PAGE FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TinTRSI)AYJULY21. 1»27 O f 2300 head of grade and pure-bn-g Mra. Collins Passes SMITH KEEPS JOB AS d airy and beef cattle tested during th- JUSTICE OF PEACE past three weeks In K lam ath county, Mr». LUU« Estolla Collins 51. died by F H. Thompson, Inspector for the a t tho Eugene hospital July 14 She R W . Sm ith, justice o f the peace United Stales bureau of anim al Indus I» survived by her husband. W . H. who announced last Thursday that bo In form Jaspar— I) V. Alllaon of Go to Ooldaen— Mr. and Mr«. Turn try , only eight were found to lie suf­ Collins, two sons. Royal and Rlcbard. w ill resign, s till bolds the Job be- Jaipur «»» a Hprhurfhdd visitor Tuna- Rathbun spent Sunday at Uoldaon. fering with tuberculosis. and two daughters, M ra. Floyd C raw ­ causo nobody has experased a desire day. The Lion’s Lilac, a yearling Jersey Browor Hero— lin y Brow or of Kail I ford and Mrs Gladys Collins. The to accept the position If be quits. M r cow. owned by H a rry H. Ilif f of Inde­ Horo from Santa C lara— I * W funeral was held a t the W a lk e r Sm ith, who decided to quit when ho Creek >*wa a vla lto r here thia week, pendence, has established a new E llio tt of Santa C lara »pun' » part of waa awarded the Janitorshlp of the July U . world's record for cows under 2 years McGlynn iM n H u rt— llu rt Katun of Tuesday In Hprlngfleld. B rattaln achmool, w ill remain justice old by producing 742 44 pounds of but- for the present, at any rate. Mt-CIvnn »«a a vlaltor here till» week. O nly 46 per cent of nit tra ffic over Vlalt from St. Loula— M r. and' Mr» terfat und 10,752 pounds of m ilk In M arriage Llccnsos Issued the hlghwnys of Oregon la horaedrawn, 1 I J K. Godwin and daughter, of Ht L o re From Pangra— Mr«. S W. 805 days. I be Am erican Jersey C attle N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S , Loul». Mo . are vlaltor» at tho II. L. according to a survey conducted b y , club announces. During the past w eek m arriage lie- I H li»rd"<>n o f Pengra » « u Kprlnv Notice Is hereby given that the un­ the state highway department. Vauglio bom« lit re. T h - road to the C ra te r lake rlni ensea have been Issuod by C o u n ty ' dersigned Kar»^l W ebster has been ap­ fluid vlaltor late I»»1 Werk. Lum ber m ill« In and adjacent to , pointed adlm inlstrator o f the estate Move to D e x te r— M r. and Mr», from Anna springs that has been sub­ C le rk W . B. D illard to the following H ere from Salam — M r. and Mr». j Claud* Nyatron, who have ll»«r| hero Kluinatli Falla are now employing u p | ject to one-way tra ffic owing to snow , Harold Rodeo. Albany, and N ina of C. L. W ebster, tteceased. by tho County Court of Lane County, Oregon, N « » i l l W illia m » vlxlied briefly In f»>r »«vttrul year», have m crcd to pruxlinaiely 3000 men und are cutting j since the opening of the park July 1. Perk Ina Eugene; Harold* S w artz and and all persons having claims against mor« than l.MiU.UOU fvvl of lum ber Bprlnghetd luxt week. E th el Rodgers, both of Cottage Grove; said estate «rill present them duly 1 Dexter. 1 was opened last F riday w ithout any eatb day. tra ffic restrictions. A warm sun has Leonard Andrews. Corvallis, and Ada verified at the law office of W hitten H ere from M areóla— M r. and Mr». Bain Laavaa fo r Woodburn— Mr. Final chock of th« summer quarter , melted the snow rapidly and a force G ilbam . Cottage G rove; M ichel Hlch- Bwwfrord, 315 M 4 W Bldg., Eugene. Bob Purcell o f M arcóla paid Spring and Mra. Verne Bain le ft Tuesday fur Oregon, on or before six months after rens and M artha Roth, both of Eu enrollm ent at th« Oregon norm al > of men has completed the work. the first publication of th l* notice field a vlalt Hu lurday. Woodburn. where he has accepted a a< hool at Monmouth ahoived an In- ■ gene; Donnell A llen, and Donna Hated and first published July 21, position ao superintendent of the i crease of 114 over the registration o f 1 Continued cool w eather and exces Nichols, both of Cottage Grove; Storl- 1927 In from W o lte rv lllo — Mra. If Put­ t i r e moisture In the soil Is keeping K A R E L W E B S T E R . Adm inistrator. school«. Ing Swegle. Eugene, and Gladys H a n ­ laat summer. nam of W a lta r rille waa a buxine«» the wheat straw In several section of W H IT T E N S W A F F O R D Attorney naford, Oregon C ity ; W a lte r Crnzan. vla lto r In Hprtngfleld Monday Baby Bon Born— A baby sun waa G overnor Patterson has appointed U m atilla county too green and tough for Estate. D exter, and N ellie Fisher. Springfield Jl. 21-28: Au. 