y THURHDAV JUNE 30. 1927 THU SPRINGFIELD NEWS Gassi (BUYING 01 SELLPfe1 PAGE THREW P A M C N O C R T R A IN S C H E D U L E S P R IN G F IE L D STO PS Cascade Line Northbound West Coast, to Cortland. 3:04 A. If. Ixtcol. No. 83 ___ __ ______ 3:11 P. M g r reams) Southbound Local No. 81 ....................... g;4S A. M The popularity of our "Teat O’ Ten" feature Is ever-growing, and If West Coast............................. 8:31 P. M. Number 81 carries a sleeper, and aren't yet playing the game you ere on your way to becoming a back number. connects at Black Butte for San Fran­ Everybody In Springfield Is asking the questions which appear In every laalffi Don't be the exception. Start with thia teat—which Is a very simple one u d cisco and Los Angeles. CAI J , AND SEE Dr. N. W Emery for which your score should be 80 per ce n t W sndllng T rains PETTYJOHN'S MID-SEASON All kind« of house painting; Kaiso- mlnlng »2 per room and up Hoy on prices on plate end other work, tf Koch. Call 1J6-J. Eastbound mixed, at Springfield, TEST O’ TEN QUESTIONS FOR SALE—Carbon paper in large 8:16 A. M NOTICE TO CREDITORS PRICKS CUT TO THE HONE 1 Who was Commander-In-Chief' 8. Who Is known as the most pgffi sh eets, 36x38 Inches, suitable fot Westbound mixed, at Springfield NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN that U‘ 8 ' Ar“ y N“¥J' ! «'“ ‘« ‘c Philosopher? mek4ag tracings The News Offlee 1:60 P. M. llitlrk Master Roadster, »1876. cut to F w Deedon ha« been appointed ud 1818? »1845. tulnlnlrutor of th« estate of Nellin Is referred to N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S .2 In what land are white e ta - |„ 7, *' Dodg* Special Cou|m »876, cut tu »796 Deedon, deceased, by the County Court SEPTIC TANK8 John Bull? Notice Is hereby given, that all per­ of Lane County, Oregon phanta sacred? «tudebaker Hpec. 6 llruughum »1096, | sons having claim against the estate Ready for you to Install 8. What Is the hardest know® 3. What Is the name of the Presi­ cut to »886 All persons having claims «gainst <»f Philip A. Wegner, deceased, lat« I For family of live substance? »21 dent’s Yacht? Dodge Special Sedan. »860. cut lo (846 .■ Br*’ required to present "t Springfield. Oregon, It F D. No. 3, »28 them, with the proper vouchers, with should present the same duly verified For family of nine __________ 4. Where was the recent Eucha­ 8. What Is the national anthem t t Btudebuker Coupe, »636, cut to »636, at our plant In slg mouths from the 18th day of j 1“ the undersigned, at the office ol France? ristic Congress held? Chevrolet Hedun. »386. cut to »336. June. 1827 to the said administrator S D. Allen, Hovey Building. Eugene, Sewer Pipe— Drain Tile 5. Has any state in the union a 10. Name— In what game Is A Bulck Sedan, »850. cut to »846. at the law ofllce of L. L. Hay In the i Oregon, within six months from this Chimney Blocks woman governor at the present time? "pawn" used? Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon date, June 8, 1827 Bulck 6 Touring. Ulass tSnc., »676, cut E U G E N E C O N C R E T E P IP E CO F W DEEDON. Administrator of MINER R WEGNER. Executor, to (486 (Th s Correct Answers w ill bs Published N ext W eek) J 8-1623 30: Jl 7: the estate of Nellie Deedon, deceased. tf. Ford 4(loor Sedan, (386. cut to »325 L. L. HAY. Attorney for Estate. • • S O S J 16 23 30 Jl 7 lt Nash Touring. »350, cut to »176. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE T ® PROP! STY F RKAL TEST O’ TEN ANSWERS Ford Roadsler, »160, cut to »80. ST A T E OF OREGON, IN AND FOR , ’ K<,HLRTY FOR L A S T W E E K NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S HALE ON Bulck Touring. »326. cut to »260. L A N K C O U N T Y . I ,n ,he County Court of Lane County, 1. Griselda. EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE 6. Alice Roosevelt Chevrolet Touring. »100, cut to (60 In the Malter of the Estate of Char | Oregon, 2. An organlatlon for women Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ 6. Edith Cavell. She was charged Ford Delivery. »76, cut to »46. lolle Emily Pengra, Deceased. ; Estate of William D. Hcut.i, Deceased. tue of an execution and order of salo named for Lucy Stone. She retained m foreclosure Issued out of th e Clr' L T" < h».r. I, of Springfield ™ ™ : E IS » ^ » / ^ ’Y o i n t ^ o u r t “er maiden name after h e i marriage: with siding Allied prisoners to esoapm Maxwell Touring. »76. cut to »36. 