THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS gvwry Tbareday at •prtn gfiald . Lan* County. U rw o a , by T H I W IL L A M B T T I PRKSS H. B. M AXBY. E d ito r Pahrwary i maUv Fai SortaifioU. Toar to TH U R SD A Y JUNE 8By 1927 T H « SPR IN G FIELD NEWS PAG« FOUR K IS M K A IL l U t t C R i m O N R A T * Adriaco___ *2-7* Three Moaihs Stolto copy GOODRICH PLANNING CALIFORNIA PLANT Returns from Tuesday s Bpeclal election Indi­ T ilE -N O E S” APPEAR TO HAVE IT cate that the people are not afraid to say "no" even to measures which the administrative forces have made strenuous campaigns on. Swatting measures has been the chief pastime of the voters for several elections now. So far as the results at of the special election are concerned there might as well not have been one. It took hundreds of thousands of dollars and a lot of people's time to .n o hold the election Tuesday. It was needless and - to uncalled for. TH U R SD A Y JU N E 3S. 1*27 Newspapers Tn Nicaragua are printing English sections for the benefit of the United States Marines. The marines have been there so long that we can not blame the newspapers of availing The agreement of the state highway commis­ themselves of the privilege of greater circulation. sion to start work on the Willamette highway between Ixiwell and Oakridge can be regarded Colgate university paid >5,000 for a dinosaur with satisfaction even if only the county’s >260,- 000 is to be used at this time. Traffic to and from egg found in the Gobi desert in Mongolia. The the upper river justifies a good road and cross egg is said to be ten million years old. An awful state traffic will Spour over the Willamette pass price to pay for a stale egg. once this worst section is put in good shape. Prom Oakridge to the summit the highway follows easy Two and a half million frogs are shipped from grades and is an /excellent mountain road. 'Louisiana yearly. The overflowing of the Missi­ Eventually the Wlllapiette highway will be ssippi river this year should increase the frog crop made as good as the McKenzie highway and it if nothing else. j will have more months of service. Th»? road run- ning through the timber and on the sunny sides of slopes all the way will be comparatively easy to keep ope» in winter-. There will be no lava nor deep cut» and a snow plow can push the normal fall over the side of the road while In the deep cuts of the McKenzie and the heavy drifts, machinery has not been found that can keep such a road open in winter. We may well pin our hopes on the Willamette for an all-year road. • • • EXTRA SESSION—1928 NO PINK TEA AFFAIR W ILLAMETTE H1GHWAY- -T H E ALL YEAR ROAD OR. FRANK CRANE SAYS President Coolidge is now In the Black Hills of South Dakota prepared to rest, recuperate ami get himself fit for official duties which promise to be aa strenuous as any pre-election year the nation has ever seen since Teddy split with Taft. The Seventieth Congress will be summoned into session during October or November or at least a month in advance of its regular convening date In December—because the legislative calendar is already crowded with momentuous matters—-vir­ tually every one of which will no doubt be jockey­ ed into 1928 campaign issues. Permanent Mississippi flood relief: seating of Vare and Sm ith; tax reduction; and. the fact that every member of the House and one-third the Senate members will be up for re-election In 1928 is promising of much action. In the Senate, only one vote separates the Democrats and Republicans. If either Smith or Vare fail to be seated—the Demorrats can or­ ganize the Senate in the way they want. A real party fight is in prospect over the tax slash. With Secretary Mellon already estimating a surplus of >600,000.000,—a reduction of at least >300,000,- 000 is expected by the taxpaying public and naturally a struggle will be made by each party to have a bill of its own drafting enacted. Political leaders in both parties are fully aware of the fact that 1928 is not going to be a pink tea affair. Added to the grief is the agricultural situation. Party leaders everywhere have at last commenced to realize that the farmer must have some attention else he can and will spill the