THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY JULY 21. 1927 PAGE P A S SE N G ER T R A IN S C H E D U L E S P R IN G F IE L D STO PS Cascade Line 1 want a man w ith a r a r to whole W hat It lightning? ( a im County. open, (or a good man to build up a fine business. Coma In and ta lk It o ra r 134% latw rence Rt M r T . T Moru General Agent, Oregon L ig htn in g Co . Eugene. Oregon. Even- ln«a 7 to » p m J 21 38; a 4 •ala (.te h ta in « W atch repairing (Iona correrti? W o rk In loda?—O a t tom orrow. H ow M l M ain a t tf ACCOUNT N O T IC E 1» hereby glyen that the underalgned adm lnl»tratnr of the I'B T T Y J O H N 'R M in S K A B O N eatate of M nrgar’ t M I,Ilea. decna»eit. ha« filed 1,1» account fn r the Anal U S E D CAR settlenient of aald eatatn In the County C L R A R A N C K BALK Court for I nine County In the State of Oregon, amt that Saturday the 1.1 P R IC F B C U T T O T H E B O NK day of AugUHt, 1827. a t the Court Room of «aid Court In the C ountr M iilrk M anter Roadater. 31478, ru t to Court Houae. In Eugene. Oregon, at SIMS ten o’rlo rk In the forenoon, haa been hv aaJd Court tile d a» tha tim e and Dodge Rpcrtal Redan, IS M . ru t to 3846 place for hearing objections thereto and for (Inal settlem ent o f »nld estate. Btudehaker Coupe 3626. ru t to 3636 ONA V L IL E S . A d m in istrator of the eetate of M argaret M Idle». de­ Futck 6 Touring. Olaaa F n r . |B7B. rut ceased. to 3486 L. L. RAY, A ttorney for Estate. Jl 14-3128: Au 4-11: F ord «door Redan. SMB. ru t to 3323 Chevrolet touring In line condi­ N aw T lre a all around. 3226 tion N ow Dodge Redan, a t a big dlarount D u trk Rtandard Coupe, a line first come. Brat served. ra r: M etter value« than ever before offered to ho Tar» of need automobllea In la n e count?. Cara carefully In- ■ported and reconditioned. T ak e advantage of the reduced prtraa on ra re now dtaplared In our sales­ rooms Too »hould look them o rer , lo d a r F W P E T T Y J O H N CO. 7th and n itr e Rtreeta. Eugene. Ore Phone 1287 N O T IC K Realed h 'd - w ill he re re lre d bv the C ity Rewtede» no to ! • (Vclnclr Noon, on the Rth dnv o f August l»27 for the e O M tru rtlo n of a »ewer between E nnd F atrnet» and from Bth atreet to 10th atreet then Block Rd of Wa«h hurne'a Rnhd'rl«lon of Rnrlnrflelit In vestm ent and " n « v r Companv'a Ad(H tlon T he contractor to furnish all m aterial» and Io construct «itch »ewer In nccorilnnce w ith the detailed plan» nnd speclficultons o f the C ity E n­ gineer. Rid« w ill he opened at the regular meeting of the council on the Rth day of Attguat, 1817 T he council re»cr»e» the right to reject any and a ll hid» I M PETERSON. Recorder. Jl 21 28: I'hone 130 M C A RL A. W Y M A N Realdent Agent 724 D S treet. Springfield. Oregon Rea. Phone 160 Plano Mnvlng S P R IN G F IE L D T R A N S F E R W IL L IB B K R T S C H . Prop. O F F IC E A T S E R V IC E O A R A G E 622 M aln Street Succeaaor to Sutton T ransfer W. F. Walker Funeral Director 228 Main 8L <2 J F ull Residence 126 C St. 62 M Auto Lady Equipm ent A ssistant VA SBY BROS. Offline I ’hone 43 Rea. Phone 3 Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. General Practice, Special A ttention to Ohetetrlca and Dlaeaaes of chil­ dren. Painting ft Decorating in all its branches 312 Main Street » ’ F irs t N ational Rank Building Springfield, Oregon DR. 3 . R A L P H D IP P E L D E N T IS T W M . O. H U G H E S F IR E Phons 43 A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y P U B L IC F lr t t NaVI Bank Bldg., Springfield OHIca at F IR S T N A T IO N A L BA NK Oregon Springfield, DR. N. W . E M E R Y D E N T IS T Sutton Bldg. Phono 20-J Residence Phone 153 M Springfield, Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. H E N R Y W. C H A S E, Prop. General Law Practlce 1. M. PETERSON Attornoy-at-Law City