERE QUALITY MEETS CONFIDENCE 992 W illamette St. Eugene. Oregon Dependable Eyeglass Service Dr. Roxjdl Qick OPTOMETRIST—EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 878 Willamette 8t. Eugene, Ora. JUST ONE THING. BUT—I DO IT RIGHT' Pay with a CHECK lake is attracting hundreds of fish«’.* EXCURSION TO NEW i men. cainp«*rs and vacationists. OREGON WONDERLAND , Sunday next. July 31st. many plan to take advantage of the apectal low- Beautiful Odell Lake, locked In the fare excuralou to this beautiful sec heart of a sylvan wilderness until lh> tlon. opening of the Southern Pacific's ne v Carl Olson local representative of Cascade Line this year brought It the Southern Pacific, states the round within easy reach of the lovors of the trip fare from Springfield «rill be 53 «0 outdoors. Is one of the finest bodies and that (he train will leave at 8: <5 A of water on the Ihtciflc Coast. More M. and will leave Odell Lake for re­ ' than 2000 feet in d«pih at places, the turn at 5:30 P. M. In ad«f1(loo to regular media «an«!- ' deep water lrnds to It a lovely sky- I blue color. Rimmed by virgin fores*» vrtches and coffee will be obtained and cupped among (lie tho on the train on return trip. ............ 1 1 ■ DIED become a member of the Baptist * cfccrch of Vancouver. I Visit at Portland— W. H. Adrian Bainbridge— at Westfir. Oregon. Jaty visited at Portland Sunday and Mon- 2?. 1937. Eva May Bralnbrldge. aged three weeks and one day. daughter of ! day. Mr. and Mra. J. J. Bralnbrldge. Fun; Goes to Portland— Bert Doane has era! services »111 be held at Walker gone to Portland to be at the bedside 1 of hie mother. Mrs. W. M Wadsworth. chapel. 2:30 o'clock. Frldav afternoon. Rev. J. L. Hornshugh In charge. who Is resorted to lie critically III. j itn p ro ^ d CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emery on prices on plate and other work, tl Gravos to Return— The return of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Gravos from a trip which included the American Legion ' convention at La Grande Is expect«! i shortly. They planned to go Into Washington before returning to Springfield. Verne Btewart were visitors In Spring- field Wednesday on their way h om e, ' after a vacation trip to Dunsmuir. ' California. They traveled the new Cascade route and returned the Shasta way. I HODGE IDEA SUPPORTED BY NEW OBSERVATIONS Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. Fastens At Shoulder Knitted Athletic Union Suits L ig h tw eight, cool. Of good quality nainsook, well made and well finished th r o u g h o u t; closed c r o tc h ; buttonless Hy- f r o n t; fastens a t shoulder with tw o b u tto n s like a bath in g s u i t ; no o th e r buttons. Low priced a t— Very cool and comfort­ able ; reinforced at all im­ portant points. A ll sixes. Sam « M odal M a r c a r ia o d fn Oreder Lime Now 1 Lime rock for agricultural purposes , should be odrered Immediately, ac­ cording to County Agent O. 3. Fletcher. Special prices due to new freight rates are available. Yes Hs Did "That drunkard we hist saw Is a very touching case. Isn’t he?" '•Well, now that you mention It, yes. He touched me for a five-spot yes­ terday. Good Old Fats "Yes, sir. It certainly pays to , study," said the young man as he re- , reived his usual flfty-dollar check from his old man. "If not for my studies ■ I wouldn't have this check. And I 38c YD. A hl* nsaortment of «tripe« and check« Value» to 11 50 yard KOTEX 49c PKG. Just received, a five-gr<»s ship- menl. lavraway’a Department Store. CUMFY-NAP 39c PKG. Hame *I m packge as Kotex. Thia la a regular 50c package ORIENTAL PARASOLS 29c EACH Just a fees* left. Our price Is about tor lower than compsll- tors. PEQUOT PILLOW CASES 98c PR. PILLOW CASES Stampe«) and hemstitched, sev­ eral deaigna. No belter quality mad«* Stamped and hem«tltehed. and a good assortment of designs 69c PR. NU-OARTS NU-CARTS 49c PR. Ladles. come In nnd see what Is new In the garter lln««— NU-OARTS at lairaway's Department Store T h e J u ly C le a ra n c e Sales o f W e a rin g A p p a re l U rg e Y o u r A tte n d a n c e Dr. Ella C. Meade of Albany Is opening an Optical Store at No. 14 8th Ave. West, Eugene, Oregon. When you are in that city and In need of Optical work she will be glad to serve you. The clearance sales of women'« and misses' apparel now on are worth your while. Come In nnd examine the stocks. Though you may not bo In actual need of new apparel these value« are so exceptional that It will be economy to buy. For there are «ults, dre««e«, blouses. skirts, coats en­ sembles—garments from the flne«t makers, of unquestion­ able style and workmanship on Hale at prices unbelievably low. Ho come and