THURSDAY JULY T, 1»37 THU RPRINOFUTD NRW8 PAOR FOUR Hera From Portland— Mina Anna In on Buelneeo—U len Aderaon of Many Qat M arriage Llaanaaa Many honeym oon» wore atarted dar­ W rl«hl apenl the week-end In town Douglas G ardens was here Saturday ts lh e Fourth of July holidays « c o r d ­ with her parent*. Mr. and Mrs. par- ' on business. ing to lha Iheaaea Issued by the coun­ enta, Mr. and M rs S C. W right. Ara Ou„ u Hee*-»Mr. and Mrs M ty dark. Ideeuaoa w ere granted to , — — , . .. . , Q, Jarvis and daughter of Portland Leo l*alua and Uaulah W yatt, both of Richard H art Hare— Richard Hart were sa o s ta at the htwite of Hr Ku- M arcóla, W illiam Morían. Alliauy. and waa la town Saturday mora lug gene K ester last week end Sybil Crandall, Eugene; Louie Vernou W atklaa. Comatuck. and Kathtarlu» Camp an McKanala— K arl Ulrard FOR SAXJa—Garboa oaper la Ura« Ulomherg. Drain; Itobert Van Orden and fam lly enjoved (he hollday hy atlasta, M<3» Inchee. auttaola tae Ryderwood, and G ladys Nyatroni. cam ping up the M reKnale rlrar. m abtag traalnga The h a e » o m a a . itprtngfleld; l.eater Kpperaon and H ai­ ti« May Kerby, both of Aahland. Emory Roberta. W inchester, and I S tella Hecker, Portland; S te v e P rt-' vroeky, W estfir. and Anna K rallcek, Sprlngflcld, Ulen Wblker. and Oladya Sm ith, both of Uoehen; Elm er W hita­ ker and Fraseen Brown, both of Ku , (ease; K enneth Girard and Marjorie way. or a dish of Ice cream uiakca one forget the weather la hot. There Is • great deal at stak e for a sm all group In this l.lm laey. both of Springfield; W illiam I Kgglniunn'« have ready for you all klndn and flavors of both country if public opinlou could be aroused in favor o f can- New ton Lindley and M nr»aret lla'i- drinks and Ice creams. We make 'em like you like ’em. cellatloa and th is group w ill leave no sto n es unturned to gann. both of Sprln»fleld: Earl N eel and Haael l*nlndexter. both nt E ugene, attain that end Our fountain service Is a little different—il'a our busi­ and to Henry Jeake and Lillian Boren- . I _ ness. not a sideline, and we take pride In how well we do IL son, both of Junction City. zS And it «III prove a b«oa>eraag W e b elieve we represent the »»at m ajority o f veterans « h e n we declare unqualifiedly arginat cancellation , but Pwhitafced «vary Tharaday at aside from thia we fornee grave cooeegu en ce should this Springfield. L^oa County, Orason. by Question be perm itted to com e up for d iscu ssion on the floor T H I W IL L A M IT T I PRES« o f the convention In Paris. The proceedings of the couven tion th is year «III be carefully follow ed by a large group H. B. M AXEY. Editor of French new spaperm en. not all of whom by any m eans aa tacoa« claaa mattar February M. IMS at are friendly Io the t utted States A number of them will Or _ _ _ _ ' use every word possible for propaganda am ong the French ■ people la favor of debt csuceU atlon H ence the le s s said M A IL SUBSCRIPTION R A T I ___ yg* about d eb ts the better and the best thing w ill be to say Tear la Advaace___ »1.7» Three Mon'ha ____ gc 1 absolu tely nothing M oathe ______________ U .SS Sin gle Copy _ It Is too bad that the c su c e lla tlo n lsu are planning a pro- poganda cam paign am ong L egionnaires at this tim e, but TH URSDAY JULY 7. 1M7 each m ove should serve to keep the e x service mon on POLITICS AND INDUSTRY the alert to se e that nothing is slipped over on them . Every While It is easy to nay "I told you so," or draw resolution offered for consideration should be read carefu l­ conclusions over the special election when voters ly to aee that Its m eaning can not be m isconstrued In any T H E SPRINGFIELD N E W S A Delicious Cold Drink regia U red "no" on everything the legislature and governor submitted to them, there are certain things that might be said for the good of Oregon After all the people of Oregon are heavily taxed and have been generous in allowing themselves to be so. The thousands of miles of good roads, pub- Me buildings and the army of paid public officials are attest to this fact. j Come In. We're always g ititi to see you. Now is a time, it must be regrettedly admit- j MISS GORRIE DEPARTS ted. when the two principal industries of Oregon ON LINER TO EUROPE —lumbering and agriculture—are not prospering. Business men are not making the money they Word haa been received from New were and employment is neither as plentiful nor York to the effect that Mlaa M argaret' PLAY THE AVERAGES AND BE SAFE wages so good. Consequently the average man A young man by the name of Orreli, who was Gorrte. daughter o f Mrs. C. I Oorrle, does not desire to vote an income tax or any other tax upon himself. He asks that the state cashier for a brokerage firm, has recently been Sr . o f