TIII'IISIIAV JI'I.V 11. IH'-’T NOTICB 1» HBRBBV 0IVBN Statisti«« Oivan THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PeMtofced Rvwry Thsrsday et Springfield. L a n * Couaty, Oreeoe, by T H R W IL L A M IT T g H. K P R IM M A X E Y . Editor — ________ February M. ISM •* poetetnc* Sprtagfitod. Prugne M A IL . 8 U 8 * C R I F Y I O N M A T S Tear ta A d ria c a ___ U T » |L N ritre v Moatba Single Copy THURSDAY. JULY 14. 1SÎ7 _75e That Reboot District No It. of lame Vltal »lallaiha (or J uii *. aa an is to say, the farmer who «petula twelve year» In TO ODELL LAKE SUNDAY County, Oregon. will pay at the of the nounced by City Health Offleur W. H school will earn $20,000 more in forty year» than of the District Clerh. Commercial Many Springfield people ar* ezpe«» putlard. ar»; ileaths. 1(; blrtha 4. the farmer who never went to school. In the Hank Bulldla«, «lh HI . Springfield. twelve vear» the Texas lad would have »pent 2,- tod to tab» th« apodal esruralon train Thla la a rmnarkable reporl. lu thai Oregon. 8« bool warrants up to and which will carry visitor* to thioll the deatha ezceeded the blrtha by »o 160 da vs in school. These 2.160 day» in school IncJudtn« No. 1750 Intoreat reason will net him $20,000 by the end of forty years, or la b * In lb* Cascade mountains Hun largo a figure. utter July 15th, 1577. day tuurulng. leaving here at M . 4A. an average of about $9.25 a day for every day tu«ned. R W. HMITH. District Clerk. a. m . according to Carl Olaon. Spring spent In school Not bad wage«! C A IJ , A N D H K D r N. W »nwvy M . ,. Jl.t*. In Georgia It was discovered that the annual field agent. The excuralon may bo ■ on prices on plai« and other work. M —--------- ------------------- to be run from profit oi of me the uneducated farmer is about $240; lb* Aral oi a serie« «« net prom uiieuui m w u»miti while the annual net profit of the fanner who has various orwgun point« to the now | _ _i education u RA the playground ...______ * opened ....-.^4 up by the South had a common scliool is er.iir. $566.50, annual net profit of the farmer who has had a era Pacific's recwntlyconatructed Cas­ high school education 1» $664.50. and the annual cade line. The tralu will be equipped with an net profit of the farmer who has completed an open-air sightseeing car. and other agricultural college course is $1.254. In Missouri it was found that the scales tip eon- arrungviuenta arrwmremeuui lo «• make u»««« the »««» trip a corn- sistently In favor of the better educated farmers. (Orut>w on« for the eaaaen«ers. ao- They own four-fifths of the land they operate. I cording to Mr Olaon Reduced fares) They keep more livestock. They handle more < have b«>eu arranged for Hprtn«A*id crops with each workman. They do about one- people The train will arrive at 13 JOp m. fifth more business. in Wisconsin is was found that the fanners with and the visitors »III have until 5:30 S T A N D A R D O IL C O M P A N Y OF C A L IF O R N IA high school education acquired the ownership of o'clock la Ihe afternoon, wheu the their farms in about seven years, while It took the return trip will »tart. At Odell lake there will be boat* farmers with only a common school education about ten years to acquire clean title to their land. tor thoee dealring Ashing trip« and In Indiana. In Illlnots. In Iowa, and In Kansas other arrangement« to make It a the storv runs tnte to form. In all these States, pleaaant outtug in both owner and tenant groups, the better edu­ Marriage Licenses Issued cated arc earning better Incomes. Farmer fathers with sons should consider these I)urin< ihe paat week marriage lic­ facts—and give their boys a chance. Everybody like» Ice cream- and when you order enses have been Issued by County Fgglniann's Ice cream you may know that every member I Clerk W. U Dillard to the following of the family Is going to be pleased with the dessert for the William Maughan. Eugene, and evening or Sunday meal. Florence Stark. HprlngAeld; Clifton McGuire and Violet Thompson, both THE MINORITY RI LES Ice cream 1» a health food good the year round hut (Dearborn Independent) of Cottage Grove; Frank Elliott, Hell. particularly appetising and satisfying in the warm month», Only one in 3000 Russians is a member of the Com- California, and Lucinda Snillh Jun> hitt lots of Ice cream. - mlnor . wrw.ke<1 Rusglll atHl rul,.a tlon City; Roy Haynes and Martha » v * t We deliver amount» in bulk. Bendlx, both of Eugene; Lee Stevens |wenty (>wnMl . lare, ,hl. and Ethel Simpson. both