THURSDAY JUNE 3», 11*27 THK SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SIX Round to the North BygHarold MacGrath ^katPriceBeantyj '■ l y 'HU** Y lo WIN A GIRL ON HOW TO the old Inherent sense of chivalry D e a r M iss F lo : — She turned to Armitage W h a t I w o u ld lik e to kn o w I t th io — That fiber which holds the stout “Your word of honor not to touch do g irls llk o m en w ho pay a g roat doa* heart Impervious to ordinary perils ma." of a tto n tlo n to thorn— or do thoy fir« and Kennedy and Armitage were men “I give it" fo r m en w h o a to m r a th e r In d iffe re n t? of the stoutest of hearts—began to "I will let him go Let him rent M y system la to lot th em do tho fuss­ disintegrate in the face of thia horror ember that It was 1 that gave hint hU To die in the fury of physical con Ufa. even as I would have taken It ing, bu t to n ,« of m y frie n d s to ll mo th a t I'll n e v e r get a n y w h e re th a t w ay . Parson John Kenedy, a Union apv, test Is nothing; indeed death la for­ Indifferently.“ C. C. within the power« of the South. Dis­ gotten. o • • • She untied Armitage s hands He But to sit still to reach out mentally severed la the act of spying upon the felt the Senior of her fingers, but In Unquestlonaly. there are some (Iris group of Secret Service agents of and anticipate Is a thousand times to no wise comprehenued its origtn. A» upon whom Indifference act« a« a »pur whom Kennedy it the leader. Jeanne die! Armitage closed his eyes. It for Jeanne, since this was Io be the to conquer and bring to their feet new la given the alternative of death or is a strange fact that when confronted last time «he was ever to see this worshippers, but I tlou't believe those Marriage to one of their number The? by immediate death of the catastro­ man. a terrible, almost trreaistable girls are In the majority Girls today are all masked, but Jeanne rejects phe order Instinctively we close our desire seised her to throw her arm> do not place undue value on the ad one volunteer and chooses another of •yea. around his neck and tell him that «he miration of every man. and they are Perhaps Kenedy closed his eyes loved him. loved him! the eleven as her husband. To her- too engrossed In the business of liv­ too; mayhap he took sardonic plea­ pelf, she calls him Irony. Parson ing to waste a great deal of effort on Armitage rubbed hl« wrists ener Kennedy performs the ceremony and sure In eyeing the dancing sparks getlcally to take away the sting of the any one man. * the bride and groom, ignorant of each There might have been a prayer on hemp. Then he freed Kennedy, who When woman had more time to plav other's names and she not even know- his Ups. wss really helpless, and dragged hlui - they expected snd demanded alien An unexpected gust of cold night lag what he looks like, sign the Mar outside .he cabin. Jeanne broke off tlon. admiration, and pursuit from all riage certificate as “Mary Smith" and air striking Armitage's forehead, the fuse half a foot from the keg. ap tnen of their acquaintance, and If one “John Jones " As witnesses the group caused him to open his eyes. The piled the flame of the candle, and man displayed Indifference, the gtrl'.i door of the cabin opened He saw a sign as follows: darted from the cabin. vanity was hurt; her business was to slender youth enter and step on the Aa Armitage led Kennedy out of teach him C'.at he was not Immun« fuse. John Kennedy, D. D. “Is It you. Jeanne Beaufort*“ asked the danger-sone he -was thrown to her feminine charms ns he thought C-WGL HRD-M violently to the ground. The earth An amusing pastime! Kennedy. P-PA-G A-NK-S Itut girls of today have a broader •'Yes. Parson Kennedy it is Jeanne had opened up. and hades had stretch­ J-NK F G-KD-A Beaufort It Is the woman upon whose ed a flrvy arm toward heaven, to with range of Interests Not that they do J WG A F-BN-8 head you set a price, dead or alive. draw It In a cascade of sparks and not yet demand attention, admiration, WBE-H FW’G-S and pursuit of men—they still expect It Is the woman you broke and dis­ flaming debris. In the meantime Morgan, prey to men to fetch and carry for them— They leave her bound and disappear honored for doing for her cause what singular emotion, waited impatiently and like It, but If they don't—well, Henry Morgan, a Southern officer you were doing for yours." She gazed down somberly at the for Jeanne. What had delayed her? what la one scalp more or lees' There and spy for the Confederacy, is In love Where had she gone’ Had »he any are so many other Interesting ano with her but she rejects bis advances. cropped gray head so near her feet. Idea that two men Instead of one »rare amusing things In life! "Have you a prayer that you can One day getting a