THURSDAY JULY U . 1»*7 T U I SPRINGFIELD NBW8 PACK SIX Low.U auddoaly apra..« (rom h l. I «A nythin, w r o n ,r a»b.d ArmlUa^ hsr burn* Ual »hv (all. u |r Kennedy «ippod a ,1a»« of «h.ory Hoary Morgan! Hu many Iking* Oat out ot thuaa cloth»». In .u n tly and »at It on ih» tabla. Ill» Bn««r» umlaratood at loaL Hv had left hi» touched th» pistols and h» took them own uauts out of th* list h* had «Ivan ( —chuck thciu, boot» and all. into tha up and balanced them on hl» broad wardrobe Don t you umleralaml? her- H ItD-M waa on the cerllfliata. palm» Suddenly he realised that, How simple Il was! And so blind Kennedy will ba hara to question ua though ihe room was vary warm. Hi» remember he'» mad at ttuia»!« had t w o bar faith la III» loyally. liu le weapons were v»ry cold. Within Am miaule» ArmlUge had aa sha 11 bad him. that not th<* loa»t "Which of you iwo snatched Jean­ m k lln , of the truth had ever come to , changed Uilo a dressing m«wti and ne Beaufort out of my hand* this ■Uppers. He laid hl» pistol» on the her Kennedy! act? nightr* he aaked with outlnoua qul«t. CHAPTER Xt. Lowell waa attling lu their room tabla. Kennedy entered. Vary ,r»y •All» fair in love and war." ob­ Lowell started to tear up the note Do yon know Morgan. I believe that (To Be Continued» served Kennedy, “Love for women when Armitage, looking like a w an aud weary he looked 1 »halt never attend your flrtn, party when Kennedy stayed hl» hand. who had been riding hard and far. • and war for men Well. Madam, what "No. Aaawar it; keep the appoint m the morning?" i entered. 'ladee«.'' Armitage, you'll ba thera. ment. If It » a trap. I ll ba clone at have you to »ay?« “I took Jeann Beaufort out of Ken -N othing" 1 w o a U u l hare you mias It (or any­ hand It If» only a political an gler— “There really Isn't much to »ay. 1« n ed ys hands tonight." »aid Armitage w e ll I'll »till ba cloae at hand. And any thing I thought you had that taa- with a few preliminaries. "Am I a there T' n oth in , to Armitage tonight." poi. W.-M. the mama eud* ' On the following afternoon bowel! , •'You tried to murder my soul; mv traitor?" •So It does!!’ i “I don’t know, John She wanted to body la nothing." A n w ta g e s hand flew across the was admitted to a modest house in I‘arson Kennedy frowned. He want know from tue which of us hud mar the middle-class ditricL The light in • table with the quickness of an adder's •oFTO M ETRIBT-BVEBIOH T SPECIALIST ed to humble this oreuture. to wring r|tHl her. I told her that If It had been I strike and aeiaed M organs pistol He the room waa not very ,ood ; but pre 178 wilIsJUBtU St. Bugens. Ors. sently he s a w the figure o( a woman, tears from those unfaltering eyee. to i, | would have broken every oath to drew back with equal rapidity. bend her to her knees, to see her ,-iatm her!" "Stir or make a sound, and I'll kill her back to the window JUST ONE THING. RUT—l DO IT RIGHT? «1 am Jeanne Beaufort." she sakl hands held out In passionate supplies- , “You." began ArmlUge— you. Morgan You know I t II I hare tion; he wanted uot.Jng leas than —— — —— W die. you'll go with me or betore me." quietly. that. '•Crood heaven!" a Jeanne in the doorway—impelled ‘r- "I was a rare fool that night. I I C l . I _ “I brought you here to a»k a ques- should reeistibly to return—pressed a book have shot you." J * C i^ C P O U f against her heart. She had picked tion. Who was the man 1 married "I gave you back your life once." It ap at random, without thought or that night? Sometimes it seem s aa If “Ha! But why? To save Arrnl-j I were going mad! 1 am a proud wo­ purpose. Morgan stared at the round black man." She sunk Io her knees sudden tage." I "Hands up! The first man w h o ' musale of hl» revolver; he waa paraly­ ly. -‘See. on my knee» 1 ask you! The . turns dies!" name, the name! ’ sed by the unexpectedness of the The voice came from the wall he- , "Why in the world should you care? coop hind the clustered trooper». Two of "Call to the sentry to