beans. Maybe the President will get some rest at his western summer camp-but it is doubtful. Con­ ference after conference will be held there this summer on major problems which even now are clamoring for attention and action. SOME WOULD PAY VERY HIGH TAXES The length of a woman’s skirts determines the taxes she pays in a small town in Spain. Those showing onlv their ankles get off cheap—taxes going up with the skirt. If we had that law in Oregon we wouldn’t need any income tax and the assessor’s job would be a popular one. Of the 3.500 languages and dialects of the world half are spoken in America, lingusts tell us Now we know why we can't understand most, of the politicians, they don’t sneak our language. \AIE A1?E. J u S T $ u rT i w a t > o \ n M A T T++E .T ä TX lel Vf E-7> lì U l f e T o - 4 A ve. N o u RrtÇ ZfciNWfcTÇ WE ARE BISCUIT CUTTERS | to W endling, where Mr. Dldenhour Q uartet at Labanon The Itaptlat church quartet sang at and hie son are em ployed nt Camp 17. laihanou Sunday at eervtcaa of the Atucrloan Sunday School Un(on Mem la V isitor Hare—Q. II McDermott la bars of the quartet are W ilfred Cook. visitin g for a lim a at tha hom e of Norton Penara. Arthur Pengra. and Prank W ächter on Houle I. Pnul P rese B. U Work. P resident o f the li. P. Uoudrlch Rubber Company Akron. Ohio, haa Just anounrad the purchase of «6 a cres of land outalda of Loa A ngeles. for (ha erection of a l'xclflc M o v e to W an d lln g— Mra Alma W atch repairing C oast factory to ba devoted to the Hoy» Rldenhonr and daughter. Grace Lao. Work la today— Out m anufacture of tlrea and tubea. M. have m oved from fifth sa il R str ee ts M l Mala a t It la also reported that thia new plant will have a production capacity of betw een »,000 and ».000 Urea dally and w ill be In operation early In IMS. It >w»ll em ploy In the neighborhood of 5.000 men. Goodrich decided upon the Pacific Coaat plant, according to offlctala. In order to be In belter position to m eet Whether you go for a picnic or stay home the Fourth the rapidly »rowing dem ands of the of July th« day will not he complete without you have lee Coaat trade. T h e Akron plant la a l­ cream. Egglmann's will be prepared for you with any ready overcrow ded. Produrllon haa flavor you desire, put up so It will be hard and firm when been stead ily Increased until It haa you’re ready to out It. Years of experience in the ice cream becom e n ecessary to Increase manu­ business teaches us how to pack Ice cream so It wont melt facturing fa c ilitie s to relieve thia situ ­ The biggest assortment of candy In latne county Is ation here for you to pick front. We are second to no one when S a les pressure front the Pacific It comes to candy. Come In. Coast was such the O oodrlch officials naturally turned their attenU on to the w est c o a st when the decision was m ade to enlarge p tea en l production cap acities No ••tim e« of coat on the naw pro­ ject hare been prepared It la under­ stood. how ever, that work w ill be •tarted Im m ediately In order to re­ lieve con gestion In the Akron plant aa »non aa possible. The tract purchased la large enough to perm it such exp an sion aa may be n ecessary from tim e to Ume. CELEBRATE WITH ICE CREAM EGGIMANN’S SPRAY flie s, iMSEfuitOM, nMuüses&maäu.etc. TONSILS REMOVED ELECTRIC NEEDLE The charge is brought against America that it represents a biscuit cutter civilisation. That is. that goods which are manufactured, as well as the minds of the people generally, are STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA in a set form. There Is too much unanimity and sameness about life and not enough Individual­ The adrantage o f tha a lsrlrlc needle ism. I by m eans of fulguratlon. electric Well, the biscuit cutter Idea has something to coagulation, desiccation and diather­ W e G ive G r i . u v O ib c o L M 5 iamps be said in its favor. It means standardization of m y are products. It means that parts shall be made by , 1. Rloodleaa work. Tha dancer of machinery and shall be of an interchangeable hem orrhage Is elim inated nature. Almost all the reduction In price and the 1. The danger of Infection, due to enormous product of our concerns have been due local anaesth esia, and