letter signed “your in that cabin? They rather expect men to accept husband." Jeanne realises that her recall?" Came the thud of hoofs. The rider them on their own terms, so to speak She ran over to Armitage and Identity is known. Disguising herself gought the knots with her fingers and was Jeanne. She drew up at hts side snd moat men have been »rilling to with a brown w < aad staining her "Where have you been?" What ha» respond to this franker and healthier teeth. When she had done, he was tfece. Jeanne assumes the name of free to walk but his hands were still delayed you? Why did you come from understanding of friendship betwwen Alice Trent, she goes to Baltimore tied behind his hack. thst direction?” he demanded »uspl the sexes. to carry on her work. She is unaware “Yon are free Captain Armitage. clously. There might come a time In the that a real “Alice Trent” lives in You are not here through any act of “You lied to me. Morgan.'* I affairs of a courtship when Indiffer­ Baltimore “ir mine. You saved my Ufa once; I pay ence on the part of the man toward "Yea. You hired Armitage Into this an Incorrigible girl might be an ef­ John Arm its 9«. a Union officer, res­ the debt. A life for a life; we are without warning me." cues Jeanne from a drunken man quits." fective threat that the »rotiId lose “Good riddance!" — all his olu I him If she didn't behave. But In “Yon are a woman, and you would Jeaane induces Morgan to abduct Kennedy so that she may question let this man dla horribly?" he asked . jealousy rising. , starting out to conquer. I wouldn't •'Well, you overshot the mark, recommend Indifference as an Incen- him about the names on the certifi incredulously. thank God! I let them both go." “1 too was guilty." cate and about the carious tattoo I tlve to a girl's Interest. Your modern "You— what?" "In what »ray?" mark on the arm of the man she mar­ I miss Is a bit too honest, herself, to "They are free." “I was there—that night" led. Armitage rescues him. but Jeanne “But the cabin!” The dark eyes merely rose to the escapes She sees placards announc­ Into the office. “Oh you were welting to see the ing a reward for her capture, "dead level of his own. Everything was He ran to the clothes-press and perfectly clear and understandable spectacle, and I did not wish to dis­ sarung back the door. Tbe operator or alive.'* now. The eyes of Jeanne Beaufort appoint yon wholly." : lurched Into his arms, gasping. General Armitage. father of the Cap­ and Alice Trent were exactly alike. "You love Armitage!" He leaned Then came a fusillade of musket tain. is discussing plans for the final “Hurry." she cried Impatiently. over to seize her wrist, but she ! shots. Artultage let go the operator campaign against Richmond when “They will be returning If we watt swerved her horse. and ran outside. Jeanne, attempting to steal them, is too long." I "Yes. I love him. What then?" He grasped the situation Instantly. captured. Though she Is In boy's "Well, before God, you're unlucky! •'I saved your life that night In the clothers. Captain Armitage recognises hills." You can never, never marry John The engine was running away. He saw the head and shoulders of tbe spy her. but says nothing, and she is bound Armitage. You are mine, mine!" "Hurry!" was all she said. to face a firing squad in the morning. "We were madmen. We were none Quickly and cruelly he dug his who had accomplished this amazing spurs Into his horse and fled to avoid coup in the midst of fifteen hundred •Armitage helps Jeanne to escape of ns accountable for what we did." the breaking of the verbal dam. the men. He fired three shots from his “I was." Interposed Parson Ken­ and she makes her way back to her ruination of all bis carefully laid revolver. nedy, “So be off, son. She will blow borne. It is now the center of a Con­ One struck the steam-gauge above me up—and see me forever in her plans. federate encampment Sentries bring Jeanne Beaufort’s head; the second | In another moment he would have dream»! L»t her go ahead, then; and word that a Union spy is on the always at her side will he my shadow. told her everything for the sake of shattered the forward rah window. grounds The third lodged In her arm She making that upright figure droop. Be off.” Armitage. restored to his father's sank with a stifled cry to the metal The spy attempting escape fs killed Armitage backed toward the chair Jeanne reads a dispatch in his pocket. and sat down on the edge of IL "Both division, at President Lincoln’s Inter- flooring. Twenty miles to go! for half an Indicating that he was G-RD-A and on of us or neither of us.' he said. cession, plunged eagerly Into his work. hour to fight off this faintness, this his arm sees the tattoo mark. She 8hortly after hla arrival the