The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 28, 1927, Image 1

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gela thing« done
P h g w ie
Many Hurt By
Accidents Here
, 0ud-ßanvnw7g Babe
Wtuit promts«* t<> lx* by fo r the best
«hnwlng over m u le by a d rill team
<>! the local I ih I k *' w ill bo mode ut th
Pacific coast convention of Ihe N eigh ­
bors of W oodcraft ut Riverside. Cel.
fornln by
l-lne < Ircle teem of
It was d -rln lle h under,
stood nt Inst n lxh t'« m eeting llm l Iho
trip of th<> team. num bering eith er 12
nr IS. w ill b« mad«, leaving Eugene
for Ixis Ansvls« on Septem ber 10
W hllv It In possible a few cluing"»
w !ll bo necessary d o* to inab ility of
some to go, the follow ing nr» now
practicing the d rill« by which Spring
field hopes to aoora high In th« com
M ra Ithixla Lloyd, captain,
MP« Ite ia y <*ul^br. tw nndr b e a rrr;
It la declared by many old tim ers
, that they have never seen this section
' in aa good shape aa it is today fol­
low ing the o iling operations made por.-
I Mblc through donations of local peo­
ple and the efforts o f S tre e t Com­
missioner George V alller.
I Dupa, a« usi al claimed the moat vie If present plans ma tu ria I lie
H. E.
Maxey Is In charge of the arrang
i >u lu « «day. i
W Thomson <-f
for transportation, and ata'
Thomson'« resort, broke a rib when that If enough «coûta are lined up th
,,n'i fell ou the furry which trip to the lake Is certain.
carri«« traffic across the McKcnxle ' Clayton Berber, master of the Lion«
riv e r to lu» resort.
Mr. Thom -on « troop, ha« «et a tentativo date
font Slipped into the hole out of »filch Aukum1 g
He waul» ull scouts >»h)
the ferrym an ball,« «rater and he • ,.|in make the trip to begin planning
plung' d w ith hl , body a£»!sat the side I im m ediately, sad to let him know
of the hole. Il,- came to Springfield ,,f t be|r intentions. T he event w ill be
for treatm ent.
the biggest feature on the summer
In a fall trom a load of hay. George programs for the local boy scouts.
Ilu akell of Goshen sustained a broken j
ho slfjcped
Favorable comment Is made on the
' condition of the stretch of road be-
I tween the west side of the bridge and
oo Gehrig. .^tlu^ging
_ first ba*t-
mas of tha leading New York
Yankees, who has stood baseball
•n ita head this season by bis sen-
sstional «lugging, passing Babe
GROCERY Ruth ia home rone and bidding
lair to be one of tha biggest “bads’1
grocery and | of year».
n„ k Th,- injuries n.- rly claimed his MeKINN0N READY
life, but luiinodlalc treatm ent by a I
local physician appears to be restoring
H e called at tbe local '
him Io health
The new south »Me
| office Tuesday, and appeared to be im
lunch room of D. W M cKinnon w ill
proving rapidly.
M ra Audrey McPherson. Mra. Stella
I be opened to the public on Saturday. I
Bioyol« Accident
Eaton, Mra June M c l’heraon. Mra
Ann J July 30, I t was announced today. MISS DOROTHY ABBOTT
Antone Tuhey. son of M r»
Rachel Thatcher Mr«. Ixiulae T ro tte r. Tuhey. a u st.ln ed a broken arm whl.n , Staple .n d fresh groceries, fruits, v e g . (
Mian Ida Cox. M m W in ifred Hannon.
Ihe chain broke on his bicycle and the
M ra
Leota Rodenbaugh. M ra , Ida wheel lite ra lly "ra n aw ay" with him * nd * •< > « ■ - “ " d
• » handled I Announcements have been received
ran away
Llpea. Mlaa Dorothy Moateraon, Mlaa
here of the (onucom lng wedding of
down Ihe road off Springfield heights by Hprtngfleld a new business.