7. Jack Dempsey. Bulck Roadster, »160, cut to (86. 8. Douglas Fairbanks and Mary when ln on he 17.2* X . ’ ? w * ,« !' o n „ J Walkor' Emm» 28th day of April. 1827. the undersign- example in this particular. Plckford. Belter values (hen ever before offered V'«'"'.'" I Anna F."‘ lilll. OeoTge ' W ' llrl-' i dr° P " lo buyers of used automobiles in I t " “ J ’0." '! - I ” "!“ “’ 8. Hetty Rowland Robinson Gr and after the 1st day of July. 1827, ■ 4. C. M. Payne. 10. Madame Curls. lume county. Cars carefully In recovered Judgment against the do- ! fondants J E I) Brown, Gladys Brown Ern,ly A Kwan, Glen L. Lari- offer for sale and sell at private sale i __■- spected and reconditioned. Take Claude lx>per and Adena ixiper for 8on' H«rry Larlson. Fred Larlson, as provided In said order, the forfow I advantage of the reduced prices the sum of »487 14, together with costs i Willard Larlson. I'bllllp Zobei. Arthur , Ing described premises belonging to I Blank Promissory notes and re­ ceipts printed and In stock at ths on cars now displayed in our sales­ and disbursements herein In the sum z<>bel' Pearl Zobel, Velma Zobel. Hls'.e ' 88 w estate, to-wit: North half of the Northwest quarter News « « c e . rooms, You should look them over of »28 50. and the raata and disburse- Havner, Ixilu W. Whltw.iod, W H. of sale, which Judgment was en- Kanoff, Jam es Wilson Kanoff. Stella the Southeast quarter of the N orth-, today. rolled and docketed In the Clerks of- D. Montalhano, Roy KanotT, Claude west Quarter and the Southwest qusr-| TYPEWRITER RIBBONS— Assorted F. W PETTYJOHN CO. flee of said Court In said County on Kanoff, Harvey Kannn Jr., and all ter of the Northeast quarter of Se<- evtN n a t u r e ADOPTS THE makes In black and blue In stock at the 17th day of May, 1827. and said ; otehr persons Interested In the estate tlon Thirty In Township Twenty South INSTALLMENT PLAN — 7th and Oliva Streets, Eugene, Ore execution to me directed contending of »»Id deceased. SHEETING STARTING OUR. 9H IEK S t t e News offlee. For the conveni­ of Range Two W est of the Willamette MUSTACHE me In the name of the State of Ore-1 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Meridian In Lane County. Oregon, con­ Phone 1387, ence of customers who have hither­ W /ITH A gon. In order to satisfy said judgment. OREGON. You are hereby cited and taining one hundred slxty-one a m RO O F R E P A IR IN G coats of suit and accruing costs t o ; required to appear In the County elghlv-two hundredths scree according I to not been able to get ribbons In LITTLE DOWN I For Roof Repairing call 1326 I sell the following described real pro- i Court of the State of Oregon, for the to the official plat of the survey re- j Springfield we have started this County of latne. on Tuesday, the 8th turned to the general land offlee by | new line of ribbons for Underwoods. Eugene, and get results. 1. T. txmmls. perty, to-wlt: Lot number four In section thlrtv day of August. 1827, at ten o'clock In the surveyor general. ___________ Remingtons. ___ Royals, L. C. Smith, experienced end permanently located In township 17 8. R 6 West of W M **»»• forenoon of that day. then and said sale will be subject to confirms- 1 an» o, heT m ai,e . tt In Iain« County, Oregon. j Ihere to show cause, If any you have. lion and approval by the County Court a Now. therefore. In the ngffia of the ! why and order should not oe made and of la n e County. Oregon, as provided Stale of O n io n , In compliance with i entered by said CourL licensing A. E by law NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S execution and order of sale and | Wheeler as executor of tne lost 'Will In the County Court of the State of Dated this 