Hall Building Springfield, Ore. FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC ttotton Balldlng Springfield, Oregon. C IT A T IO N IN T H K C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E S T A T E OE O R EG O N , IN A N D FOR LA N E COUNTY In the M a tte r of the Estate of C h ar­ lotte E m ily Pengr;., Deceased. T o Raptlat Church of Springfield. Oregon; Am erlan Raptlat For ign Mia- »Ion Society; E lla V W a lk e r, Emma Belle Black. W illia m J Pengr a. Anna F. H ill. George W. L a r i-' »on, E m ily A Swan. Glen L . L ari- son. H a rry Larlson. Fred M r I »on. W illa rd Larlson. P h illip Zobel, A rth u r Zobel. Peart Zobel. Velm a Zobel. Elsie H a m e r. Lulu W W h ltw xal. W H Kanoff. James W ilson Kanoff. S tella D Mnntalhano. Roy Kanoff. Claude Kanoff, H a rv e y Knnorr Jr., and alt N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T otehr oeraona Interested In the eatate N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N . T hat o f aald deceased. G R E E T IN G the undersigned ad m in is tra trix o f the IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E O F estate of L A. Rm lth. deceased, has O R EG O N . Yon are hereby cited and rendered and tiled In the County Court required to anpear In the County of the State of Oregon, her final ac Court of the State o f Oregon, fo r the count and that Saturday the ISrd dav I C o un tr o f Lane on Tueaday. the 9th of July. 1827, at the hour of ten o’clock , day o f August. 1827. at ten o’clock In A M at the County Court room In tha the forenoon of that d ar, then and County Court houae In the C ity o f , there to ahow cause. If any rou have, Eugene. Oregon, haa been fixed and I w h r and order ahoulu not ue made and appointed by the aald Court as the I entered by »aid C o ii-t. licensing A. E day. tim e and place for the hearing of W heeler aa executor of tne last ortll objections to said Anal account and , and testam ent of aald C h arlctte B m llv the settlem ent thereof Pengra. deceased, to »ell. a t p rivate A ll objections to said (Inal account sale subject to th e approval o f the must he In w ritin g and filed w ith the Court. In one tract o r In part» the clerk of said Court on o r before said T-ot “D ” In Block Num ber T h re e of dnv and tim e Sprlngaeld. In Lane County. Oregon, as platted and recorded on Page 1 of Dated June 21st 1827. BFR R tE H S M IT H . A d m in istratrix Vol " I" o f the Deed Records of lam » F R A N K A D eP U E . Attorney for Connty. Oregon as prayed for In his petition therefor. said estate J 23-30: . t 7-14-11 W IT N E SS the Hon C. P Barnard. Judge of the Countv Court of the State o f Oregon, for the Countv of Lane N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T end the Beat of »nld Conrt hereto of- Notice Is hereby xlven that H . B fixed this 17th dnv of June 1927 Burton. A d m in istrator of the Estate Seel of A ttest: W B DILLARD. of Mrs S It Burton deceased, has the Countv Clerk filed his F in al Account and Renort as Connty By EVA L D U C K W O R T H such Adm inistrator w ith the C lerk of Deputy. the County Court of Im ne County, O re ­ Court J 22-20: Jl 7-»x-2l gon, and the Court has aet Saturday. July m, 1927 at in no a M in the County Court Room In the Court j SUM M O NS House at Eugene. Lane County. Ore- j »on as the tim e and place to hear ob 1 IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF TH E lections to the seme, nnd for the flnnl ' < v r \T F O F O R EG O N , for la ne sefltem enf of said eatate COUNTY. H R BURTON adm inistrator. C, F Hoghurr. P lain tiff, va. T H W E L L S A W E L L S . Attorney». Ruooner nnd Snddle L Snooncr. hla wife. A N O r V a n , and Juanita Do J 20: Jl (-»4-21-28: Vaul hl« wife. Gull Oe Vaul. Car) De V au l. nnd the F lra t N atio n al Rank Fugene. Oregon, a corpora­ tion Defendant« B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Llfa, Automobils and Fire Insurance Yorn Avarapa Weal C o a a t........ ..................8:11 P. M. T E S T O’ T E N Q U E S T IO N S Num ber 81 carries a sleeper, and connects at Black Butte for San Fran­ cisco and l-oa Angeles Both W est Coaat trains atop here on flag. W andllng T ra in s Eaatbound mixed, at Springfield, 8 TB A. M Westbound mixed, a t Springfield Thougtita grow from the use of words Ideas gromt from th o u g h K Thoughts are facta— and here you find each weak ten facto taken from t M widest possible range. Increase your range of knowledge— your ator« af accurate Inform ation. Don’t miss one of the aeries, for they atlm ulate qulRB thinking, and funlah Instructive amusement fo r a ll. W ho In yonr group w M have the best score for the week? 1. Under the present laws, could a I. What American naval offlME wom ao becom e president of the said, "D o n 't give up the chip” a fte r hd U nited States had been m o rtally wounded? What 2 W hat liquid la used on the back was the nam e of the ship? of plate glass to make m irrors? 7. W h a t fish can Jump w ater fang 3. W here did the word Thursday w hile sw im m ing upstream? originate? 8. W h a t Is the "Bridge of 8lgha?* 4. W h a t biography ot a noted man . W here la It? waa w ritten by James Boswell? 9 At w hat tem perature doeg .6. In W h a t magaxtne does the de- w ater norm ally freexe? p artm ent "S hort Turns and E n core*” i 10. By whom was the South P o l* appear In every Issue. . discovered? When? (T h e Correct Answers w ill be Published Next W e e k ) e e e e e -A 7 tooto houae and one Atl kind» of houae painting; K a la o Roy Acre on Kaat M ain atreet for SIR.00 m lnlng S2 per room and up. tf. And a 4 room houae on corner 8th Koch. C all 125-J. and F for SIR 00. A. T . Brew er at T Y P E W R IT E R R IB B O N S — Assorted H o tel Elite. makea in black and blue In ■toe* at t i e Newa office. F o r the conveni­ 1:60 P. M. W H A T ’S T H E U S B O F OOINO T O ence of cuatomere who have h ith e r­ K U O B N E W H E N YO U C A N B U Y IT to not been able to get rlbbona In S E P T IC T A N K » C H E A P E R IN YO U R O W N T O W N Springfield we have started thle L U B K E 'H S E C O N D H A N D 8 T O R E Ready for you to Install naw line of ribbons for Underwood». For fam ily o f five _________ __ .... 121 128 6th Street tf. Remingtons. Royals. L. C. Sm ith, For fam ily of eight ________ _ — »26 N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G O F F IN A L and other makea. tf. a t our plant FOR RENT C A M , A N D R F E D r. N W Em ery on price» on d a te and other work t( lilt Northbound West Coast, to Portland. 6:84 A. M Local. No. 8 2 ___________ 1:11 P. M. S ou th b ou n d Lawai No. 81 ____________ 8:46 A. M D. W. Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon M. G. HOGE Attorney-at-I-aw Practise U. 8. and State Court» Eugene, Oregon Sewer Pipe— Drain T ile Chim ney Block» EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. tf. H am lin at Portland— F B Ham lin. Springfield postmaster, waa a vlaltor a t Portland early this week. T E S T O' T E N A N S W E R S 1. 2. Hendersons at Lake— M r. and Mrs. T ru bert Henderson h are gone to Odell I-aki- for a vacation. Mr». Dora Sm ith Laavee— Mrs. Dora J. Smith le ft S a turday fo r Rhine­ lander. Wlsconaln. She expects to return to the coast In the fall. SUM M O NS IN T H F C tB C F tT CO TU tT CIF T H E S -rs T F o w n n r n c v *N D f o r t i t f C C tUNTV O F L A N E . 8 U IT POP D IV O R C E . M ae M cC arthy. P la in tiff, v e r s u s 3. I. FO R L A S T W E E K 6. Exem pli g ratia, (fo r exam pte). Japan. 4. Salvation Arm y. T h e N ew T a y Bridge. I f Is 7. Harvard College — founded IB across the F irth o f T ay , near Dundee. Scotland. I t Is 10,780 1036. 8. 