THURSDAY JULY 14, 1 »27 PAGE FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS port compiled by Mr. Smith were tor the pas' year are listed aa follows: Water It n o* bain* released frog* from district tax. (32,506.61; county given by The New* last week, bnt the McKay rnaervolr for Irrigation the final report carried many Items school fund. (8.1*6, stata school fund. purposes In flic west end of Dtnatlll* not available at that time. It baa been (1,217.83; elementary school fund. rounly Only the normal Mow of Me announced that the district has a total | (6 00». tuition (or elementary pupils. Visit Relatives—Mr. and Mrs. Joe In Prom Jsspar^-Mrs. M. Hill* of Kay creak has been released but It I* Indebtedness of (106.669 16. this being (336; high school tuition, (7.766; other planned Io utilise 360 acre feet Hills' creek near Jasper was a Spring- Lemmon* of Portland visited Mrs. divided as follows: Bonded Indebted sources. (234 20; total, (55.167.3. Brief Resume of Happenings of a now Lemons’ parents Mr. and Mm. John day, field visitor Monday. neea, (71.000; warrant outstanding. Outstanding warrants Issued during Wlnxenreld, over the week-end. the Work Collected for Eire of unknown origin caused an (36.1*0, other Indebtedness, (27*03. the year endorsed "‘not paid for want Pith on Lake— Dwight Kessey. Don astlmated damage of (60,000 to the Gillespie and Jay Scott went fishing In a general statem ent on assets of 1 of fund*.’’ totaled (41.070.84. Our Readers. Visit in Springfield— Mr*. Lizzi« the district. Mr Smith asserts that ’ During the year the expenditures of M a- M. department store tn Medford on Ixist 1-uke Sunday. Rinehart, of .Condon, slater of John the estimated value of the school- the district ran to (91.033. The Items Iasi We, k "I lie loss waa due mainly Io water and *mokv The blase raged I Hat New Car— William lain* Is driv­ Wlnzenreld, spent Wednesday and houses and grounds here Li (134.000 Included; salary of superintendent. I'miiloo prop«»«* tn h ltV 't a ROl( for an hour In the basement before it i n g a new Chrysler car, purchased Thursday of last week In Springfield The value of furniture aod apparatus (2400; supervisors. (1800; print!;-»Is. rout « r> »tly by l#(M on •whli It visitor* was brought under control. | from William Dawson of Springfield. visiting her brother. She was ac­ la (»500; insurance on schoolhouses | (MOO; m m teachers. $1778; w o -- -c companied by ber son, Bert Rinehart, and other property totals (74.000 1 524.300; Janitors and other cmf lee -s. i» that IxMMib city tn»y play. Water has been turned Into Ash- Visiting Mother Here— A. Olson of and hla wife. Complete ranura i bu» of Hit’ Fors*l land’s new equalization reservoir, al There are about nine acres of school (2*9»; supplies used tn Instruct on, Bridal Veil, Oregon, is visiting his Grove poOolílqi- will be under way though It will he several days baton grounds. The value of taxable pro­ (744 »»; census enumerating. (»*; mother, Mrs. Emma Olson. Girl 8couts Meet wlllitn n tew ilay*, It wui announced (he reservoir Will be filled for use ! perty In the district Is (1.462,017. The fuel. (705 60; water. (255 40; light m i janitors supplies, recently. Cards for the Girl Scouts library mount of special district tax levied power, $2*7.15; Tills Is part .of Ashland * new wafer j Visitor from Roseburg Joe Deets (16*91 ; repairs and improving little Drew, 21 yenr-old eon of t’h»» sysleni, for which «60.000 bonds w orujof Roseburg visited friends In Hprlng- are to be purchased, it was decided Is (30,782.72. The male teachers, although far out­ groun»fs(502 13; repair and replace­ at a scout meeting Tuesday nigh t Drew, prominent Klamath rancher. upproved at a recent election field Sunday. numbered by the women, have a con­ ment of equipment, (859.51; library who drowned nt Lost Hirer dam. It Two hundred and seventy-eight ves Enters hospital—Dorothy Matthews Mrs. Uasford has returned and will siderably larger average monthly short term loans. (180.44; payment on mile* »outh of Klamath Falla