0 ------------------------------ --- Printing gets th in g s done. Phone 2 o. Librar, 1rHE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW KNTY-FOUHTH YKAH TESTS SHOW LOCAL M IE R TOBE PURE HPIUNOKIKLI), liANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY JULY 7, 1927 Chief o f ihn Dry» ALL IS SET FOR BIG CYCLE HILL CLIMB TO BE HELD HERE JULY-17 M ad Bull A tta ck s Boy, Ram s Horse _ A «WS Pape»" LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 2« L DISTRICT DEBT DOWN $8,000 All la In readiness for the big north­ George Baker, 17, Has Narrow west sectional hill climb to bo held Escape in Episode al Mmerald Heights, Springfield. July at Trent Warrant Obligations are Re­ 17. according to Traffic Officer Smith, Supply in Raw Analyzed and who Is Interested In the big event In duced to $34,023.99 During Found to be Equal to McKen­ How an enraged bull turned on a Coast cycledom Motorcycle drivers Year; School Board to Hear zie Water eo Far at Freedom youth on horseback who »»» trying from all parts of the coast are lining Clerk's Report at Friday Night to herd him, and rammed his horns , From Contamination ie Con­ up for competition In the drive, which Into the side of the horse, wa» the Session. cerned; New Well» Tested. promises u host of thrills for specta­ story being told In the Pleasant Hill tors. Financial conditions of the Spring- neighborhood today. TimU taken over a period of one There will be four events. Novice, field school district are satisfactory so The bull. It seems, was loose for Tear by the Oregon Agricultural col amateur, expert and professional far as prowess made during the fiscal some time In the Trent district, and ligv »how Hprlngtleld city water. In drivers will compete in these. For I year just closed Is concerned, and Its owner wa» unknown to residents the'raw, to be aa pure aa the Mi-Ken the professional events, cash prises the warrant indebtedness of the lis- there. When the animal made Its ■ In river water which soon will be will be given. Merchandise prizes go trict has been reduced by approxi­ way to the old Hyde ranch, on which in uae In Eugene. It was revealed In to the winning amateurs. mately «8000. according to the figures the Baker family Is living. George report» ahown by W C. M< l.aKnn, en­ The city council has given permis­ being compiled for submission te Baker, 17. mounted a horse with the gineer of the Mountain Htatea Power sion for the climb and for closing a t the school board in session tomorrow Intention of driving the bull off the coutpauy. today. street tp allow auto parking. The I night place. At varloua time« during the paat event starts at 1 o'clock sharp In the About one-half of the «12,500 which Enraged at the youth's efforts, the I year Mr Mclaignn haa obtained »am­ eymour l.ow m an of New York afternoon. The rain date Is July 21. the special tax for the Brattaln school bull suddenly turned on the boy. and ple« of the McKenxIe water and »«nt w ho has lust Is k ra over Gen A n ­ Te Eugene Motorcycle Aasoclallon was to provide has been received, drew ’s Job of natioaal prohibition rushed at him. M a tt" Kimex, ¿2 year old bank them to CorvaUla with the weekly In sponsoring the hill climb. In pre­ aiding materially in reducing the war­ enforcement. Baker was unable to get his horse sample* of Hprlnicfleld water, obtained robber who stirred 'em np by his vious years. Mt. David, at Cottage rant Indebtedness. Not Including the out of the -way In time, and the born» j boldness He stole an aotomobile from the Intake In the mill rare Just Drove, has been the scene of the returns from this source, the reduc­ in which a baby was sleeping— of the animal were rammed Into the above the Hoot h Kelly pond. climb, but the local hill Is said Io lend but returned it when discovered. tion ofr the first half year of 1927 la 500 MILE LOOP OVER horse's side, missing the leg of the In general, the ikprlngfleld wator Then ke took the Chief of Police Itself even better for the purpose. about «1500, keeping up to the sche­ boy by less that two Inches. EXCELLENT HIGHWAYS haa ahown bacteria content report» of Jennings, Olds., a* point of a dule planned for decreasing the war­ The horse withstood the shock, and gaa on a wild sight ride, tied bios aa favorable aa the raw McKenale