91r Jamee M atth e w Barrlg. fe e t long. B e tty Bronson. In a pouch on the under side of 0. One o f the first produe-ire a( the belly. 9. One of the first producers of moving picture comedies. A test to determ ine the degree 10. The Rockey Mountains and thg o f Intelligence of the person Appalachian Mountains. tested. Our Harui-Cut Pattern • • T h e m arkets are now being (*■ fluenced by prespectlve production o f new crop« which a ll factors In ’he trade are w atching closely. Aa • whole crops prospects are not promla- Ing, h ut they are b e tte r In the w estera states than In the flooded areas and eastern part of com b e lt T w o pef cent less land than last year Is IB I cultivated’ crops but of some crope there Is an Increase. Prospects ar» for the shortest corn crop In 26 year«, a v e ry short crop o t fru it, about aveF« age of potatoes, w h e a t flax and feed grains other than corn and tor large crops of beans and hay. Charles McCarthv. D »f“ndant. To Charles McCarthv D efen d an t:— You are herehv reoulred tn annear and answ er the com plaint filed against vou In th e sh ove en titled »’lit w ithin four w eek s from Julv 7. 1927. which 1« the date o f the first nuhltcatlon of thia sum m ons tn the Snrlnrfield N ew s: and vou are h ereh v notified ♦h’ t. If vou fat| to answ er within •»td period o f tim e vnnr default w ill be entered for w ent th ereo f and th* nlalnttff w ill m »ke »«nitration to the Conrt for the relief e - « v e d within «aid com plaint, to-wtt: T hat th e m arriage contract now pxlsttn r betw een vou and nlalnttw he forever dt«»otved An order of the above entitled Court dated .Tulv B 1007 d'recfa th«t thia •nm m ona he nnhliahed tn the Bnrtne- fleld N ew - once each w eek for a period of four succeaatve weeka and font von nnneav and answ er the aald com ntatnt w ithin four week« from tbo date or the fir«t publication of tb ’a summon«. yt t? Rt.ATTFRV. A ttn m ev for G rains: M ore favorable crop p ro » I pects weakened the m arkets for practically a ll grains last w eek re ­ ports the w eekly m arket review o f the U nited States d e p a rtm e n t'o f agri­ culture. T o ta l wheat crop is expected to be about 22 m illio n bushels more than last year because of a heavy In­ crease tn spring wheat reported IB good condition although the season Is not over. P ra c tic a lly all Increase fo r the United States is accounted fo r la i the three Pacific Coast northw est states. Some inform atioti indicate^ 'r a th e r heavy shattering in p a r fi””5 ^ r»ia|n »lff a n d mv noatofllce address Is Fugene. Crpeon Jl. 7-14-21-28: A 4: ND TICF TO C R C ntTD R S N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N T h a t the undersigned has been dulv ap­ pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon fo r the County of Tdtne as the a d m in is tra to r of the estate o f Allen Rodehaver. deceased, To T H Sooonpr and Saddle L. Spoon­ and all persons h a rin g claims a g a ln it er. M a wife A. N. De V au l and said eatate are herehv notified to pre­ Juanita De Vaul. hla wife. O all De sent the same pronerlv verified to the Vaul. and Carl De Vaul defendant»: adm inistrator at the office o f F ra n s PePue, a tto rn ey fo r the estate In In the name of the State of Oreoon you are herehv reoulred to appear and Springfield. Oregon, on or before six answer the com plaint which haa been months from the date of thia notice. Dated June 20. 