r< suoie her duties as a scout leader. selssel* of a combined net register of of j U p ,r was entered at the Pacific salary, due to the fact that adminis­ books. (6.13; redemption of bonds and Dan« county'« bonded Indebt edneaa »26.»73 Ions oulered the Oregon Ctts- Christian hospital Monday, trative Job* chiefly are in masculine sinking fund. (47.479.78; Interest on Organisations picnic I* now tl.63l.TUO. I13U.K00 harm« been loins district direct from foreign port* hands. Women teachers get an aver­ warrant*. (2 482.38; new buiktlngo, Return* to Portland— Darrell Sutton recently paid off with Oregon anil during the year ended June 30 com­ The PEO and BIL chapters of Eu-1 age salary of (118.28; men, (167.93. , (187.50; alteration of old building», California land «rant lax refund*. pared with 201 vessel* of *63,106 ton* has returned to Portland after visiting gene held a picnic at the municipal (8 80; paid for other purposes, with friends hero. Eatabllihnient of a naw poalofflce Ihut entered direct the preceding year. Receipts Listed (1223.38. auto park there Monday. Mr. an 1926 27 cer Jefteraos county will taka place frl ■•al year, fo r the 1*36-26 season they Jordan, brother of Mrs. Elmer Pyne. tween four and 20 years of age. were 41.921.671 bushels, during the has returned to Portland after visiting These are among the facts shown day. July 16. 1*24-26 period they were 17,0(1.*67 { over the week end at the Pyne homo in the annual report to County Sup­ Arrangement* are balng made fot The Gannett Motor company wishes to announce the bushel* and In the 1*23-24 season they here. erintendent E. J. Moore by R. W. the Kandy pioneer and early Battler'* opening of a new sales room In the Perkins-Laxton building reached 7e.688.233 bushel*. ! Smith, clerk of the 8prlngfleld sch o o l! picnic, which I* announced for July 31 on Fifth street with Mr. E. Rutherford in charge. Mrs. Hamlin Hera— Mrs Hortense Bond* of (37.001) were voted In Rose- ’ district, and approved at a meeting at Ibe Robert Konarud grove, on Itlufl Hamlin, daughter-in-law of ,W r and bur* last week at * special city «lec­ All models of the popular new Chevrolet automobiles of the school directors last Friday road near Handy. tion The eura will be used to con Mrs f . B. Hamlin, was a visitor In evening. The report has been submit-1 will be here for your inspection. , While engager! In «(ringing wire on ■tract a highway bridge over Deer ftprltnefleld Sunday -while en route Io I ted to the county superintendent. a power line near Jacksonville, J H Used cars “With an O. K. that Counts’ will be for sale creek, fust Inside the city llmlte. The Loa Angeles from Portland. In <-onnectlon with the general Harrington of Ashland waa killed also. Many bargains will be offered in this line. present steel structure, held to he too - statem ents regarding statistic», Mr. Moehler is Working at Gray's— when be accidentally cama In contad narrow and unsafe. I* to be removed Roland Moshler Is working at G arys Smith reports that there are 24 wo- with a JIOO voll wire. and a reinforced concrete bridge the cash and carry store during the ah- I men«teachlng here and five men. The Ike Harker, 66. of Mapleton, who had full width of the street erected j sane* of the regular clerk. Morian estimated number of legal voters In been employed at the W II. Dandy the district is 1300. There are 1465 The district about Arago on the Co- Adams, sawmill at Junction City died In a Eu library books on hand. 66 having been qullle river I* growing excited over oil Perkins-Laxton Building Fifth Street, Springfield gene hospital following an automobile Tonaila art Removed—The 6-year purchased during the last year prospects. Mure than 1000 acre* of accident on latke creak. Financial Figures land have been obtained on an oil old son of M W. Severson of Seavey's Ground wa* broken last week foi leasing basis The cause of the move­ hop yard underwent a tonsil operation Salient figures In the financial re- (he construction of an (16.000 exhibit ment I* a well which wa* drilled on a at a local surgeon's office Saturday. building on the Klamath county fall ranch In that territory to a depth of Visitors at Springe— Mr. and Mrs.. ground* The large structure will b< 170 feet. The owner had a fine sup­ T. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. j completed by Heplember 1. ply of water, but In * few day* It was Robert* were Sunday visitors at Bel­ Building permití at I-a Granda fot spoiled by oil Indications knap Springs. the first six months of this year show Hen Rennetteon of Portland waa re* Goat ta Portland— Ralph Daks left an aggregate construction figure ol cued from a tuunel at the Hauaer Coo 07*3,716, * higher total than for any *t run Ion company rock quarry oo Monday morning for Portland. He oa* year In the city's hlatory. Coos riv.,» after being entombed for will visit relatives there during the - Jame* Il Nuuamaker. 73. owner ol 24 hour*. il-nnettson was drilling a remalnedr of the suzuener, and pro­ one of the largest aggregate holding! tunnel uudernosth a rock cliff (or a bably will remain In that city to at , of Hood River valley orchard*, drop big charge of dynamite when a rock tend school this fall. ped dead last week while sitting iu slide of hundreds of ton* shut off the Art Visitors at Springs— Mr. and I hl* automobile talking to a neighbor entrance. More than 100 men worked Mrs. A Ira McPherson. Mr. and Mr». 1 The appointment of George Alexan steadily for 34 hours to release him Chick McITierson. Mr. and Mrs. Res-s 1 der of Hillsboro a* state prohibition Despite the fact that me horse wae Thatcher. Mr. and Mrs. William : commissioner to succeed William S rammed and killed by a mad bull. Rodenhaugh, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur , Devens, effective July 16, was an George Baker, 17. escaped without In­ Lloyd formed a picnic party which j nounced by Governor Patterson las' jury. The horse, after being mortally enjoyed Sunday at Belknap Spring» wounded by the infuriated animal s i week. Egglmann Honored—HonOrlna A epeclal election will be held II horns, carried hla master to safety 1 his 62nd birthday, friends of former • and then collapsed Young Raker was Boardman July 16 for the purpoae at Mayor C. f . Egglmann gave him n voting on Increasing the corporal» attempting to herd the bull into a silk sock shower last Sunday. Thia corral on the Hyde ranch near Trent, boundaries of the city, and taking In was declared to be something new In the school and other property to the where It hnd wandered from the high­ way. when the animal charged hla the way of a showier for men. Columbia river. Move to Junction City — Walter . Chnrter of the McKensle river lodgi horse. Deed* to Ihe right of way for the Lipes and family have moved from , of Masons, organized In Eugene aomt time ago, was presented last Katur Roosevelt highway through the platted their B street residence to Junction day night. Several grand lodgn offl section of W inchester Bay were re­ City, where Mr. Lipes Is employed on cars were In attendance to conduct ceived recently by the Douglas county a Southern Pacific bridge crew. They court, settling a controversy that ha* have stored their goods and expect the ceremonies. Connie J. Grabli of Baker was elect been existing for considerable time to return to Springfield In time for between the court and the highway school next fall. ed president of the Dragon State Elk» I association without opposition at the commission. The Roosevelt highway Visits Army Associate — Arthur ‘ waa laid out at an angle through tht final session of the 1*27 convention Clothier, former captain In the *lst I held In Baker last week. Astoria wa» W inchester Bay townaite, and as the division, V. 8. A., was a Springfield county Is required to furnish the right F R E E chosen as the 1»28 convention city. Worth More Than (30.00 of way the cost was greatly Increased visitors Monday morning. He called | With the heaviest traffic on tht No more icc to buy. to see former Captain F. B. Hamlin, I The complete set of froien