Printing gets things done. Pharwie 2 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWBNTY-POUIITH YEAH SMITH TO QUIT AS JUSTICE OF PEACE 08733370 A m raoptwa »••*»»• LIVI N fW IF A R M V I A LIV t TOWN NUMBER 27 SPRINOPIBLD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY JULY 14. 1827 Lumber Co, Will Open Office Here * t Second Street May Be Closed For Vehicles Big Climb to Be Held Here Sunday FÜR CITY PLANNED I Entry List Shows Most Oaring Lorane Concern to Conduct Cycle Experts in West Sales from Local Head­ JAMS, JELLIES ARE State Highway Department Will Ditch on 19th Street and Dike Ready to Go quarters School Clerk Given Br attain Petition to Close Street In NEEDED BY RED CROSS on Mill Race Believed Will Janitorship Succeeding Otto Order that Southern Pacific Halea and management office« of the Divert Watsr from Running ««»owing name« of . known W W. motorcycle _________________ Ftequcila ipr Jam and Jelly for Waller; Alfred Morgan Ad­ lx,ran- Timber and Milling company, a » „ .h - l" .; M, <•„, .I l l ............................ . ■ ** "* " » School board at an executive ae.slon h er. and the entire business of , " • " »« city limits, accord- _ . . ., , h„ company save the operating o f , Ing to decision of the city council Tuesday night handled from th e | »1 It» meeting Monday nhtlit. Council- Mr Hmlth also will give up his work men will Inspect the proposed site aa a real «stale dealer, and will d ev o te, _ l0ll„ J ni ag te the date of ’he ditch and Ihe race In a few " 7 , “-J American Red Cross and an appeal Is Closing of the Second Street cross* made to Lane county honaewlvee ,dur- lag the tanning aeaaon to add an lug to vehicle traffic over the railroad “ tra > r ot > ■ or )«,,y for the vet * IU •* “ ked »'KJD ,n * Petition by the «ran«. Thta ,houW be l>ut up ln ,lr Highway Commission to to the the PublUl PublUl al-eUa s*s«aa««ul______„ Thr„„„h ' ..., w,n in a rew uays. in * new . . . ----- ----------- , . . night thia week. Through arrange ovtr the Willamette river. Hmllb I. also a notary public, and will y)r and hai. ^ n nnlv M age. can be divert*» by a deep DRILL TEAM TO BE SENT r e u .0 that commlaalon. wut„ n? ,„r Improved market condl drainage ditch running Into the .lough ,eilll)llK to Emerald Heights, the TQ CALIFORNIA MEETING e X J e r and J R ru lin g of th e v a ca n cy created by t)< operaUon, . on lr a .tla ev en en t- t T O C A L IP O K B H A M b j Cullough bridge engineer, and J. J on th th e e I llr tla ln ln farm farm and an a by Dy p p r rev , |h w r - tl„ h ii - n _ a comiM.tltl()n . « i l l __ _ __ scene of ihe thrilling competition, win Sanryer, dirUIon engineer, of the higb> Mr Smith's resignation aa. Juatlce of ‘ ............. .. ....... ing lhe overflow from the race on the .............. ........ „ „ ...„ „ u „ « c i .l . be turned over to hill-climb officials Sixteen members of R ine --------- C ircle way /Tonorlm Turi am <’ departm ont ent Judge C. P P. RarnxPfl. Barnard, Industrial tract near the city limits. the peace must be done through ap- C |yy WQRKMEN ASK all day Sunday. A number of officials lodge No. 45 w ill compose the drill Commissioners C. J. Hurd and Martin polntment by lhe county court. It is Industrial Way t . be Improved from the state traffic squad have team to be a m t to Riverside. Callfor- Anderson, and P. M Morse, county FOR COMPENSATION not known how soon thia will be done. The council voted to grade the new agreed to be present to assist local to take part ln the dedication of surveyor, composed the delegation When Interviewed regarding th . pos- street given by C. E Colcord and M. slbUlty of hla accepting the position. Already two workmen on th . C*'y * ) c B r c a l.r leading Into the Indu.t- officers In handling traffic and the the Woodcraft home there during the that called on the council and explain* national convention the middle of ed that only through closing Second Clty R ecord .. I. M Petre.on said that , new brldg. acroea the mill race h a v e tr a c ( | t « i l l be gravel