2nd day of June. 1827. NOTICE Is hereby given that the un said In order lo satisfy said Judgment| a,,d •'«lam ent of said Charlotte Btallv Oregon in and fo r the County of FRED M. FROST. Administrator. derslgned has been appointed Admini­ costs and accruing costs. I will on ~ Pengra. deceased, to sell, at private Lane In Probate. ALTA KING, Attorney for Estate. strator of the estate of Agnes J Saturday the 2nd day of July. 1827. sale subject to the approval of the In re Estate ol Thomas Adam Y ost T >.816 23 30: Oh M abie, Mabie Conger, by the County Court of lume sf the hour of one o'clock In the after­ Court. In one tract or In parts the deceased. County. Oregon. All persons having noon of said day, at the southwest Ix>l "D" In Block Number Three of Abel—"Dang It! I left my watek Notice Is hereby given that the un­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS claims against said estate are hereby from door of the County Court House, Sprlngaeld. In Lane County, Oregon, dersigned. William A. Yoat. as admin on the dresser upstairs! I feel t M Estate of Ida May Loffer, Deceased. notified lo present tha same, properly In Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, of. ns platted and recorded on Page 1 of Istrator of the above entitled estate Notice Is hereby given that O. J. has filed in said Court his final ao- tired to run up after IL" verified tn the undersigned at the of- fer for sale and sell for cash, at pub­ Vol. "I" of the Deed Records of lam e County. Oregon, os prayed for In his Loffer has been by the County Court count; that the time for hearing tha . Mabel—“If you wait long enongk flee of Wells A W ells. Bank of Com lic auction, subject to redemption as of the State of Oregon, In and for same Is set for 10:00 o'clock, A. M.. It'll run down!" merce Bldg. In Eugene. lume County, provided by law all of the righ t title l»U tlon therefor Oregon, within six months of the date and Interest of said defendant and all , J ITNE88, the Hon. C. P. Barnard Lane County, appointed administrator July 16. 1927. before said CourL and of the estate of Ida May Loffer. that all persons having any objoo- Of the first publication of Ibis notice persons claim ing by. through or under A Sleek Onion Dale of first publication June 16th, them or sny or either of them In and of Oregon, for the County of la n e deceased. tlons thereto shall file the same In Her—“Have any of your family o d * and the Seal of said Court hereto of- 1827 AU persons haring claims against writing on or before said time for to said premises. fixed, thia 17th day of June. 1827. nections been traced? bearing. HAROLD J WELLS. Administrator. FRANK E TAYIZ1R. Sheriff of Seal of A ttest: W. B DILLARD, said estate are hereby notified to pres­ WELLS A WELLS. Atforneya. Htm"Yee. They traced an uncle a t WILLIAM A. YOST. Administrator. la n e County, Oregon ent the same duly stated and verlfleo, the County Clark. J 18-33 30: Jl 7 14 H. E. SLATTERY, Attorney for Ad­ mine once; but he got away." at the law office of A. E. Wheeler, In J 2 8 18 23 30: ’ County By EVA L. DUCKWORTH Eugene. Oregon, within six months ministrator. Court Deputy. J 16-23-30: Jl 7-14 from this 2nd day of June, 1927. Good E ith e r W ay J 23-30: Jl 7-i»-2i O. J. LOF f ER, Administrator. "Congratulations. I hear you are SB* N O T IC E A. E. WHEELER. Attorney. SUM M O NS NOTICE Is hereby given that the ing to be married." J 2-9 16 23-30: viewers appointed by the Common "Who told you that? I am not going | IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Phone 130 M Council of the Town of Springfield to to be married.” NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF OREGON. FOR LANE M O N E Y TO LO A N view the proposed sewer between E Lifo, Automobils and Flr« NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN. That COUNTY. "Congratulations!" and F streets from 9th street to 10th If you want to refinance your G. E Hegburg. Plaintiff, vb . T. H, the undersigned has been duly ap­ Insursnc« street thru Block 86 of Washburne's present mortgage