The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 21, 1927, Image 1

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gets things done
Phone 2
Cain in Enrollment Necessitates
Devoting Entire Building to
Upper Division; Budget Mak­
ing Starting Soon; Repairs
Under Way.
Fared with III» problem of « con­
stantly Increasing snrollment. duo to
growth of (h» city and surrounding
district*. the Springfield board of edu-
cation baa found It necessary to pro
rid« all lb« room In the high school
bu'bllna for ua« of high school «tu
«b nia the coming year
Since the establishm ent of the blah
earning swiftly to the reacuo of
three anglers, two men and a woman.
Duo Glllegpln. Springfield, found
things to do inure exciting than fish
Ing while on th« McKenale river near
D e e r horu Munday.
The anglers, strangers to the river,
were flshliur from a boat. The frail
craft was caught audenly In a deep
swtrl near the Dearborn sanitarium,
and' whirled again«! a rock
Gillespie who was fishing nearby,
leaped Inin the river and »»«m to
the rescue of the woman. After tak
Ing her to shore, he returned and
attempted to aid the two men In re­
moving tho canoe from the rock. A
rope they were lining broke aa tho
»nagged skiff waa <»ugbt In the cur
rant When they finally recove-ed
the boat, a great hole was found
smashed In the bottom
School building, elementary pupils
hivn attended some class«« there. >u*
thia your lh««« grades will be moved
to the Lincoln building, tinder the ANOTHER PICNIC TO BE
direction of Principal Alfred Morgan,
rooms In the latter building have been
fitted with «eats and desks thia sum
Plane for another picnic, to bo held
xner and will adequately provide for
on the third Tuesday in August have
the grade pupils.
been shaped by the Springfield
M ore Room Provided
Masons and Eastern Blurs The out­
This will make It possible to turn at
ing will be held either at Brimmers*
least two more rooms In ths high
Delight or Ktvealde park, more pro­
school building over for use of high
bably the former.
school pupil« and will aid In solving
The picnic Is planned aa a reault
tho congestion problem.
i< (ha aucceasful outing held at the
This Is the most drastic change 'n
city park Tuesday night- About 50
the housing situation for the local
flasket lunch and gamra
schools thia year.
were chief feature«. The Eastern
changes have baen effected. éliminai
Mur waa In charge of the picnic.
tag ths superintendent? but making
Mr Morgan supervising principal with
an all-year salary.
starts, each principal will have charge
of hla or her respective school
A 13-year old Eugene boy. Roy
Ths Increasing high school attend­
ance has bean a problem hern for Swindle, waa duUlned by Police Chlsf
several years. At times, consolidation Jess Mmltson yesterday when It was
with (he districts which send pupils asserted ly discovered that the boy
here Into a union high school district had broken Into the office of the
has been considered, but under the Springfield Mill and Uraln company
pressai financial circumstances of (he here, stealing about 28 la cash, a
local schools. It la not likely that thia pocket knlfa and a tit check July 5.
plan will be considered for some time The boy was engaged In another raid
Budget W e rk Starts
when taken here Tue»day.
fin hla first trip, the boy stole a
Nerertheless. Into the budget-mak­
ing of the school district this year bicycle In Eugene am* abandoned It
must go the additional funds for pro­ here. Tueaday. It Is aald. he stole
viding for the high school pupils com another wheel from near the swim­
In« In from outside districts Th« ming hole. He has been turned over
tuition exacted front such students. It to John Marsh, county Juvenile officer
la soldi, M not adequate to rare for the
thcreaend expense
As yet. the school hoard hat taken
no definite step Inward forming a
budget committee and shaping the an­
The niarlagy of Ben Skinner and
nual financial schedule This Is the Mrs Stacey Nesbll of Hnrlngfleld
next Important business before the took place al Kelao, Washington, July
18. their friend« learned upon the
Member« of the school board sta e return of the couple Io Springfield
that they are satlafind with the pro­ Tueaday
gress made Iasi year In untanrtlnc 'he
Mr. and Mrs. Skinner expert lo
financial problems of the district. War­ make their permanent home In Spring-
rant and bonded Indebtedness never­ field.
theless totals approximately 1106.000.
and a long road la ahead before (his
can be entirely eliminated. Close cut­ CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO
ting on the budget, extreme economy,
and careful administration of the flnan
clal phases of (he district school
Leaving Immediately after church
government, formulate the program of Sunday morning, members of the
the school board In this respect.
