The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 30, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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Here From Donna—J. M Mallotte
of Donna waa a Bprlngfleld visitor yes­
In From Dearborn— Dr. V L. Itulter
and W. L. Ila ugh of Deerborn were
A m at Mulino—Mr. »ml Mia I’nul
vlHltora here tbla morning.
H chlew e »mt Mr». H. Hclftewe w«ut ,0 K. It Danner family vtalted at New­
Mulln» Sunday.
Spores la Vlaltor— Marvin Spore« of
Flah on Lake— Mr. and Mr». Carl Donna w»< a local visitor luat evening. ;
Fracture* BI bow—Tim smalt wm «'I
Mi». I t o Truwlti felt Sat rd»> »ml Olaon went to Odell Lake Saturday
Vlalta In Washington — Professor
night, spending the weekend there Alfred J. Morgan and daughter,
(r u r lu r i'd mi elbow.
Mildred, arc vlaltlng relative» at
Mol, Carrier Better— Ira Young,
for two
Go to Nawport— Mr and Mr». II. L. Devenport,
in..II carrier. win* was alrickcn ill luei
Edmundson of Ooaben and daughter», j weeks.
wn-k. 1» much Improved.
Beatrice and Jean, were Newport (
Mra. Morgan Returns— Mrs ItavlJ
In F ro m W s n d lln o — M r »ml Mr». J. i visitors recently.
ami two children, who have
II. Walker of W .11111111« were visitors
la Hit By Cable— Elmer Pratt. Mar- been Halting Mr. and Mra Vlrg.l
In Kiirii; ii'cl'l Monduy.
' cola, sustained painful Injuries Friday Moon, left Tueaday for their borne In
H e re (m m M a rc o la — A m ong nut of- whin lilt across the hip» with a loose Washington.
town vlaltora here Bunday were Mr. cable while working at the Fin her
H e re F ro m C a lifo r n ia — I . W V a llh -r
»m l M r» Frank I’rennliaw of Marcola j Lumber company.
and family of L ob Angeles are In
F ro m
L o ra n e — M r»
R iba are B ro b e n — C. G Noet t.f Bprlngfleld thl» week vlaltlng with his
Crowe <>f L o ra n e was » Hprlngltel.1 1 Wendllng fractured two riba when he fa th e r. G eorge V a llle r, c ity s tre e t com ­
vlaltor Huturday.
fell over a log Saturday. He wax missioner. They will remain until
about July 10.
treated at a local phyetetan’» office.
In From Notl— Mr. »ml Mr» Bum
Montgomery of Notl wore Springfield
Carroll Adam» Hurt — C a r r o l l
Ha» Oprratlon— Ml»» Viola 'amiry
j Ilf Sprlnglleld submitted Io en opera­ Adam», 17. of Sprlnglield. wan thrown
vlaltora Bunday.
tion »1 the Mercy hosplta^ In L-igem from a hor»e at the J. T .Moore farm
Dine at Bogan»—The N. Nelaon
Tuesday. He was brought to a local
family had dim r with Mr», II Ca»per Monday.
physician's office for treatment for
m o of Eugene Bunday.
V is it South Fork— Mr. and Mra. N.
minor Injuries.
L. Pollard «ml Mr. and Mr« Jack
Return» from California — George
Drives to California— Mrs. W. F.
Henderer were vlaltora on the South
llaakell la back after a bualneaa trip
Strubln and her «later, who la visiting
to Bun Bernardino, California.
from Seattle, left this w eek for Cali­
Planning Long Trip—Mr. ami Mr». fornia. They are motoring south, and
Flab on MeKenile—Dwight Keaaey
1 Marlon Adam« are planning a long will vlalt for a time with a sister at
and Don OlUeaple flatted on the Upper
i camping trip which will taken them ¡Loa Angeles before returning 'o
UoKenale Bunday.
' aa far ea»t a« W isconsin. They pro­ I Bprlngfleld.