Moltm Mellon. Mra Nellie Hildebrand
T he a ttrac tiv e quarter» have been j j | H< Dorothy Abbott to take place on
Unable to use the brake, he
Arrangem ent« were made laat night
The house Saturday evening. August 13. a t St.
was forcad the allow the bicycle to completed thia
to furnish the team with an a ttrac tiv e
take Ita own speed down the hill. aland« at the corner of South Second Stephen's p ro cathed ral In Portland,
banner T he flag w ill be of red aatln.
When aa autom obile reached the In­ and D afreet a. and ia a ttrac tiv e In Oscar E rv ln g M cK inney, who Is em-
w ith letter« la 'w h ite and a green
ployed In a Portland banking house,
tersection at tbe foot of the h ill, the every particular.
fringe. It w ill bear the Inalgna of the
M r. M cK innon haa Invited all Spring- w ln take M1|g Abbon a , blB brWe
boy was forced to go Into tbe ditch to
local circle a pine tree, and the fol­
to call and Inapect the new business
M l»s Abbott was teacher In English
avert a colllaalon.
low ing word«: Neighbor« of Wood,
C a rl Hoaaerman reported to police ’ ,,B ,b r opening day.
In the Springfield high school the past
c ra ft. lin e tree circle. No. 46, Spring
¡ year, and was exceedingly popolar
that a boy named Harks who Uvea
field, Oregon.
; among her students. She has a host
nn Fourth street Teas Injured to a MANY IN ATTENDANCE
In competition, the women w ill wear collision of a coaler wagon w ith the
AT BOY SCOUT CAMP of friends here.
uniform« of cream-colored serxe trim
' The coming year, she plans to teach
Boaserman automobile July 11. The
med In red furnlahed the team a
Camp Lncky Boy on Blue riv e r is i near Vancouver, W ashington, while
accident occurred at F o u r... and Main
abort tim e ago at an expense of over
The boy was coasting w ith I proving more popular then ever this her husband continues his w ork at
hts head fum ed to (he rear, and the ' year according to officials In c h a rg e .; Portlend.
•°<l dr,nk’- lce <r“ m' lu,cb*‘'1
T h e team. It ia aald. haa never had
au< h a chance to make a «bowing. Tw o
year« ago It went to Portland to Cle
coast convention, but » » » without uni­
form« or banner, and had little pre-
p a r a tto n before the trip
N ererthe-
less. It received many compliments
on the perform nee there
Arrangem ent« are being made for
permission to pralctlee on the lawn >f
the Springfield high aehnol. In order to
acquaint the members w ith d rills of
thia kind th a t they may be at th eir
heat when the d rill« are held on the
lawn at the new Neighbors of Wood­
craft home at Riverside. It w ill he at
the dedication of thl« home on Sep­
tem ber 17 that the com petition be­
tw een teams w ill be conducted.
O iling as a method of Im proving un­
pared streets la receiving much favor­
able comment by Springfield people
who for some 25 yeas have been nego­
tiatin g the section of local streets
which have connected M ain street
w ith the Pacific highw ay in W est
Bprlngfluld boy scouts a re promised
Mishaps of Various Kinds Claim a wonderful trip to the mountain«
Victims; Man Breaks Neck
shortly. If enough of them arrange to
But Lives
ntuke the Journey worth while, a c c o rd -,
Woodcraft Croup to Co to Los
Ing to announcement by local acout
Angeles by Special Train on
A variety of accidents, some of pecu leaders thl« week.
September 10; E x c e l l e n t lia r circumstances, occurred In this
Scott's lake, not fa r from the lava
(„ the M cKenzie push country.
Showing in Competition is section during the pa»t week, some j
causing ««rlou* Injury. Industriai mis- w ill be the arene of the «coût outing
the paved highway. This part of the
road has been the te rro r of travelers
' from tim e Im m em orial, It ia rem arked,
and even In la te r years when modern
method» were Introduced a rugged
base has kept the surface rough and
; unsatisfactory
L lV ff
N IW S P A F ff R
New Road Being Graded Today
into Industrial Tract; Pole«
on Main Felled; 850 feet of
Sidewalk Go in During Past
T he annual Improvement prograOk
on itprlngdeld streets is progressing
well, and all phases of the work w ill
probably be finished up by the open­
ing of the rain y season this fall, ac­
cording to inform ation obtained a t
the city hall.
