TirVRRPAY JULY 14. 1927 T lfB SPRINGFIELD NEWS Classified Ads (BUYING (Kt SHJJW61 6CT RESULTS) PAGE THREW FA SSCN O C R T R A IN S C H E D U L E 8 P R IN Q P IE L 0 STO PS Cascade Line Northbound W est Coast, to Portland...... 3:04 A. M Local. No. »2 ......... .......... . 3:11 P. M Southbound L" I lie M (4 6 A M O n ly by coostant exercising the mind can It rem ain keen and a c tiv e W est Coast........... - ................ 0:31 P. M Num ber 91 carrlea a sleeper," and W l' h " “ ‘- • • « » • • le n t It becomes stagnant. T h a t , why we h ighly re. o m m e s * c.onnects at Black Butte for Sun Eran this ‘‘T est O' T e n ’’ as being not only an amusing interesting pastime, but cisco and Loa Angeles. also a highly profitable one. T he questions Included have been compllod bp All kinds of house painting, K alao-I C A M , A N D S E E Dr. N. W Em ery W sndllng T rglns one who has been asking questions for a long tim e— and one who knows w h at mirtina *2 per room urnl up Moy i on prices on pta'e and other work, t? D a m car Eastbound mlxed, at Sprlngfleld, people know, w hat they w ant to know, and w hat they should know. What Koch. Cull 1*6 J tf. C L E A R A N C E H A LE Moa— ------. . . • :16 A. M » Is your score for this week'a test? Score ten fo r each correct answer. W atch repairing done correctly TYPEWRITER RIBBONS— Assorted PRICK* CUT TO TIIE HONE W.-stbound mlxed, a t Sprlngfleld makes In black and blue In »to e* at W ork In today - O u t tom orrow. Hoyt 1:60 P. M TEST O’ TEN QUESTIONS 11.» New» office. Por the conveni­ Ilulck M aster Roadster, 11676, cut to M l M ain a t u ence of customers who h are h ith e r­ 1 1 MB. W h a t country Is known as xatlon? S E P T IC T A N K S to not been able to get ribbons In Blank I'rom taaory notea and re- j »>»■> "The Land of the Rising Son?" W h a t la the oldest college IS Dodge (Special Sedan. *960. cut to (64*. Sprlngfleld we have started this Ready for you to Install crip ta printed and In atock at tha W hat Is the loosest bridge In the United States? W hen was new line of ribbons for Underwoods, For fam ily of five ______ __ ___ Newa olhce. <31 Studebaker Coupe. *415. cut to (636. the world? W h a t It Its length? it founded? Remingtons. Royals, L. C. Sm ith, Por fam ily of eight „__ ...._____ <26 W here Is It? W ho wrote “ Peter P a n t' Whs Ilulck 4 Touring. G t u i E n c . *576, cut a t our plant and other makes. tf. How do kangaroos ca rry their w ith in the last few years sta*t N O T IC E OP H E A R IN G O P PIN A L. to *486 Sewer Pipe— Drain T ile » young? red in the motion picture pro­ ACCOUNT Chimney Blocks W h a t Is the Blnet-Stmon Test? C IT A T IO N duction of that play? Pont 4 door Redan. *3(6. cut to ,316. NOTICE Is hereby given that the E U Q E N E C O N C R E T E P IP E CO. F o r w hat words do the Initials, ». W ho is M ack Bennett undersigned adm inistrator of the IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O P T H E 1934 Chevrolet touring In fine condi­ estate of M argaret M Liles, deceased, tf. S T A T E OP O R EG O N , IN A N D POR "E G ." stand? 10.1 W h a t are the two great moun­ tion New T ire s all around. *336. LANE COUNTY has filed his account for the final W illia m and Evangeline Booth tain ranges o f the U n ite * settlem aut of said estate In the County In the M a tte r of the Estate of C h ar­ H a m m itt Fam ily to Reunite are identified w ith what organl- States lotte E m ily l ’engr... Deceased. Now Dodgt. Sedan, at a big discount. Court for la n e County In the State of (T h e Correct Answers w ill be Published Next W eek) To Baptist Church of Springfield, 1 Oregon, and that Saturday the 13 e • e e e The annual reunion of the H a m m itt Ilu lc k Standard Coupe, a fine car; day of August, 1927, a t the Court Oregon; A m erlan Baptist Por- Ign Mis­ first come, first servisi Room of said Court In the County sion Society; E lls V. W a lk e r, Emma fam ily w ill be held a t the Stafford | Court House. In Eugene. Oregon, at TEST O’ TEN ANSWERS school ngxl Sunday. Il was learned to­ Black. W illia m J. Pengrn. B e tte r values than ever before offered *"n o'clock In the foretuxm. has been Belle FO R L A S T W E E K day. A picnic lunch, renew al of old Anna F. H ill, George W. b a r i - 1 to buyers of used automobiles In ,,,y "“ M Court fl* ' d • » •*"’ tim e and place for hearing objections thereto j son, E m ily A Swan, Glon L. L a ri friendships, and other features w ill 1. T ra v e le r 6. I t is shaped like a boot la n e county Cars carefully In • “o u ï v ""1, u 'Ü u " T l °F r . 