Mr». Carney Vlalta— Mr» Wallace bably will leave In two week l.
Carney of Notl waa a SprlngfleUI vial
Hava Baby Girl— Mr, and Mr». N O T IC E T O P R O P E R T Y H O L D E R S
tor Tueaday.
Elmer Pratt are -e parent« of a baby
For purposes of Are protection and
Return From Lake— W A. Hemen daughter, born at the Pacific Chris­
way and family are back from a trip tian hoapltal June 22. Mr and Mra. good appearance of the city, gran» on
' till vacant lots and parkings must be
Pratt live a t Marcola,
to Triangle take
cut Atthln the next three days.
H ead la In ju re d — Holier« N e e l. w h ile
Undergoes Operation — V e d e t t e
JESS BMITSON. Chief of Police.
Kurta of Pleaaant ....> underwent an ! »putting wood at hla place west nt
operation at the Mercy hoepltal Satur­ Eugene, sustained a badly bruised FOR SALE—Carbon paper In lar»«
heud when a piece of wood struck
sheets. 24x39 Inches, suitable tei
makrt-r tra c in g s T h e n e w » O ffice
Vlalt from Landa*—Mr. and Mr* C
F May of latndax »pent the week-end
In Bprlngfleld
They returned to
their home Tueaday.
Tonsils are Removed — H o b b l e
Rnrfenhaugh. aim of William Itoden i
baugh. underwent a tonall operation I
at a local aurgeon’a office Friday.
Waitt d Until
• • 70 • to
• Start
But Carved Success in Four Short Years
doing the work one could do a« »ell
Written Specially for The News
We were wasteful of material, of time
Vlalt at Nawport— M*»a Pearl Net
and a doxen things that count up. So
Thru Autocaater Service
eon of Bprlngfleld and Mr. and Mr»
Clarence Nelaon of Red Bluff. Callfor
"She's president of the company and tbe obvious step to take was the one ,
nla. were vlaltora at Newport recently. 1 general manuger of the factory.’ they I would take In my house.
"Of course. It isn't that 1 dldn t ;
told me In New Haven. Conn., her
Vlalt Nelaon Home—Mr. and Mr»
home town, "and ahe was nearly 70 know something ubout business. I
R. E Helium and »on. Hubert, of Eu­
before ahe even thought of doing such was u business girl In the days when j
gene. vtalted at the N Nelson home
a thing. She came back from a trip the only callings thought respectab
around the world to find the buslnes» for women were school teaching an J '
Back From California— Mr and Mr». her husband had built up Just about marriage And then 1 was always In­
Bam Montgomery have returned from done for In the after-tbe war slump terested In my husband's work when
a motor trip to California, and are at ' She Jump«-d Into things aud worked he was living. He brought home his
night and day to get that factory back plans aud problems to talk over and
home near Notl
cit Its feet. It’s there now and grow­ each month we went over the finan­
cial statement together. I lost all In­
Visiting from South—Mr and Mr*. ing."
Willard Nelaon and baby of Red lllulf.
'• ; hat sounds like a man-slxed Job." terest when ne died hut the undu-
tnental principles of business stayed j
California, are vlalling with hl» par­ I said
ents, Mr and Mra N. Nelaon. and
"It Is that, and she didn't have to do with me A fundamental principle ap- j
family of Sprjngfleld
IL for »he has plenty of her own. But plies to any business, I don't care t
a good many of ua that had stock la . . Is only that of pushing an apple­
Mra. Soule Writ»»— Friend» of Mra. j
the company would have lost If she cart.”
Ed Boule I May Craft I have received hadn't come to the rescue."
On the Job Eaarly and Late
word that »he la now at home at
Beginning at a time when most peo-
A few hours later Mrs. J M. Grets'.
Rufua. near Waaco. Oregon Mr and
Mra. Soule were married recently al
Says Mrs. Greist-
Mrs Greist has other rules b
aides those of good hout.ekeeplni.
Ooa« to Loa Angelas—Mrs Francla
which he applies to the business o.