surfaced crowd. Western September. The team, which will street would the railroad company M he would aot be a candidal, for the applied through Recorder 1. M l"eter when t)m#a ram« for aa Industry to w .s r e r n hlll^Umb n iii-cu m o » authorities u i u u i m a who w»-e — ------------- Ju lp i •»«« t " com penwtlou due to Injurteg ' h#BUBg o w ,t Oradto< H#|ghto drsh badly smas ed drjf will permit the that It p ossesses features that are not b e o s « Pl«7 “» be given by the local warrant the public service commission lodge Wednesday night. night, wUl will l^ leave janitor of the Brattala school. Tbs bis Anger between bwn b|a " "• d street , u> Northwest m e„'g hall. At the same meeting trian traffic will not be stopped froiB along E. street betwen Fifth snd * \ ‘r s X w . « v a c .,, h l. office I , : J-cersted S R Conrsd called at a , Lucille Richmond was elected corres- using the street the closing beln$ Sixth streets to oil this block was hill climbs In succession. Bert Pearson, San-Francisco, C alif, ponding secretary. Several visitors for vehicles only the officials said. the Commercial M a t. M » h hud,ding received. The petition sited that he rated monjg the b e st attended. O w“ , 7 u k e : ‘rh 7 H * j « « . P r e sid e , - - c ld e n , the Vashy realty shop street buss traveled this street be­ After the petition Is filed with thd "Wild Bill" Brown. Seattle, Wash . tween the Fifth and Sixth street Public Service commission that body of ,h . l-o ra n e lo n n b e r co m p a n y . « » .r o h . w u s . w o r b i n g ^ hill p.«v. mentr snd that It raised much winner of Inst year's Portland GANNETT COMPANY HAS _____________________ ______ will hold a m eeting ln Springfield td dust. The matter will be taken u p . cltonb. NEW SALES ROOM HERE hear arguments for and against do* . hl* flnxer early this week and was with the Sonthern Pacific Officials to | Joe Marshall. Spokane, Wash., win A lfred M oron has la-en nmde m ^ >( # phy„ cU n., —— Ing the street and at that time pr> see If oil will not be furnished for ney of this year's Portland climb vising principal ot lhe Springfield _________ With E Rutherford ,n charge, the ' perty holders living on the south side Clarence Schreck. Spokane. public schools, with an Increase of av QP ihe work. Gannett Motor company has opened of town will have an opportunity th of salary to »1100 for 12 months, and WOODCRAFT PLAY TO BE ■'8llck* Tindall. Camas, Wash. A deed to the rFght-of-wuy for the new sales rooms ln the Perkins snd gtve their views. , Miss Mabie Ix-slle has ben employed GIVEN NEXT WEDNESDAY, electric pole line In the alley back of Albert Burns. Camas. Laxton building on Fifth street be-1 Following is a complete text o t thh as commercial teacher at the high j _ _ _ Jule Hicks. Seattle. Main street from Fifth to Second tween Main and A, It was announced resolution passed by the council faro* echo«,HI with a salary of »130 a month, j The laat play of Ihe season to he j street was received from the Southern Al Forsberg, Seattle. ■ tiday. (ng the closing of the street: according lo announcement by Clerk | given by the ’’Klassy Kids Kirmpany” i Pacific company and acknowledged Ray Tauschey. Portland. N ev and second-hand Chevrolsts 1A HEREAS, the Common council of Smith of the Springfield lodge of Neighbors by the council by resolution. T h e ! -Spider" Potllef. Eugene. will be sold by the company. It was : the Town of Serin rfleld at this ttonh Mr Morgan has already taken over o( Woodcraft Is scheduled for Wed- I deed sets ou, that If the rigbt-of way Dale Croner, Eugene. announced. The rooms have been having under consideration »he prop* Ihe supervisorial activities authnrlied n,.