of death, due to L>. to the elimination of waste and expense by stan­ C entral an aesth etic. Is lik ew ise ellm k rim ' dardization. Bated In newspaper columns it Is said that in five 5. The diseased parts undergo years the industrial output has increased 40 per aterlllsatloa because the effect of the cent. One manufacturer says: "One man work­ current Is germ icidal. Don't Wait Until a Dental Bill Reminds You ing steadily for 8 hours used to turn out 60 pieces 4 The forvlnc of Infective m aterial of Your Neglect an hour, or 480 a day. He got >65 a week. Then Into the circulation, which has occur­ we put in machines. We have 30 men on the job red from snares and other guillotine I and we put out 14,000 pieces a day.” appliances. Is abolished. This story has been multiplied by many. 5. T he sln c ln c and sp eak ln c voices Mont people do not give any thought to the oondl* Cottonseed, once a waste product, ha» been are In no dancer of Impairment, on tion of their teeth, until something happens to used in many ways. In Wisconsin they are mak­ the contrary, there la. alm ual Invari­ force attention. A dental bill Is th« usual remin­ ing paper from peat. Because of this standardi­ ably, Im provem ent. der. A better plan is to call on your dentist at zation and our Immensely Increased products we i regular Intervals and have your teeth examined have become the wealthiest nation In the world, j and cleaned. If you will do this and use Nydonta We are producing not only surplus cotton and every day. you’ll have no trouble with your teeth. wheat, but surplus industrial products and we This dentifrice cleans and whitens the teeth and have a surplus of money. keeps the mouth In a wholesome condition. PH O NE 356 KUO ENK. OKKOON We are richer than ever was a country before. OVER J. C. P E N N E Y S 8TORK Price 50c We own 20,000,000 motor cars, millions of homes and we travel and live luxuriously. T H R K I-D A Y H O L ID A Y Savings deposits in banks are twice as much as Teach the little folks to use it, too. they were twenty years ago. We are supplying the world with capital. New York has effectively challenged the financial lead­ We also handle an evcellent line of Tooth ership of London. Our people now hold bonds to Brushes, Mouth Washes, Dental Floss and other ....— the extent of six billion dollars and the foreign in­ Requisites for keeping the teeth sound and debtedness to the United States is now in excess attractive. i in of sixteen billion dollars. Mr. Welton savs: “The fact Is that America Is i '*■' not only the richest country in the world, but richer than any country ever was before and it is destined to become richer.” The biscuit cutter civilization, reduced to Its lowest terms, simply means that our people have learned to cooperate and to save waste as well as 5 utilize the forces of nature. Think o f Your Teeth I 'i» Dr. Geo. A. Simon Ketel’s Drug Store F ares C ut —for vacation trips I over th e F o u rth J u ly 4 th , com es o n Monday this year. Make the most o f this three* day holiday. Play at the beeches; you can take the whole fa m ily for a trip at surprisingly low cost. Save time, money and nervous energy by going on the train. Buy round­ trip tickets w ith limits to suit your plans— Sun­ day o n ly , S aturday to M o n d a y , F r i d a y to T u e s d a y , 1 6 -d a y an d season tickets. Ask about these travel savings; the ticket agent w ill suggest the one that fits your plans at lowest Thia «aúpes» w*d Me cnrttlr the to one JSe can of Acme Quality Onaiael KcMc, any color, and a ■pcoal 20c Paint Brush. SPECIAL OFFER T o acquaint you with Acme Quality, ww are making a special offer for a abort time only. Increase your property value with varnish A shining coat of Acme Quality Varnish will give lasting beauty and protection to your doors, floors and furniture. Brighten up those dingy window sills, that dull, worn woodwork. It will pay you well from an investment standpoint. ACME QUALITY Paint^Varnish Y o n w ill find Great Lakea Spar Varnish perfect W h ile A cm e Q u a lity F lo o r Roe b the ideal, for »anual i enduring floor" finish. in and talk padat arith us— wa will gladly answer all question- cost. Southern Wright & Son n