1'1 r U U ; H a rry Ijirla o n . Fred Lorlaon. provide diversion for the day. John M cG raw 7. London. ■parted and reconditioned. T ake ONA V L IL E S A d m in istrator of W1„ ard I arlH()n ,,h iu ip Zob<.) A rth ur 3. Mussolini. 8. A bob. advantage of the reduced price» the ostate of M argaret M Liles, de Zobel, Pearl Zohel, Velm a Zobel, Nlslc SUM M O NS 4. Yes. 9. John Bunyan. on cars now displayed In our »ales ceased. lla v n e r. Lulu W W h ltw »od, W H. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate 6. T w en ty-fou r o r more. 10. An enclosure fo r Uve birds. rooms. You should look them over Kanoff. James W ilson Kanoff. S tella 8 T A T E O F O R EG O N IN A N D FO R Jl 14-21-38: Au 4 11: ______ ________ _ D. Mon tai ha no. Roy Kanoff. Claude today T H E COUNTY OF LANE. S U IT ' Kanoff, H a rv e y Kanott Jr., and all FO R D IV O R C E . P W P E T T Y J O H N CO. N O T IC E O P P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T otehr persons interested In the estate Mae M cCarthy. P lain tiff, v e r s u s N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N . T hat ot * al<1 deceased. S R E E T IN O . Charles M cC arthy. Defebdanu 7th and Olive Streets. Eugene, Ore To Charles M cC arthy, D efen dan t:— the undersigned a d m in is tra trix of the jjq t h e N A M E O F T H E S T A T E OP Phone 1*97. You are hereby required to appear estate of L. A Sm ith, decco cd . has O R EG O N . You are hereby cited and CONFESSIOIN— AND THE PENALTY rend**r»*<1 and filed In tha County Court required to appear In the County and answer the com plaint filed against of the State of Oregon, her final ao • cou rt „ f the State of Oregon, for the you In the above entitled suit w ith in those things th a t would only N O T IC E O P P IN A L A C C O U N T count and that S aturday t h e 23rd da» I County of Lane on Tuesday, t h e 9th four weeks from July 7, 1927, which Dear Miss F lo :— to rtu re to her. I t Is only when ths In the County Court of the State o* of July. 1927. a t the hour of ten o'clock | day o f August. 1927. at ten o'clock In is the date of the first publication of W hen I was nineteen years old I Oregon In and fo r the County of A M at the County Court mom In the the forenoon of that day. then and this summons In the Sprlngfleld case Is reversed, and It is the w vmo* Lane In Probata. County Court house In the C ity of there to show cause. If any you have. New s; and you are hereby notified fa ll in love w ith a man who succeeded who has a dork stain on h er past 'If» Notice Is hereby given that the an Eugene. Oregon. has been fixed and why and order shoulo not ue made and that, If you fail to answer w ithin In convincing ma th a t love wane o rly derslgtted W illia m A Tost, as tha art appointed by the said Court as ths , entered by said Court, licensing A E said period of tim e your d efault w ill w orth w hile when It wae free. Before th a t she wonders if she should ta ll the man who wants to m a rry hot m ln ls tra to r o f the Estate of Francis day, tim e and place for tne hearing of j w h e e le r as executor of tne last «d ll be entered for w ant thereof and the long I realized my mistake and deter- i M Yost. deceased. has filed In said objections to said final account and ,o d testam ent of said C h arlc it« Brolly p lain tiff w ill make application to the i about IL T h e woman, of course, feels mined to live rig ht a fte r that, and I I Court hl» final nrconntt th a t the tlm» the settlem ent thereof. Pengra, deceased, to sell, a t p rivate Court for the re lie f prayed w ith in said th a t she must do so because of tSS for hearing the same 1» »et for I# :e e A ll objections to said final account sale subject to the approvai of the com plaint, to-w lt; T h a t the m arriage have. .N o one elae knows m y mistake o'clock. A. M . July 1*. 1*37; end th a t must be In w riting and filed w ith the Court. In one tra c t o r In parts the contract now existing between you — not oven my fa m ily .. Now I am en­ double standard of morals, and aha all persons having soy objection» clerk of said Court on o f before said IxK "D " In Block N um ber T h ree o f-a n d plaintiff be forever dissolved. An gaged to a man whom I love dearly. I n early alw ays tells everything to tha thereto shall file the same In w riting day and time. man before m arriage. 