Tin.’RSI»AY JULY 21. 1»27 PAGE FOUR NEW CITIZENS WELCOMED PROPER WAY’ Vienna supplies mothers, regardless of their Published Bvary Tharaday at wealth, with complete, free outfits for new babies. BprtDgflald. lame County. Orwgon. by This is called a "compliment from the city to the mothers of new citizens.” We’d call it TH E W IL L A M IT T « F R I M H. K MAXEY. Bdltor________________ j "socialism,” or worse, in this country, and, of course, it’s better to have mothers worried and ^Sssed aa second claaa matter Fakraary M. I M I at the poor babies miserably uncomfortable than to let the serpent of socialism creep in. pqetefnoe. Once the idea of public schools, education free M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATS to all. was considered socialistic, and an attack i Tear la Advaeoa------t l.T I Three Monika ’on property. Perhaps we shall get used to other M o n ik a IL » Single Copy things, as we have got used to that. , However, If we can arrange to get workers THURSDAY JULY 11. t i l l higher and higher wages, we can continue to ' avoid the socialism horror. WHY NOT AN AEROPLANE CLIMB? • • • In place of a tramway on Mount Hood a writer ( In the Oregonian advocate« the use of airplanes College students who think they are pulling to climb some of the peaks of the Northwest. He something new in advocating 'trial Marriages «ays someone should come forth with sklis to oniy show how young they really are. They’ll drop below the landing wheels for landing on learn that most of these modern marriages are snow. Equipped thus he believes airplanes could only trials. take the physical misfits and others not wishing • • • S S a f X S , ‘? £ ' Indian, «on,an. h e ir .., Sl.OOO.OOO. keep, righ, THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FAST CABLE SERVICE AID TO GOODYEAR "Fait rabl* aarvlr* enable» the Qoodyvar Tira * Rubber Co. at Akron. Ohio, to keep In almost aa rloao touch with the crude rubber market tn lam- <* w ~ p ®»® •»’« “ m" “ ‘J * American ,7 "»«" >•" the roarkvt ‘br»ut hl" hro*er. declared w n A d rian ., omxtyaar daalcr at . p r n o t e . , “>» bu* » tor ‘ caW." tainlllt». A llmv baa gMM on. Uto picnic, aiel named those who hare Five pioneer» ot the district uurahvr haa Increased »rvatly. until died about MO attended tho picnic tbla have died »Ince the laat picnic. A bountiful dinner waa enjoyed at year. Tho picnic waa In charge of Emma table» bealde th» Mohawk rlrer About HO« attended the reunion of implara, a preaent teacher, and In eluded uutubera of the I. O t>. F| the Hill» clan which wn» held at the Jaapcr »rhoot Th«- picnic I» open to band of Kugeno. Mra. «pora». Mcrotary of the picnic the public. I*roce«ela from »ale of confection» board, read a report Haling events that have oecurrod elnce (he last go to the Jaaper church. t® travel from the eompaar « office at Ahron tn l-ontton It an tin- ‘ modtalv »n»wvr 1« r«H|Uv»l<«d. It would rvqulrv about halt an hour to raoetve thv Information. "No Iva» remarkable speed 1» ahown In am dlug a m essage 1« far-away 1 Singapore. n distance of 13.000 tullea, or more than halfway aroun.l t h e : world, thv massage reaching Ita dealt- j nation In one hour and thirty minutes from the time II la stlapatrhed •-The importance of thia apee.ly a»r- I vice cannot be overestim ated." de­ fla ted Mr. Adrian, "tn theae day» when ■ close watch of the raw rubber market la so fmportant from an econo­ mic standpoint to the American tire manufacturers." O R O N IT E Kills 'em dead " fiies.rnosqviitoesjoaches,m oths STANDARD OH COMPANY Oí CALI Ft) KA 1A «» ♦ » FLY S P R A Y comes onlv from being on top of the on washing dishes. Which, of course, is much w J iu thH ..