4-11-18: born Wedneaday morning to M r and Mr». H enry L. Corbett. Rev J. G. T ate for harvest operations and the wheat i Raturlna from Albany— Mra W II- ¡ Mra. Kenneth B arrett, Eugene. Mra. and Mr». Frederick Strong, all of Port- , harvest w ill not generally be under Ham lM waon la bark a fte r a vlalt ■ B a rrett la the daughter of M r. and land, members of the state cblld wel ■ way until July 25, according to word w ith her mother at Albany. fare commission. Mrs. I, K Thompson of Springfield received from grain growers near Pen­ M ra. Alllaon Horo— M ra D. H AHI i W hat are said to bo the firs t Colo­ dleton. M laaionary v is ile — D r Royal Rye, aon o f Ja»per »pent pari of F riday i rado potato beetles In eastern Oregon Special lighting district and pur­ medical missionary to A frica, waa a In Hprlngfleld. have been found on the Ed Jonea chase of Delbert K e lly ath letic field guest Monday night of M r and Mra. . place In Baker T hey resemble the went over by a two to one vote In an Haro from Orovo— C A. t ’rltea of I II. T M itchell of thia city. Mtaa j eaatern potato bug. apathetic special city election held In C o llag e Grove waa a Springfield v ia l-, H a ttie M itchell and Hr. By« worked The anim al Clackam as county plo- Cottage Grove last week. T he coun­ In (he »«me district In Africa. tnr late laat week i neera' picnic w ill be held at the Jons- cil was given authority to create light: Go to Lake— M r. and Mra. O. H. i rud grove, one h alf m ile north of the Ing districts by a vote of 13» to 67 In from W ondllng— Mra. C arl Ba tepp of W endllng paid Springfield a ' Ja rre tt were paaaengcra on the South­ i Estacada high school on the B lu ff i and to purchase the ath letic field by a ern Pacific excursion train to Odell road, Sunday. July 31 visit Saturday voted of 133 to 73 latke SuiMtuy. T hey returned that New tra ffic laws for the city of t Tem porary organisation of the Coos Undergo«» O peration—John Kara« evening. Pendleton were adopted by the city ' County Egg Producers' ahsoclatlon underw ent a m ajo r operation a t t h e , Take New port T rip — M r. and Mr«. ' council Iasi week. Parking tim e llm I was formed at Coquille, w ith S. B. IhactSc Christian hospital Sunday. S O. Moahler. M rs Georgia G riff 1«. Its and other tra ffic problems are Leeper, president, resolved to m arket V isitors from Salem — M r. and Mr» M r. and M rs R K M oehler and M r. I Ironed out In the new code. 24.000 eggs produced d ally In Coos J K Scott of Salem were vlaltor» and Mra Orlfltn of Ramaey, Illino is, Ftidiermen who use M arshfield as county. The organization plans to In­ ovor the week eml at tho home of M r. I went to New port for a short holiday headquarters while tro llin g offshore crease egg production and engage In and M ra. W H. Adrian T he county now lm claim that sharks are causing much export trade. Tuesday. trouble and damage to nets and tackle j ports 300 cases monthly. Baby D a u g h t e r W elcom ed— M r and Southbound Tourlota Stop— M r and off the mouth o f the Umpqua river. Ellsw orth K elley aDd James W illos M ra W . J. C u lver of Beat Main Mr« H J. Roberta, hound for i ’uoenlx. Complete o fficial returns of the re- i for a third tim e heard sentence of alreet are the párente of a daughter, Arisons. from Spokane, Washington, rent special election, aa canvassed by . death pronounced against them when born Monday morning. visited b riefly w ith M r. and M rs. C F the geerr'. ty cf state, show that the j Circuit Judge K e lly fixed August 19 Eggtmann Sunday. T h e Roberta lived Baby le W elcom ed—«Mr and Mr« I state Income tax measure waa deteat- i as the tim e (hr the two men to die on Fresh home-grown vegetables that are as different G Watoon are the happy parent» of In Springfield 16 years ago. ed by a m ajo rity of 1V.2S»4 of the voter the gallows In the Oiegon state pris front the aot-touse winter variety as day is trom night are a baby eon horn last Friday. The on, from which they escaped on Aug cast. 0. F. ANDERSON GOES TO W ateona live a t W endllng now here for vou—picked fresh daily and awaiting your nst 12, two years ago. leaving behind A pproxim ately 4 00 stuaecta w i.l them a tra il of tragedy and blood. SALEM FOR OPERATION selection. "Eai vegetables” has come to be the doctor«’ have graduated from the Monmouti. R eturn from Bend— H enry Adrlau Although severely handicapped by , Norm al school between the dates ol first orders to their patients so there must be health quali­ and H a rry Scott of Salem attended O F Anderaon. president of the ' January 1, 1927. und Septem ber 2, at the unseasonable