of Cottage Kills insects by th e roomful * Oronite FLY SPRAY A SURVEY OF OUR MINERAL RESOURCES We have been told by miners and others hav­ ing claims in the mountains of Lane county that some day mining would be one of the chief in­ dustries of this section, basing their belief on what they have found in working these claims. There is gold, quicksilver. Iron. tin. coal and cop­ per and what not found in the mines in Lane county. Few of the mines opened in the county have been able to continue to operate. But that mav not be so much the fault of the mineral de­ posits as the capital back of the operations and the methods of mining. A complete survey of the mineral deposits in Lane county by competent raining engineers and geologists should bring to light information whtea m i g h t hasten the development of mining. While we are not so favorable to bringing in outside agencies to tell us about our lumbering and agri­ culture as there are people engaged in these pur­ suits that can furnish us with this information better than anvone else, we do believe that there is lack of information about mineral deposits in this county. in t the,hands Most of the mining claims are m n e n a n u s of o. hard rock miners who have no capital and little business experience While they tave done » « » - clent work perhaps toshow the‘ « J * " ' * ' minority overshadowed American .« a ir» for y e a r, and deposits, theirs has been a hand to mouth e x - eTentU»lly became the cause and occasion of the world« tence. A competent mining engineer and geologist * " likely would bring fourth information that would fr“ ^ . ‘ r‘” ^ pi,1>llon ot the rnlted 8ut„ abou, draw large capital to Lane county to Ihl)U>anil ,he criminal part of that population mining areas. There is ev^ .in d icau m i hat effort thgn g m|norUy ,m Kills flie s .m o s q u ito e s , m o th s broaches, etc. THE SUMMER DESSERT Editorial Comment. ............. Grove; ......... John Dyer. „ Monroe, and Nadlc F ran ca. Junction City; John Tanner Florence; and Itovlna Conner, both of Florence; Stillman K. Georg». Jr . Eugene, and Viola Nelson. Springfield; Eldridge Dufilnger. and Fay W’lse. both of Eu­ gene; Frank IhUnter. Del Monte. Cali­ fornia. and Pearl lagia«. Eugen«; In the world. 1 turns than any we have ever done. The numbers of drinkers of alcoholic liquors tn the Edward J Cox. W'endllng. snd Alice • a e T o lled Stoles In heydays of the businoaa «as less than Mae Suvena. Springfield The Union Pacific railroad is meeting bus com­ two in every K00 Americans, yet this minority of two In­ petition with motor busses between Portland aud dividuals, aided by the stupldltj and shortsightedness of Pendleton It seems that the time of the railway the commercialised liquor Interests, was powerful enough coach for local transportation at least has passed. to precipitate prohlblUon upoa the country. Railroads have begun to recognize this fact and The diplomate of the earth are a minority too Infinitesi­ are supplanting their service with motor bus. mal to measure, yet like virulent microscopic germs they • • • have power to Infect the whole earth with hate and war The American people are pretty well agreed on The lass kings of Tin Pan Alley are but a handful, most things except something to be ashamed of. yet they can set the whole natlnon singing ribald triviali­ The advantage of the electric needle • • • ties for months on end. by means ot fig u ra tio n , electric There are a lot of people who do four or five The international financiers, herded to««* the r would not aggregate the population of a small country village, coagulation, desiccation and diather­ davs work and scatter it over six days. • • • yet they are a minority Important enough to affect for 111 my are 1. Bloodless work. The danger ut A woman begins to set up and take notice when the bread box and the cradle of every family on earth Take all the anarchists, paid convtnunlsto propagan hemorrhage Is eliminated. other women sav nice things about her husband., » a • 2 The danger of Infection, due to dlsts. actively subversive aliens and convlnved enem ies of Even hotheaded people occasionally get cold Christian civilization—gather them all together, and yoz local anaesthesia, and of death, due to could accommodate them In one modern apartment bulld- general an-esthetlc. Is likewise elim i­ feet. • 1 * ins. Yet this minority by Its abuse of free speech has rob- nated 3. The diseased parts undergo No man is entitled to redlt of being good if 5^ ug O( ,re<, speech, but Its misuse of freedom has com­ sterilization because the effect of the I pelled us to curtail all our freedom. he isn’t tempted. e e • current Is germicidal. The minority rules. 