1927. filed against vou In the above entitled CLYDE RODEHAVER. Adminis­ court nnd cause w ith in six weeks from the dstp of the first publication of this trator. summons or w ithin »lx weeks from ! F R A N K A D eP U E , A tto rn ey for the the date of the service o f thia sum eatate. mons upon you If the same be peraon- J 23-30: Jl 7-14-21 a llv served upon vou outside of the State o f O regon; and If vou fa ll to SUM M O NS so appear and answ er for w ant thereof In the C ircu it Court of the State of Oregon In and for the County of the n la ln tlff w ill ano.y to tne court L in e Suit for Divorce for the re lie f praved fo r In hla com Beetle Lnulee Ch»m bere — P lain tiff, p la in t; tto -w lt: versus Norm en M a rlin Chamber»— T h a t you. and each o f vou. be held to he In default In the navmenta due Defendant. To Norm an M a rtin Chambers. De­ unon a certain land sale contract be­ tween 3V F Barger. Effa F Barger, fen d an t:- You are hereby required to and T H Soooner which contract Is appear and answ er the com plaint filed dnted the 9th dav of Sentemher. 19*6 agalnat you In the above entitled ault and under the term s of which the said w ith in four weeks fro m the date of f If . Snooner contracted to tmrebaae the first toibltotlon of this summons in from W . F. Barger and Effa F Barger T he Springfield News which Is nnhllsh- ed the first tim e on Julv 21, 1927. and the Fast seventv feet o f Lot No five you are nottfle«i that. If vou fall an In block No. twentv-one of D rlv e rto n ’s to appear w ith in the aald period of "ddlton according to the recorded nlat tim e then fo r w ant of an anaw er the thereof tn Eugene. Lane Connty. O re­ p la in tiff w'U make annlleatlon to the gon; th a t the conrt fix nnd determ ine t onrt for the re lie f prayed w ith in the the amount due under said contract said com plaint which Is th a t the mar- and aet and determ ine a tim e w ithin rlnge contract now extatlnff between which »nld amount should be nnld to you and the n laln f’ ff be forever dla- the nlatnttff and th a t unon failu re to aolved. that p la in tiff have Judgement ao pay aald amount tn the p la in tiff w ith ­ agalnat you for the sum o f 8831 38. in the tim e fixed by the court that yon and that you Intereat In the follow ing nnd each o f yon he forever barred deacrlbed real estate, which you have nnd enjoined from aaaertfng anv right been enjoined herein from dlapostng of title or interpat In or to aald contract and which has been seized nnd seques­ or nropertv and th a t vnnr Interest tered bv order of couri herein to therein he declared tn he forfeited satisfy anv ludgment rendered agalnat nnd th a t anv person, firm, or corpora­ yon. be sold to satisfy the said Judg­ tion claim ing under, bv. or through ment to -w lt:- R e rln n ln g 1270.6 feet you or anv of von be likew ise forever south of the northwest corner of sec­ barred and entnlned from asserting tion one i l l lu townohln 18 south In anv rig h t title nr Interest County. o f beginning, being one acre of Oregon In accordance w ith an order land. T he above entitled Court dated made h r the H onorable O. F. Sktn- and entered an order July 16. 1927. worth on the 14th day of June. 1827 d irectin g that this sntnmons be pub­ d irectin g that aerylce of this summons lished once each w eek fo r a period of be made by publication or th a t tn lieu four successive weeks In T h e Spring- thereof the defendant ha personally field News and th a t you appear and aerred w ith summons outside the answer the said com plaint w ith in four State o f Oregon D ate of flrat publica­ weeks from the date o f the first pub­ lication of this summons tion of summons J- xe 23rd, 1927. F A R M M A R K E T R E V IE W No 1116 In xpite o l i t ^ y e r y ^ f f f t ^ A v t ^ nue »«" look, thia design is ^ Iry lisy to make. The dress fronts Up lap over a vest«« and skirt-panel, as you set, and if striped material is used, the effeet is wonderfully smart. As materials w f suggest jersey or light weight wool material •" any solid color, such às beige, luown Sr blue The front inser­ tion is of the same material iti a lighter :er shade of the siinr color ¿7 els se in g {ports stripe to match p , e pattern mav be obtained obtain! In is 16 to 44 Sjxe 56 requi