rains, grading con­ the (Jo n * chapter night affair at Bend ties which you should not ignore. (•««cade M anufacturing company. Is which tim e the sum mer aeaaton w ill tractors working on the Roosevelt laat Saturday. at Salem where he 1« to undergo an | close. highway betweenu M ohler and Gari Picnic Up R iver— M r and Mr« operation as a result of aerlona In- The total tonnage that passed ( baldl In Tillam ook county are making C lark W heaton and Mlaa Edna Sw art» Jut tea to hla head received laat fa ll through the government locks at Ore­ fa ir progress on the last links neede enjoyed a picnic Sutulny at Red when he waa struck by a flying piece gon C ity during the (lsc-al year end­ to complete the coast road from Ys ol emery. e Lodge, near M cK en tte bridge. ing June 30 amounted to 265,399, an quina bay to Astoria, according to A T h e operation, for the pnrpoae of average df »47 tons for every day ex­ J. Olsen, resident highway englnee. Go to N e w p o rt— D r a 1*1 Mra. Eu relieving pressure on the brain. 1» of In charge of the work. cept Sundays. geno Koetor. M r* M innie Z eig ler and an exceedingly delicate nature Crooked riv e r highway bridge— on- C alvin J. Hurd, <2. ex-state repre­ C lara F aw ver motored to Newport sentative from Lane county and since of the highest and greatest spans o Sunday. Infant Son Dios 1923 extension specialist in agricul­ Its kind In the w orld— was dedicatee Teaches at Corvallis— Mlaa Pearls tu ral economics, died In Corvallis last by Governor Patterson last week. Co Sanford Shanka. Infant aon of M r. Peterson, slater of tho city recorder, week of heart disease a fte r but a Incidental w ith the bridge dedicatlo: was the joint dedication of the Pete la practice leaching a t Corvallis thia and M r». James Shank» of West week's Illness. Skene Ogden park, a tract which bor summer. She visited M r und Mra. Springfield, died at the Paclflc Chris­ The mineralised skull of a mammal tian ho» Tuesday n ig h t T he ders the two ends of the bridge, ano Petwraon Sunday Interm ediate between a pig and a deer, funeral w a x In f at the W a lk e r chapel which looks down Into the dark am which ranged prim eval Oregon some Phone CALL Phone L. A. Man Horo— W a lter Rrano. yesterday. awesome chasm of the Crooked riv e r 2,000,000 years ago, has been found form er employe at Kggimann'a candy During June a total of 190 coyotes In the John Hay sediments of southern kitchen, visited here Sunday while Thiovaa E n ter House 20 bobcats, one bear, one wolf. V. Crook county. en route from boa Angelea to Soap badgers, 116 porcupines and four Mr». Rldenhour. resident of F ifth F arm ers are getting excellent re­ Lake. W ash . w ith a party o f friend«. skunks were killed by 27 hunters d street, complained to police today that sults from the use of lim e In raising Leave for Hood Rlvor— Rev Gabriel thieves entered her house and stole clover and alfalfa. T h e result Is o r­ rected by the United States biologies survey, according to the June rcpori Sykes and fam ily have gone to Hood ar.ny blankets, soap and towels. ders are belug received at the state of Stanley G. Jewett, leader of predn R iv e r for a month's vacation and lim e plant for future delivery at the torv anim al control in Oregon. Man: vlalt w ith relatives and friend«. Bicycle Found rate vt too tons a day. audltional coyotes were poisoned bj The Oregon State Pharm aceutical three hunters working In eastern Ore V isitors from F all C raak— Among L yle Zacharay, »32 C s tre e t report­ out-of-town rialto ra here Sunday were ed to police today that a bicycle had j association, closing Its three-day con- gon. M r and Mra. C. Neet of F all Creek. been abandoned In hla yard. T h e ' vent Ion In Bend last week, selected Statistics compiled by Roy A. K lc lr Mrs. Snm W oodyard of Vpneta and wheel belongs to a Eugene boy. and 1 Salem as the 192» convention city and state highway engineer, and base named Lynn H. Ferguson. Newberg, M r. and Mra. M ark Cole of Garden waa stolen and abandoned here. uiwin a survey conducted on June I f president for the coming year. W ay. show that of the tra ffic passing ov> H enry Noble M cK inney. 91, for 60 highways in Oregon 66.51 per cci V la lt Egglm ann Hom e— M r. and T Y P E W R IT E R R IB B O N S — Aaaorted THE U N I V E R S A L CAR mnkea In black and blue In «toe-- at years a resident of Baker county, and were passenger cars bearing Orcgi Mra. E llra y Sluckenbruck stopped t t e New« office. For the conveni­ for 75 years a resident o f Oregon, died license plates. 