PAGE THREE TH B BPRINOmCLD NEWS THURSDAY JULY 7. 1927 PAStKNO CR TR A IN BCHKDULB SPR IN G FIELD S T O P * !Y6C r RESULTS) I'KTTYJOHN'H MIIM6KA8ON USED CAR Watch repairing done correctly. All klnda of bouae painting; Kalao- mlnlng 61 per room and up, Roy Work In today—Out tomorrow. Hoyt Koch. Call 126-J. if. ■ 1 Main *L < C L B A R A N C * BALK Plorile at Rlveralde— A party com- poai-d of Mr. and Mra. Aaa I'ettlcord Hulck Master Roadster. 1 1476, cut tn ' Mr. and Mra. W lllla Hertarh, Mra. »164». Alma Cowden and children, Thomas Htudehaker Hpec. ( Brougham 61066. Patrick, and Mra. Josephine Johna of cut to 6666 Oardenway. apend Independence day Dialge rtp«t "D" In Block Number Three of Sprlngaeld. In Lane Comity, Oregon, aa platted and recorded on Page 1 of Vol. "I" of the Deed Record» of Lane County. Oregon, as prayed for In hla petition therefor. W IT N E S S , the Hon C. P Barnard Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of la n e and the Seel of said Court hereto of- flxed. thia 17th day of June. 1627 Seal of Attest: W. B. DILLA RD, the County Clerk. County By EVA L. D U CKW O RTH Court Deputy. J 23-36: Jl 7 -ir -ii S U M M O N8 IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H B STATE O F OREGON IN AN D FOR T H E CO UN TY OF LANE. S U IT FOR DIVORCE. Mae McCarthy. Plaintiff, v e r s u s Charles McCarthy. Defendant To Charles McCarthy. Defendant:— You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Aled against you in the above entitled suit within four weeks from July 7, 1627. which la tbe date of the first publication of this summons In the Springfield News; and you are hereby notified that. If you fall to answer within said period of time your default w ill be entered for want thereof and the plaintiff will make application to the Court for the relief prayed within said complaint, to-wlt: That the marriage contract now existing between you and plaintiff be forever dissolved. An order of the above entitled Court dated July 6, 1627, directs that this summons be published in the Spring- field New* once each week tor a period of four successive weeks, and last you appear and answer the said complaint within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. H. E. S LA TTE R Y , Attorney for Plaintiff and my postofflee address Is Eugene, Oregon. Jl. 7-14-21-28: A 4: Grand Jury? (The Correct Answers will be Published Next W eek) TEST O’ TEN ANSWERS FDR LAST W EEK 1. Woodrow Wilson. The Presi­ dent is always Commander-ln-Chlef of the Army and Navy when called into actual service. 2. 81am. 3. T he M ayflower, 4. Chicago. No. 8. Shopenhauer. 7. Great Brattala. 8. The diamond. 6. The "Marseillaise.’ 6. 16. '1 Chess. e o a * Blank Promissory note* and re­ e e e e e e e ceipts printed and In stock at th * • FARM MARKET REVIEW • News office. o a a o o o o o a i * (Prepared by L. R. Breithanpt of Ob T Y P E W R IT E R RIBBONS— Assorted A. C. Extension Service) makes In black and blue In stock at NO TIC E OF F IN A L B E T T I-E M B N T tte News office. For the conveni­ N O TIC E IB HKREBY G IVEN , Thai GRAIN— Trade reports of rust d* ence of customers who have hither­ the undersigned administratrix of the velopment n spring wheat states, pat* eatate of L A Smith, deceoaed, hat to not been able to get ribbons in ticularly South Dakota, together Wit* rendered and Aled In the County Court Springfield we have started thia of the State of Oregon, her "eal ao an active demand for moderate offo^ new line of ribbons for Underwoods. count and that Saturday the 13rd day lngs of new winter w heat held thS of July, 1617. at the hour of ten o'cloch Remingtons. Royals, L. C. Smith, market firm during the iweek ending A M al the County Court room In the and other makes. tf. July 2. Private estimates of the naw County Court house In the City of Eugene. Oregon, has been Axed and crop are higher than official estimate NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT appointed by the said Court aa the of June 1. Foreign markets were flrte day. time and place for the hearing of In the County Court of the State of with supplies of old wheat lig h t COTB objection« to said Anal account and Oregon in and for the County of prices advanced from lateness of thd the settlement thereof Lane In Probate. All objections to said Anal account In re Eatate of Thomas Adam Yost, new crop which Is making only mod»p must be In writing and Aled with the deceased. ate progress. Markets for oats, ryd clerk of said Court on or before said Notice Is hereby given that the un and barley on the whole were slightly day and time. deralgned. W illiam A. Yost, as admin­ Deled June H at. 1627. istrator of the above entitled estate weaker, but scarcity caused a flrxi NO TIC E TO CREDITORS has Aled In said Court his final ao- market for good malting barley. BESSIE H. S M ITH . Administratrix NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : that count: that the time for hearing the WOOL— Further strength Is manl« ERANK A. D ePyE, Attorney tor F. W. Deedon has been appointed ad-1 same Is set for 16:60 o'clock, A. M . tested by some shifting from pisf* aald estate. mlnlatrator of the estate of Nellie July 16. 