T hursday july 2». 1927 THE SPRINGFIELD NEW8 PAGE TH R B 1 PAS SE N O ER T R A IN S C H E D U L E S P R IN G F IE L D » T O P » Classified Ads Cascads Line Northbound West Coast, to Portland, 5 04 A. M Local. No. 92 ............ ............ 3:11 p. m r r r i 1 L * ju rt If j 1» b i II i L J Southbound Local No. 91 8:46 A I f . TEST 0 ’ TEN ANSWERS W i st Coast................... .......... 9:31 P. M. FOR LAST WkCK Num ber 91 carries a sleeper, and A. I e*. 6. Captain James Lawrence, cox»« connects at Black Butte for San Frun A li kind» nt house p ain tin g; Katun maud ing the U. 8 Frigate Chesapeake. 2. M ercury. cisco and Los Angeles. Both West WHAT’S TUR PME OR GOING TO W A N T E D A T ONCE m ining |s i«,r rn o a mid up Roy 7. Salmon Count train« atop here on flag Koch. C all 1J6J. : EUGENE W HEN y o u c a n BUY IT M an with Car to wholesale Lightn- 3. It la the day of T h o r, the thun 8. A bridge in Venice which cou- S»>g»*siili mi* A * » » dkaa*-. • - W andllng T rain« C H E A P E R IN Y O R K O W N T O W N . Ing Contract for County to bustlsr. dtor and war god of Norse Mythology. necla the palace of the doges w ith the N O T IC E r o l l I ’ U lll.llC A T IO N mixed, at Springfield. L U B K IC 8 HEC O N D IIA N I» STO RK Cull rvenlnga 7 to 9 Oregon L ig h tn ­ Raalhound 4. T he Biography of D r. Samuel prisons of the city. FOR EST EXCHANGE » 1 6 A. M O l'E N D A Y A N D N IG H T ing Co., 1282*4 Law rence St., Eugene, _ NO. 01764k 9 A t 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Westbound mixed, a t Springfield Jobson. 12k 6th Street tf. ¡O regon. T T . H urd, Slate Agent. Dsparsmsnt of tha Interior, United 6. Saturday Evening Poet. 1:60 P. M. 10. By Roald Amundsen, in 1911. (* » •• • Land Office, R ossburg, Ora Jl 21 26: Au. 4 ■on, July 21. 1027. 8EP TIC TANKS S E T T E R I S E D CARS A T N D T H 'R la -hereby given th a t' west 1(0 feet to the place of begin­ on the 19th day o f July. 1927, requir­ Ready for you Io Inatall I ’IS T T Y J O H N 8 R R. Faulknnr, of Corvallis, Oregon, IN T H E CIRC C IT C O U R T O F T H E ning; ing that this summons be served by For family of five _ j; mart application No 01764k under th« S T A T E O F O R E G O N FOR L A N E that none of the defendant« h are any publication thereof at least once a L ate model Dodge Sedun driven 210't Act of M arch 20. 1022. (4 2 'H ta t . 466» For family of eight ..................... COUNTY y; right, title , nr Interest therein or w, N W ', N W ', N K 'L ' Ford 4 door Sedan. Real Huy. Yoran. Frances Yoran and Luclle fendants and each of them be forever of you be persona.ly served w ith «ufn- Sewer Pipe- Drain T ile N W , HW«4 N W U N E >, W tk S W 'i Yoran. hla w ife. Ada Yoran Hale barred and enjoined from asserting mons outside o f the State of Oregoa. I 6'ord Coupe. N E s *. H W t, SE«4 NW 44, Chimney fllocka and Hale, her husband. Fred any claim thereto Date of drat publication the 21st HB«4 NK>, RE'., N W M , \ V 4 NW’ V, This summons Is served upon you EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. R. Dunn and Anna Du n r hla wife, day of July. 1927 Eaaex 4-cyllnder Coach 'With balloon». M R1» . K«y NKtu N B t i H W 'j, RW*4 D ia rie s l,y Publication In accordance with an Edna Higgles and tf. D O N A L D Y O U N G , iy to rn e y for N K U N E t» 8 W U . «Mi N E 1 , 8 W U Belknap or,*er rnate at Eugene. Oregon, by the p laintiff. 680 W illam ette Street. Eu­ Ea»ex (-cylinder, late model. her huHbaad, l-avlnla ______ W H N W \ NR «, M W , W H MK'4 tan n B ar a r Hon. O F Rklpworth, Judge of the Christian. C atharine C ___ hrixtlan gene. Oregon. » W '4 . W H WH N K H N W '4 . Sec­ N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G O F ET N A !-' Hulck Touring w ith glass enclosure. rett. and Clinton B arrett h e r hus- Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. Jl 2128: A 4-11-18-25: S 1: tion 14 T p 16 ».. Range 10 Went W hand, A lo n zo P a tte r so n and Mabel I ' M containing 140 acraa within the Ilulck M uater Six. late model. ACCOUNT Patterson, hl» w ife, K ester Dudley Stusluw Nat tonal Forest. In exchange N O T IC E la hereby given that the C hristian, l-oula Belknap < hrlatian for tim ber of equal »aloe from the Many other car» from (60 up. The»« undersigned adm inistrator of the Ira Summ er Christian. Zulu Kupetz. 