THK SPRINO FIEU) NEWS PAGE TWO 0 T HURSDAY JULY 2S. 1927 ___________ M arriage Licenses fsausd ells and Colleen. Mr and Mrs. W aldo. they vlslteil Mrs Fish's father. C. K. her home. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Lombard Marriage licensee granted during the Hardy and Richard and Leslie, Mias | Halley. They also visited at Lour who are demonstrating aluminum pre­ past week by Count d o rk Waller By Special Grace Maxwell. Mr and Mrs. Everett | vtew. Washington, returning home pared the entire meal, with the ex o p tio n of I he coffee, without water Dillard include the following Covreepenàent« Chaae and daughter. Pauline Mrs WII Sunday. on top of the stove The menu was: Harry Lester Prlndell and Jemma freil Cook, Mr and Mrs Hill Morris. k . t'hasv family and the Earns Itoaat beef, steamed potatoes, carrots, Bell Cwmvron. both of Paris, Oregon; J W. Chase. Miss Helen Wostell. Mist worth family left Wednesday tor a rice, pancakes, baked apples, cake George Pike end Gl&dys Tallmun. both Mr ami Mrs. Dick Harbit from Cot Rulo Zimmer of Portland and Miss week's outing at Yachats unit coffee 1‘reaents of fry pans were of Kugenv; Irvin ta in and Evelyu tare Grove visited Lawrence Gossler Bertha Dunlap. • yirgll James of the I’. 8 Navy, who given to Mre. Paulsen and Mias Maud' Shields both of Jiaiitli II City, Charles last Sunday. Mr and Mrs Dave Iturke of M yrtle |lB8 spending his vacation at Chase Mra. 1 .ester Cyr will he host R e e s e s lid Helen Mi Pei'iaud, both if Creek and Mr. and M is S au n d ers of 1 home of hla parents. Mr and Mrs. e a s for the next demonstration Cottage Grove, W. A Brown. High­ UPPER WILLAMETTE Eugene were guests oi the Q. H. Neal \\y |le Jam es, will retu rn to hla ahlp land I avk, II.-i t, alid Maude Wright, home Sunday. at Bremerton, Sunday. I FDR 8Ar.ll—Carbon paper In larg» Chicago; and to James Stovall, latke Residents of Pleasant llill have Joe Neal who underwent a major Mr and Mrs Bruce Thomas and fam­ sheets. t«x3t Inches, suitable fot View anil May Chisholm. Eugene. been sweltering the last few days of operation at the Mercy hospital Fri­ ily returned Tuesday after a six weeks waking treeing« Th« new« Dfflee extrem e beat. The thunder storm of day, is recovering rapidly vacation which they spent with Mr. i Saturday brought showers to the sur­ Trv’Mul «I Least Mr. Loyd and daughter. Verna, and Thomas parents In North Dakota. rounding hills but did not come to Blank ITomtssory notea and re­ "Do you suffer from thirstT" M'ss ltuhy Zimmer of Portland Is Pleasant Hill. A slight hreese cooled Mrs. Angle Ihirkerson of Reedsport "Suffi r f Why. It's my greatest ceipts printed end In clock nt the were guests at the Anderson home spending a few days with her aunt, the atmosphere a little. Many sought News office. pleasure." Puugra. the mountains and swimming parks on Monday Mr. and Mrs Anderson took Mrs W their friends to Belknap Springs Mr The Sunshine Club will meet with Sunday. Not An Asset H Anderson Thursday. There's a Reason The high school building is being Loyd and hla daughter returned to Mrs. W Reedsport. Wednesday. Street Artist-— "All drown with me August 4th "I haven't taken a woman out in shingled the frame work of both wings Mr and Mrs Norton Pengra and five years," offered the prisoner aa he I left band, sir ' of the new school having been tint-- Mr and Mrs. O. R. Pattee and chil­ dren and Miss Eva Bailey of Wendl­ family are spending a week camping broke another atone. 