Springfield Christian church "Will go
Repair Under W ay
to Coburg bridge for tfie annual pic­
Into the new budget must go the nic. They will return In time for the
cost of repairing the Lincoln building, union service« In the evening.
now under way. Members of the
Heretofore, the picnic has been held
achnnl board stated that they regret­ all day. with church services In the
ted the necessity of spending this open as a feature.
money, hut "when a roof In Oregon
needs replacement, there Is nothing to
do hut Install a new one "
"We have made every effort to pro­
vide the beat work possible In this
repair program," said R. W. Carlton,
Removal of his tailoring shop to
director. "II la our belief that the new the Commercial State bank building
roof will last as lone as the building.'' room recently vacated by R. W. Smith
In the last two years, the south la planned by J. F. Nadvornlk. The
doors on the Lincoln and high school move 'will he made about August t,
buildings have been kept locked he according to Mr. Nadvornlk.
cause the wind has Mown (hem open
More room for hla business will be
This Is contrary to tho heat practice 1
provided In the new quarters, Mr. Nad­
ns regards fire possibilités and the I
vornlk said.
hoard has decided to Install panic (
The tailor shop will ocupy the front
locks on these dhors.
room only. The other room has al­
ready been occupied by the sales and
management offices of the Lorane
Timber and Milling company.
Plans for the Labor Day picnic at
Wendllng will he shaped at a meet­
ing of the Iziyal Ixtglon of Loggers and
Lumbermen to be hold at the W. O .'
Under the direction of Rev. andi
W. ball Monday evening. July 26.
All Booth Kelly 4-L members will | Mrs. C. H. Blom, a group of Spring-
attend the big outing at Wendllng. I field young people are attending the
according to John Klug, secretary ot state Baptlat assembly being held at
Linfield college, McMinnville thia
the local group.
week. The group will remain In Mc­
Minnville until a week from Sunday
Matt Immerlck Injured
engaged In study.
Falling 16 feet from a cherry tree, ... Member« of the party are Dorothy
Matt Emmerick, 72-year old Walter-, and Ralph Oakes, Paul Frese and
ville farmer, sustained a broken col­ Naomi Carlton.
lar Itone and fractured rib Mondny.
He waa brought to 8prlngfleld for
Little Girl Injured
A broken collar bone was sustained
by little B111I« Stratton. Springfield
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Montgomery re­ girl, when she fell from a tree Tues­
turned to Not! last night after visit­ day. The little girl was dropped from
a limb for a distance ot several feet.
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Frod Frase.
Seattle Man W in s
M otorcycle Event
Al Forsburg Roars 170 Feet
Up Steep Incline on
Emerald Heights
In a thrilling 170-foot ascent. Al
Forsburg. crack Seattle cyclist, 'Won
the Northwest sectional hlll-cllmh on
Emerald llvlghta Sunday and cap­
ture the purnc prla« for the 61-lncb
professional open event.
ForaburiFs roaring Indian motor­
cycle reached a point on the side of
the hill never before attained by a
motorcycle In competition Second In
thia event was Florle Swan. Seattle,
also riding an Indian, and Swede
Mattson. Oakland, came in third.
Three thousand person» witnessed
the first hlll-cllmh to* be held In
With the uaslNtance ot
state and county motorcycle officers,
the hlll-cllmh officials were able to
handle the traffic and crowd with
little difficulty while streets In the
vicinity of Emerald Heights were
closed by order of the city ciuncll.
In the 61-lnch novice competition.
Glen Klee. Portland, won first place.
