The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 28, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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B rie f Resum e of H appenings of
the W eek C ollect ?d fo r
O ur R ead ers.
Mr« '* 1 ’■ W'lUs Cottar» <1*
celohru . i r in let b irth d a y a a n l
y recently
Th • thirty-eighth annual Union
county |>l'- 1 <-r re u n io n » ■« l»«W
|,„ Gram!» lint weak will» »bout SO'»
Thoms* l.anclol* the fir*» wlilic
child born In furry counl y. died lu
’ wiwk nt hl» huma In Mnndun. ag»d
71 year».
I*e-llutid ranked In 11th place among
th« 25 leading cltlea In point of build
Ing permita value* Issued during the
first a ll month* of th» yaar.
Th» reportad discovery of lar«» tin
Saponita on Honey creek, a tributary
of th» North Umpqua river, baa crest
•d considerable Interest at Roseburg
Down from Weatflr— Mra. H. M Springfield.
Go to Lake—Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Taylor were visitors at Triangle lake Howard of Weatflr spent a part of
Visitor from Jasper—Jaipur people
Tuesday »hopping In Springfield.
who visited Springfield Sunday Includ­
Haa Operation— Mr. J. Inman ot ed Mr and Mrs. W E Darr and
Hara from Vanota— Newell Job of
fioaa to Portland— Floyd Flanery Veneta waa a Springfield vlaltor Tuea- Springfield underwent an opertlon at George Flan.
made a trip to Portland Tuesday.
the Mercy hospital Friday ot last
Hero from Portland— A. J. Perkin»,
Keaaey at Albany— Dwight Keaaey
who »pent several day* here from
In from Croak—Mr. and Mr». J. F. week.
visited at Albany Munday.
Moore of Fall Creek were visitor»
Drives from W e n d lin g — M ra. C a rl Portland, returned to that place Mon­
Katepp of Wendling spent n part of day. He waa accompanied by Welby
Maskell Hero—George Haskell cf here Tuesday.
Saturday transacting business In Stevens, who has returned home.
Goshen vlalted Sprlngleld Tuesday.
Tonsils are Removed— Mias L u d lte
Roy Brewar In— Roy Brewer of Fall Malo o f M o to r R outt B underwent t
k J— J M Kua a .. r*
Creek was a visitor here this week .
ton slice to my at the office of a local
Donna Man Hara—H B. Dunlela of
Donna spent a part of Tuesday In
Here from Pengra— Mrs S. W.
Itlrhurdson of Peligra was a Sprillai
field visitor Monday evening
Here Over W eekend—Orlo Nettle-
«■ni was here from t'urtaln to spend
the week-end w ith his mother, Mrs.
George Nettleton.
HiirKt'on M onday.
Drive to Portland— Mr. nod Mr*. N..
Leavaa var monmoutn— Mrs. Ella ;
L. Pollard went to Portland for a
Vlalore from Bellfountain— Visitors visit Hunday.
Lombard left Tuuaday morning for J
at the homo of Mr. and Mr», ♦'red
Monmouth, where »he w ill attend the I
At Triangle Lake— Mr and Mrs. atate normal achool the coming short
Freer Sunday were Mr, and Mrs.
Arthur Taylor spent Sunday at Tri- session. She will teach here next
George Rhodes of Bellfountain
angle latke.
Visitors at Waatflr— Mr» A C.
Here from McGlynn— Bert Kuto.J.
T r a v i s a n d d a u g h l e t F t m< I k . ( 'h o l e r
George Moon In Town — Georg* ,
I Woolley and Agatha Heals drove to resident of McGlynn, was a Springfield
Moon arrived Saturday evening to
visitor laat Saturday.
Westfir Sunday.
spend a few days visiting his parents. •
Hare From Grove—I'. A. Crites of
Visits at Not I—Clara Fawver and
Mr. and Mr* K. W Collin» vlalfed Cottage Grove waa a vlaltor here
Sunday at the home of Mr ana Mrs Saturday.
Frank Parrish of Notl.
In from Creak— Mr. W D. Glaspey
Young Improved—Ira Young, vet­ of Fall Creek was a vlaltor here this
eran mall carrier who has been III week.
for some time, was on Ihe streets
Rollie Moon Here— Kollle Moon of
again yesterday much Improved. He
Creswell paid Sprlnrtleld a visit late
will return to work next week
lust week.
Visit New Bridge— Mr. mid Mrs C.
Calllaon la Visitor— R. W. Calllaon
F Kenyon Welby Stevens, and Mrs.
Grace Roberts drove to the Crooked of Fall Creek »pent a part of Tues
river bridge beyond Bend Sunday. day In Springfield.
They reported a pleasant trip over
Thornton la Hare— C. W Thomson
the pass.
Andraw Hoyle, a logging contractor
engaged In the Middle Fork district
near Remote, died at Myrtle Point
following an Injury caused by a roll
log log
Diplomas for th« »tandard course of
th» Oregon Normal achool will b» 1»
aued to 85 students at tho do»» of
the flrat half of tba summer term.
July 17.
Water I» now being relea»ed from
the McKay reaervolr for Irrigation
purposes In the waat end of U m a tilla
'county. Alw>ut 350 acre feet a day la
being ul lilted
William Chambers. 4«. of Baker »a»
Instantly killed while loading log» on
car» for tba Stoddard Lumber com
pany at Boulder Gorge. about 17 mile*
aouth of Makar.