Scott left Monday for Ixia Angelou to
running a factory
Here are a
Join her huaband. She haa lieen In
few of them:
Springfield for »lx month» with her
Know your bulness and attend
father, who died recently. She will
arrive at ixia Angele» to Join her hua­
to IL
band on the day of their wedding an­
a a a a
Be sure to sea all your employees
every day they
are Interested.
e e
The only way
Is to atart early
like to know you
e e
to do a day’s work
In the morning.
- . . . --------- -Javcr
To manage your business to the
Cons , who at 74 la active Presi
best advantage go ae tar away from dent and General Manager of th.
It as you can now and then. Forge« Gviest Manufacturing Co., employ
ig 400 workmen.
"Know you
all about it until you come back.
oainVt^aad attend ± o _ iC _ i£ _ h i_
Makes shaving A ploasuro;
softens the beard; does
not dry on the,face; gives
an abundance of lather.
aX» ftcM tctll» JA»»»
Dont bothef with details,
p e e s
31x4 ci* .....
32x4 già..,..........
33x4 Cord .......... ________ _____________________ $20.35
29x4.40 Balloon ................................- ..........- ................... $12.85
30x5.25 Balloon ............................................................... $21.25
31x5.25 Balloon ........................................... - .................... $21.95
33x6.00 Balloon ....................................- ........................ $26.55
Handle your men with a »mile.
Shaving Cream
Drug Store
Play safe. Buy sanely. A new Goodyear now may save you time, bother
and money later. Come in— get our price on your size— genuine Good­
year All Weather— if it isn't shown here.
president and general manager of the pie have found an easy chair In a
Greist Manufacturing Company, whlen chimney corner and arc reminiscing
makes lamps and aewlng machine about their careers, she weathered
parts and does machine shop contract terrible years when business was on
work for other Arms, wns crossing hei ordeal for those long-hccnetomed. She
sun room towards me. Her hair Is as breiflit a home near th-- factory and
white as snow In m oonlight but you wns th«re al eight o'clock In the morn
.Would not give her age as 74 by ten •nt HUd dldn t leave until after the
whistle lew at nlgh‘ Little by little
t’-e vt;»clfl of bolter ¡’tees began to
Just “Keeping House."
"There Is nothing remarkable about turn. Now the volume of business Is
greater than it ever b s been.
It," she announced nt once. "When
Her receipt for keeping young Is
I came hack to New Haven after eight
months' absence I learned that condi­ activity. "My mother wns over 95
tions were very poor at the1 factory. years when she died." she says, "and
I simply set about keeping house."
j I never knew her to be Idle. 1 plan
"Keeping house?"
That didn't | to keep busy—1 can't bear to thin'
sound much like managing a factory of Just looking at a hole in the wall
o? 400 employees.
Horse hack riding and walking arc
"Certainly. Running a factory Is
like keeping house. When there are still amorni her activities. She has
hard times the housewife begins o little use for nutomobillng. "I have
ctu de.wn expenses. When times arc to use them." she says ns »he steps
good extravagances creep In If she Into her ear. "but I don’t understand
doesn't watch. That’s tho way with a tho things and I don’t like them
factory. We all became careless dur­ Tiring a horse around to the door,
ing the war when business was ab­ though, and I knrtw what to do with
normal. Two people wore apt to be him.”
GOODYEAR - B U ILT for the man who wants maximum quality at a mini­
mum price. All ’’firsts”— all fresh new stocks. Compare these vaincs.
Get our price on YOUR SIZE.
s. s.
S. S.
29x4.40 Balloon
Come in and let us look
We'll check valve caps, air
thing is ship-shape. ..This
you need a new tire or a
and put you on the road to
over your tires before your start that trip.
pressure, wheel alignment and see that every­
inspection and our advice is FREE. And if
spare tube or two we’ll fix you up promptly
real tire satisfaction with a Goodyear.
Springfield Garage
W. H. ADRIAN, Prop.