Elmer Smith. Springfield, a beginner
at the hill-climbing game, showed
prospect a of becoming an expert when
he roared up the hill for second place
In thia event. Leslie Burns. Camas,
Wash., riding a Harley-Davldaon. took
Winners of the amateur competi­
tion waa norla Smith. 8eattle Bums
waa second and Charles Potterf, Ku
gene, riding a Harley-Davidson, won
The tl-lnch expert event waa won
by Oray Tauacher. Portland, who
climber ISO feet on the hill-side.
Florle Swan and Swede Mattson won
second and third In this event
The cyclists declared that Emerald
Heights provides the best motorcycle
hlll-cllmh courae In the weat, and
future Northwest meet« will be held
here. The hill was a little soft this
year due to the fart that It was the
first time It has been used for this
purpose, but next year the course
should be In Ideal condition for a
higher climb.
“Gne> of the>
•Tn« Paop«-« rape»'
Petition Out Against Closing
Second Street; Action Would
Bring Near $40.000 for New
Bridge, is Belief Here; Hear«
ing Expected Soon.
A petition voicing opposition to the
closing of Second street as fvored by
the city council last week Is reported
In circulation, and aa a result It is po»
sible that the state public service com­
mission will conduct a hearing here
to compile evidence for and against
the proposed change.
Signatures of South alders who are
agaiDst the closing of the street
are sought for the petition. The
move was favored b y t h e city
council on the ground that t h e
Southern Pacific company, because et
President Coolidge, fishing with worm bait, it is «aid. is catrhing
elimination of a dangerous crossing,
tlvm over in Squaw Creek, Black Hills. S Dak. Mrs Coolidge in­
will be willing to aid financially In the
sisted upon seeing the catch, and wasn’t it natural that the President
of the new Intercity
show the largest one—a rainbow trout, 1 pound. 14 ounces?
South alders allege that the closing
of the street will Inconvenience them
and make their property of leas valua.
SHOW IS SUCCESS They claim that there has been only
one accident at the Second street
Funeral services will be held at 2:30
The Neighbors of Woodcraft benefit crossing n recent years, and that the
o'clock this afternoon f o r Mrs. show, "AU Gumed Up,” wag given at Southern Pacific officials themselves
Elisabeth Ann Coglll, resident of the Bell Theatre last night before a held that to be due to carelessnest.
Springfield for (he last 26 years. Mrs. good audience and pro red to be a auc- They also declare that they are un­
Cogtll died at her home at Fifth and cesr ’ The proceed« from the enter­ favorable to "going through the hole
C street Tueaday.
tainment will go toward sending the to town," referring to the subway
.Born In Wales, May 29. 1846. Mrs. drill team to the national convention croealng at Mill street which 'would be
Coglll came to the United States when at Riverside, California.
used In case Second street weft
but two years of age. She Is survived
The cast: George Bartlett a liver closed.
The arguments of the proteatantfi
by two sons, Frank of Springfield, specialist—Mrs. Walter Lipes; Minter,
end Charles C. ot Los Angeles, and his assistant—Mrs. C. F. Eggimann; are met with the declarations by
two daughters, Mrs. Chariest Dema­ Henrietta Tremayne—Melba Mellon; those favoring the closing that the dan­
rest and Mrs. Al Perkins of Spring- Geoffry Tremayne. her husband, a ger of a crossing does not He in what
pianist—Mrs. Robert Hansen; and has taken place but what may take
place In the future. It Is pointed
Rev. C. H. Rlom and Rev. Douglas» Gloria Bartlett—Lucille Richmond.
out that the county court has promised
wilt have charge of the services.
to Improve Mill street If Second
Burial will be at Laural Hill cemetery.
street la closed, and that the subway
PICNIC AT JEFFERSON crossing on Mill Is the sort of a thing
1 that la wanted for every railroad
The local offices of the Mountain , crossing In the country by the safety
States Power company will be closed engineers.
Funeral services were held at Mar-
Saturday. July 23, while employes of
In addition to the elimination ot
cola yesterday for Mrs. Addle Cren­
the company will be attending the an­ danger. The Southern Pacific la de­
shaw. 63. who passed away suddenly
nual employes' picnic, according to sirous that the crossing be closed
at llar Marcóla home Saturday night
announcement today.
because of the facility It wil provide
Mrs. CrenahBW was for 25 years a
In cutting down the time of train*
resident of the Mohawk valley.
over the Cascade route. The railroad
Survivors are her husband, Frank
MORNING GLORY READY L. Crenshaw; two sons, Uarvcy F.