thia city, departed July 2 for keep down expenses until industry again pros- arrested on a charge of swindling his employers Europe on the WTilte Star liner Hom eric. pers. The administration should heed his re- out of some $244,000. Cherobourg and Southam pton are quest, especially if it wants his vote at next elec- He took this money a little at a time and tion. always hoped to pay it back by making favorable the Im m ediate destination* o f Mlaa If it be true that there is not sufficient money plays in the stock market. He pinned his hopes Oorrle Later, after vlaltlng In Eng­ forthcoming to run the necessary state govern- on the advance in prices of breakfast foods and land, ahe wtU go to O rkney Island« ment then of course the state must borrow. But steam locomotive stocks. They didn't lead him for a sh ort slay. Thia la the form er let the state officials be very sure that they are to the hill of prosperity as he imagined they hom e of her« parents. Mlaa Gorrlo w ill return In Septem borrowing for things absolutely necessary. Any- would, but they dumped him In the ditch flies m osquitoes, bodv can get along in times of real prosperity but He now says to himself, according to the news- her. S h e la em ployed at the Flanery roaches e?moths.ctc. Drug Store. it takes capable officials to run offices on scant papers, that he is "just another sucker. ’ revenue. How well they do it will demonstrate There have doubtless been many great fortunes made by lucky chances and many people have 1 C A IJ- AND SEE Dr. N. W their efficiency for the office. a a a struck oil wells or gold veins or diamond pockets. on prices on piala sad other work tf O tt COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Three trips to Paris and one to Honolulu by Others have had rich uncles die and leave them aviators in the month of June is sufficient to con- a lot of money. ’ ■" ■■ " i 1 ■ r — — - vince one that American aviation at least is forg- There Is no discounting this and no attempt to lng ahead and being made safe and practical for prove that it is not so. Gambling does uot always W f .G ive g h i ln D iscount S tamps : commercial use over long stretches of water. It lead to misfortune. Some players at Monte Carlo wont be long until mail planes at least will span come away with a pile. the oceans in 24 to 36 hours and a few passengers But the point Is, the chances are against them, go that way. For every one man who suceeds and who you hear • • • about, there are thousands who fail and whom The advantage o f lha electric needle are never noted. by m eans of fulgnratlun. electric E d itorial The shrewd man bases his acts of life upon coagulation, d esiccation and diather­ the LEGION and foreign debts averages. He recognizes that there is much luck m y are (Editorial In ‘T he N ational T ribune.- W ashington D. C.l j„ human affairs. But there are certain laws of D on ’t D elib erately W a ste 1. B loodless work. The danger of Reports are being circulated persisten tly to the effect a v e r a g e s and life is a balance of prol'abilities. hem orrhage la elim inated that the N ational Convention of the Am erican L«gion th is | T h e difference between a clever man and a fool j 2 The danger of Infection, due to Fall will be urged to go on record la favor of can celin g our ( ,g t h a t the former pins his hope upon the general Y our V ita lity local an aesth esia, and of death, due to foreign debts. T h ese sto ries hare it th at m ove ta already average laws and the chances are In his favor, general anaeatbeU c. I* lik ew ise e lim i­ an foot to get a num ber of D epartm ent conventions on while the latter fatuously believes in the excep- nated. *| Every minute you are nervous, you are wauling record in favor of such a stand and have them bring it to t i o n and usually gets stung. I 3. The dlaeaaed part* undergo the floor o f the National gatherin g in Paris. jf jjfe means anything to you, don’t unnecea- sterilisation because the effect of the vital force fattier than It can be replaced. It is difficult for u s to believe that the persons really la- sarUy risk It. Undue excitement, morbid depression, rentbow- current la germ icidal. terested in the cancellation of th ese d ebts would w aste all jf you want fame and fortune, don’t pit them On 4 The forcing of Infective m alerlal netts. Insomnia, hynteria are some of the Indies* o f the tim e and energy— to say noth in g of m oney— neces- ^he turn of a card. tion« that you need a remedy to reinforce and Into the clrculaUon. which ha* occur­ sary to get even one D epartm ent on record In favor of Study to find out what the law Of averages is red from snarea and other guillotine control your nerves. n cancellation. W e very much doubt If there Is m ore than an