staes uires 2 . yards d> ot 54 inch tfalerial and t three- quarters of a yard of trimming ma- tynat. No dressmaking experience 5 needed to make Design No. 1116 if you Ute these patterns which are Individually hand-cut of heavy pager. Patterns w ill be delivered to any address upon receipt of 25c in cash or U. S. postage Always mention else wanted. Address: Hand-Cut Pattern Department, 17 West 28th S t, New York City, and always this newspaper. S P R IN G F IE L D D E L E G A T E S L EA VE FOR LEG IO N M E E T M r. and M rs. Ton y Graves le ft Tuesday for LaGrande, Oregon, where they are representing Springfield at the state departm ent convention of the A m erican Legion which opens there today. M r. Gravo» Is the Legion delegate and M rs. Gravos the Auxi­ lia ry representative. T h e m eeting promises to be one of the most interesting ever held by the state departm ent. Among p olitical m atters expected to develop Is the possible candidacy of George E . Love, of Eugene, fo r state commander. Love has served as vlce-comm<'nder d uring the past year, and his friends are boosting h im for the commander- ship. Survey la Progressing The sheep and hog survey conduct­ ed In this district by rural mall car­ riers working out of the Springfield postoffice le progreeatng nicely, ac­ cording to reports from Pastm aster F. B. Hamlin. When the reporta are H. B SLATTEDY. Attorney for ooaxplete, they w U he aent to the DONALD YOUNG, Attorney for plaintiff. 869 W illam ette S treet Eu­ Plaintiff, and my poet office address United Btetee department of agrlcal- Is Eugene. Oregon. gene, Oregon. Jl. 21-28: Au. 4-11-1»: J 2S-20: Jl 7-14-21-28: A j 4: eastern Oregon. Soft red w in te r wheat is not turn’ng out so w ell as e » pected In eastern states and the crop mny scarcely equal domestic req uire­ ments. Cash corn was firm but other grains and rye followed the general tendency of wheat to decline in price. Some w heat business a t Portland at 31.34 to 31.35 for August shipment was reported. Coast barlev markets were re la tiv e ly firm w ith choice shipping grades quoted 32.60 and feeding q uality 31-90 San Francisco. Livestock: C attle m arkets ruled strong last week and new neaks were established on the season's price re­ cord fo r heavy steers In Chicago. Re­ ceipts w ere larg er than for orevioud week. H og m arkets advanced son»» what. Conditions now seen to fa v o r more than the average summer ad­ vance on fa t hog prices but If the com crop Is as short as It appears hoff prices mny decline more than usual late In the fall. T h e fat lamb m arket waa w eaker g en em llv on heavy reo eipts w ith cull kinds esneciallv off. Unofficial Inform ation Indlent«» 76 oer cent o f lambs In Idhho marketed, 48 per cent In W ashington and arontlff *6 per cent In Oregon. Feeder lam be were steady. B u tte r; W estern butter m a rk e t» w ere up and down somewhat bnt reasonably steady fo r the w eek al­ though receipts continue lib eral w ith the cold storage deficits n early made up. In the east m arkets opened firm and closed weak, receipts belnc heavy and production s till running abend ot last y e a r thnngh declining. Cold storage stocks fo r the U nited State« on Jnly 1 bad become h eavier than last y e a r by m or« than 3 m illio n pannds as compared to heavy short- e a rlie r In the year. M ovem ent Into storage In .Tune totaled nearlv 66 m il­ lion ponnds which ts 4 m illion more than the 1919 record and 9 million more than In 1928. W o o l: A heavier movement and firmer prices characterized recent wool market news. Fair Inquiry slow trading and steadv prices feature the mohair trade.— (Prepered by T* M» Brelthanpt of the O. A. C. Extension Service division of agricultural eeoa* mice on Information from U nited area earlier In the year. Movement tstff other eonrcee deemed meet reBaMe-F