come around The man did not even touch your : them dropped their muskets, startled and enter the room.' commanded hand. You exagserate the affair. Any i Keuuedy. looking over the heads of court will annul it." Armit-ige. "Mind the tone-" 1 his men. beheld a yawning doorway "1» he living or dead?" The moment the sentry started to and a man In front of IL Two , obey the command. Armitage drew "I have sworn never to reveal that IX revolvers were leveled steadily In his back hto hand and savagely struck man s name. But it was notl who direction. The stranger wore a mask, j Courtesy and helpfulness nre the keynotes of M>rear behind the ear Then he married you. or I would break one by "I have twelve bullets and when I thia bank's policy. Lady customers will a l­ leaped from the window Just as Jean- o n a all the oaths a man might swear __ .— ________ I shoot, it will be to kill Take up that ways find us glad to aaalKt them In the com­ »<• hurled her book at the candlebrum. cmim you as my own." , revolver from the table, girl. Now plexities of banking and financial matter». accurately! He tried to lift her up. but she hung step back toward me. Men. stand When her arm was strong again, back, a dead weight. Your Having» account, checking account, or aside a Uttle. but lake heed not to > she determined to return to Washing- "You shall have twelve hours In turn. Quick, girt!" advice on your Investment« will receive the ton. To ’earn for sure the name of to leave the city—twelve hours utmost attention, and will be handled In thru» fchen as he spoke. Jeanne was obey «a«4 w v m r W 1 «0/4 lb A F and n4 i and » no ____ the man avh,. who ta had married her more.'' Gently he freed his his sort of a cheerful, confidential manner that ing his orders. She drew back from had now become an obsession; the hands "Good-by. Jeanne Beaufort; wUl make It pleasure to be one of our tne troopers, who moved aside f o r • must know or go mad. and God take yon back safely to your sustomers. her but did not turn. They had re Ske had not the slightest faith n line« ” cognized the deathnole In that voice He passed out into the street. For Armitage'» »tatebent. He was not the __ .------------------ As the door »«rung into place. Jean­ naan; she was so absolutely sure of several blocks Parson Kennedy fol­ ne's rescuer heard a yell of rage. this that bo shadow of doubt regard­ lowed him thoughtfully. There was a "Morgan! Shoot you footal" ing K ever entered her head But. third m»" whom neither Kennedy nor Bat la the shadows the fugitives ah! if only be had spoken the truth! Lowell observed. mounted safely and away. The man U oaly she bad married him! Kennedy cangbt up with Lowell. still kept the mask on his face. He “Well, -what was It about*" So. adroitly yet simply disguised. had not uttered a single word since Protected by Electric Burglarly Alaran Syatem “Good Lord. Parson. I had forgot- entering the lane He suddenly drew Jeanne eoteced Washington once m o r e , in spite of the crave risks in spite ten aU about you! Oh. there was jn . anj j eanne-g horse stopiwd of Its A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY of tke Imminent dangers She found nothing governmental in the affair. QWn >ccon, an obscure but respectable boarding I'U let you know all about It in twelve ' "Charles Lowell." she said rattiei T w ila Shoem aker ~ol iT -n tr/n a , house and lived there quietly. To hours. breathlessly. "I shall always remem­ Kennedy nodded and pretended not ber what you have done tor me this Kansas, student at Kansas V . ha» Charles Lowell, one of the eleven worked her way through lou r years S P R IN G F IE L D , O REG O N whom she had met with Armitage. she to notice Lowell’s preoccupation. An night. You promised me twelve hours. of college— received highest m ark idea took form and grew in his in Thank you. Your way Is back there, for every study, awarded " K U ” wrote a letter. over J ’tvt g irl students, »•■ has It was a letter which would nat