^?Thbt nim would not clutter up the better than heaving them at Ute hardworking sides of the mountain and the peaks with railways hu*band * ho ls stkking to hu J°b l,nnl the nionev and buildings and would be less expensive. >8 delivered. . . . Mount Baker. SL Helens and Adams are the . onlv mountains he mentioned that have sufficient The American people we are told are digging level snow to land on. their graves with their teeth or in other words Give the wife and kiddles at home a pleasant We would like to call attention to the South eating too much. People live on only half what MANY GATHER AT TWO surprise a quart or a brick of Ice cream. Sister because it is in Oregon and we believe that they eat and the doctors and undertakers live on REUNIONS ON SUNDAY Kgglmann's all cream Ice cream Is ever ready to It has a better prospect for this sort of landing the other half. do duty for you. It's something everybody likes than those mentioned. I Two reunion» one of the Hill* so you can’t go wrong. There is a crater lake on the summit of the President Coolidge is presented with a new dan at the Jasper school. and the South Sister a half mile wide, the highest crater COwboy suit, which makes it appear Western other the Stafford school picnic. at­ lake in the world, and it has been frozen over for republicans tire trying to change the party symbol tracted approximately 1300 persona Egglmann'a candies too lire well known and centuries. We believe the ice in this lake would front the elephant to the bronc. liked. Eggituann'n stand for quality on whatever Sunday. support any airplane without skiis in landing. It t » • • you get here. An Interesting event which occur» ts level and high as the rim of the crater on the “Three boys drowned under Sing Sing prison every year on the third Sunday In south side affording a good position for a tAke walls, weeping and cursing convicts wanting to July 1» the Stafford achool reunion off when leaving Ute mountain. go to rescue but held at bay by guards with Thia originated aa a reunion ot all The South Sister is in Oregon and is the third leveled rifles— News note: So this is civilization? who have taught at the Stafford highest peak hi the state, 10.360 feet high. • • • achool and all pupils. Incltnflng their There is greater range of vision front this |>eak Who says American flappers are not game? than almost any other in the west. When Port­ No matter how skinny or unattractive their land people advocate airplane landings on high figure may be they grin and "bare” it Just the mountains we want them to remember the South same. Sister rather than peaks in Washington. W e G iv e G h e l n D iscolnt 5 i /\ mps From the yelling and squawking going on we'd , classily it as a "major operation.” Tl.is cutting OUR COUNTRY 151 YEARS WONDERFUL of movie-star salaries. e e e This is a young country. Two birthdays were celebrated the 4th of July, Uncle Sam and Presi­ Ah, well; those who now fear for the young advantage of th» electric needle «4 dent Coolidge's. Uncle Sam was 151 years old once hid in the bam to smoke and read Diamond I by The mean» of fulguratlon. electric and President Coolidge fifty-five. Dick. coagulation, desiccation and diather­ • • • it is difficult to realize that as young a man as my are President Coolidge has lived more than one-third ____________ Education must seem less wonderful to the boy 1. Bloodless work. The danger of the life of the United States. What marvels our whose educated dad can’t help hint with his hemorrhage Is eliminated. country has accomplished in so few years. Mil- arithmetic, 2. The danger of Infection, due to Practically all »cute and contagious diseases are lions realize it as they travel about their pleasures , • • • local anaesthesia, and of death, due to caused l»y the presence in the body of minute each day. Cities spread out for miles into beauti- | w h o ¡^y,, we have PqUal sufferage? Citizens organisms which we call germa. ful suburbs everywhere. Hundreds of thousands oi Nyack. N.Y., are all excited because a woman general anaesthetic, le Hkoadae ellml nated. of beautiful new houses and people who can afford |ia(j trousers made for her old bay mare, Acute inlluiuntation and blood poisoning come 2. The dlsenaed parta undergo1 them. Twenty-one million automobiles traveling j • • • from the s t i t n e source. Tit»* slightest scratch up­ aterlltxutlon because the effect of th" excellent roads—enough cars to carry our 120,- Now we know why a boat is called “she.” It on the skin may result seriously if the wound 000.000 people all at one time._ _ __ > is because they are painted and have new riggings current I» germicidal. becomes