shop, but come early since qulntltles are limited, In some cases, but one of a kind. MEN'S STRAW HATS ’/ , PRICE 49c SUIT Every hat must be sold this week. 98c each up. Made from a good dimity rherk. A regular 75c value. WORK SHIRTS MEN'S BIB OVERALLS 49c EACH 98c PR. Made from blue and gray cham- bray. All sixes, a bargain. Ma«ie from 220 blue denim, all sizes, full cut. KHAKI PANTS KHAKI PANTS 98o PR. >1.49 TO $1.98 A pant that Is selling like hoi- cakes, All sixes. Here are values usually sold as high ns *3.75 pair. SUN VISORS MOLESKIN PANTS 19c TO 49c EACH We can show you six or eight different styles and all colors. You Can Clean Spotsfrom Shoes H l CANVASS GLOVES 10c PR. A good weight canvas glove, blue wrist. Ooxan pains $1.19 how C ommm k««pa af! imooEh k at her abort in perfect •on^rioM w ith o u t harming the « •h o t, edpecially th « nrw Myle abort W m W wh, prttd parch­ m ent, ah*Il gray an4 ot hr r delicate tfnrt. Cerema remoert the «port «»4 berpethe abort looking chic. A Crw 4rope en • aoA d o th , • Ue- ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR SUSPENDERS 49c PR. President and Police suspend- ers. Good heavy webbing and trimmings. $2.69 PR. w Made from the best grade mole- skin and the best of workman­ ship. MEN S WORK SHOES $1.98 PR. Men. come In and see the best «hoe value you ever looked at. Regular |3.00 value«. SHOE BARGAIN TABLE $1.98 PR. In this lot you will find shoes that sold as high ss $7.60 pair. tlh ei For Rale by K etel*’ Drug Store SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ! Opposite Rex Theatre^ Laraway's Dept. Store F in e C o tto n . $1.49 The theory of Dr. E. T. Hodge of the University of Oregon that the Three Sisters are but remnants of a once giant peak, which he called Mount Multnomah, has been upheld by the observations of a party of experienced mountain climbers. The group, lead by John Berry of Angora club of As­ toria, recently scaled the three peaks and explored the surrounding country. With Dr. Hodge's scientific data at hand the members traced the rim of the ancient crater and noted other evidence In support of the theory. After the party ha,, successfully scaled the middle and south p«-aks. Fred U. Robin of the Trails club. Port­ land. r»as able to ascend to within ■ ! only 100 feet of the summit of the I north peak. He was held back by s perpendicular wall formed within the last month when the mountain "sloughed off." This rock slide. Mr. Robin declared, had occurred since two Bend youths made the climb early In the month. LADIES' HOSE 49c FR. Boniethlng now. An all rubber round garter for rolled stock­ ing« For Indies and children. Here a fte r Vacation— M r. anil Mrs There is a feeling of importance—of busi­ ness standing—that come to you when you can pay with a check, and it does improve your standing, even though you have only a small account. Start a checking account at this bank. Special accounts receive in­ terest on minimum balances—with check­ ing privileges. Let us tell you about it. Hers's Today'« New« from Laraway'« Dept. Store A whole store full of the tlnest of nicrchmullHc Items selec­ ted months ago ami planned so ns to be here nt the mo-* ment you wanted them. Hot weather Hems, everything lu household aids mid apparels and acceaaorles that will make the hoi days to come easier for you. Camp and seashore accessories ure here too. In abundance. Prices. as always at this store, are moderate ami wide In range. Mrs Wadsworth Is well-known here Reports tOTay are that she is slightly When a bill is paid with a check you make your own receipt. The cancelled check, re­ turned to you from the bank, shows when, how much, and—if you want to jot it down on the check—what for. The cancellation shows it was paid by the bank. Wo Lead In Style and Quality In All Prie» Classo» A Store Full of Choice Offerings Awaits You Here The Regular FV11 Term at the Eugene Business College will begin Tuesday Septmeber Sixth. Thereafter eltch Monday will be enrollment day. Our up-to-date equipment, efficient instruction, and reasonable rates make this a good school where you are assured of a business training that will fit you for a responsible position. A E. ROBERTS. President Eugsns's Most Frogrs salva Stora Morning Merchsndlso Reasonably Priced TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER SIXTH EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE Good Eugsns's Newest Oapartment Stars All Through History Samson—Do you neck? Dellllah— B-a-ay, that's my business. Ramson—Well, let’s transact a little business. ’ CORONA- LEATHER CREAM f a t oil color m ooth Itolhtr th on Phone 2233 Phone 2233 966-968 Willamette Street I^ARAWAY BUILDING Etigene, Oregon