1927. before said C ourt and J 23-36: . I 7-14-21 Deedon, deceased, by the County Court ■ that all persons having any objec­ chases for Immediate needs only te forward buying by mills. An att mpt of Lane County, Oregon. tions thereto shall file the same In N O TIC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T All person* having claim * against writing on or before said time for Is being made by the wool Industry Notice la hereby given that H. B said eatate are required to present hearing. to stabilize and expand the markol Burton. Admlnlatrator of the Eatate them, with the proper vouchers, with­ W IL L IA M A. YOST. Administrator for woolen goods. Mohair continued of Mrs. 8 B Burton, deceased, ha» in six months from the 16th day of H. E SLA TTER Y. Attorney for Ad quiet with interest fairly well spresg Aled hla Final Account aad Report aa June. 1927 to tbe said administrator such Administrator, with the Clerk of at the law office of L. L. Ray in the mlnlatrator. over the various sorts. J 16-23-36: Jl 7-14 tin- C ounty C o u rt of Ijin e County. Ori­ Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon. B U TTER — Markets in general wsfg F W DEEDON. Administrator of gon. and the Court haa set Saturday. the estate of Nellie Deedon. deceased. N O T IC E a little softer for the week ending July 30. 1627 at 10:00 A M In the L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. County Court Room In the Court N O T IC E is hereby given that the July 1. especially on lower graded, J 16-23-36: Jl 7-14 House al Eugene. laine County. Ore­ SUM M O NS viewers appointed by the Common This tendency was more noticable IS gon aa the time and place to hear ob­ Council of the Town of Springfield to ! castern than In western markets. Pro- jections to the same, and for the Anal IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E N O TIC E TO CREDITORS view the proposed sewer between E ; . »T A T E OF OREGON. FOR L A N E settlement of said estate. NO TIC E IS HER EB Y G IVEN . That and F streets from 9th street to 10th : ducOon is 8tiU runn,DK ’ re" “head ®f Il B BURTON. Admlnlatrator. COUNTY. last year's in eastern producing dis« O E. Hegburg. Plaintiff, vs. T. H. the undersigned has been duly ap­ street thru Block 86 of Washburne’s W ELLS A W ELIÆ , Attorneys. pointed by the County Court of the Subdivision of the Springfield Invest­ tricts and receipts on the markets are Spooner and Saddle L. Spooner, hla J 16: Jl <->4-21-28: wife. A. N. De Vaul and Juanita De State of Oregon for the County of ment and Power Company's Addition liberal. In the west production h ot Vaul. hla wife. Oall De Vaul. Carl iAne aa the administrator of the have brought In their report and have probable pasesd the peak and there 1* De Vaul. and the Flrat National estate of Allen Rodehaver. deceased, filed the same with the Recorder. The 1 still same shortage of stored stock*, a property ascertained and determined Bank. Eugene. Oregon, a corpora- and all persons having claims again -t by said viewers to be directly bede- LIVESTO CK— Heavy steers were said estate are hereby notified to pre­ Hon. Defendants. fltted hy said proposed sewer is as scarce and steady on the markets loot To T. H. Spooner and Saddle L. Spoon­ sent the same properly verlAed to the follows: er. hla wife. A N. De Vaul and administrator at the office of Franx Lots 2 to 19 Inclusive of said Block week but poorer grades of cattle Juuntta De Vaul, his wife. Oall De DePue. attorney for the estate In 86 of Washburne's Subdivision, and weakened somewhat. Hog market* Vaul. and Carl De Vaul. defendants Springfield. Oregon, on or before six the extent and proportion of such showed a little disposition to Improve In th* name of the State of Oregon months from the date of this notice. benefit is one eighteenth of the cost ¡n gpots pat iamb prices went lowaf Dated June 20. 