fernally bright mind. mine yonder. We may never meet • > 4L M Ü C II1IC f C l M l u . In. Lowell had seen Jeanne Beaufort! again. So. God bless you and keep nrally arouse the couriosity of a man The name was Uke wind upon glow­ like Lowell He took It to Kennedy, you safe and whole!" who studied it for a few moments; ing coals; his hate grew white-hot “ Wait!" The voice was muffled. It was hatred which had no logic. At The man drew a folded paper from then posed It over to Armiiage. “What do you think of it, son?" he her feet he laid the death of six gal­ his pocket and handed It to her. He lant men. impulsively kissed the hand that asked. Jeanne Beaufort was Parson Ken­ reached out; then he folded the palm Armitage read: ______________ _ nedy’s obsession, and he proposed to i over the paper and let the hand fall. “Lieutenant Charles Lowell: “Wi'l you do me the honor to , be rid of it that night, once and for "The horse Is mine; keep it. Good- j aU. call if 1 give you explicit direc­ by, Jeanne Beaufort!" The moment he left Lowell, he put He wheeled suddenly and cantered tions how to find me? I have his Idea Into action. He would trap aw ay_ something to say to you which her by promising to give her the name She thought is strange that he did vitally concerns us both. of the man .;hc had mrarled (for no not raise his mask. Insomuch as she “Address W-X. general post doubt that was the reason for her had discovered his Identity. When office.’' “What do you thing of IL Parson?" seeking Low ell); he would u s e he disappeared, she opened the paper countered Armitage. His voice rvns Lowell's name besides. couriously. Oh. she would --------- come — to -------- that old normal, nu,,... .... his hands steady. — ------------------ The moonlight was clear; but she “I should tear It up and give it no attic where she and Morgan had ex- had no neeq read, »he would have Tanged their bits of Information! known that paper in the dark, among further attention.'' Kennedy yawned It was moonlttfit outside. Kennedy i aJ1 others in the world, by the mere “It may be some wo-ran who wants you to get her hubby or brother or son and his men waited in the dark. jee| of a Job wlt.i the War Office. The town They were all squatting on the floor It was her marrtage-certlflcate! i in order to prerent the slightest She laughed brokenly. She passed I is full of them." Good advice." agreed Armttage. sound. ! through! a singularly trying ordeal; | As Jeanne entered from her left and now, out of It all safely, her “Tear it up, Charlie. Remember you two are to dine with me tonight at came the scrape of a match. It flared. nerves began io go. She shook with , She beheld a huge hand, and her fasci­ transient vertigo and dared not start eight. I'm off." Once In he street Armitage pushed nated glance ran up the arm to the hock his hat and wiped his forehead. face above. She stood face to face with Parson What should he do? How should he Bound to the North By Harold MacGrath Dependable Eyeglass Service Dr. Rorjal Qick This is a bank I I for WOMEN Ì Commercial State Bank S 1X B /U .Y DUWlTMBYrXTOK£ Super Value A Headliner From The Shoe Department W om en’i Fashionable Step-ins, Straps A N A T IO N W ID E IN S T IT U T IO N - and Ties A New Comfort G AUZETS Form erly Sold U p­ ward» To $ 7 .5 0 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. Your Choice, Pair We Welcome the Customer Who Is Just Looking Th« customer who is just "looking around” always receive« a cordial welcome in our «tore Wa feel that men and women tk o M look around before they buy to insure their getting standard quality good» at a saving, and our «aleapeople are always pleased to show or explain our merchandise. Many customers do not know exactly what they want, and here is where our enormoua buying re­ source« are particularly helpful. Our New York buyer» are constantly searching for fresh merchandise in order that the small town may have the buying ad­ vantages of the large city. Do