PAGE FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS . THURSDAY JULY 2«. I92T THIS SPRINGFIELD NEWS BE CIVILIZED — TH E TEST — TOLBRANCB In Confidence.... ByFLO Evan Up Are you civilised? Be careful now before a n ­ “ 1 hear you've ucceplad Jack," said swering, because there is a guage by which you un old ffume o f his. " I suppose be gprtagfleld. Lana Coaaty. OreCPa. by THE WORKING W IFE’S SALARY can Judge yourself and you tnay be surprised a t I never (old you he once proposed to the findings. Answer accurately -"How tolarant T H E W IL L A M E T T E P N E M H ere I» a le tte r that »«ta forth a salary. Have a frank discussion with me.'* are you?”—and you will know to what degree problem which la becoming Inert'«« H. B M A X B Y Bdttor. "N o," retorted Jack'« new aweetla, him w ork out 0 budget, and agree I you are civilized. lugly Im p ortan t— the financial obllga "not exactly. He m erely said he had It has been aptly put by one w riter t h a t: ’ The tlous of tha m onay-aarnlng m arried upon what division of expensas then* dour a lot of silly th in g * before ha m easure of your tolerance is your distance from woman My correspondent w rite«: — shall be. Theu keep the balance- Io meeting me llut I didn't ask hint do w ith aa you lik e —to spend for the Jungle." "I do not know If you arw m a m a d . yourself or s ave s« you see At. what they w ere" MAIL SUBSCRIPTION R ATI Schooling and m anners have nothing whatsoever but « • you aro a ealaried woman par- -T5« Year la Advauc*___ FITS Three Month« . ta to do with tolerance. These are only veneer bap« you w ill understand my poaltlon Month« - 4 L R 3tn«le Copy Many people never develop a sufficient degree of and may, I hepa, adviaa mo. tolerance to qualify as civilized people. It is these T H U R S D A Y J U L Y SS. ISS7 “W han I m arried two years ago I who cause most of the trouble in the world. They a stanograpbar earning SIS 00 a crucify, they whip at the stake, they raid, they was week. I lived at horna and paid my OIL TUB McKENZOB HIGHWAY 'burn, they do not reason. Hate and brutality are mother $10.00 a w eak for my board Another year the McKenzie highway should be . their answ ers to logic. "How m ay I know w hether I am tolerant or and room. oiled at least as far as McKenzie Bridge on this “ A fte r I m arried I kept my job Elde and to the lava on the east side. Oiling has n o t? ’’ you may ask. Here are a few charac* although my husband urged ma la t eristics. proceeded this year to Millican's com ers front the give it up. .1 kept It for two reason« Pacific highway and from Bend to Sisters on the IM PA NY OF C A L I F O K N IA SI A N n A I When a m an says he will not argue, he usually —first because I preferred my office east side. It is evident that this has greatly im­ m eans he will not listen. He has opinions and he work to housework and aacond, ba proved travel conditions. delights to make them vocal. But when he has causa I fait wa would need the extra With the Mount Hood Loop completely oiled told his side of the story, nothing rem ains to be money, as my husband was earning and oiling going on on The DaUes-CaMfornia said. He construes any discussion of the m atter only $50.00 a weak. highway ^C rater l^ake highway and Coos Bay and as an effort on your part to "argue." He begins "I am wondering now If I mada a other highways tourists will shun the McKenzie with the assum ption that any opinion that fails m istake. Although at tha tim e of our for these better roads. to agree with his is silly. m arriage ha wanted ma to glva up my job I find now th a t a fte r two The McKenzie highway is a streak of dust most The world is full of such people. Good listeners of the time and becomes almost unbearable on are rare. People who will listen to the other side years of m arried Ufa ha la depending Sunday evenings. Motorists are compelled to are ra re r still. As a fact, too m any of us are more on my earnings. . I am w orking tw ice stop in places or slow down to 10 or 15 miles an or less ignorant, narrow-m inded and intolerant. as hard w ith my$Job and tha house hour in order to see the road after they have been Young people, especially those with good minds keeping, and I hava less to apand on If you are a man who 1« I bought ftil of hla wife or, maybe passed by heavy cars. This condition is not a t­ are intolerant of other opinions. Old people who m y .