1927. you are hereby required to appear and of such sewer for each lot. This w ill . . . . . , . CLYDE RO DEHAVER, Adminis­ be published In the Springfield News wlth he“ Tl«‘r receipts. answer the complaint which haa been i filed agnlnst you In the above entitled trator. for twenty davs beginning with the ------- ■ ■ ■ 1 - 1 1 court and cauae within atx weeka from F R A N K A. DePUE, Attorney for the Issue of June 16th 1927 and anyone SUMMER WORK NOW I the date of the Arat publication of thia estate. having objections to the findings of 228 Main St. Residence 125 c 8t j summons or within six weeka from J 23-36: Jl 7-14-21 said viewers must file the same with AT PEAK 4-L REPORT the date of the service of this sum 42 J 42 M the Recorder within ten days from the mona upon you If the same be person- NO TIC E OF S H E R IFF'S SALE ON final publication of this notice. Portland. Juty 6— (Special)— Indu> Full Auto Equipment ’ ally served upon you outside of the I. M. PETERSON. Recorder. E X E C U T IO N IN FORECLOSURE trial, agricultural and construrtloB J 16-23-30: Jl 7 State of Oregon: and If you fall to Notice la hereby given that by vir­ Lady Assistant activities, except logging and lirmheT« 1 so appear and answer for want thereof tue of an execution and order of sale N O T IC E O F FIN A & HEA R IN G Ing. are now nearing seasonal p eal, ,| the plaintiff will app./- to tne court in foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ i for the relief prayed for In hla com- cuit Court of Lane County. Oregon, Notice is hereby given that Ira C. giving employment to practically a * J plaint; tto-wlt: on the 2nd day of June, 1927. In a sirtt i Oates has filed his final .count as .^ lia b le men and women io the Pad« | That you. and each of you. be held wherein on the 1st day of June. 1927 the executor of tne Last W ill and J to he In defau.i In the payments due In said Court A. W McCarty, plaintiff, Testament of H. Gates, deceased, and tie Northwest, acordlng to the 4-L VASBY BROS. , upon a certain land sale contract be­ recovered Judgment against the de­ that Saturday the 16 day of July. 1917. employment letter published here to« tween W. F. Rarger, Effa F. Barger, fendant. M ary J. Breeding for the sum at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore day. Reviewing employment condì« Painting ft Decorating and T. H. Spooner which contract la noon of sa d day. has been fixed tor tlons W est of the Cascades the 4-L dated the 8th day of September. 1925 of 1200.00 with Interest thereon at the the time for hearing and settling said in all Its branches • i and under the terms of which the said rate of eight percent per annum from final acount which hearing w ill he 312 Main Street , T H Spooner contracted to purchaae the Slat day of August. 1926 until paid held at the Couat Court room at the j Industrial activities have been tern« from W. F Barger and Effa F. Barger and the further sum of 860.00 At­ Court House In Lane County. Oregon, porarlly slowed down because of torneys fees and the costs and dis­ the East seventy feet of Lot No five bursements herein In the sumof 816 00, A ll persons having objections to of Jq hol)days. I-oeginB In block No. twenty-one of Drlverton'a which Judgment was enrolled and said final acount are hereby notified. \ " to file the same In w riting with the j eamps began to shut down or contraot DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL addlton according to the recorded plat docketed In the Clerks office of said County Clerk of Lane County. Oregon, operations early in June and It Is now thereof In Eugene. Lane County, Ore­ Court in said County on the 2nd day DENTIST gon; that the court Ax and determine of June, 1927. and said execution to on or before the date of said hearing.1 estimated that not more than 60 pet IRA C. OATES. Executor of the' cent of fir capacity w ill actually log | the amount due under aald contract me directed me in the Phone 43 and set and determine a time within name of the State of Oregon. In order Last W ill and Testament of H. Gates, during July. First Nat'l Bank Bldg Springfield ! which aald amount ahould be paid to to satisfy said Judgment, interest, at­ deceased DO NA LD YOUNG. Eugene. Oregon. I the plaintiff and that upon failure to torneys fees, cost of suit and accruing More than 6.006 loggers who were ' so pay aald amount to the plaintiff with­ costs to sell the following described Attorney for Executor. laid off before the Fourth are mark­ J 16-23-30: Jl 7-14 in the time Axed by the court that you real property, to-wit: ing time waiting for camps to reopeB, Commencing at a point 26.406 chains and each of you he forever barred while hundreds hare gone east of th« and enjoined from aaaertlng any right west of a point In the East line of N O T IC E FOR P U B LIC A TIO N mountains and elsewhere for the har­ title or Interest In or to aald contract the L. Poindexter D. L. C. Twp. 17 FOREST EXCHANG E vest or have taken local constructloB or property and that your Interest South. Range 4 West nt the W illam ­ No. 616984 All kinds of gravel for con­ therein be declared to be forfeited ette Meridian. 