1 The forcing of Infective material The minority creates conditions to face which the Job was a patient man but there Is no record of Into the circulation, which has occur- majority much change its life. his ever pir;ine r tooth-cutting baby to sleep. o i .uim,,-, the minority ____ Fortunately, Is not ____________ always evil. _______ Inventors , red from snares and other guillotine nks he is the proper one to are in 'he minority, yet they have changed the method of appliances. Is abolished Eevery man 5. The singing and speaking voices | « social life. Poets are in the minority, yet they have set sta: d around a . boss the ’ob. the generations singing deathless songs. Prophets are in are In no danger ot Impairment, on I ) the minority, yet their words go thundering down th* the contrary, there Is. almost Invarl ij SCHOOI.FD FARMERS?— PAYS EARNirCS ably. Improvement. Education pay -particularly for boys who in­ centuries. Statesmen are in the minority, but they blaze the way to progress yet to come tend to be< oifTc f rr: >rs This I'.a ■ b-sn proved bv Society Is an organ of myraid pipes which Is played a survey Uk?n n t? "Ive o? ocr agricultural states upon by a minority of ten fingers and two feet that give __to discover th'* relation that rommon school, high schof : snd college training has upon the the organist contact with the Instrument. But society will have to become more than the passive organ to be played PHONE 365 EUGENE. ORBOON ON earning caps'*'fy , 9rm',rs. OVER J C PENNEYS STORE In Texas ’’ ^o-er°d that an uneducated upon; it will have to waken, and give as much thought farmer might ccrn >20.000 in forty years; while 8 to minorities as It now does to majorities; It w ill have to EGGIMANN’S —e— whleh minority shall role it i '■ G r een DibtouNr S iamps W e G iv e TONSILS REMOVED ELECTRIC NEEDLE: farmer who spend-* twelve of the forty years In . Fragrant as the Flowers All perfumer» have a few rare odor« on which they have catabllshed a world-wid« reputation. So, Instead of carrying one perfumer’s complete line of Handkerchief Extracts. Toilet Waters and Sachet», wo «elect the choicest odors from the variou« manufacturer«. The World’« Choicest Perfume« and Toilet Waters This method give« uh a stock of Perfume« fur » superior to the finest goods ever produced by a «ingle maker. When you «elect from our «lock you can be «ure of the t>e«t the world afford«. Come In and test our exquhtlte perfumes. Our Latest Addition BLACK TULIP Has Hit the Popular Fancy Dr. Geo. A. Simon mW Ketel’s Drug Store »•OR 8 A L B — Carbon paper In larga sheets. M x3» Inches, suitable fw fov m aktog tracing« T h e n aw e O fflee new -low Fares Make the most of reduced sum m er ro u n d trip fares now i n effect. You can travel on the train at surprisingly low cost. Ride In comfort in long, imooth-riding coach­ es by day; roomy Pullman accommodations for over­ night travel Save time, m oney and nervous energy by going on the train. Fares with limits to suit you plan; for example —Sunday only roundtrips, fares for travel over the w eek-end —Saturday to Monday, or Friday to Tues­ day. Also fares with 16-day lim it and others good for the summer season. A ik about these travel tavingi; the ticket agent w ill tuggrtt the e that Jin your plant a t lowest cost. I «- Í <=» I T h ia coupon and 25c entitle the underaigned to one 35c can of Acme Q u ality Lnam el K ote, any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. N am e A d d re n SPECIAL OFFER T o acquaint you w ith Acme Q u a lity , we are m aking a special offer for a short tim e only. Value foi New colors—new beauty for faded furniture To prqve the remarkable ease with which you can renew a Worn and faded fciece o f furniture with Acme Quality Enamel- Kote, we make thia apecial offef for a limited time. Look around you now. What small piece of furniture have you that needs refinishing? Make up your mind, then tear out the coupon above, sign your name and address on It in pencil, bring it in and get the special 55c combination of Enamet-Kote and brush. We make the offer only because we want you to get ac­ quainted with the wonderful finishing qualities of the world- renowned ACM E Q U A LITY Paint»’aVarnish Sign the coupon and bring it to our stars. Wright & Son CARL OLflON, Agent