- lf than I ever did. T his does younger ami would tie idee to your sw eetheart you’ll call tractive to tourists. lAine county Chambers of have good minds usually have been mellowed and not aaem fa ir to me. Of course I am w illing to contribute to our Joint Commerce and county officials should insist that made tolerant with the passing years. at Egginiann’H regularly. The gentle Hex knnw i Egglninnn'H expenses but I th in k I should hava the road be oiled or we will lose greatly in tourist Ice cream and candle« are of high quality and mighty good. Be a good listener. Cultivate the open mind aa much of my own money to spend traffic. Be civilized. T here’ll be no m istake. You’ve m ade a hit when you buy aa I did before m anage. .1 do not • • • understand w hy two years ago ha for wife or sw eetheart here. was w illin g to support ma entirely HURRY THE BRIDGE COMING — MORE CARS — FACTS and now. whan ha Is earning a larger Any delay in building the new bridge across the The "saturation point” in automobiles seem s as salary, ha never s u g g e s ts that ba can W illamette river, now it has been authorized far off as ever. For the first six m onths of 1927 take cars of ma. My m other talla ma by the highway commission, would be false General Motors sold 840,481 cars, against 820.190 I should hava given up my job whan economy. The decking of the old bridge is w ear­ in 192« and 396,360 in 1925. An increase of 74.- I m arried. Do you th in k I should hava ing down fast and will not last through another 000 cars per month in two years is not bad. dona so?** season. If the new bridge is not finished this sea­ a a a a The big m otor boom and fight are expected in son then $2000 or $3000 in repairs will be neces­ H er» la a problem that confronts the Autumn, when Henry Fiyd's new c ar will sary on the old structure. This money can be saved if the engineers and m ake its bow. Ford is quoted to the effect that many women. W itho ut g e llin g Inin .W e G iv e D i sujun i S iamps state and county officials responsible for the the country can easily absorb two million new any discussion as to the why« and wherefore« of a m arried woman w ork­ building of the new bridge will keep on the job and cars every year, since, at the present rate of car ownership, that would mean every car would have ing I can quite see L. V s point of view. see th a t no unnecessary delays occur. • • • to last six years. Mr. Ford knows th at 2.000,000 It la extrem ely difficult fo r a wnmau I S,n new cars a year is a rlduculously low estim ate. who has been financially Independent George Love's record in American Legion work Will Rogers describes a poor family as a family through her own efforta Io ask for i entitled him to the high office of state camm an- , "h arin g only one car." And that is not exaggera­ pocket money— and It la also very dlfll 1 I der. He has been a tireless w orker for the ex- tion. cull for the 'woman who hatea house I service m en's right especially before the state work and who haa learned to love her , Every active individual, including bigger chil­ office life to become resigned to the 1 veteran’s aid commission and the federal vet­ eran 's bureau. Legionnaires a t l.a Grande aw ard­ dren in prosperous families, needs his own car. position of a domestic. ed him for his work. He should now have the and the four-car family will soon he numerous. I see no reason why my corres- ' support of every ex-service m an to m ake his ad­ Two cars to a family should be the average. To A d e a r, rosy complexion cannot exint unie«* the ¡1 m inistration one of greater service to the veter­ say th at four million cars, trucks, etc., can easily pondent should have given up her Job. ; skin I» healthy and sm ooth. Oil of alm onds iuts wanted the extra money and she ! ans. Especially should he have the backing of be absorbed in this country every year is putting She long been raeognissd m obs <>f tbs most perfect is did not mind working. Perhaps, how ' it mildly, assum ing, of course, th at intelligent ad­ the Eugene and Springfield posts. agents for softening the skin and feeding the '■ • • • vertising is done in valuable newspapers, such as ever, she has been m aking things loo underlying tisHuea. easy fo r her husband, \ v i t b e r men ! this one. nor women can do th e ir best when I Ah American writes us from Paris that he • • • knows why the French bartender named that things are made too easy for them, j C a rd e n C o u rt Do you rem em ber how enthused the people An acute observer of nature said: — drink Lindbergh. He says, once inside, it opens up an C o m b in a tio n C re a m were back in May. 1927, when a flyer b ythe "E v ery tim e a woman takes In wash like a parachute. nam e of Lindbergh made an airplane flight from Ing her husband lays down the spade." . is essentially a akin foot! and