20.10 chains south of Department of the Interior, United Jobs. crete or road work. We and that any person, firm, or corpora- the Northeast corner of said claim States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ The annual Fourth of July closing of make a specialty of crushed I tlon claiming under, by, or through thence south 8 chains, thence west gon. May 31. 1927 sawmills has averaged five days. Saw­ 3.766 chains, thence north 8 chains, you or any of you be likewise forever N O T I C E Is hereby given that rock and rockhand. Bunk­ harred and enjoined from asserting thence east 3.765 chains to the place the Western Oregon Securities Co., by mill operation continues spotted, and ers at foot of Main on Mill j any right title or Interest In or to aald of beginning, all in Lane County, Ore Leland S. Johnson. President, of Eu­ with more or less curtailment of aa* street. k ! contract or property and that the de­ gon. gene. Oregon, filed application No. Now. therefore, in the name of the 016984. under the Act of March 20, tual production In nearly every dis­ fendant. the Flrat National Bank, Eu­ HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. gene. Oregon, be authorised and State of Oregon. In compliance with 1922. (42 Stat., 465) to exchange the tr ic t directed to turn over to the plaintiff said execution and order of sale and N U RW«4. SE>4 N W M . * N W U Agricultural, canning factory, rail­ all papers In Its possession In connec­ In order to satisfy said Judgment. In SEM. »ec 14. Tp. 15 S . Range 9 West. road. highway, tourist mining and to* ... tion with said transaction. terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit W M . w ithin the Sluslaw National I This summons Is-served upon you and accruing costs, I w ill on Saturday Forest, for the timber on the N EU 1 du8tr,al “ cUvities, except logging and hy the publication thereof In the the 9th day of July, 1927. at the hoar NWV, N E U . Sec. 4. Tp. 20 S . Range lumbering, are a t midsummer peak. Springfield News, a paper of general of one o'clock In the afternoon of said 12 Weat. W M„ within said Sluslaw The number of unemployed Is low, hat JKWELER circulation, published In lame County. day. at the Southwest front door of National Forest. those without work find it difficult to Repairing a Specialty The purpose of this notice is to Oregon In accordance with an order the County Court House. In Eugene. secure Jobs suited to their experience. Springfield, Oregon made by the Honorable O F. Skip- Lane County. Oregon, offer for sale allow all persons claiming the lands worth on the 14th day of June, 1927 and sell for cash, at public auction, selected, or having bona fide objec­ It Is equally difficult to secure skilled directing that service of thia.summons subject to redemption as provided hy tions to such application, an oppor­ help promptly for Jobe offered. Turn­ be made by publication or that In lieu law. all of the right, title and interest tunity to file their protest with the over in ail lines is low. thereof the defendant he personally of said defendant M ary J. Breeding Register of the U. 8. Land office at M. 0 . HOGE Bast of the Cascades both logging served with summons outside the and all persons claiming by. through Roseburg, Oregon. Any such protests Attorn ey-at-Law State of Oregon. Date of first publica­ or under her In and to the said or objections must be filed In thia and lumbering Is more nearly normal office within thirty days from the date than in the fir districts, according to premises. tion of summons J r le 23rd, 1927. Practise U. 8. and State FRANK B. TAYLOR, Sheriff of of the flrat publication of mis notice, the 4-L letter. There are now bat few DO NALD YOUNG, Attorney for Courts which first publication is Jane I, 1917. plaintiff. 886 W illam ette 8treet, Eu­ latne County. Oregon. Non-coal skilled woodsmen, sawmill or planer Eugene, Oregon gene, Oregon. By BEULAH BRINNICK, Deputy. HAMILL A. CANADAY, men unemployed In the pine district*, J 88-80: Jl 7-14-21 28; Au 4: J 6-16-13 30: Jl 7: D IR E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRINGFIELD 6RAVEL CO. D. W. Roof ............... H 7: