PACK TWO THUR8DAY JULY 21. 1®2T T H E S PR IN G FIB J) NKW8 Bate C o a le r « ( Cedar Flats was a ta Psedlsteo— Frank Jotdan. , Hwgtnnlac at a potat la the north brother of M ra E. E. Pyna who haa Springfield visitor today. Hae of H i h Ave east whlch Is «7 fset ; east and 24« feet north of the aoulh beea vlsltlng hera f«> saveral waeks. wwst eoraer of a tract of land ro n -' left Tuesday for l*eadletoa. Mr and Mrs. Frank Kralicliech will veyed bj W illiam S loan nau wife In i Norrts Humphrey by deed recorded movs Io Westfir tomorrow M ra J A. Phelps, picnicked up the Me ' lu Book H. page 240. taine County CARDEN WAY C o b u rg M a n H e ro — Francis Dnwri Mr amt Mrs Wright and daughter Oregon. Deed Rpcorda. in Eugene. Keasie with a number of Kugeae C A I.L A N O S E E Dr. N W of Coburg waa a b u s lin e s v is ito r here ' Lane County. Oregon running thenc.* ! from Loa Angeles drove through last Catherine Zumwalt of Motor Route friends last week end Tuesday un prie* « , o pla'e sad other work, tf east on the north Hue of 14th Ave i t Mr W right drove on to A. v i .’ted at the A. C . Travis home The young folks of the Pleasant Sunday. feet thence north 4S feet, thence weet (a»; weeh. HUI Senior Endeavor are planning for Enterprise on Monday while h'r> py /eei. Ihence south 48 feet to the Wright is visiting with her parents. place of beginning; ntao Mr and Mr» Truman vis:tod Sun a social next Friday Beginning at a point Std feet north Mr and Mrs. A It Mathews. HI tfav at Lb« G. R Fl«h home tn Sarlo* Mr and Mra K R Tinker entertain­ Nellie Mathews, who has spent ihe of Ihe southwest corner of a tract of »eld. land conveied by William Sloan and ed at dtnaer Sunday la honor of the past winter tn California, caiue with wife lo Norris Humph-wy by deed M r and Mra. W H Andaraon sad tbth wedding anniversary o f Mr and them. recOdlWil tn Book H. nave 240. laine aoo. Forrest. «peat the week-end at Mrs. O. H Wangelio, parents of Mrs. Frank Campbell Is running she Countv. Oregon. Dc-el Records. In the Tinker. Dinner guests were Mr and Beruaport and Wiacheeter Ray east line of Willamette Street, in Eu­ • binder for Bert Mathews. gene. Lane County. Or-yon. running Mra. P. H. Murnaae and Mra J . rl Mrs W A Elkins and daughter. Mary Mr. and Mrs. Silas Gay drove up thence north on the east side of W il­ Tompkins, who have been vi«IUng at I Eileen, of Eugene: Mr. sad Mrs. C. F from SUvertoa last Sunday M i. Cay lamette Street &S feet, thence east the home of their brother. T J . Max- Hyde and two daughters of Irving. ISO feet thence south M feet, thence returned on Monday Mrs Gay is west 180 feet tn the place of liegln Mr. and Mrs. Andy Olson and two well. left Monday tor their homes .a Daughters. Belle and Emma, and son. '¡pending the week with her brother's nlng: S ale Rowe Frank loi Jole S' Paul and Minneapolis. Minnesota. 1 that none of the defendants have any Robert. Mr. and Mrs. J . A. Pbelps and ‘ be Conley brothers L. A. (iilkinoti I*. E. Thompson W H Anderson made a business right, title, nr Interest therein or two children and Mr and Mra. Nelson John Conley Is III with stoma« h thereto whatsoever: and that the de­ Kenneth (¡Irani Marvin tipores trip to Salem Tuesday of Eugene called during the afternoon ' trouble. Dr Phetteplace is treating fendants and each of them be forever Karl (¡Irani Carl M. Cyrus Mrs. J . R. Meeks was called to Mon-1 to congratulate Mr. sad Mrs. Wange-1 him barred and enjoined from asserting I, A 'In in a s W m M ier ree. Sunday, on account of the critical ,ln any claim thereto Jim Benge Miss Maude Edmtstoa left last Merle Tobaln Illness of her father J . G. Hubbard . _ ... . , . „ This summons Is served upon you Bailing Is in full swing at Pleasant Thursday for Portland after spending by publication la accordance with an I ’ 11 la w -n il J. T. Moore Mr sad Mrs. Frank Klataley and H 1U The T eliaisons balled at a few days with home folks .Miles Haley R. I). Wilson enter mate at Eugene, (iregon. by the tfetldren. Richard and June, visited | Olson a. T lakera. Higgin s. Latlin s | Mr Zleglter and son. Charles drove Chas. Buchanan Nlel Nelson Hon U F Sklpworth Judge of the at the home of Mrs. Kintzley's l*rlt e Posey (¡eorge Fish and move t«j Goshen district in a few j „ver from Klamath Falls last Friday Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, mother. Mra. Clara Male. Sunday. on the l»th day of Ju ly J»W . requir­ M F. Ilerg a * 5'*' I They left oa their return trip Monday ing that this summons be served by Mr and Mrs. F. R Gates and son, F F Cooper began binding grain Mr. and Mrs Ray Baugh and family publication thereof at least once a Cbrrol., spent a week a t Belknap Saturday Ju ly 1«. 1 drove to Shedd last Sunday and spent week for a ll ¿oasecutlve weeks In the Springs. returning Monday Mr Gates Alexander tdadaay has traded his the day with Mr and Mrs Robert Springfield News, or lhat in lieu there «rill take treatment at the McKenzie of you be persona.iy served with sun. Davis ranch at Pleasant HIU. Sanitarium beginning Thursday Phone 95 Springfield mous outside of the State of Oregon WM RODBNBAUOH Mrs. Rosa Baughman from Kogetie A good many Pleasant Hill and Date of first publication the 31st Mr and Mrs. Dewey Ray and fsmilv Trent residents attended the Hills' spent the week-end tn Thurston visit­ dav of Ju ly . 1*77 of Chase Gardens, left Saturday for picnic at Jasper Suteiay. Ju ly 17. ing relatives. D O N A L D Y O U N G . Attorney for Texas and Alabama wher. they will plaintiff. 880 Willamette Street, Ku Mr Graves, who formerly lived at gene. Oregon. gpend their vacation with relatives Pleasant HIU but now makes home IN T H E C IR i U IT C O U R T O F T H E J1 31-38 A 4 11 18 28: S 1: ST A T E O F O R EO O N FOR L A N E The Holton family of Chase Gardens at Bend, was at Pleasant Hill the fore C O U N T Y . have moved to Los Angeles. Caltfor- part of this week. G . A. Serftlng plaintiff, v Georg.- O r o n S A L K — CarPoa pepar In Isrg» ala where they will make their home. sheets. 28x3* laches, «ulta Die to- Varan France« Yoran and Lucile Mr and Mrs. U . G M cElhanv will Yoran. hia «rife. Ada Voran Hale inakSwg fracing» The news Office T H U R S TO N attend the M. E. Camp Meeting which and Hale, her husband. Fred S. Dunn and Anna Dunr hla wife. opens at Cottage Grove Thursday. Mr and Mrs A. W. Weaver drove to Blank Promissory notes and re­ Edna Higgle« and Dtggie». Mr. and Mrs Bill Lindley of Wend Albany last Sunday and attended the I her husband. Lavinla Belknap ceipts printed and la stock at the t o * visited at the home of Mrs Lind- Elk's picnic there and drove to Salem Christian Catharine ChriaUan Bar New t office. 6th and Willamatta Storp 11 Eu, gwn«, O ra. lay's parents Mr and Mrs. O. H in the evening and spent the alght r«tt. and Clinton Barrett her hus­ band. Alonzo Patterson and Mattel Hangsnn Sunday. with their son. Clifford. Patterson, hia wife. Kester Dudley I M r. and Mrs S. 8. Potter and chil- Ted George made a trip to Dead- Christian. Louia Belknap «. hristian ffree. Dorothy and Paul, of Springfield wood last Monday Ira Summer Christian. Zulu Kupetz had dinner at the J R. Fish's Sun Miss Mildred Price, who la tele- and Joseph Kupetz. her husband. I Eugene Christian and Olive Chri« ' day, In honor of charline Fish s phon girl at M cKenzie bridge, spent tian his wife Roy Christian. Elva | eleventh birthday last week-end with h v parents. Mr Christian Moore. Ethel C Smith 1 Mr and Mra. H R Cook returned and Mrs. John Price. and Clement Smith, her