entire “Oh!" That monosyllable expressed now believes that he was her hus­ anger. Impatience. Impotence, despair, army began its historic movement horrible pain! Could she do It? 8h • southward, toward Richmond; and in­ would do It! band Morgan is discovered to be a Jeanne clenched her hands fiercely. In desaplr Armitage returned to the Confederate spy and swears veng-- “Fool,” growled Kennedy. “Have 1 cidentally John Armitage entered a anee on Kennedy. Jeanne hopes to not often told you that I'd rather di" danger-zone of a different sort. A de­ station. The telegraph out of rora- obtain bp torture If necessary the than live? Haven't I called to Death tachment of Fwleral troope moved mission, tbe engine gone— they were truth about her marriage from Ken­ a thousand times, to see him mock out to Intercept a train of munitions. trapped! How Jeanne rose above pain and They captured It near a small station. nedy. The parson and Armitage ac­ me?" faintness during that twenty miles she On the rear platform of the station Jeanne looked down at her enemv cordingly ar kidnapped and taken to a never could explain She juat did It; Teserted cabin. There, bound, they with reluctant admlratoln. This grav stood a number of cotton bales. From are seated when Morgan lights a short man who had called to Death a thous­ under the newly arrived freight cars that was all. The final arrench he- tween sensibility and laeenslbllttv fuse attached to a powder barrel. and times and been denied awakened a boyish figure came forth cautiously, crept toward the bales and dodged in came when sne wae forced to stand among them, wriggling close to the up to close the throttle. From the rushes at the left of the window, which was open. At the same time, under Armitage's embankment rose a score or more of order, a new Federal operator took Confederates, headed by Morgan him the telegraph key and hammered out se lf "Boys, she done It!" he cried “Fif­ a few friendly greetings to the man at headquarters to prove that he could teen hundred Yankees trapped like rate In a hole!" send tolerably well. But Morgan's jubilation was greatly The office was now deserted except damped when he beheld the huddled for himself. He slouched In the chair 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. figure on the cab floor, the drenched and lighted hla pipe. “If you move or utter a sound. I’ll sleeve, the bloody hand. "Jeanne? My Qod. they've shot her! shoot!" said a quiet voice over hts A stretcher!” shoulder "Right about face! Now, Morgan lifted her again and laid march to that clothes-press, and re­ member that It Is doath It you speak!” her gently upon the Improvised A woman's voice! It was only when stretcher and ordered the hearers to the operator felt himself propelled carry her to the knoll where the forcibly Into the stuffy clothes-preis horses were tethered. Of Lightweight Siika As Morgan walked beside her Jean­ that he realized this was no unsub­ Which do you prefer? ne began to babble murmurously. Mor­ stantial nlght-mare. Stripes, prints or plain Jeanne, for It was she, wrenched gan bent his head and caught an In­ colors— your summer frocks the clacking key from the screws. telligible eentence. It straightened will use any and all of them his spine and wiped out the tender­ Next she smashed the battery- Jars. — short sleeve styles at our She arose and glanced out of the east ness In his face Instantly. “John—you shot me!—How could exceptionally low price. window—and beheld Captain Armi­ tage! He was coming along the plat­ you!" Immediately the low babhle of incoherent phrasee began again. form scribbling as he walked. Armitage, and back yonder, and his Armitage, Armitage, of all men! From the door of the baggtgeroom bullet had done this work! Always the spy saw that the unmanned engine that man was crossing his path. Oh. stood a dozen feet beyond the first they must meet some day, In true colors, face to face; and then Ood coach. Armitage briskly entered the sta­ help Armitage! One day, as she lay recuperating, Sizes To Fit Women, tion and made for the door of the Morgan gave here a sheet of paper. operator's room. Locked! He shook, the Misses and Juniors "I had hard work getting thia—It la handle violently. Every woman and miss what you Baked for," be said. "Hey, there, Clark; unlock tho should have several sum­ When he had left she opened the door!" he cried impatiently. mery frocks at this small No one replied. Armitage, vaguely sheet. It was the llat of the names of CHAPTER IX. ••aufort, daughter of a Virginian, «wear» eeagatanee against tt<* North for the death of her father aad two brother« la the Civil War. She la enrolled aa a spy for the Confeder ate goreraueat and iaatructed to uae the wiles of her »ex to bring 1 25