dessert silverwary, There was a total of (6.173,434 of highways In the history of thu state now Springfield postmaster. The two - shown above, will be given FREE to each pur­ there was not a single fntal traftk state funds on hand July 1, according were In the same division at Camp • chaser of a SERVEL Electric Refrigerator during. to a report compiled by State Treas­ No more food wasted. accident over the fourth of July holl Lewis, Washington, during the war. Special sale! ! day* In Oregon, according to T. A. Ilaf urer Kay. Of thia amount (1.402,842.52 waa credited to the general fund ol Visiting from Southern Oregon— fety. chief of the state traffic squad Servel Is the last word in the state, (3,106,009.16 to the highway Paul Nice, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Klxly-one different varieties ol fund. (636.336 67 to the soldiers' bonus Nice, returned home late last week Electric Refrigeration, wheat were Inspected at the Umatllln fund, (372,236.47 to the common school after spending several months in county grain nursery north of Pendle fund. (233.464.68 to the Industrial ac­ Southern Oregon working on a con­ ton last Monday, when th ’ annual cident fund. Included In the general tract highway Job with his uncle. The new model has no mov­ Meld day of the county grain growers fund as shown In this report are (791.- was held. D. K. Stephens, auperln Aged Woman Injured—Mrs. Phoebe ing parts— no motors or com­ 467 99 of automobile registration fees tendent of the experiment station at which will be apportioned September Gray fell last Friday and seriously In­ pressors— nothing to wear out. Moro, and George R. Hyslop, head ol 1, leaving only (611,374.52 In this fund jured her hip. Because of her ad­ the farm crop* department at Oregon vanced age. and the fact that she ha» with which, together with between See this marvel of engineering Agricultural college, explained the re (300,000 and (35C.000 In Insurance, been partially paralysed for some salt* obtained In the development ol efficiency today. Then . . . . corporation and miscellaneous, to ran time, attending physicians said her new types of grain and the benefits ol condition waa grave. the state. certain type* of fertiliser. A large body of high-grade ore has Bain Leaving— V. D. Bain, former Pay only $ 10 .0 0 now. The cherry crop In the Ashland tec been reported uncovered In the old superintendent of the Springfield tlon Is exceeding all expectations, ac workings of the Red Oak gold mine. schools, Is leaving this week tor Wood­ Balance in 18 month* cording to officials of the local frull This property, situated below the Ku- burn, where he has accepted a posi­ and Produce association, who stated bll mine on Galls creek. Is an old-time tion a» head of the schools. Mr. Bain that Instead of only one car for ship producer, hut has been dosed down visited- Woodburn laat week and ar­ Why wait? Come right in now! ment to the east, the crop will total for a number of year*. ranged for renting a new houae them. several ear*. M. V. R eeves of South Raker, 102 With a program that has attracted tates power o m p a n y Many Will Camp—A record at­ year* of age, enjoyed the Baker fourth poultrymen from southern California of July celebration a« much that after tendance ta expected at the camp snil northern Washington, as well •» riding wl'h other civil war veterans meeting of the Methodist church mem­ from all parts of Oregon, the fifth an In the parade he danced to music tn ber» a.r Cottage Grove which starts nual convention of the Oregon Poul the park for the entertainment of th* July 21. According to local Methodist tr.vmen's association was held in Cor ' leaders, several fam ilies are expected crowd during the barbecue. snllis last weak. i to go to the m eeting from here. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST S tatistics Given In Clerk's Report J o r Economical Transportation ANNOUNCEMENT! GANNETT MOTOR CO. A Permanent Solution to a Serious Household Problem: ____ "EL \Oessert ^Accessories M oUNicUN S C