1 H W „ N K 1, N Ett,. Section 4 Town- cara cannot be duplicated for looks and and Joseph Kupetz, her husband. Continued from Page 1 rains. T here were bushes but few pro- ahlp 20 8 llange 12 W eal. W M con e»tale of Margar» t M. Lile», deceaaed, haa flled hla account for the linai money. Eugene C hristian and O live Chris voured by the ruthless monster astride talnlng len acres. aim* Jectlng rock». nhin »aid aettlem ent o f said eatatc In the County ! ¡ S X “ • — ■ » * '■ Slualaw N allnnal Forest, The riv e r at this point was not Court for Lane County In the Slate of F. W P E T T Y J O H N CO. T he purpose of (1,1a notice la Io a l­ and Clement Sm ith, her husband. “ You've killed that woman." formidable. The broken w hite w ater low nil peraona claim ing the land» d e 7 o nf 13 I 7Ul and ° “ " Street». O r* F rank Christian. Elm o C h ris tia n ,! Forbes »hook the d riv e r savage of the rapid» waa sw ift but shallow. .... aelnrted, nr haying bona tide objec­ oev or August, 1927. a t the Court I hone 1297. M illln d e r Alkeson and George L , y u b b e y -, eyeg opened wide. His tion» to »uch application, an oppor­ Room of «aid Court In the C o u n ty ' Even as he stood on the b rink and tu n ity to flic th eir proteat with the Court House. In Eugene. O ra m n . at ^ o X nh e B / o i nM B ^ d e ; r A’tk,eaon: « 1 . nose, broken W atch repairing done correctly peered a fte r the h urtlin g figure, lie g la ter of (he t j 8 lj»nd Office %t ten o'clock In the fora-noon, has been ri a 'n_ ’ ""d sale contract be-1 wife. C atharin e Christian B a rre tt and | _______ __ ___________ __ charge of the cargo. And m oral lawn m aterials nnd to construct such sower verlfl In accordance w ith t h - detailed plan« Sw afford have little force w ith ' the drivers o f and apecldcallnns o f the C ity En­ Oregon booze trucks. Bv the v e rr n ature o f gineer Bids w ill be op-ned nt the the flrst th e ir calling they are not of high reg ular inertin g of the council on the 6th day o f August. 1927 T h - council reserves the rig h t to reject any nnd K AREL W EBSTER. Adm inistrator I ,he E “ "’ R* v«,n - Atkeson. her husband or the un- , o D etro it had chosen the bywev. ' _ . had pnd-d tha - 1 1 1 ' " . ' " . 1 : ' 1 " i " ,: r ■: . . .• » . - > » « Jl 21 26; Jl. 21 26: Au gon; that the court fix and determ ine J deceased Erickson w ife o f , rolinlprg wheneTer possible “The w ife i counterS * h'‘ne’ e" he had consumed. H is knees trem b- the amount due under said contract ' Charles Erickson................ York, York, w ife | of James Y o r k .... ........ Hum phrey, w ife coroner must see this Jam before we , j e d . his stomach rose. Pandering to I * " hleh d * e t said " nd amount d r , *,rB,,n* n ,,m w ,,h ,n should be e paid to of Ralph Hum phrey, ....... C o rb lt. move anything." hig curged appetite had lighted th * i the p la in tiff and that upon failu re to A light flashed through the tops of powder.ta |11 , hat ended ln this— tha I so pay said amount to the p lain tiff wlth- wife of Henry S. Corbitt, ........... e o r­ bit, husband of Sarah Francis Corblt, the trees above them and was gone , nufflng out of a u8eful and blameless Phone 13UM In the tim e fixed by the court that yon the unknown H eirs of N o rris H um ph­ "Someone’s coming." announced 1)fe Life, Automobil» and Firs Bowman, hus- ; and each of you he forever hatred rey. deceaaed. band of W ilm a Bowman, Iren e C. [ Forbes. ‘‘T h a t’s a car clim bing W ater- car [ rom (he south had draw n Inaurane» and enjoined from asserting any right M arks and M arks, her hus- 1 m an’s hill. Move the flivver to o n e ; and gt ,la,p of thp "rst publication o f ( ,hp *•“ « • * ’ birred urgently, he wheel- ForbP8. f this snmmons . th(g 8ummong and , f you fa „ to 8O , ed to the le ft Into a byroad. T h ia ; - A booze-runner ran Into that car ¡th e re o f the d e fe n d a n t b * * persona Wr ! " h ^ n iiln ’tiffZ H lT a D n r v h.’ ^ e ^ r i rf>nner’ ed W“ h ,h * m * f" aBd k i , W ,he wom a“ ’" was lhe dU" I served w ith summons outside the ,^la ' " X f pravedT fo r in th e ^ o m n,” ‘’ *he * M t H e tarned oft reply. H e was still hearing the clam or State o f Oregon D ate o f flrst p u b lic » -, pInlnt hrrptn ^ - J l t : th a t the plain : ’ W " « hP fle # T he ra pnlnt being In the line of W illa m e tte Street, In Eugene, T H E COUNTY OF LANE. 8 U IT Lane County. Oregon, running thence FOR D IV O R C E . M ae M cC arthy, P la in tiff, v e r s u s north on the west side of W illa m e tte Street. 