or build your Spooner and Saddle L. Spooner, his pointed by the County Court of the T h e y ’re Like T h a t CARL A. WYMAN new home se e — wife, A. N. De Vaul and Juanita De State of Oregon for the County of Subdivision of the Springfield Invest­ ment and Power Company’s Addition Resident Agent Sorority— "Billy proposed to me last Vaul. his wife. Gall De Vaul. Carl Lane as the administrator of the J. B. E L IE De Vaul. and the First National estate of Allen Rodehaver, deceased, have brought in their report and have night. I wonder if he loves me? He'd 734 D Street, Sprlngfleld, Oregon 8 East 7th, Eugene Phone 166 filed the same with the Recorder. The Bank. Eugene. Oregon, a corpora­ and all persons having claims again ,t property ascertained and determined only known me a few days.” tion. Defendants. said estate are hereby notified to pre­ by said view ers to be directly bene- Fraternity—‘‘In that event, he pr> To T. H. Spooner and Saddle L. Spoon­ sent the same properly verified to the fltted by said proposed sewer Is as bably still does. Res, Phone 180 Plano Moving er. his wife. A. N. De Vaul and administrator at the offlee of Frana follow s: Juanita De Vaul. his wife. Gall De DePue. attorney- for the estate In Lots 2 to 19 Inclusive o l said Block SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER Special Service Vaul. and Carl De Vaul. defendants: Springfield, Oregon, on or before six 86 of Washburne's Subdivision, and WILLIS BERTSCH. Prop. In the name of ths State of Oregon months from the date of this notice. the extent and proportion of such The boss came In early one morO* OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE Doted June 20. 1927. von are hereby required to appear and benefit Is one eighteenth of the cost Ing and found his bookkeeper kissing 633 Main Street answer the. complaint which has been CLYDE RODEHAVER, Adminis­ of such sewer for each lot. This will , ho - u .. • h» published In Is this what 1 Successor to Sutton Transfer filed against you In the above entitled trator. be in the Sprlngfleld News u ,e stenographer. I court and eause within six w eeks from FRANK A. DePUE. Attorney for the for twenty days beginning with the pay you for’" (he date of the first publication of this eetate^ Issue of June 16th, 1927 and anyone "No.'' was the unanimous repIF« 228 Main 8L Residence 126 c 8t I summons or within six w eeks from having objections to the findings of "We do this free of charge, J 23-30: Jl 7-14-21 j the date of the service of this sum oflllr» Phone 43 Res. Phone 3 said viewers must file the same with MJ 62 M raons upon you If the sam e be person­ Recorder within ten days from the NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON the Curl H. Phettaplace, M. D. R ather Personal final publication of this notice. Full Auto Equipment ally served upon you outside of the EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE General Practice, Special Attention I. M. PETERSON, Recorder. Ded'T’U not have this. You mo8f State of Oregon: and If you fail to la d y A ssistant Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ J 16-23-30: Jl 7 lo Obstetrics and Diseases of chil­ come home earlier. Why. what oB so appear and answer for want thereof tue of an execution and order of sale dren. j the plaintiff will a p p ./ to tne court In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ earth would a college educated girl be NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING , for the relief prayed for In his com- cuit Court of bane County. Oregon First National Bank Building Notice Is hereby given that Ire C. doing out this late In a car?*’ , plaint; _ . . tto-wlt: . . . . _ , , i on the 2nd day of June. 1927. In a »nit Oates has filed his final acount os Co-ed—"Now, Daddy, don’t |B | Sprlngfleld, Oregon ¿ I / » ” ».".,"? on the 1st day of June. 1927. VASBY BROS. to he In defau.t In the payments due In said Court A. W McCarty, plaintiff, the executor of tne Last Will and nasty." upon a certain land sale contract be­ recovered Judgment against the de­ Testament of H. Gates, deceased, and | Painting A Decorating Famous tween W. F Barger, Effa F. Barger, fendant. Mary J. Breeding for the sum that Saturday the 16 day of July, 1817. WM. G. HUGHES and T. H. Spooner which contract Is at the hour of ten o’clock in the fore- in all Its branches ‘ F I R I A N O A U T O IN S U R A N C E dated the 8th day of September. 