rant debt by «3000 for the wrhole year. LORANE COMPANY PLANT Motorists who wish to lake a long the boy was able to get loose and to a tree and escaped. water, and at tlmea the local water haa The present warrant Indebtedness scenic drive and still avoid the sum­ ride away before the animal could IS VIRTUALLY FINISHED proved even belter At one lime In of the local school district la «31.023.l9 attack again, however it la reported SIX ARE ARRESTED IN January. Hprtnnflelda raw water mer dust -will enjoy the Mount Hood When the report of Clerk R. W. Smith The new plant of the Ixjrane Tim­ that the horse died since from the llxvwed a aatlafactory report with a loop, via Portland. Mt. Hood, Hood RAID ON LOCAL PLACE was made last year, the debt was «mall bacteria content and aafety ao Klver. The Dalles. Redmond and ber and Milling company at Ulllesple Injury. «11,598 07. Hprlngtleld Pavement or oiled high­ ' corners Is virtually complete, accord­ BY CITY, COUNTY COPS far aa gaa content waa concerned, The Brattaln school tax waa 8.1 while McKenale water showed bac­ ways are found practically all the ing to H. J. Cox. preeldent. Only a QUIET FOURTH PASSES way with the exception of the Me- few finishing touches here and there City and county police selected a mills. Thia eras to pay for con»'ruc­ teria too numerous to count. UNEVENTFULLY HERE house at Mill and A streets as a place tion of the new building. Water In both cases la chlorinated, Kensle highway to Wallervllle accord . over the plant are needed. A well The bonded debt not Including Ban­ Ing to Mr. and Mrs. H B. Maxey, who _ . .... u, . i for a vice raid last Sunday morning. built and highly modern plant haa making It entirety »afe for drinking Seldato In SpringfieW . history ha. . w|U| thg gU g croft bonds of the district la approxi­ purpose« Mh Mclatgan declared 'hat made the trip during the Fourth of been conatructed. When In operation the Fourth of July ben more quiet | women were mately 870,000 having been reduced It will be one of the best mills of Its there la a public Ignorance of the real July vacation. than that which passedI las t Monday , lod {he >1L «1000 this year. The board has Thousands of rara went around the site In the country. meaning of bacteria contents aa re­ A I v r proportion of the popula- g Mrg adopted a policy of reducing the war­ Hawing has not yet started. The tlon «was out of the city, moet of them gards aafety for human consumption. Mt. Hood loop during the Fourth. „ rant Instead of bonded debt, because company Is waiting for better market The road la oiled all the way and easy He aald that ooly when water haa going to the mountains or the sea UmmorjU houge. pleaded not the former draws larger Interest The been contaminated by a typhoid grades carry one over the Harlow and conditions. shore. A few went to Portland. gbe trfed tater Mrg NeUie total debt of district Is now «105,102.- Half a million feet of Umber, or Kennett passes, both over 1200 feet patient Is It actually unsafe for con­ Fire cracker, were heart occaalon- Mrg. Benha her 79. It Is down hill through approximately a month's sawing, has ally, but leas than In other years. No sumption, while animal contamina­ elevation The report of Clerk Smith for sub­ tion 1» not usually responsible for any the orchard« over excellent oiled road , bee if logged on the company's hold- accidents due to fire crackers were re­ daughters, accused of vagrancy In con­ nection with the local raid, pleaded mission to the board tomorrow night to Hood River. From Hood River to ‘ Inga. disease. ported. Is not yet complete. He and Super­ guilty and were fined «60 each. Thia concern was organised alx The McKenxIe water, he aald. will The Dalles the Columbia River high­ There were no patriotic services. intendent Vern Bain hare been rush- | Verne Cruxan and William Mount- -months ago by Springfield men. way la followed and the The Dalles- prow cooler that Springfield water, On the day previous, patriotic sub­ ney, arrested with the -women, each in the compilation of figures steadily and when tested after chlorination Callfornta to the junction of the Mc- jects were mentioned In sermons of pleaded guilty and was fined «60 each, during the past week. This report of coarse will be entirely safe for Kensle