infected with certain genus. I*roper 4 The forcing of Infective material And. above all. the public schools, magnificent all the time. heed for health demands that a reliable antise­ Into the circulation, which has occur • • • buildings, high schools and preparatory schools ptic and germicide be kept on band. red from snares and other guillotine everywhere. And those school buildings, for all After observing the type of men some women appliances, is abolished. the children, are the finest buildings in thous­ deliberately throw themselves at—we know they 6. The singing and speaking voices ands of communities. This nation has much to can never barg about their aim in life. are In no danger of Impairment, on • • • be thankful for, with free schools so prominent, the contrary, there la. almost invari­ and prisons so few. It was the other way round If these young Americans don’t stop these fly- ■ ably, Improvement. once, all over the world. i ing stunts they are going to turn all the big city j I h an effective application for sores, wounds and ( | • a • i newspapers into aviation sheets. j external inflammations. It is an excellent gargl • • • Anyhow, Commander Byrd and his flying I and mouth wash, in a variety of aihuuntM its I No other anglers have been able to beat Jonah’s j mates, hold the “long distance flying for a bath” ! intentai use has been found satisfactory. ■ fish storv. championship. EITO EN E . O RBO O N ¡ P H O N E 365 • • • Sympathy is like blonde hair; a lot of it isn’t ; O V E R J. C. P E N N E Y 8 S T O R E Many a man who never had much of a family tree of any kind has branched out for himself (tne rea* n,ng’ quite successfully. The modern version,- -“Give us today our dally I angel food cake.’’ Food by radio now. At least the static nut in ¡ fla g If you have troubles to burn—be original and our neighborhood said he got Hamburg and Java make light of them. the other night. • • • • • • We wonder how the Venice maidens walk back ^4 ' Without any disrespect to Mr. Dawes it is a fact from their gondola rides. the VICE-President lives in Chicago. th H U t h a t ♦ A Suggestion-- EGGIMANN’S TONSILS REMOVED ELECTRIC NEEDLE I Some Little Bug Is Going To Find You Some Day” A <* Zonite Dr. Geo. A. Simon Ketel’s Drug Store g $ i! Vacation Fares — for sum m er outings Reduced ro u n d trip fare« are In effect rbrotiuhout the sum« m er eea*.on. T icket» w ith 16- day a n d season lim it ! ) week e n d , S :.’ u rd a y to M o n d a y , Frid ay to T u e s d a y , S u n d a y o n ly tickets. T r a v e l com fortably and at lo w cost on the tra in . Y o u can aave m oney by taking advan­ tage o f lu m m e r r o u n d t r ip fares. Save precious vacation hour» — nervou» energy, too, in traveling by train . F A M E D RESORTS Y o u r f a v o r ite r e s o rt play­ grounds o f the west are easily a v a ila b le to y o u . V is it th e beach es, m y a te rlo u a C ra te r L a k e , fa s c in a tin g n a tio n a l parks offering varied interests new an d different. Plan a trip to C a llfo m la -.s e « San Francisco, L o a A n g e le a , H o lly w o o d w it h ita m ovie studios.Y oaem ite.D el M o n te . Thia coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned to one 35c ran of Acme Quality Enamel-Kota, any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. SPECIAL OFFER To acquaint you »nth Acme Quality, we are making a special offer for a abort time only. 1 Value far Would your house bring what it’s worth in its present paint condition? Inside—and outside—does your house really look its best? You may not want to sell now—but who can say when you m if h t care to do so? Are you proud of your doors—your floors—your interior and exterior woodwork? Is the color keynote really pleasing? Why don’t you find out how little it would cost to make the whole place beautifully fresh and new-looking? Without obligating you, let us estimate the cost of refinishing everything with ACME QUALITY Paint^Varnish looks better— lasts longer Nobody make» house paint that goea to far as Acme Quality Houaa P a M . Nobody takes the paint to adviaa so intelligently on color com btnattoM ae in and talk paint «nth us. W right &, Son » i