1925 of $200.00 with Interest thereon at the noon of sa.d day, has been fixed for . J n ,t b*cau« ‘ and under the terms of which the said rate of eight percent per annum from the time for hearing and settling said 18 no r«*8° “ for You to park here ell 312 Main Street NOTARY PUBLIC T H. Spooner contracted to purchase the 31st day nf August. 1926 until pall final acount which hearing will be night.” Offlee at from W. F. Barger and Effa F. Barger I an*^ further sum of $50.00 At- held at the Count Court room at the ! the East seven ty feet o f Igrt No five I “ A / l i Court House In Lane County. Oregon. FIRST NATIONAL BANK hursements herein In the snmof $16.00, All persons having objections to NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT S p r ln q f ls ld , Oregon In block No. twenty-one of Drlverton’s DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL which Judgment was enrolled snd final acount are hereby notified ______ addltnn according to the recorded plat docketed In the Clerks offlee of said said to file the same In writing with the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, T h e * DENTIST thereof In Eugene, T.ane County. Ore- Court In said County on the 2nd day County Clerk of Txine County. Oregon. 1118 undersigned administratrix of th« gon; that the court fix and determine of June, 1927, and said execution to on or before the date of said hearing. ^ tA te of L. A. Smith, deceased, h e * DR. N. W. EMERY Phon* 43 the amount due under said contract mP directed commanu.ng me in the IRA C. OATE8, Executor of the rendered end filed In the County Court and set nnd determine a limo within nnme of the State of Oregon. In order F lrv t N a t’l Bank Bldg., Springfield D E N T IS T Will and Testament of H. Gates. of *>»• sta te ot Oregon, her final a » which said amount should be paid to to satisfy said Judgment. Interest, at­ Ixist deceased. count and that Saturday the 23rd day Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J I the plaintiff and that upon failure to torneys fees, cost of suit and accruing DONALD YOUNG. Eugene, Oregon. of Ju,Y' 1927- at 018 hour of ten »’clod» i so pay said amount to the plaintiff w1th- costa to sell the following described Residence Phone 163-M A M at O*8 County Court room In the I In the time fixed by the court that you A t rney for Executor. County Court house In the City of real property, to-wlt: j ie-zs-3V. ji 7-1« Eugene. Oregon, has been fixed and Sprlngfleld, Oregon and each of you he forever barred Commencing at a point 29.405 chains appointed by the said Court as th« nnd enjoined from asserting any right west of a point In the East lino of NOTICE FOR PUBT-TOATION day. time and place for the hearing of j title or Interest In or to said contract the L. Poindexter D. L. C. Twp 17 FOREST EXCHANGE objections to said final account and All kinds of gravel for con­ General Law Practice or property and that your Interest South. Range 4 W est of the Wlllnm­ No. 016984 crete or road work. We therein he declared to he forfeited ette Meridian. 20.10 chains south of Departm ent of the In te rio r, United the settlem ent thereof. AU objections to said final account J nnd that any person, firm, or corpora­ the Northeast corner of said claim make a specialty of crushed I. M. PETERSON States Land Office. Roseburg, O re­ must be In writing and filed with tha thence south 8 chains, thence west gon. tion claiming under, by, or through Mnv 31. 