176 feet to the south line of Charles M cC arthy. Defendant. To Charles M cC arthy. D efen dan t:— 14th Ave. east, thence eas, on the You are hereby required to appear south line of 14th Ave. east 119 feet, and answ er the cotnplnlnt Iliad against thence south 62. feet, thence east 60 vou In the shove entitled suit w ithin feet, thence south 114 feet, thence four weeks from Julv 7. 1927. whleh west 160 feet to the place of hegln- is the date of the first publication o f i this summons In the Springfield ,, BpK!n,n,,L*'Aat a ’’’! " tfc,h,1. New s; and you are hereby notified ( ,,np of ' 4,h A ve. enst which Is (7 feet that, If you fa ll to nnswer within ^ . at. \ nd„_24.° “ "2^ said period of tim e your default w ill west corner of a tra c t of land con he entered for w ant thereo f and the veyerf by W illia m Sloan ann w ife to p la in tiff w ill make application to the Norrla Hum phrey, by deed recorded Court fo r the re lie f prayed w ithin said In Book H , page 240. Lane County, com plaint, to-w lt: T h a t the m arriage Oregon. Deed Recorda, In Eugene. I-ane County, Oregon, running thence c o n tra c t now existing between you east on the north line of 14th Ave. 93 and p la in tiff he forever dissolved An feet, thence north 45 feet, thence west order of the above entitled Court 93 feet, thence south 46 feet to the dated July 6. 1987. directs that thia place of beginning; also summons he published ln the Spring- Beginning a t a point 846 feet north field New s once each week for a of the aouthwest corner o f a tract of period of four successive weeks, and land conveyed by W illia m Sloan and tnat you appear and answ er the said w ife to N orrla H u m p hrey by deed com plaint w ithin four weeks from recorded In Book H , page 240. 1-ane the date of the flrst publication of County, Oregon. Deed Records, In the thia summons. east line o f W illa m e tte 8 tre e L In E u­ H . E. S L A T T E R Y , Attorney for gene, I^ane County, Oregon, running P la in tiff and my postofflee address Is thenee north on the east side o f W ll- Eugene, Oregon. lam etto Street 58 feat, thence east Jl. 7-14 81-28: A 4; 160 feet thence south 68 feat, thence sufficient Illum ination, and the w-ay was reasonably clear. Forbes’ lip curled at hls eompan Ion’s cowardice. H e made a quick in ■ halation, as If to shout, but thought better of It. A fte r all. the fello w m ight as well go. T here would be explana- T h e two men surveyed the wreck vert- flpd h is assertion, and came back to confro n t him. - w h e r e ’s the driver?” asked t h * gpokesman. F o rbes waved hls hand toward tha west - He ran a8ray , U8t before you tlons to make. The few er who had to came. W e better telephone and head te ll how they enme to be on the rtvev him off before he Jumps a tra in .” road th a t night, the better. Scottdale T he tw o men consktored. T he older waa a small and Puritanical city ,ha( turned to hls companion and said: hated and loathed the booze traffic and Stephen, yon go over there and find illegal drinking. I t visited its dis- w ha t he threw a w a y " T he youth pleasure on those who d rank climbed the ra il fence. H ls search H ls companion was safely away was b rie f; the bottle was easily seen when the ligh t o f the car which had against the brown earth of the field. shone a few moments before surmoun­ H e handed It accusingly to hls fhther. ted the hill. H e turned hls head to '‘You’ll have to come with me." said watch Its approach, and the next In­ the elder, coldly. "I'm Constable stant was on hls back In the deep Wooton of Highland» to w n sh ip ” ditch Llbbey had no relish for facing i "W h y should F go w ith you?" asked tria l for tak in g a human life. H e had Forbes, in surprise. struck w ith surprising quickness and ■'You Just th rew away a h alf b o ttl* force, considering hls rolypoly body o' liquor. You’ws h*en drinkln*. And and hls semi-drunkenness. F ear had your face Is all blood I'm goln’ to sobered him ; that was evident from turn you aver to the sheriff as th * the speed he showed In getting away. d riv e r of the tru ck." H e ran across the road. As Forbes "But I told you— " began Forbes Im ­ scrambled up he plunged' recklessly p atiently o ve r the side of the steep balik toward "Tee. And If «re Had the man you the river. I t sras a long and steep de­ •a id has run away, then you’re a ll scent. bnt one not p artic u la rly peri­ right. But I haven't seen say d riv e r lous. T h e surface waa grassy and hut you." soft w ith the m elting snows and spring (T e Be Continued) .