tiaaue builder. It la • • • ab ao rb o d by tbS pores, re m o v e s th e Impurities. I N. Y. to Paris? Huh, the gang was laughin* And that la largely true. Once a , Quite a row was stirred up at Yale when a about it this m orning when we hopped down to quickens the circulation of the blood In the ex M H Dram atic coach was fired off the job. Did they Africa for a little elephant hunting before break­ man's incentive Io w ork— necessity-»- • ternal tissues, rounds out the m uscles and m akes Is taken aw ay from him be generally I mean it—or were they only practicing the stuff fast. the skin fresh and fuir. loses Interest In his 'work. T h a t is I • • • he had taught ’em. • • • why the clinging Tine sort of w ife— Keep a Jar of this delightful cream The young Oklahoma bachelor with a $5,000,- one who is helpless and dependent— President Coolidge is keeping the newspaper on your dressing table. often brings out the best that there boys 32 miles away from his Black Hill camp. 000 a year income tells how he became wealthy. Is In a certain type of husband. It "Well, I gotta job eoaehin* a high school football Read backwards, th at 32 is 23— which is the old Prie« — 5 0 c team . I worked hard a n ’ then oil was discovered she could stand on her own feet, he 6kidoo number. Now we wonder— ? would let he do It, but because she • • • on th ’ old home place.” • • • Is helpless and dependent and can do After more careful observation recently we nothing but hang around bis neck, he have commenced to think th at the women are Quick now —answ er us this: Who was the feels th a t he nrast fight to the death right and th at their husbands don’t give them half THIRD m an to m ake a non-stop flight across the enough to dress on. If you get just what we mean Atlantic? Aw— we thought so. D ont know. for her. An extravagant w ife is also sometimes an asset to a m an— because a e a S“ch is fame. Well, it was Lindbergh. Alcock he has had to hustle to meet her d e - I Taking the horse and buggy out on the road for and Brown were the first two. mands he has made the effort that , a Sunday ride these days is a far more hazardous turned him Into a rich man voyage than any Atlantic ocean air hop. i • • • “Coolidge likely to nam e Robert Bass, of N. H. W o rk If yon want to— but do not We don t know w hether this 5-5-3 navy busi- new Ambassador to Cuba.” savs headline. T h a t’s let your husband depend upon your economy. Bass can swim down. ness is a scrap game or a crap game. Published Bvwry TSurwday at O R O N IT E "Kills 'em d e a d " ies,iTiosquitoes,roaches,inoths FLY S P R A Y MAKE A HIT EGGIMANN’S FEEDING THE COMPLEXION IL .1 m Ketels’ Drug Store T Y P E W R IT E R R IB B O N S — Assorted makes In black and blue In stock a t J tLe News office. F o r the con vent j *■’ ' »’ C U C - K O O /rA te fe ence of enstomera who have h ith e r-| to not been able to get ribbons In Springfield we have started this new line of ribbons for Underwood». Remingtons. Royal«, L . C. Sm ith, and other makes. tf. 1 Thia coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kota, any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. Address. SPECIAL OFFER T o acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are making a special offer for a short time only. ELECTRIC NEEDLE The advantage of the electric needle by means of fulguration, electric coagulation, desiccation and d ia th e r­ my are 1. Bloodies« work. T h e danger of hem orrhage Is elim inated. 2. The danger of Infection, due to local anaesthesia, and of death, due to general anaesthetic, la llkow lse e lim i­ nated. 3. T he diseased parts undergo sterilization because the effect of the curren t Is germ icidal. 4. T he forcing of Infective m aterial Into the circulation, which has occur­ red from snares and other guillotine appliances, la abolished. 5. T he singing and speaking voices are In no danger of Im p airm en t, on the contrary, there la. alm ost In v a ri­ ably, Im provem ent. Dr. Geo. A. Simon P H O N E 356 E U O E N E . O R EG O N O V E R J. C. P E N N E Y 'S S T O R E t o 55/ F ¿Iltine, 25'j You will scarcely know your own rooms Just a few strokes of a paint brush are all that stand between you and a home interior that visitors will admire and envy. Scuffed up floors, marred woodwork and furniture, walls, ceilings, even the radiators, can be magically transformed with ACME QUALITY Paint* "’Varnish Specially pleasing is the color range In No-Luetre Finish F lat W all Paint faa walla and Bnaunel-Kote for interior woods and furniture. Before you buy any paint, come in and see us. W e are here to serve you- Wright & Son