Tba atate flab commlaalon ha» glean
notice that It will not pay bounty on
anal (>r aea lion acalpa turiw*d In after
Auguat 1. th» bounty fund being prac
tically exhausted
The Ray Brown cannery at Wood
burn ha* finished on atrawbarrlaa.
raapbarrle*. charrlaa and loganberries
Up to Saturday night the payroll had
been 11500 a day
Due to the vary favorable coodltlon
of tbe range, lamba la (¡rant county
thia summer are ahowlng a weight of
from 7 to 10 pouuda la exceaa of laal
year at thia time.
The Lostine State bank, financial
Inatltntlon of Wallowa county, ha* In
creased Ita capital «lock from 116.00c
to 116.000 and baa movad Ita buatneaa
from Lostine to Joeapb.
Pre harrea» eatImalee placad the
alrawberry yield In the Hood River
valley at 30 carload». Fifty-one car»
were »hipped, caunera received 40c
tona and total recalpta e n eed ed 1116.-
Paul Dodele. 73, retired Albany
tanner, who waa drowned In the Wtl
lametta river laat week, accidentally
fell Into the water while attempting
to extricate hl» fishing line from a
Forest fires have givun the Whit
man national forest of Maker county
a wide berth A few small fire» have
been discovered and pul out. but then-
bare been no bad fires and no prop
erty damage.
Drain harvest In« In I.lnn county be­
gan this weok with prospect for the
heaviest yield In yonra. The acreage
la »omewhat leas than average bul
thia will ba more than balanced by
large yields.
Elaine, 5 months old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. L. C. Henderson of Medford
ahowed how well she could walk laat
week, using little aid from her mother
Tbo Infant also cun hang from a bar
with her hands.
Articles of Incorporation of the Ore­
gon Bank A Trust company to operate
In Kluniath Falla have been filed with
the state bunking department. The
Institution will have a capital of 176.-
000 and surplus of 176,000.
Two barns filled with hay and con­
taining farm machinery and 3000 or
4000 grain wacks and seven head of
mules ware burned Tuesday night on
the W. R. Campbell ranch In the Hold-
man area north of Pendleton.
Lee Hurst of Phillips ramp No. 1,
* Albany, waa elected state conutuder
of the United Spanish War Veterans
for the coming year at their annual
atate encampment held In Klamath
Falla last week.
McMinnville was
•alerted for the 1921 encampment,
having wen by three vetea In a spirit­
ed contest with Salem.
Members of the state board of con
tool at a meeting In Salem last week,
voted not to proceed with the con­
struction of a nurses' home at the
Oregon state hospital under an act of
the last legislature appropriating
•110.000 for this purpose
The first of 140,000,000 gallons of
water to bo Impounded In the McMinn
vflle supply reservoir on Haskins
ereek will he Impounded October 1.
engtnoers now think, with the lower
> tow of ropk completed and the clay
sluicing operations starting.
N 0^
Mr nd Mrs Virgie Moon. George but
a Jol> In a bakery at Rainier, Wash­
Move to Fifth Street— Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Gillette and A. B Gillette
moved Sunday from Weal Sprlngfleld
to the Elliott property on Fifth street
which they purchased through the real i
estate agency of W. W. Walker.
. (Joes to Drew—F B. Hamlin accom-j
panied Mrs. Hattie T. Hamlin, h is !
mother, to Drew, Oregon, this week. >
Mrs Hamlin, after vDitlng here, went
to Drew to visit her son, Ed. of that
Fresh and Tender Meats
Quality comes first with us both In buying slaughter­
ing and packing of oru meats. When you buy a juicy steak
or delicious roast or what not from us you may know it is
fresh and tender, and that it has had the proper care in our
clean sanitary cooling rooms.
We're here to serve you and we guarantee to please.
4th and Main Sts.
Phone 63
for Delivery
Greatest RirnitureVilwes
$150.00 All Mohair
$47.50 Five Piece Decorated
U pholstered D avenport
Breakfast Set
Very Finest Construction
Table and Four Chairs
$ 1 3 5 .0 0
$ 3 6 .8 5
$79.50 All Mohair
$12.50 All Aluminum
Arm Chair
To Match Above Davenport
Kitchen Set
All Needed Articles
$ 4 9 .5 0
$ 7 .8 5
$189.00 Five Piece
$12.50 Electric
Pull Paneled Sides
Bed Room Suite
Bed. Vanity, Chest, Bench
and Mirror
$9.8 5
$ 1 1 8 .7 5
C o ffee Percolator
$105.00 Large Size
$27.00 37 Piece Set
Wood and Coal Range
Nlekle and Enamel Trim
Semi-Porcelain China
Best Grade imported
English Dishes
$ 8 9 .5 0
$21 5 0
$1.25 Aluminum
$2.65 Pair
Medium Size
Panei Curtains
Very Neat Figure and Fringed
$ 1 .9 8
$182.00 Eight Piece
Values to $3.00 Yard
F ifty-In ch Dam ask
Dish Pan
D ining Suite
Large Selection, All Sunfast
Table, Six Chairs and Buffet
$ 2 .3 5 yd-
$ 1 3 7 .5 0
Your Credit Is
Good—Use It!
We Charge
No Interest