8prlngaeld. In Lane County. Oregon, order of the above entitled Court w onder if I should tell him my past7 on or p rior to the »eld time. as platted and recorded on Page 1 of dated July 6, 1927, directs th a t this Dated June 21st. 1927. Perhaps It is tru e th a t a couple wfcg 0 . E. W IL L IA M A. T OBT. Adm inistrator B E S S IE H . S M IT H . A d m in is tra trix Vol. "I" o f the Deed Records of Lone summons be published In the Spring- know the worst about each other s ta r* o a o o H ■ R L A T T E R Y , Attorney for Ad F R A N K A D e P V E , Attorney for County, Oregon, aa prayed for In his field News once each week for a on th e ir new life together w ith a fins m ln lstrato r. petition thereto». period of four successive weeks, and said estate. Yours is a problem which no advice foundation of honest understanding; J 16-23-3# • J1 7-14 tnat you appear and answ er the said J 23 30: . i 7-14 31 W IT N E S S , the Hon C. P Barnard. com plaint w ithin four weeks from of m ine can help you solve, fo r as fa r but certainly th a t understanding wtB Judge of the County Court of the State the date of the first publication of as the woman Is concerned in such N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S not bring them closer together in it* N O T IC E 1« hereby given that the un N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T of Oregon, for the County of Ia n » this summons. cases. It Is a question of being m iser­ and the Seal of said Court hereto of- deralgned has been appointed A d m in i­ H . E. S L A T T E R Y , A tto rn ey fo r able It you do make confession, and rection. R ather. It Is an understand» Notice Is hereby given that H. B ftxed. this 17th day of June. 1927. Ing that sweeps aw ay the last illualoS P lain tiff and my postoffice address is s tra to r of the estate of Agnes J Burton. A d m in istrato r of the Estate Seal of A tte s t: W B D IL L A R D . Eugene, Oregon m iserable i f you d o n 't — and leaves them face to face wttfc Conger, by the County Court of l,ane of M rs 8 11 Burton deceased, has County C lerk. the Jl. 7-14-21-28: A 4: F ra n k ly . I fa il to see the wisdom of realistic facts. Countv. Oregon. A ll persons having filed his Pinal Account and Report as I County T h a t little ghost ot By E V A L D U C K W O R T H claim s against said estate ere hereby such Adm inistrator, w ith the t'li-rk o f te llin g the man you love of your past. the past, once called into being, will Deputy. Court the County Court of ljtn e County. O re -1 notified to present the same, properly I f you don’t confess, a t least you w ill never be en tire ly banished. J 23-30: Jl 7-.-.-21 N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S verified to the undersigned at tho of­ gon, and the Court has set Saturday, I N O T IC E 18 H E R E B Y d lV E N : that be the only one who w ill be unhappy Forget the Ps»t— Make the Future fice o f W ells A W ells. Bank of Com July 30. 1927 at 10 00 A M In the F . W . Deedon has been appointed ad- — and th a t unhappiness w ill not be m erce Bldg. In Eugene. t-ane County. County Court Room In the Court j W h a t you have done does not mat­ a r n m o n s Oreeon, w ithin six months of the date House at Etigene. Lane County, Ore- ¡ m ln ls tra to r o f the estate of N e llie lasting. I f you do confess, the man ter so much as w hat you are going to ol' the first publication of this notice gon as the tim e and pluce to hear oh IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E Deedon, deceased, by the County Court you love w ill suffer w ith you. for even do. I f your past life had in it som » Jectlons to the same, and for the final Date of first publication June Iftth. S T A T E O F O R EG O N , F O R L A N E of Lane County. Oregon. , though he w ill forgive you, and m arry settlem ent of said estate. thin g that would reach out and reflect 1927 COUNTY. A ll persons having claim s a g a in s t, _ _ G. E Hegburg. P lain tiff, vs. T . H j said estate a rt required to present 0U an ' w ay' he wlU never fo rg e t He in some way on the man you are g o I l II B U R T O N . Adm inistrator. H A R O L D J W E L L S . Adm inistrator. W E L L S « W E L L S . Attorneys Spooner and Saddle L. Spooner, his them, w ith the proper vouchers, w ith- be haunted always by the Ing to m arry, then you would be bound W E L L S A W E L L S . Attorneys. J 16-23 30: Jl 714 J 30: Jl , -.4 21-28: wife, A. N. De