1 Student—--"That's no excuse. shed. Mrs. Myrtle Fleming and daughter ing and Mr and Mrs A S. Wilson and on Hill's Creek above Jasper Mr sud Mrs George P Harrington Louise, of Eugene spent the week-end daughter. Mildred of Eugene were din­ at the Tinker ranch. Mrs. Fleming ner guests at the J. R Fish home and daughters left Wednesday for a motor trip to Southern Oregon. Wednesday evening formerly lived at Pleasant Hill. Miss Maude Chase was hostess to a Mr and Mrs. Jay Fish and daugh E. B Tinker received word Saturday of the serious illness of hts slster- tres. Alma. Charline and Florence Bell. number of frleuds and relatives at a in-law. Mrs. Dudley S. Tinker, of San motored to Clatskanie, Friday where novel dinner. Wednesday evening at From Francisco, who is very low In a hos-1 " pital In Porttond. Dudley Tinker formerly lived in Eugene but is now connected with the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company In Shin Fran­ Community News THURSTON Burton Rowe front Moscow. lilaho. WO here the first of the week calling • o Olli friends and looking after bust- Bess lie sold hla farm to A. Meinig who Will take possession at once hav­ ing bought the crops from Mr. Ruth­ ven, who had it rented. Mrs. Teeters, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Taylor Needham returneii to her home in Cottage Grove tost Thursday. The Ladies Aid met with Mr». Ernest Bertsch last Thursday, The todies decided to give an ice creant gocial at the Thurston hall next Satur­ day evening July 30. There will be g short program after which there will he games for entertainment. Mrs. Flora Wilson and daughter from i*endleton who have been visit­ ing her mother. Mrs. George, left for their home last week. Mrs. Alberta Weaver, who Is attend tug Normal at Monmouth, spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mr*. A. B. Mathews. Her daughter. Bhlrlev. returned to Monmouth with her for a few days. Jack Harbit was quite badly hurt Sunday afternoon when be slipped and fell on a diving board on the Wtllamet- te river striking his hack. Mrs Jack Hackett from Klamxt Falls and Mss Luht Foster from Junc­ tion City spent Sunday «rith their eousin. Mrs. Ray Baugu Mrs. Felix Sparks from McKenxie bridge and Mrs. Arch Shough and daughter. Patricia, spent the week-end at Thurston. William Henson enjoyed a visit Sunday from his brother and family. The teacher training class met last Tuesday evening with Mrs. Lawrence Gossler Anda Calvert from Wendling spent Saturday ntgbt at Ray Baugh’s. Cora Calvert spent Sundav with her father west of Junction City. Mrs. Morris Brown is quite ill at her home here with leakage of the heart Her mother from McMinnville to earing for her. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stone and family from San Francisco. California ar­ rived Tuesday for an extended visit with Mrs. Stone's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weaver. They drove SPECIAL SERVICE ODELL LAKE cisco. Miss Leola Ewbanks. who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jesse Phelpe. left Friday for eastern Oregon. Mrs. W. A. Elkins of Eugene wife of the pastor of the Pleasant Hill Christian church, has been chosen as a delegate to the American Legion Auxiliary convention in Paris. Mrs. Frank 8torer and two sons, and Lester Circle are visiting at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Circle, at Enterprise. Little seven year old Vadette Curts is still confined to the Mercy hospital. A consultation of doctors was held Monday. She w h s allowed to return to her home at Pleasant Hill for • . short visit Sunday. Cherry harvesting was completed at Pleasant H1U 1st week. lx>gan-[ berries are still being picked Black I Caps re all gone. E. T. Swift and F. | F. Cooper expect to start threshing the ; fore part of next week Much hay | has been baled and some la moving to market already. Douglas Kahler is spending the sum-1 men with his uncle near Veneta. through GARDEN WAY Mr. and Mrs. W aiter Platt ami family motored to Dearborn last Sun­ i day evening to visit relatives there. I A number of frends and relatives Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edmlston moved surprised Miss Maude Chase with a Into their new house last Saturday, party on her birthday. Tuesday. July ft Is a modern home M. J. McKHn of 26. Miss Chase received many beauti­ ful gifts The time was spent in play­ gprtngfield was the contractor. W alter Platt's new barn is nearing ing games and tote In the evening delicious refreshments -were served. completion. Pete Thurman from Springfield, who Those present for the evening Includ­ It building Walter Platt's barn stepped ed: Mr. and Mrs. Chaster Chaae and son. Rodney. Mr. and Mrs. George en a nail Injuring his foot badly. John Conley went home with his Harrington and daughters, Leah, L’lah gtster. Mrs. Silas Gay. last Monda" ¿nd Airline. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Chase and -aale. Laurence and Dorothy, to spend a few days at Silverton. Ralph Taylor from Indian Creek Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cyr and daughter. (pent last Thursday night with his Dora May, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene ’ Chase,. Miss Ina Hubbard, Mr. and brother. Charles, at Thnrston. Mrs Merrit McPherson and Mrs. Mrs. Elmo Chase and Jean. Miss Bud McPherson from Springfield visit­ Lucille Wylie. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Chase and son Bdsell, Miss Carol ed Mrs Ray Baugh last Thursday. Dr. John and family from Junction Chase. Miss Gladys Chase. Mr. ant City visited John Edmlston last Sun­ Mrs. Nidever, F. 3. Chase. Mr. and Mrs. Paulsen. Lane Morris. day Mr. Merle Chase, MF and Mrs. Mrs. Jennie Edmlston from Eugene Clarence Chase, Mrs. C. W Cook. Mrs gpent the week-end In Thurston. George Piatt and family spent Sun­ D. Bowman and son, Robert, Mr. and day *tth. Mr. and Mrs. William Platt Mrs. Harry Chase and cnildren. Vlr gt Dearborn. Mr. Platt's sister. ginla. Leland. Geraldine and Lowell. Florence, from California. Is also Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cole, Mr. and Mrs Frank Pattison and daughters, fx-st- visiting at the home of her parents. Special (Cascade Summit Station) SUNDAY. JULY 31 IN T H E W E S T Take advantage of this opportunity— 6th and Willamette Store 11 Eugene. Ore. spend the day at beautiful Odell Lake, Buy Your DOMESTICS During Our $ 3 -6 0 Manufacturers’ Unloading SA LE ally known 99c value............ ......................... 43c PEPPERELL 9-4 BLEACHED SHEETIG. A nation- PEPPERELL 42 INCH TUBING. A real buy. Regular 35c value 27c CERTAINTEED 48 INCH OILCLOTH. Heavy back. All light pattern« ---- ------- 23c LINEN TOWLING. 16 inch bleached or unbleached. Regular 19c value 11C TABLE DAMASK. 60 inch. White and colored borders. Regular $1.49 value 98C COLORED NAINSOOK. 36 inch. All cojors. Our Regular 39c value 29C FINE GINGHAMS. 32 inch. Plain and fancy pat­ terns. Regular 35c value 25c Here thev •r Special Roundtrip Fare LEAVE SPRINGFIELD NO. 91. 8:45 A. M. and return on the special leaving Cascade Summit 5:30 P. M. Phone 65 or ask Agent for further information CARL OLSON, Agent SOUTHERN PACIFIC a r e - 5euen League Boots for the man who steps on the gas ends this week If you ever intend to buy an Electric Refrigerator . . . - Now is the time. Soven League Boots had a wonderful kick be­ cause of long mileage, safety and satisfaction for the user, presumably at low cost per mile. It takes some such extreme comparison to tell you what we want you to know about the new Coodyear All-Weather Balloon. . For here is a tire so outstanding that it literally outrank» the field. FREE You may already realize the amazing mileage made possible by the Goodyear discovery of SUPERTWIST Cord. With SUPERTWIST. Good­ year has created a carcase which seems to defy wear. While they laßt, we will give with each SEKVBL a handsome set of frozen dessert acoeaaoriee worth more than $30.00. You’ll have to hurry! But not until you’ve actually used this new Good­ year, can you know the present day last word Pay only $10.00 down. Balance in 18 months mountain S tates power C ompany in traction, safety under all conditions, slow, even tread wear, quietness and smooth running— all coupled with a beauty of pattern which makes this tire a joy to behold. We have sold a lot of tires with satisfaction to our customers. But never have we offered a tire which compared with this Coodyear All-Weather Balloon. And never have we seen such quick response. Public approval has already stamped thie new Coodyear as the world's greatest value and the world’s most beautiful tire. Come in today and convince yourself. We won't say another word if you'll just examine this masterpiece of tires. Springfield Garage W. H. ADRIAN, Prop.