highway at Redmond. Tho EXPLOSION GIVES MAN I local pastors, but that was all. Fred Krueger, taken also In the raid, will be the chief feature of tomorrow McKenale highway la In good condi­ drinking. CLOSE LOOK AT DEATH | pleaded not guilty and will be tried, night's meeting, although other mat- tion but one n otices the dust after New Wells Tested ROBERT PIRRIE GETS j According to Police Chief Jess Smlt- ters of Interest are to come up. A dynamite explosion ear Marcela Twvi of the new well» of the Moun- traveling on pavement or oiled high­ FINE, JAIIL SENTENCE son, the alleged unlawful activities ways Tuesday gave L. D. Ream a close * tain Htatea company have been tested of the women had been known to NEW SLAUGHTER-HOUSE The wheat and otner grain crops in look at death. recently, and the reports announced Convicted of driving while Intoxi­ local officers for some time, and the ' Ream and other men with him were OF MARKET IS READY today Roth show bad contamination, Central Oregon along the highway ap­ cated on the Pacific Highway near police were merely waiting for the | tho bacteria being too numerous to pears to be a fine yield. Heavy rains preparing to blow the end out of a Goshen. Robert Plrrle of Springfield right moment to arrest them. With The new slaughter-house of ths count Chlorination, of course, wou.d have supplied sufficient moisture to pipe He had hts hand over the end was fined «100 and sentenced to 60 change thia, he aald. and the report the hill lands making a bumper crop. of the pipe, but happened to turn his days In Jail when he was given a hear­ the aid of Deputy Sheriffs Turnbull independent Mean market is complete and Daniels, the officers went to the aad in use. The house has been bull« head away. doe» nol mean that the wella supply Harvesting Is about ready to start. house early Sunday morning. j py the market on five acres of land At that moment, the blast prema­ ing in Justice court Tuesday. Is unfit for use. State Traffic Officer Houston arrest- It was necessary for Turnbull to recenuy purchased of Mrs. O. B. Ke»- turely was set off. The end blew out The Headworka and city park wells MISS LINDSEY AND MR. of the pipe, shooting a splinter ed Plrrle. -when the latter was going kick the door In to gain access to the I gey and ig iocated about a mile and • wen- tested. These wells have been eagt of town GIRARD MARRIED HERE little finger. He was at an excessive speed. It was asserted place. The police allege that Mrs. - driven by the Mountain States com­ at the trial. When the local man was Rogers, who was on the lower floor, i modeni equipment has been la- rushed to a local physician's office. pany for the purpose of learning of Kenneth Olrard and Marjarle Lind­ stopped it was found that he was pressed a button -which gave warning gtaned i„ slaughter-house. Ths Had Ream not turned his head, It the possibilities of uncovering a new sey, well known Hprlngtleld couple, , to the other members of the party on floor» are of concrete, and a convent- Is believed that the blast would have drunk. supply of water for Springfield. were united In marriage by Rev. caught him full In the face, probably the second floor. Nevertheless, all arrangement has been accomplith- Gabriel Bykes at the home of the MRS. VAN VALZAH WILL were garnered In by the officers. e(£ The cooling room is absolutely killing him. MRS. HUNTLY DELEGATE groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl flre-proof, and every means of preserW ATTEND REDCROSS MEET ^ q ^ id AY TRAFFIC HERE TO AUXILIARY MEETING Girard, on Friday evening July 1. nt lng sanitation has been cared for, 1« CHAMBER MEETINGS OFF 7:30 o'clock. Reports on the veterans Insurance | SETS ALL-TIME RECORD 18 “ ,d Mrs. M II. Huntly was chosen dele­ The home was decorated with many REMAINDER OF SUMMER reinstatement will be an Important gate Io the convention of the Ameri­ beautiful flowers of the season After feature of the next meeting of the I Most Springfield residents are FLOOD-DAMAGED PAVING can Ix-glon auxiliary at yesterday’« the ceremony light refreshments were No meetings of the Springfield Lane county chapter, American Red «¿reed that the traffic through here BEING REPAIRED TODAY meeting at the Huntly home. Mrs. served. chamber of commerce will be conduct­ Cross, to be held next Monday n ight1 on the McKensle highway during the John Will -was named alternate. Tho ed In July and August, according to Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. at the offices In Eugene, according to holiday period of the last week-end As a reminder of the floor time o( convention date« are July 21 to 23, E. Lindsey and sons. Paul and Jack, President H. J. Cox. Many of the Mrs. Bernice Van Valxah. who will e»tablt8hed an all-time record, last Spring, repairs are being made at Ispirando. member» are away on their vacations Mr. and Mrs. O. H Jarrett and daugh attend from here. : Traffic Officer Smith Is definitely this morning on the portion of the It waa decided that the auxiliary tera, Margaret and Betty Jean. Mr. and little business Is to be transacted, Other Springfield people were urged certain that It was a record In one Pacific highway pavement in Weal will meal In the homes through tho and Mrs Rae Flaherty of Eugene. he said. to attend by Mra. Van Valxah. She particular. Not one motorist violated «rummer. In rase special business comes up said that the Red Cross secretary now the law sufficiently to warrant arrest, Springfield underneath the Southern Daryl Calloway of RoaeburA Mr. and Pacific trestle, torn out when the Wil­ More canned goods la sought by the Mrs. Karl Olrard and daughters. which demands the attention of the has charge of the county poor, and he declared. This Is unusual In view lamette river -went on a rampage late auxiliary for the various veterans Dorothy and Doris and the Rev. and organisation as a whole, special meet­ that the reports on activities in this of ,he heavy traffic, he said, In February. hospitals. ■ ,< Mrs. Oabrlel Sykes. ings will be called, said Mr. Cox.. connection will be of Interest to those -phe fishing lakes and streams of The undermined pavement at that who know nothing of this work, the McKenxIe country, the resorts, the point dropped several feet and broke The young couple left Immediately Kill Kara Entertained GIRL SCOUTS TO HAVE open pass, and other attractions were to pieces. Repairs were made by the for a few days trip to the coast. Up­ The Kill Rare Klub was entertained Lots Are Sold responsible for the heavy traffic. Most state highway commission then, bat LIBRARY OF THEIR OWN on their return they will be at home at the home of Mrs. J. F. Ketels last of Springfield waa out of the city on they were of a temporary nature only. to friends In the Vitus building. Three more buyers for Sunnyside Thursday. Bridge furnished the chief The establishment of a glH scouts the Fourth, and It was a quiet day The .damage porton has now b e d addition lots have been listed by diversion of the afternoon. library waa decided upon at a meeting POSTAL RECEIPTS FOR here. cleared away entirely. Traffic was Police Chief Jess Bmttaon. who Is sell- ( Members present were Mrs. George >f the local organisation Tuesday much hindered at that point this HALF YEAR INCREASE Blair, Mrs. Frank Poindexter. Mrs. Ing the city real estate. Max Green . light. Adallne Perkins waa «elected BOY SCOUTS TO TAKE morning. It being necessary tor card purchased two lots, Ed Stewart one, Bert Vincent, Mrs. J. Dumphreya. Ihrarlan. 4TOI Postal receipts for the first six LONG HIKE SHORTLY i 10 drop tnt0 U»« hole and pull out It -was decided to have a picnic at months of 1»27 have gained 1 per cent Mrs Winifred Black, Mrs. C. E. and W. E. Fritts two. ■ ■ again. A truck loaded with slab wood the Springfield Eugene auto camp on over thoee for the half year of 1926, Wheaton, Mrs. Mark Peery, Mrs. Eu­ Visitors From Loa A n » .l._ M r . and Plan, for a mountain hike for lost a goodly portion of It. trailer lo d gene Kester. Mrs. C. E. Kenyon, Mrs. Friday July I. A report from a girl according to Poslmoster F. B. Ham­ icout In Iowa, Miss Velma Crawford, lin's figures. The reports: 1937, Janu­ Grace Roberta and Mrs. W. H. Adrian. Mrs H. W. Walt, and daughter. Mary, Springfield Boy Scouts are being de- - while crosaing the. place thia mora- Guests were Mrs. 8. R Dlppel. Mrs. and Mrs. M. H. Driver, of Los Angeles. I «toped by Scoutmaster Clayton , ing. was read at the meeting. Fourteen ary to July. »3793.85;; 1926. 93661.19 Mary OaJlhler, Mrs. C. O. Wilson. left today for the north after a v isit, Barber of the Lions club troop. It Is | jlrls were present. Including five new Despite this good showing, the re­ Mrs. Clifford Wllshn and Mrs. Wit- with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Male. Mrs. probable that the boys -will be taken Oil People te Meet members. ceipts for June, and for the second worth of Boise, Idaho. Walts and Mra. Driver are cousins of *>V truck or automobile to some place A meeting of stockholders ana quarter, dropped behind last year’» Mrs Male. Iln 0,6 b11*8 wblch 118111 be tbe «tarting others In this community interested Camp Fire Permits Needed figures. June was the first month _____________ i point for the Jaunt back into the hills. ln the drilling of the Guarantee OU Quartoly Moating Tonight Camp fire permits In the Cascade this year In which this was the case. Vl.lt on Creak—Dr. and Mrs. N. W I The date for the hike has not boen company well at Eugene will be held The quarterly meeting of the Bap­ latlonal forest will be required after The receipts for the quarter: 1927, tist church -will be conducted tonight Emery were holiday visitor, at the , definitely set, although it probably will ln the Springfield Chamber of Com­ July » according to the announcement 91806.91; 1926. «1813.39. at the church. Financial reports of John Rossman place on Camp Creek Ibe 11118 month. H. E. Maxey Is ln merce rooms Wednesday evening, if the foroet supevlsor's office. Per- the church officials will he heard, and and at the William Lightfoot rest-1 charge of transportation plans, ac- July 1«. President Willard Elkins wlU nilts are Issued at the office or at the 1_— a«. to Mr. Barber. cording Return from Newport—Mra. Fred other business transacted. deuce In Eugene. give figures and teU of prospecta for ranger stations at McKenxIe bridge, Frese, Paul Freee, Dorothea Frese, striking oil ln the well which Is now Oakridge, and Reserve. No permits Mills Resume and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber of Santa Return From Band—J. C. McMurray beyond 3000 feet ln depth. xre required In the flluslaw national Seas Rodso—George Hurd spend the After the Fourth of July shutdown Clara returned Tuesday after a holi­ and daughter. Nadine, returned from a toreet. day trip to Newport trip to Bend Sunday. Mrs. McMun-ay Fourth of July at Crawfordsville the Booth-Kelly sawmills at Spring- In From Wendllng—A. D. W ljle of will remain, visiting her parents In where he witnessed the annual round­ field and Wendllng are operating to­ day. Operations In the logging Wendllng was a visitor ln SprtngfleM In From Mabie— H. H. Ritter of up- Bend, for a time. Hero From Nebraska—Mr. and Mrs. Mabie was a Springfield visitor Tues­ Will Perkins of Ohano, Nebraska, was camps are scheduled to start next Friday. day. Returns to Wisconsin—Mrs. Elisa­ here this week to visit hla cousins, A. Mrs. England Here—Mrs. David Monday. J. and George Perkins. The visitors beth Sralefe, who haa been visiting England of Timber was a visitor here In From Rainbow—Mrs. Georg» Breaks Finger — William Oeralch Goes to Lake—N. C. Christenson were enroute to Long Beach, Califor­ for some time at the home of Paul this week at the home of her mother, Williams of Rainbow spent a part of broke a finger while working at the Scalefe, local garage operator, has re­ and -wife visited at Devil'» Lake and nia. where they will make their home. Mrs. C. I. Gorrte, Sr. Booth-Kelly mill July 1. He attempt­ Friday visiting here- turned to her home at Waterloo, Wis­ Neskowin ovor the Fourth holiday. ed to break a lumber Jam. Visiting Hamlin Home—Mrs. Virgil consin. Enters Hospital—Mrs. BI A. CHe- Down From Portland—Dr. Gerald » Lusby la Injured—Charles M. Lusby Hamlin and daughter, Virginia, are Return from Bandon— Mr. and Mrs. btsch entered the Pacific ChrtaUaa Van Valsah of Portland visited his Go to Oakridge—Dr. 8. R. Dlppel visiting at the home of Postmaster received bad bruises to one leg when Merle Casteel of SprtngfleM have re­ hospital last Saturday and was dis­ he fell through a hole la the dock of and Mrs. F. B Hamlin. They are was on an outing above Oakridge dur­ mother, Mrs. Bernice Van Valsah, missed Monday. turned from a vlalt at Bandon. her» over the week-end. ing the holiday. from Portland. the Booth-Kelly mill June 30.