Vaul and Juanita Dc In six months from the 16th day of mem ories of w hat you have told him. to te ll him about i t Vaul. his w ife. Gull De Vaul, C a rl June, 1927 to the said adm inistrator And he w ill have to be a bigger man But yours was nothing but a follp De Vaul. and the F irs t National at the law office of L. L. Ray in the ' ______ _ ,, A_.. M iner BulMIng, Eugene. Oregon. | than mo8t men if he doesn 1 re’ com m itted in your youthful ignorance, Bank. Eugene, Oregon, a corpora­ F. W D E E D O N . A d m in is tra to r of ! Proach you w ith your past and rem ind and your tears o f remorse have wash* tion. Defendants To T. H . Spooner and Saddle L . Spoon­ the estate of N ellie Deedon. deceased. you of It when he is ang ry w ith you. ed aw ay your little sin. You w ill pet* L. L. R A Y . A ttornev fo r Estate. er, his w ife. A. N. De Vaul and Ignorance May Mean Happiness haps be a better w ife because of it. Phone 130 M J 16-23-30: Jl 7-14 Juanita De Vaul, his w ife. Gall De Personally 1 do not believe the C e rta in ly you w ill be a w iser m other Vaul. and C a rl De Vaul. defendants: Life, Automobils and Firs question of rig h t should enter into the and more caretol in protecting your Insurance N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S In the name of the State of Oregon m a tte r a t all. fo r there is no more real own daughter, because you know f r o « you are hereby required to appear and | N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N . T h a t CARL A. WYMAN answer the com plaint which has been the undersigned has been duly ap­ reason why a woman should confess b itte r experience how easy it is for Resident Agent 1 filed against you In the nbove entitled pointed by the County C ourt o f the every detail of her past than there Is a young g irl to m ake a blunder in her ro u rt and cause w ith in six weeks from State o f Oregon fo r the County of why a man should tell her o f every youth, when life and love are c a llla f 734 D Street, Sprlngfleld. Oregon i the date of the first publication of this Ijm e as the ad m ln ls tra to r of the tim e he has strayed off the straight to her. 238 M ain S t Residence 126 C Bt- summons or w ithin six weeks from estate Confession is always weakness. It the date of the service of this sum „ „ of „ Allen k Rodehaver, , , , “ deceased. '■ceomm. and narro w path. 62 J 62 M n y you If the same be person- *» having claims a g a in ,t Ree. Pilone 160 Plano M ovlng mens upon Few men are foolish enough to bare takes a strong man or woman to ra* said estate are hereby notified to pre­ a lly served upon you outside of the F u ll Auto Equipm ent SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER sent the same properly verified to the th e ir past lives to the woman they tra in from sharing th e ir burden w ith State of Oregon; ^nd If you fa ll to W I L L I » B B R T S C H . Prop Ijid y Assistant adm inistrator at the office of F ra n « m arry. M oreover, no woman expects somebody else, but the brave sonl so appear and answ er for want thereof DePue. a tto rn ey for the estate In him to, nor does she want him to, for holds Its own secrets— and suffers ita O F F IC E A T S E R V IC E G A R A G E j the p lain tiff w ill app.y to m e court Sprlngfleld, Oregon, on or before six 633 M aln Street she prefers to rem ain in ignorance of punishment in silence. tor the re lie f prayed for in his com months from the date of this notice. Successor to Sutton T ra n s fe r p lain t; tto -w lt: Dated June 20, 1927. T h a t you. and each of you. be held CLYDE RODEHAVER, Adm inis­ i to be In d e fa u ,i In the payments due VASBY BROS. trator. upon a certain land sale contract be­ O ffllre Phone 43 Res. Phone 3 F R A N K A. D e P U E . A tto rn ey fo r the tween W . F. Barger. Effa F Barger, Painting A Decorating estate- and T H. Spooner which contract Is Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. J 23-30: J l 7-14-21 dated the 8th day of September. 