> P ag « two - - TUVR8PAY J1TLY 7, 1>27« TH K SPlUNOnBLO NJCW8 - ’ K eatle Bridgs where they are employ 1 ed la the forestry service. Mias Price By Special being telephone girl Correspondents Dwaln and Melvin Buell and Mrs. ________ _ 1 Herrington left last Thursday for their homes la Klamath Falla after spend­ ing a few days here visiting relatives UPPER W ILLA M E TTE his home with neuralgia has recovered and frlenda. At the annual m eetin f of the high and n able to be at work aimin. A. B. Mathews baled hay for Wil­ Mr and Mrs W H Anderson and liam Rennie last Friday. Frank Ren­ School district No. 1. K. Y. Swift w m •levied director to serve for Iv e ' »on. Forrest, spent the week end at nie, who is a traveling salesman, was years. He is of Pleasant Hill Harr., ' Waldport. at the home of his father last Friday Shelley was also named director, and Mr and Mrs. Gatea and family left and helped with hay baling.. H C. Wheeler, clerk, to serve for one far a short trip to Belknap Sprtngs. Mr. and Mra. L. C. Yarnell ant year. The next meeting of the board , Tuesday. daughter. Edna June, fnwn Sprlustteld will be next Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Lester Cyr and daugh were in Thurston last Saturday call­ The Fourth of July was a big day ter. Dora May. spent the Fourth of ing on friends. Miss Flossie Herrlrgton from Mon at Swimmer s Delight. A large crowd July at Newport. Virgil James of the U. 8. Navy came mouth spent the w eekend here am! •njoyed dancing, picnic luncheon, and ather diversions. Creswell and Dex last week to spend his vacation at the attended the celebration ou Monday Clifford Weaver from Salem spent ter played bas* ball, the former win home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs the w eekend with hla parents Mr Wylie James. Ding. 9 to 8. Cherry and loganberry picking at The T. J. Maxwell family accom­ and Mra. A. W Weaver Parry Price from McKenzie Bridge Pleasant Hill is well under way. The panied by their guests. Mrs. P. II cherries are extra big this year, and Murnane of St. Paul, Mrs. J H. Tomp­ spent the w eekend with hla parent* there has been no damage by the kins of .Minneapolis, Minnesota, and here. Mrs. Walter Krimlston and Mrs. Frank Tompkins of Pondosa. Califor­ rains. The Trent school has elected Mr nia. motored to Belknap Springs to W ills Rlist drove to Salem last Mon­ day returning In the evening Lorens director, and Perry Williams spend the Fourth. Mrs Jennie Edmlstoo from Eugene Clerk. Teachers selected are Goldie The Chase Gardens baseball team Starr. Springfield. Principal .an 1 defeated the Christian church nine at spent the w eekend hers visiting her Springfield Wednesday evening. & to children Verna Manninfc primary. Mrs. William Rennie has been ill 1. Chase and Cole were batteries for E. T. Smith has a new car. J. A. Phelps and family have moved ( Chase Gardens and Laiwaon and Poll­ for several days. John Endicott began picking hla ard for the Christians. Pengra un- |o Pleasant HUI from Srisshom e. cherry crop on Wednesday morning. pi red. I Teacher training class met with CARDEN WAY Mtsa Heersraa last Tuesday evening TH U R STO N The class will meet with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bailey of Clapekalne is spend i. Miss Mildred Price and Harold Wm Henson next Tuesday evening ing the week at the home of hit The baseball game played here on Baughman left on Thursday for Mc- danghter. Mrs. Jay Fish. 1 Community News I Application of dost In« sulphur "lafsettoas la aouthsra aad ■ant the 4th of J tly between the married lion men and the regular team resulted la •atara Oragoa. .specially la the Ir­ «rill hill mildew, la moat rasas this rigated sections have caused msay In la not necessary until after tha drat the married men'» defeat. Mr. aad Mrs tMto Uoaslar and child qalrtaa far tha clavar mildew «roa, mowing. form near Portland also hla slatsr, Rmma. and family visited relatives here and attended the celebration on July 4. IN TKB W I S T FARM R EM IN D ER S Eugene, Ora. Store 11 6th and Willamatta Oregon farmer* are not behind their brethern In other parts of the United States in the use of electricity on their farms and In their farm homes, reports the experiment station In Oregon horticulture electricity ha* been used In dehvdrallon