husband to Oakridge Sunday Mrs Cook has Prank Christian. Elm o Christian. William Goff from McKenzie fish MBlinder Atkeson and George L. been here since Ju ly fourth taking hatchery spent the past week with his Atkeson. her husband, or the un­ treatments for her health. grand parents Mr and Mra. William T H E M OKE G O O D S W E HELL, AT T H E S E PRK BS, T H E known heirs of Millinder Atkeson. Mrs. Owen Thomas and Infant son. Rennie. if deceased. Erickson wife Wayne Vernon, returned from the M OKE GOOD W E IK). IN S E R V IC E AND SA V IN G S FO R R ay M itchell’s hand which was so of Charles Erickson. .......... York. Pacific Christian hospital last week. wife of Jam es York. ’ ..... . Humph , badly bruised and mangled last weak O C R C U ST O M E R S. rey. wife of Ralph Humphrev. Leslie M rElhacy of Penn a pen- the by being caught in a hay rope. 1« * Corblt. wife of Henry 8. Cor- j Week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs getting along nicely. Dr. Phetteplce In I bit. Corblt. husband of Sarah 1 C- C. KeUogg. Springfield ia caring for IL Francis Corblt. the unknown heirs I OILCLO TH full with, many pattvnia Miss Frances Travis was untor- of Norris Humphrey, deceased. Charles Taylor la spending several Bowman, husband of Wilma . tnn>te tn haring her car stolen Tues­ days this week visiting his mother at LISLE HOSE rvgular 50c value Bowman. Irene C Marks and day. while at work. Indian Creek. Marks, her husband. Ls-na C . Wing ' C H ILD R E N 'S % HOSE. Fancy Cuff. Mra. Teeter from Cottage Grove ts »bd Wing, her husband. Mabie Veatch and Veatch. ' visiting her daughter. Mrs. Taylor UPPER W IL L A M E T T E NAINSOOK, PRatel Colors, 46c value, her husband. Margaret Klnsella Needham. and Klnsella. her husband. O A . Jordan of Columbia Falls. FEA TH ER PILLOW S, new Feather«. $1.76 val. Several from here attended the an Ralph W Caliison and ... Calll- Idaho. Is visiting at the home of bis . nual Mohawk picnic at the grove near son. his wife, Jam es G Caliison and C H IL D R E N ’S SLIPPERS. Fancy Pattern«. go®. Mr and Mrs C. E. Jordan, at Stafford school house last Sunday Caliison. his wife. Rufus G Caliison. Jr . and Caliison Pleasant Hill and at the home of hla Harvey Conley and hla slater. Mra. A rem arkable good "c lo ic-u p " of CANVASS SLIPPERS. Beg« - r $126 value. .. his wife. Emery E. Caliison an daughter. Mrs B. John at T re n t Edsel B. Ford, now proudest of Silas Gray, drove to Cam p Creek last Caliison. his wife. Martha the Ford M o to r Company, taken Louis Circle and daughter of Tri Tuesday and spent the day with WORK SHOES. I a - s I her or Comp. Soles, Wallace and — Wallace, his a» the 14 airplanes hopped off on angle Lake visited last week at the Ernest Conley and family wife. Henry E Caliison and s rekabdity tone of 25 Am erican LADIES' ONE STRAP and tie«. Blond Pat., home of Mr and Mrs. I. T Circle at William Eyler’a brother and srtf- Caliison. his wife, m d also all other «-cities-—and for which he w ill sward ^ Ite rp iise . persons or parties unknown < Ialm from Cfncinnattl Ohio, are visiting » ipacial trophy (or the <200 m ile* S U M E R TIM E WASH FROCKS. Beg. $2.9k val. Ing any right, title estate. II ;i or of ly in g . Mrs. Leola Ewbanka. who ia visiting him. interest in the real estate des< r l>«i| gt the home of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Needham and Mrs In the com plaint herein defendan ts SU M M O N S I To Frances Yoran and Lucile I Yoran. his wife. Ada Yoran Hale and --------- Hale, her husband. EdVia Hig­ gles and Higgles, her husband, i Lavlnia Belknap Christian. Alonzo Patterson and Mabel Patterson, his , wife, Catharine Christian Barrett and I Clinton Barrett, her husbnd. Kester ! Dudley Christian Louis Belknap Christian. Ira