The company's employes from all wants to run its trains as fast as pos­
of Western Oregon will attend. sible tnto the Springfield station frota
and Ralph M of Fossil and Donna,
Eugene, and wants to get away to
The carbon bi sulphide method in respeclvely; six daughters, Mrs. Rosa
Office only wiU be interrupted.
sward Eugene as quickly as possible.
killing wild morning glory will be Hayes of Woodland, Wash., Mrs. Dolly
The slowing down necessary fof
demonstrated this week on three Bronson of Spray. Ore.; Mrs. Cora
New Bridge Planned
farms by the county agent, O. 9 Renfrew of Fall Creek, Ore.; Mrs.
Members of the county court will protection at the dangerous Second,
Fletcher. Teats will be made on the Eva Hendrickson, of Portland; Mrs. attend the meeting of the state high­ street crossing Is a constant hind­
L. L Dickey farm near Junction City, Ella Maya of Junction City; Mrs. way commission In Portland July 28 rance to this time-saving schedule. It
on the William Rleck farm near Berta Rarrlson of Marcóla, and one for the purpose ot completing plans Is said.
It Is beleved here that the publte
Izirane and the Hurd1 Brothers form sister. Mrs. Pearl Gates of Crow.
for the new Blue River bridge. The
service commission may decide that
near Coburg.
The Walker chapel was lu charge span will go In this year. An arrange­
Holes are bored In the ground two of arrangements.
ment for dividing the costs between the closing of the local crossing will
feet apart and two ounces of the liquid
the county and state has been perfect­ he worth 840.000 to the railroad com­
la poured Into them Thia kills the
Naw Granddaughter visited— Mrs.
Not Sufficient Funds
morning glory when the gas from the N. A. Rowe visited In Portland this
While the state hlxbwav rnramhh
liquid penetrates the soli.
Tobias la Injured
week, calling on her new granddaugh­
L. A. Tobias sustained a sprained si on ordered the plans drawn for coS-
This method costs about >200 an ter. who was a month old July 19.
acre and Is too expensive to be used The little girl has been named Frances ankle when he fell several feet from a structlon of the Springfield bridge
except where the weed is very thick Alneeta I-amberty. the daughter of flume of the Fisher Lumber company three months ago it made no provi­
on good land. It Is the most effective Mr. nd Mrs. Francis Lamberty. She at Marcola Tuesday. He slipped on sion for funds to match Lane county's
money. Highway engineers told the
a wet board.
wlcghted 6V* pounds at birth.
method known however.
Springfield city council that the com­
mission did not have sufficient funds
By Atbrrl T. Read
to build the bridge unless the rail
He b Making It His Business-
road com pan v would stand a portion
of the expense. The declared that
If the railroad company could not be
made to stand a portion of the expense
then the construction would likely
have to wait two or three years.
Lane county has agreed to bur the
right-of-way andi supnlv 265.000 toward
the bridge which will cost 2160.000.
The county will have in the structure
better than $85 000 when It Is com­
plete or 210.000 more than the voters
authorised at the bond election. For
this reason the county Is also anxious
to close Second street In order that
the railroad company will be benefit*
As a benefit program for the Souta-
ern District Epworth Leogue Institute
at Cascade resort the Springfield
Epworth League will give a program
and carnival tomorrow night In ths
Methodist church basement.
Among features planned are booths
for fortune-telling.
beauty parlors,
etc., the chief purpose being to have
a lot of fun, said members of ths
committee In charge. Ice cream will
he sold and the public Is Invited.
Food sales will be held by the Lea­
gue the next two Saturdays at the L
O. O. F. building, acordlng to Mrs.
Willis Bertsch. president
On Vaoatlon—Mr. and Mrj. W. C,
McLagan and family are lit eaaterw
Oregon on a vacation trip.