21.45 per cent wt r While waitng for announcement of New Ford Car, we have here Monday to v is it M r. and Mra. C. ence of customers who have h ith e r­ at the home of his daughter. Miss passenger cars from other states. 1.:: F. Egglmann. T h e Stuckenbrucka are ! an opportunity to give you to not been able to get ribbon» In Bertha M cK inney. In Baker, from com­ per cent were stages and busses. 9.75 on th e ir w ay home to Acampo. C a t. Springfield we have started thia plications eaused by advanced age. per ren t were trucks and .49 per cont from Canada. M r. Stuckenbruck 1» T he Oregon Audubon society has w ere motorcycles. new line of ribbons for Underwood«. the »on of ex-Senntor Stuckenbruck Remingtons. Royals. L. C. Sm ith, requ< sted Governor I'atterson to Issue Cottage Grove lodge No. 51, A. F. o f C alifo rn ia and a cousin of Mrs. id other makes W- a proclam ation proclaim ing the w> st­ and A. M.. has a member who w ill b< Egglm ann. ern m eadow lark the state bird of O re­ 100 years of age In October and is yet gon. The selt-ctlon was made by a active. The m em ber Is “ Uncle Jin We offer free Inspection, telling you what your car needs vote of the school (h ild re u of Oregon. W h itfo rd , who as a guest at the M a­ TOWN AND VICINITY OREGON STATE NEWS 1 OF GENERAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. “Fresh V egetab les” SPECIAL THIS WEEK 12 Bars Wool Soap— 6 Thin Blown Water Glasses— 9-WHITE FRONT SROCERY-9 Special Service On Your Used Springfield Service Station “ Where Service i» King” M A IN A T FIFTH « United States Tires— Sales and Service Associated Oil Products ♦ Hi-Pressure Greasing The city of Coquille has placed an order for 4600 feel of new eight-inch w ater main, which w ill be used in re­ pairing broken-down conduits In some parts of the city, and laying a new j line of 1600 feet from a well recently I sunk. sonic home at Forest Grove, where he has been assistant to the superli. tendent. and continues active In show Ing visitors over the place. Cottage Grove has another resident, Mrs. M el­ vina W illis, who soon w ill be 101. T he vacationist setting out on his summer outlug w ill find the finest Oregon roads In the history of the stale, In the opinion of Oregon State Motor association officials who have just completed an extensive logging lou r of the state. The delayed sum­ mer. which held up tra ffic on many inoui.laln roads, has repaid tor its ta r­ diness by placing practically all of the state roads In excellent condition. Portland last month equaled Its rec­ ord of last September by establishing a death roll of only 9.4 to the 1000 of population of the city and set a new low m ark for infant deaths when the rate last month was 22.6 to every 1000 births. Portland had the loweat death rate among babies shown by a survey of 48 cities of 100.000 population or more, made by the departm ent of com­ merce, which credited th a t city with a rate of 38.7. W ith more than 160 delegates from all over Oregon, W ashington and Ida ho In attendance, the fifth annual sum m er tra in in g conference of the United Presbyterian church synod of the Columbia opened In Corvallis last week. The annual field day and picnic of the farm ers of M ultnom ah county w ill be held on the grounds of the Multno­ mah County F a ir association S atur­ day, July 23. This picnic is under th'c auspices i t the Ponlona grange Of M ultnom ah county. Linn county farm e r*, according to all present Indication», are assured of a bumper crop In all fall sown grains, which «rc fa r above the average, grain men report, who have been studying the situation. Spring sown oats w ill be much better than uaual. but spring wheat w ill be damaged about one-third by ru»t. F r I, wheat w ill make an av­ erage yield of 30 bushel» to Che acre und there are many fields which w ill produce 40 buRhels. T he averuge In recent years has not been above 20 buebeli. at- . a siiB»aa t i >i»*a» L (~ ■■— ~ ■— a". * C ar to put it in Condition, which may Save Expense later. Also W e Will Do The Following Operations for $1.00 Clean and Adjust Spark Plugs. Clean and Adjust Coil Units. Clean Commutator Case. Test Battery and Fill with Water. Clean Carburator and Sediment Bulb. If you anticipate a vacation trip this is Especially Im­ portant. Until September lBt we offer a Genuine Rubber 13-Plate Ford Battery, for $10.00 and you old Battery. The season for dry plowing is here and we are ready to Demonstrate a Fordson Tractor and Oliver Plow Equip­ ment. Maybe a Good Used Tractor. When you think of Fords think of us as Authorized Ford Dealer. £. R. Danner Motor Co. 5th and A Street Springfield, Ore.