*rtay night al the Bell theatre. "AH . Is ever needed for railroad purposes Happy McDonald. Eugene. I t inted and otherwise rennovated for 1 sitton that the grade crossing at the 1» hv the hoard. He will have general oumm ed Up.” a comedy, will be It may be repossessed. attractive quarters. tersection of South Second street with charge of Ihe work of th > district |n addition lo a motion plc- An ordinance was passed by the The new business Is welcomed to ’he Southern Pacific railway be elimh thla summer Ills salary will be P«ld j , ura program, according lo Mrs. C. F. round! assessing the cosL »1238.15, UNION MEETINGS OF In 1, equal Installments Mr Morgan KKgtlnann « h o Is directing IL The for the Improvement of North Second OHURCHES ATTRACT Springfi eld as an evidence of the cou- nated and closed, and WHEREAS, the said council deem ! _____ fid~nce of local buisness prosperity heretofore has received »lROfl for nine proceedg wm be Used In sending the and J stroets against the property. the use and maintenance of said cros«* Union meeting«« of the Springfield shown by the county seat concern. months. drlU teum io the national convention. Ing hazardous to the traveling public Protestant churches are proving sue R ep air Jobe Let | ca(tt ,g RS fo|iow«: George and therefore deems the closing ot cessful In attracting good-slxed Sun STARS AND MASONS TO Th.' school hoard has let the con- Bart,e(t a ,Wer „pedallst — Mrs LABOR DAY PICNIC TO tract for roof tinning on lhe Lincoln | , M)nter hl(| a|» K W » « ' i T rem .yne - Melba Mellon , Oeoffrv Lumbermen. Booth-Kelly units, will was W1UJ well ww_>a filled -- to ------- hear --------------- Rev. Charles OnJer Eastern gtar and « tty commission contem plates pett* svas »227 The other bidder was A C ! m v r u e r o i tu e t*a»ieru oi»» »uu « *- - ... v . j . x .h . I Tremayne, her husbant., a pianist— families and Masons and f.m lle . will Pub” c S e ^ c e commiss O< Nelson, who offered to do the Job for Mrs. Robert Hansen; and „ Gloria .„ r la Bart- hold their annual picnic at W endllne Blom of the Baptist church speak, Bart on Ixtbor Day. It was announced today - - »322. Next Sunday evening. - Rev. Gabriel har# g p,cnic at the c ity park Tues for an order authorizing and directing lett—Lucille Richmond. The shingling of the school will be by John King, secretary of the Spring Sykes of the Methodist church will day evenlnK July 19 p |ang arP being that said crossing be closed, Final rehearsols are being held, tho done hy Roy Foster al »2.70 M Dave field local. The decision means that speak at the Christian church. The made by a committee for a god time to THEREFORE, be It resolved by th« last taking place Thursday night pre­ Worley. Sherman A. Young. J. J. Cor- no plans will be made for a Joint ministers so far hare remained in common council of the Town of be had by all. nln and Claud Lansberry were unsuc­ ceding the regular session of the picnic with other districts at Newport, the city on Sunday evenings and have Springfield that the proposed plan aa$ lodge Tickets are on sale at the The picnickers are urged to bring cessful bidders for this Job. he said. petition of the State Highway com m i» assisted In the services. well filled baskets and their Employment of an office secretary home of Mre. Egglmann. The entire day will be spent at sioa be and at the same time 14 dishes. has ben arranged, with Miss Fay W endllng by the lumber workers. A POTATO SEED WILL BE hereby approved, and be It furthar r * Flaher handling this work, beginning ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC lengthy sport» program 1» being ar­ solved that the said council cooperat« CERTIFIED BY EXPERT FALL CREEK RESIDENT In September. She will be paid »75 TO BE HELD ON JULY 24 ranged and other features will make with the State Highway com m lsslo* a month. Her work will be entirely at the affair an enjoyable one, said Mr. Certification of potato seed is to be DIES AT AGE OF 64 in the proposed elimination of said the high school building. The annual picnic of the Christian King. grade crossing. made In L .n . county shortly accord , Principal Morgan has been author,, church will be held on 8unday, July .ng to County Agent ° . S • schoo,house Sunday morn- Dock Is Repaired sed to purchase supplies for the com­ »4. It was announced today. Prof. Hyslop of O. A. C. will make Keg8tn