Summer Christian. Eu­ gene Christian and Olive Chrlstia'i. his wife. Elva Christian Moore. Ethel C. Smith and Clement Smith, her hus­ band, Frank Christian. Elmo Chris­ tian. Millinder Atkeson. and George I L. Atkeson her husband or the un­ known heirs of Mllllndier' Atkeson, if deceased. Erickson, wife of Charles Erickson. York, wife of Jam es York. .... Humphrey, wife of Ralph Humphrey. Corblt, ; wife of Henry S. Corbitt. Cor- ¡bit. husbaipl of Sarah Francis ('orbit. ' the unknown Heirs of Norris Huinph- 1 rey, deceased. Bowman, hus­ band of Wilma Bowman, Irene C. i Marks and Marks, her hus­ band. Lena C. Wing, and Wing i her husband. Mabie Veatch and ...'. Veatch. her husband, Margaret Kln­ sella and .. Klnsella, her hus­ band. Rufus O. ('alllson. Jr. and j Caliison. his wife, Emery E. Caliison, and ............. Caliison. nls wife, Martha Wallce and Wallace, her husband, $10.00 puts S E R V E L in your bome------ T H B people o f this modern, busy ace are always anxious to ! Henry E. Calll.on and Caliison. i his wife, and also all other persons rrcOgnize qu«l“ y. and they have placed Camel first . « v ^ g 1 8 m jntk« to pay the balance! or patles unknown claiming any right, cigarettes. title, estate, lien or interest In the E R E is the opportunity you have Modern real estate described In the complaint *n *n > n e e d Uzte A « quicA, r been waiting for! herein, defendants: learns to know good tobaccosT'Cmnel is 7 h e i 7 \ ^ V IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E O F HeC^ d ‘he^ reCO* n*“ in h ,h* «»«oiem tobaccos grown.* No longer need you ask “ How can I O R E G O N , you are hereby required! to blended to bring out their «« mate and f r .g r . “ r afford an Electric Refrigerator?” appear and answer the plaintiff's com- Cmnel has won it . way to the top in the harde.t-to.nlro«, plainst filed against you in the above when for this amazingly small first entitled suit within six weeks from age ever known because it has the qualities of goodne^ «b7 payment you can have Servel— the the date of the first publication of • p,c^ ure/ . „ You latest 1927 model— up-to-thominute this summons and If you fail to no of agarette.. N o be«er .moke can be made. in every detail— completely installed appear and answer, tor want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court in your home. "Hart a Camel!” for the relief prayed for In the com­ plaint herein, to-wit: that the plain­ tiff be decreed to be the sole and FR EE absolute owner In fee simple of the following described real property: While they last, we wifi give with each S E R V E L a Beginning at the southwest corner handsome set of frozen dessert accessories worth of a tract of land1 conveyed by William Sloan and wife to Norris Humphrey more than $30.00. You’ll have to hurry! by deed recorded In Book H, page 240 of the lame County, Oregon. Deed Records, said point being In the east line of Willamette Street, in Eugene, Lana County, Oregon, running thence north on the west Hide of Willamette Street. 170 feet to the south lino of 14th Ave. east, thence east on the south line of 14th Ave cast 110 feet, thence sonfli 02. feet, thence east f>0 feet, thence south 114 feet, thence Ç I W , a. I lUro^d. T ^ . , . WUMon-gal««. N. C. west 180 feet tn the place of begln- Teetsr drove to ttadteyvllle last Tues day sad visited Mrs Harvey Hadley. Tuesday Krneal Uertsch v a i sur pi ised by a visit from hia coausias from San Francisco. They are oo their way to Seattle. Washlngtoe. ■lag; alao ASK THESE PEOPLE Who* Thty Think of Their H u tto G ro u n d M o to r Service Garage Manufacturers Unloading SALE 23c - 33c 3<)c 29c $1.29 $ 1 .9 5 97c S2.45 $3.98 $2.3 9 This age finds Camel 'worthy o f leadership H M ountain S tates P ower C ompany