1927 Attorney-at-Law rock and rock sand. Bunk­ clerk of said Court on or before said you or any of you be likew ise forever 3.765 chains, thence north 8 chains, N O T I C E Is hereby given that day and time ers at foot of Main on Mill thence east 3.765 chains to the place barred nnd enjoined from asserting the W estern Oregon Securities Co by June 21st 1M7 City Hall Building street j any right title or Interest In or to said of beginning, nil In Lane County, Ore­ Leland S. Johnson. President, of En- . , , , . SprlnL*leld, Ore. gen». Oregon, filed application No. I H/ Ad™,,nlRtratr2 i HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. ! contract or pronerlv nnd that the de­ gon. Now. therefore, tn the name of the 016984. under the Act of March 20. I FRANK A. DePI E. Attorney for fendant, the First National Bank. Etl- i gene. Oregon, he authorised and State of Oregon, In compliance with 1922. (47 Stat . 4651 to exchange the | 8aid eS j 23 30. 7 14 21 . directed to turn over to the plaintiff said execution and order of sale and N U SW14. SEU N W U , * NW*4 FRANK A. DE PUE i all papers In Its possession In connec­ In order to satisfy said Judgment. In SE ’l. Sec 14. Tp. 15 S . Range 9 West. A T T O R N E Y A T LAW tion with said transaction. terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit W. M., within the Sluslaw National NOTICE OF FRiAL ACCOUNT This summons Is served upon you nnd accruing costs. I will on Saturday Forest, for the timber on the NEH N O T A R Y P U B L IC I by the publication thereof In the In the County Court of the State of the 9th day of July. 1927. at the ho ir NWM NEM. t ee. 4. Tp. 20 S , Range JEW ELER Sprlngfleld News, a paper of general of one o'clock In the afternoon of said 1? West. W. M„ wlthli. said Sluslaw Oregon In and fo r the County of Repairing a Specialty circulation, published In I^ino County, day. nt the Southwest front door o! Notional Forest. Sutton Lane In Probate. Sprlngfleld, Oregon In necordance with an order the County Court House. In Eugene . . . purpose ......... .............. ........ .. Is to Notice Is hereby given that the un- Sprlngflold, Oregon The of this notice Building Oregon. made hy the Honorable O. F. Skip- Lane County. Oregon, offer for sale allow all persons claiming the land» derslgned William A. Yo»t, as the ad* worth on the 14tli (lay of June, 19 '7 nnd sell for cash, at puhllc auction selected, or having bona fide objet- mlnfstrator of the Estate of Francta Take Your Choice directing that service of this summons subject to redemption as provided hy tlons to such application, an oppor- M. Yost, deceased, has filed In said Doctor— “My dear young Indy, you bo made hy publication or that In lieu M. O. HOOE Inw. all of the right, title and Interest tunltv to file their protest with the Court his final account; that the time are drinking unflltered water, which thereof the defendant be personally of said defendant Mary J. Breeding Reg'ster of me U. 8. I .and offlee a t ; for hearing the same Is set for HER served with summons outside the Attorn ey-at-Law swarms with nnlninl organisms. You nnd all persons claiming hy, through Rosehurg. Oregon. Any such protests o’clock, A, M., July 16, 1927: and that State of Oregon. Date of first publica­ or under her In and to the said or objections must h e filed In t h is ; all persons having any objection« should have It boiled; that will kill Practise U. S. and S tate offlee w'thin thirty days from the date thereto shall file the same In writing tion of summons Jv ie 23rd, 1927. premises. them.” Courts DONALD "OtTNO, Attorney for FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff of of the first publication of i»Is notice, on or pr(or to the said time, Patient— ''Good gracious, doctor, I plain.iff. 860 Wlllnmette S treet Eu­ Lane County, Oregon. which first publication Is June 8. 1927. WILLIAM A. YOST. Administrator. Eugene, Oregon think I’d sooner be an aquarium than gene, Oregon. Non-coal 1 H. B. SLATTERY, Attorney for Ad* Ry BEULAH BRINNICK, Deputy. HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. mlnlstrator. J 23-30: Jl 7-14-21-28: A j 4: a cem etery!" J 9-16-23 30: .71 7: USED CAR CLEARANCE SALE B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W . Roof J »-31-23 39: Jl 7: J J 16-23-30: J l 7-14 j j