1926 In all its brandies General Practice, Special A ttention and under the term s o f which the said to Obatetrlce and Diseases of c h il­ 312 Main Street N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T ’ T . H. Spooner contracted to purchase dren. t < from W . F. Barger and Effa F. p arger In the County Court of tha Stats of i the East seventy feet of Lot No. five Oregon In and for the County of From F irs t N ational Bank Building 1 In block No. twenty-one of D rlv o rto n ’s Lane In Probate. Sprlngfleld, Oregon In ra Estate ot Thom as Adam YooL DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL nddlton according to the recorded plat deceased. ' thereof In Eugene. Lane County. O re­ DENTIST N otice Is hereby given th a t the un gon; that the court fix and determ ine the amount due under said contract derstgned. W illia m A. Yost, ns adm in­ WM. G. HUGHES Phons 43 i and set and d eterm ine a tim e w ithin istrato r of the above entitled estate P IN K A N O A U T O IN S U R A N C E which aald amount ahould be paid to has filed In said Court bis final ao- F lre t N a t’l Bank B id s , Sprlngfleld NOTARY PUBLIC I I the p lain tiff and th a t upon failu re t o : coun*i that the tim e for h earing tho i so pay said am ount to the plaint«? o’clock. A. M.. p lain tiff with-1 ,a n le ,s set f ° T Offloe at July 16. 1927, before said Court, and In the tim e fixed by the court that you FIRST NATIONAL BANK that a ll persons having any objec­ and each of you be fo rever barred Sprlngfleld, Oregon tions thereto shall file the same In Take Advantage of This Opportunity— and enjoined from aasertlng any right w ritin g on o r before said tim e for title or Interest In or to aald contract hearing. Spend the day at Beautiful Odell Lake or property and th a t your Interest All kinds of gravel for con- DR. N. W. EMERY W IL L IA M A. Y O S T . Adm inistrator. therein be declared to be forfeited I H. E. S L A T T E R Y , Attorney for Ad erets or road work. We and th a t any person, firm, or corpora­ O K N T IS T tion claim ing under, by, or through m lnlstrator. make a specialty of cruahsd J 16-23-30: Jl 7-14 Sutton B id s Phone 20-J you or any of yon bo likew ise forever rock and rock tend. Bunk­ barred and enjoined from asserting Residence Phene 15S-M ers at foot of Main on Mill any rig h t title or Interest In or to said N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G at rest. contract or property and th a t the de­ Sprlngfleld, Oregon Notice Is hereby given th a t Ir a C. fendant, the F irs t N a tio n al Bank. E u ­ HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. Gates has filed his final aconnt as gene, Oregon, be authorized and S u n d ay Round T r ip Faro the executor of tne L ast W ill and directed to turn over to the p la in tiff Testam ent of H. Gate», deceased, and General [ a w Practice all papers In Ita possession In connec­ that Saturday the 16 day o f July. 1127. tion w ith aald transaction. at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore­ Lv. Springfield, No. 91, 8.46 a. m. Thia summons Is served upon you I. M. PETERSON by the publication thereof In the noon of aa.d day. has been fixed for Attorney-et-Lew the tim e for hearing and settling said and return on ths Special Sprlngfleld News, a paper o f general JEnVEI.BR circulation, published In L an e County. final acount, which b earing w ill be CUy Hall Building Repairing a Specialty held a t the Count Court room a t the leaving Odell Lake 5:30 p.m. Oregon In accordance w ith an order - Sprlngfleld, Ore. Springfield. Oregon made by the Honorable O. F. Skip- Court House In Ijin e County. Oregon. A ll persons having objections to worth on the 14th day of June, 1927 PHONE 65 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION directin g th a t service o f this summons said final aconnt are hereby notified be mode by publication or th a t In Hen to file the same In w ritin g w ith the FRANK A. DE PUE • CARL OLSON, Ticket Agent th ereo f the defendant be personally County Clerk of la n e County, Oregon, M. G. HOCE ATTORNKV AT LAW served w ith summons outside the on or before the date of aald hearing. - >• - ■* ' I IR A C. O A T E S , Executo r o f the Attorn ey-a t-1-avr State o f Oregon. Date of first publica­ NOTARY P U B L IC I « s t W ill and Testam ent o f H . Gates, tion of summona Jv te 23rd. 1*27. Practise U. S. and State D O N A L D Y O U N G . A tto rn e y fo r deceased. Courts DONALD YOUNG, Eugene, Oregon. Sutton Sprlngfleld, plaintiff. 86# W illa m e tte S tre e t E u ­ Attorney fo r Executor. Rugane, Oregon gene, Oregon. Building I'BTTYJOHN'S M ID H E A S O N | ». In Confidence B U S IN E S S By FLO D IR E C T O R Y W. F. Woìker I Funeral Director SPECIAL SERVICE Odell Lake S u n d a y , July 17 S P R M IE ID GRAVEL GO. $ ^ | 75 D . W . Roof Orason- Southern Pacific J »2-20: Jl 7-14-21-2«; A j 4: J 16-23-3®: Jl 7-14