of prunes and nuts The design of dehydrators has been vastly Improved In the last few years and the capacity spproxl malely doubled by tho recirculation syslsflk Manufacturer’s Unloading __ SA L E SAVINGS YOU CAN ENJOY Irrigation of prunes In Doug las county conducted by Huron t’li ugh of t anyonvllle obtained on SO acres nn increase eatlmated at 91000 In two seacona and tuvJ lu a third. • I'he prunes were larger In site and brought a higher price. A number of prune growers In th» same district are re­ ported as having succeeded with Ir rlgatlou. DON’T MISS THIS CHANCE TO BUY FOR LESS AT “Clover mildew has come to Dragon to stay." says It P. liars* plant patho­ logist of the Oregon experiment sta BREIERS The Greatest of The A Store-Wide July Clearance Sale NOW GOING IN FULL SWING at Laraway’s Department Store L araw ay B u ild in g —O p p o site R ex T h ea tr e 966-968 Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon Phenomenal Savings on Summer Merchandise Our entire stock has been drastically reduced in price in order to move a surplus of summer merchandise now on hand caused by a^cold' ¡»“ kvvar spring. We have disregarded former prices and cost in order to make this our greatest disposal sale. We mean business. This is no hall heuit« ' ¡ffair®but a straight from the shoulder offer of new summer mercand.se every price a gilt-edff. investment at regular p n « » . now r e d u e .,t o w h .r they are down to the extraordinary value. Every piece of surplus merchandise in our store should find a new owner betweeni now nnd S"turd..y night if quality and price mean anything to you. This is a rousing sale for the economical shopper who wants to save on high grade new • eh c ‘ ' dise. Bring your friends and let them take advantage of the wonderful savings with you. Come, rain or shine andI take> advantage of t h e b'S8*’ t savings ever heard of! Remember this is not a sale of odds and ends or old merchandise that have accumulated tn the store for year», hut a sale that includes our complete new stock and all our newest arrivals. It is a real knockout sale, the crowds are growing target ¿ lent> good experienced clerks to serve you. This is an opportunity caused by weather conditions one that may haPPen 1 / ‘X our advice is to buy now while you have such a marvelous opportunity to save. Remember a dollar saved is a dollar earned. Laraway s Departmen Store. LADIES DRESS SALE . i. y $ Piece Goods Ladies’ Shoes Department Prices Shot to Pieces $2.98 Now is the time to buy silks. 69c Millinery Georgette A t i n Crepe, yd. i,'. I f’ Crepe de . ' Chin«, yd. tf * 1 . Every Hdi Reduced » > «4 - t. ! I $1.98 * to $L19 , •• • f*»*, 'Y**' Every yard of S ilk in the store reduced. Buy now and $3.90 ' • 1 < . $4.90 MEN’S CLOTHING Overalls 89c Pair Made from 220 blue denim, full cut, all sizes. Come In and let us show you the best line of Men’s Work Shoo* In town for less. Work Shirts 49d Each Blue and arejf chnmbray. All sizes. 1 I 4« • Ons big table loaded with garments at Clsaranos prices. In» * f Ladies' Rayon Bloomers .'»ll 81.50 values, 75c pair New Summer Felt Hats • '- .J save. , » le U ndergarm ents $6.90 Values to >16.75 1 f r $1.98 Pair Our regular prices are low on quality Shoes. Our Bale , Prices a real knockout. 12 mornmle a q Pongee, yd..... T r l z C 14 mommie Pongeer yd. y $4.90 to Values to 87.90 Men’s Work Clothing Men’s Work Shoes Sweaters $1.98 up Men's Bweaters reduced to alm ost «Ive-away prices See our special table loaded with Men's Sweaters. And everyth Ins else Just as cheap In proportion to r*«u- lar price. You can save at Labway's. Laraway’s (.Values Superior ■ Men we can save you a lot of money if you buy that new euit from us. ■ •<*»,.' . » , i , 1 - No. 1 Dresses $2.95, $3.75 • - and $6.75 ' i • Valúas te 815,76 Rack No. 2 and 3 Dresses $10.75 Sr L A R A W A Y ’S Values to 819.75 ’Rack h i.i No. 4 Dresses $12.75, $19.75. $25.00 ' ‘ V atuls to W 7 » Laraway Building * h e -'lIsX 1/p.iFt Bill I -ir ' ' VZ Phone 1 I’ 2233 flb • Department Store 4 J Theatpe 966-968 W illamette Street j MEN’S SUITS REGULAR PRICE ELSEWHERE $45.00 $40.00 $35.00 $30.00 -* hr Ms" OUR JULY REGULAR CLEARANCE PRICE PRICE $39.75 $34.75 $29.75 $24.75 ■ •J $29.75 $24,?/, $19.75 $15,75 Buy Now—Next Week May Be Too Lai». ß ‘.ift ’ll