8 tre e t Commissioner George V a llle r
Is rushing work today on grading the
new street which w ill provide access
to the c ity park and the Industrial
tra c t
H e hopes to have this work
completed to day. So far. It has beeu
Impossible to drive machines into the
park satisfactorily.
T h e new bridge across the rail!
W h ile not In aa good condition as race on M ill steet is completed, and
South Second and South D streets, Is a notable Im provem ent to th a t
this section is a t present In excellent thoroughfare. It is said. I f the Second
shape. East M ala street is a fa r bet- street closing goes through. M ill street
| ter street since the o ilin g operations. la promised fu th e r im provem ent by
8 ta te highw ay workmen have been the count conrt.
im proving
th e
K street seas graveled during the
shoulders on the paving In W est laat week.
Springfield on the Pacific Highw ay.
Sidew alk w ork being done under
contract by P lrrie and «on Is progre»
alng aatlafactortly. Laat week about
COMMISSION WAITED 850 feet were laid by the contractors.
Today, they are w orking S ixth and
W ord of action by the state high­ Seventh streets on F.
w ay or public service commission on
the proposed abandonment o f the
Second street crossing Is being a w a it­
ed by those interested la Springfield.
T he first report. It Is expected, w ill
be of the petition of the highw ay body
to close the crossing: I f a protest is
filed fom here, a hearing by the pub­
lic service body w ill be conducted.
M eanw hile, plans for the bridge are
unavoidable,' he re- Sunday the first period gnded and the i The bride Is the daughter
of M r.
I second began. Many parents visited "nd Mrs. Chester Abbott of Portland. alm ost at a standstill. U n til the m at­
te r can be cleared up. the w ork w ill
8. H Daniels of Donna sustained a j the camp to bring out th e ir sons a n d i
progress slowly.
serious cut on
his rlstit arm when take in others.
an axe slipped w hile he was cutting Springfield entered the second came
BY J. B. BLAIR, Eugene
Petersons E ntertain— M r. and Mrs
wood Monday. Several stitches were ' Sunday,
The w eather has been Ideal at the 1 Announcement was made this week f I. M. Peterson entertained a t their
necessary to close up the wound
T he one-year old child of M r. and camp. T here Is more w ater this year that the Myers park, located on the home here Sunday. Visitors Included
Mrs Low ell Bykea was brought to a In Ihe large sw im m ing hole and the M cKenzie, developed by Russell M yers members of Mrs. Peterson’s fam ily —
Io, at physician’s office Monday fo r , boys have enjoyed It on the hot days, aflit W. P. Tyson, has been sold to J. M r. and Mrs. A Bendler, son. H . A.
A ttra c tio n of a particle w hich became ' A ll the tim e In the camp Is devoted B. B lair of Eugene. A house belong- Bendler and oe.nghter, Eleanor, a ll of
lodge'l In the child's nose wnlle plav Io Instruction. One long over night [ Ing to B la ir figures In the transaction. Hillsboro, and M r. Peterson’s sister,
hike was taken to Castle .Rock d u rin g '
Extensive Improvements are plan ' Miss Pearle Peterson, now teaching
ng In the yard.
J M Plumley o f Oakridge fractured ‘ the first period
both feet when he fell from a dock ,
while loading ties tor the Mountain
F ir Lum ber company. He fell for a
distance of 12 feet, landing nn his
Exhibition d rills w ill be given by
Clarence R. Robertson sustained
the team every night of meeting until Injuries to his toes when n sledge
the trip to Loa Angelea by special ham m er glanced and atruck his foot.
tra in .
He Is employed by the Fischer Lum ­
Sessions of the convention proper ber company a t Mercóle.
arl 11 be held at Ixis Angelea Seplem
Another accident at that place was
her 13, 18 and 14.
that In which W llllm M cK ay wrench­
On (he banner com m ittee are Mrs. ed his hack w hile putting boards
Nina Mol'herson. Mr«. W a lte r la x to n through an eilger.
He called at a
Fatal Smashup
and Mra. B ert Doane.
local office for treatm ent Bunday.
“ Another little d rink won't do us
any h a rm !”
T h e tw o young men in the small
ATTEND CAMP SERVICE car sang It together, a reedy tenor
and a pleasing baritone. T hey were
T ak in g a small saw m ill from this
Services were dispensed w ith at the on the riv e r road, coming south, from
d is tric t where It has been In use, the Springfield Methodist church Sunday Burley to th e ir home town. Scottdale.
K eith Lum ber company 'Will start saw ­ morning and nearly 50 local people The hour was 10 o'clock of a mild
ing on the Jones ranch, better known attended the Oregon camp meeting spring evening. A moon whose rays
as the Ditem an place. 10 mJles east of now under way at Cottag’e Orove. were filtered by thin clouds Illum ined
H arrisburg, according to reports from
T h e y reported a successful meeting. the road running though well-tim bered
H arrisbu rg W o rk Is expected to begin
Among tnose w ho went from here bluff lands. Below and at the right,
w ith in 90 days, employing eight men.
were Dr. and Mrs. W . H. Pollard. M r. the riv e r shone w ith a subdued light.
and tu rn in g out 20.000 feet of lumber
and Mrs. P. A. W ooley, It W Sm ith. It could he heard splashing about the
a day.
Mra. Bernice Van Valxah. M r. and Mrs. rocks In the rapids.
T he company, which Is operated by
W. O. Hughes. M r. and Mrs John
The d river of the little car brought
J. E and C. C. Keith, has contracts
Rossman. P. H. Em ery. M r. and M rs . ’ It to a atop in the road. He bad dark
for lfl m illion feet o f tim b er and In­
W. H. Gantx, M r and Mrs. 8am B ar­ hair and eyes and regular features.
tends securing more. It Is estimated
tholomew, M r. and Mrs. F ra n k Bar- He was considered good looking,
th a t 50 m illion tent can he taken 'o
tholem ew, M r. and Mrs. J. P. Vaughn, though there-whs weakness In his eyes
the m ill at Its first location, which
M r. and M rs. U O. M cElhaney, M r. and about the loose set of his mouth
would mean a continuous run of more
and Mrs. Collingwood. M r. and Mrs.
’T o m e across w ith that bottle, Ed­
than five years. T here sre three m il­
F ran k Bailey, M r. and Mra. J. T. die," he commanded. He placed his
lion feet on the Jones ranch, including
Moore, Mias M argaret Morris, M r. and i hand against the side of the other's
red fir w ith a sprinkling of cedar, and
18 million nn the Olddlngs place n ear­ Ms. H a rry O lllette. M r. and Mrs. A. head and pushed violently. H e was
B. Vorls. Mrs. Jane Crusan, Mrs. Mo'.- boisterous and a little malicious.
He Scott. Mrs. Mel Rice, and others.
“Q uit It you n u t!” commanded Edi­
In addition, most of these people were son Forbes, knocking the other's hand
nccompanled to the meeting by th eir down sharply. H e produced a flask
from the lower, outside pocket of his
No serricee w ill be held at the coat. It was a little over h alf full.
T im e does not alwnys brings many
M ethodiet church next 8unday m orn­ He passed It to the other, who took It
eagerly, removed the cork, and tilted
This Is shown quite conclusively
the bottle. T he liquor gurgled down
In an old photograph of a Springfield
his throat.
Texas Club W ill M eet
scene presented to C ity Recorder I. M
Forbes Jerked It aw ay. "H a y , w h at’s
T he Texas club w ill hold Ita annual
Peterson this week by C ity Engineer
picnic at the Eugene municipal camp tha m a tter w ith y o u f ba asked, half
Blmon Klovdahl.
It Io a picture of the Southern Paci­ ground Sunday. M em bers are to bring laughing, half-vexed.
" T ry in g to gat awny w ith tan dol­
fic crossing over M ill street, tnkeu In th e ir own baskets for the chicken
lars' w orth of booxe In one swallow?"
1808, shortly a fte r the tre s tle was con­ dinner.
He raised the bottle and looked at It
structed. Few are the changes to be
noted, save for the fact th a t a wagon
Lam herty Leave«— Nicholas l-am- humorously, try in g to determ ine the
and team are standing under the tres­ b e rtn who has bon here visiting his exact quantity against the moon
tle, while an automobile would more mother. Mrs. N. A. Rowe, le ft last "Come home to your drunken old
lik e ly be seen there today.
night for Chehalis. W ash. He Is w ork­ fa th e r !” was hts address to the bottle.
Reside the wagon, a man la standing ing as tra v e lin g agent.
H e too tilted IL
In a deep puddle of w ater. Im m ediate­
T h e liquor was Canadian whiskey,
ly under the railroad. T he same pud­
MeLagan'a Back— M r. and Mrs. W . but a reproach to the name when
dle might have been seen there during 1 C. M el oigan re back a fte r a vacation compared to th a t Imported before the
the extrem e w et season last w inter.
In eastern Oregon.
passage of the Eighteenth Amend­
*Tne People s P a p a r
Bids w ill be opened a t the next m eet­
ing of the city ooancll, to be held
early la A u g u st fo r the Installation c (
a sevfer across block No. 88. which
lies between E and F and N in th and
T en th streets.
T h e M ountain S ta te * power com­
pany Is busy rem oving poles from
M ain street. In connection w ith a ap­
pearance-im provem ent program
cided on some tim e ago. A ll connec­
tions have been changed to the alley
lines, and the poles at Jiain and T h ird
streets were taken doom yesterday.
A vacation schedule is now under
w ay for Springfield c ity employes.
Fred Hinson, night w atchm an, re­
turned last night to his duties a fte r
ned by the Eugene mnn.
I at Corvallis.
a holiday of a fortn igh t. During hl4
absence. T raffic Office E lm er Sm ith
served on the night watch beat.
Police Chief Jess Smitson Is shalh
ing plans for his annual vacation. The
exact date fo r his giving up tem por­
a ry duties has not been set yeL
• ,
C ity A tto rn ey 1. M. Peterson look k
short holiday over the Fourth of July
and is not certain w hether he w ill go
again. H e expects to take quite an
extended trip next summer if he doe«
not take a regular vacation thia sum­
T he tru ck haJ mer.
F o r this had been m anufac­ were In the ditch.
C ity Street Commissioner Georg*
tured for an Illic it, eager, not too dis­ p artly telescoped IL T he massive
crim in a tin g trade. I t had passed ! wheels and forw ard end rested on the V a llle r has yet to leave on hi« vaca­
through several hands before Im porta­ urushedrin bonnet of the car.
A ll this Forbes and h it companion
tion. Each middleman had done some­
thin g to cheapen and degrade It before ' saw as they stopped th eir own car and CHAMBER WILL RESUME
made a hasty survey. T he moon had
passing it on.
T he stuff was strong 'with the tem po rarily conquered the clouds and
strength of v itrio l and It lapped at the
Meetings of the Springfield cham ber
throat and stomach-lining like liquid 1 the d riv e r of the car. a woman, was of commerce w ill be resumed In Sep­
I dead. She had been crushed between
fire. T he young men gasped and
tem ber according to announcem ent by
roughed, the barbaric stuff brought the back of the car and the steering- President H e rb e rt Cox.
w ater to th e ir eyes, and a ll but choked wheel. She still sat upright, the nose
M r. Cox has hopes that the cham­
them. T h e re was an Instant and sav­ of the tru ck against her body.
ber can e n te r on a progressive p r o
T he d river o f the truck was in his
age k ir k In IL
gram as soon as the meetings are ro
" L ittle close harm ony now. o M kid." place. His arm s were on the steer­ sumed. T h re are many projects, he
His head rested on his believes, th t the civic body can de­
suggested tha dark youth, thumping ing-wheel.
Forbes on the shoulder. They swung arms. T he truck windshield had been vote attentio n to w ith resulting ad­
Into a fav o rite of the tralnlng-cam p broken. This was the only damage to vantages.
the h eavier verlvle.
i t loomed, a
"F a re w e ll, farew ell, m y own true shapeless bulk, under Its closely fas­
Going to Scout Camp
tened tarpaulin. The body of the truck
T h ree g irl scouts from Springfield
was tilte d from the road a t a dan­ w ill attend sum mer camp a t Blue
Farew ell, farew ell— ”
A high-pitched scream o f m ortal te*- gerous angle.
riv e r for tw o weeks beginning next
Forbes' companion had been sobered Sunday. T h e y are Adallne Perkin«,
ro r; another: and then a crash and
a tin k lin g of glass, cut across the song. by the spectacle. H e stood by and Loudelle W illia m s and Evelyn H arrta.
w rung his hands ineffectively. Forbes
T he g irl sconta met last Tuesday
T hey stopped Instantly.
•'W h a t’s that? ” queried the tenor, climbed into the seat o f the truck ana In the Cham ber of Commerce room«
raised the driver's head. T he man w ith 17 girls present. W a lte r Gosalef
frig h t In his weak face.
"Sounds like a smashup ahead," re­ opened his eyes. I t was apparent that gave them instructions In d rill. T he
he was p a rtia lly daxed by the shock. culture contest has ended and the los­
plied Forbes, rapidly. “Let's go."
T h e other was unnerved by the por­ B ut there was ra w liquor on his ing side la to entertain the w inning
“ W ha's
m atter?"
he side.
ten t of tragedy. H e was trem bling. breath.
H e made three attem pts to s ta rt the mumbled, stupidly.
"1 thought so!” snarled Forbes. Ho
Dlvoroa is Sought
car before he succeeded. T he road
B. S. Sankey. Springfield m ail routn
a this point curved ra th e r sharply as It turned to his companion. " I t ’s Scoots
followed the edge of the bluffs, so that Llbbey. I bought our boos« from him c a rrier, has filed suit in c irc u it court
little was visible In fro n t but the tall a t Burley." R etain ing his g rip on the for divorce from his w ife H e charge«
man'« collar he backed off the seat, deeertlon.
I. M Peterson Is his at­
T h e y had proceeded hut a short dis­ dragging the bulky, feebly reeietnnt torney.
tance when a turn brought them to Llbbey w ith him.
"Y ou fo o l!” he said fiercely, when
Nephew VleRe— M rs O W Hobeen
the scene of the accident. A south­
bound tru ck was w ell on the wrong they had stumbled to the ground. has aa her gueet her nephew. G arth
side of the road. I was In collision "R unning a boose-truck, and w ithout Knapp, nd his college friend, L ie u t
T h e young men
w ith a touring car which. In an effort sense enough to keep sober. See w hat Edgar J. M urphy.
w ere fra te rn ity brothers a t A me«.
to avoid the truck, had dropped Into a you’ve done?"
H e Jerked the man roughly about Io w a both being members o f T en
ditch which bisected the roadway.
T he ditch was planked only across so th a t he could see the havoc his G am m a Nn fra tern ity . L ieu ten ant
The M urphy haa been attending the Offi­
the narro w surface o f the built-up reokless driving had created:
little car, p artly under the truck, and1 cers T ra in in g camp at Camp Lewi«.
highw ay a t this p o in t
M r. Knapp w ill spend the summer
T h e truck had forced the car down­ looking as though It w ere being de-
(Contlnued on Page 1)
ward and back so th a t Ita re a r wheels
Read this New Serial!
Starts this issue.
----------------- By MICHAEL J. PHILLIPS