TH U R SD A Y JUNK 30. 1927 the g p R i N o n n J ) news >AÖR two Making a Rao. of It Suddenly going mail, a large pole r S M IT H S CAMP ALONG ‘•The only reason I am behind In dog attacked and hit two men »ml NEW COAST HIGHW AY one woman In Klamath Fall, and The newly completed highway from my Mtudle..** »aid Oncer Whlmplapoof, By Spedai was about to ehnrx. Into a group or Newport l»> Seaside was visited la » ! "I. »o that I can pursue them hotter.' Correapondenta children when a tiuiely .h o, from th . week by Mr. and Mr. H. O. Bmlth of i W .ll ‘er—‘er— Nice Girl gun of 0 W Bratton killed the ant Natron, who reported ilia, the new . one »»r the Une», for scenery I "Huy, Bill, you re not .1111 engage I mal. route GARDEN WAY Brief Resume of Happenings of THURSTON The Sm ith, ».imi»' 1 to that Thompson girl, ure y o u f Territory Between Sweet Home, La- In this section * No, Boh. I'm not ” the Week Collected for comb and Sweet Home and l,»'han»'t» over (he roule, taking Hoir auiotno Mounts of Philo Ethel Vincent from Eugene »totted Jea* *“ d E d w “Lucky for you. old man. Ilow did bile. and Lacomb to to be quarantined at Mr. Taylor Xeedhsm Thursday nfcht. math are spending several d a y . a t the Our Readers. They returned to thelr home Sun you ge, "»it of IL" one»' as a preventive measure In the The Ladles Aid met with Mrs Ray home of their .later Mr.. Frank *» ma, i >ud her. ’ spread or ratdes. which have broken day. Baugh tost Thursday. Bailey. A demons,ration of poisoning gol'h- out In the Sw eet Homo neighbor Mr and . Mrs. Tay lor Needham Mr Clarence L hase left Friday for motored to Hadleyrille last Thursday Spokane, Washington on a Vusmees ers and moles was made at the Eagle hood. Creek grange last Sat unlay. Th»' Mate supreme court ordered where tBev visited their daughter, trip. Mrs Harvey Hadley. Elma la»,sherry of Sprlngtleld The attuila) rose show of the Wes, the Ktuienu city re. order Io place on Linn Floral club was held las, Sat , the ballot at the sperisi election Jun Miss Dorothy Travi. from Spring ed Alma Fish bunday geld spent several days last weeks Lee Mounts left for Philomath for unlay In the Crown-Wlllam etto an-j jg an luiti.itlvo measure looking ». repeal o( tliat pari »>, Ih»' Eugeni with Mrs. Walter Plate » wUh hi* d»u«ht,‘V 11 in X Homer Phetteplace was quite 111 las, Mr. J. H Tompkins of M tinea,x.lts. J. F, Irwin, forest supervisor, e s ,I city charter authcnxlng Ih« side ol ' o p t o m e t r is t — tV ESIG M T SPECIALIST f. il io m it i honds for imnstruetlon of a Saturday evening His son. Dr. Phet and Mrs P. H Murnane of SL Paul matee tha, 115,000 sheep will grax B78 WlUtunetto St. Eugene, Ore. publtc auditorium. „ p la ce from Springfield was ca llel Minnesota, are visiting at the home of on the Umatilla forest ranges tin- to attend him ,heir brother T. J. Maxwell. William A Murahall. meiuber of,h> sum nier. .1» ST ONE T H IN G , HUT I I >< > IT RIG I IT ' William Weaver left for Portland Mrs. A. & Witoon and daughter state Industriai a» »idetit ,-»mimiselo,i, The Rogue R‘ver F isherm en's Pr» tost Saturday to spend a few days MiMred. of Eugene spent Sunday a, . thè ervalion of thè d e p e rita m i tectlve association was organi» I In 1. ,o rt-slgn and uccept a fiuleral pò There was not much excitement the J. R. Fish home. member Mr. and Mis Frank Bailey and Gold Beach recently with a silice havtng ,y do wlth Ih« udnrtnl» over the election the recall dlil not ship of over 50. trattoti of thè lonsshorem en’s and carrv here. daughter. Dor,h. a, visited a, the Mark Contract for the construction of th Mr. and Mrs. Alexandria Bdmlston Bailey home in Wendling Sunday, barboni act. acrordlng ,o repor,» In and son. Ralph, from Eugene and Mr James Maxwell, who has’ bt'en s t­ Reedsport high school destroyed Iasi em ulation at Salem and Mrs. Walter E dm stoneind daugh- tending college In California, has re­ spring by fire was awarded to L ilbbc, »1 Ash of Reedsport last wees. , , atv fer Mrs W illi Rixxl. took Sund.v turned to his hiuue here. dinner at John Edmi.ton s Chase Gar,ten. Baseball team was A two-months’ tour through 10 coup ! eouimlsslon la.t week. The mem Bert Snook and Miss Pearl Snook defeated Wednesday by Main Street tries of Europe will be* mad.- till:'. bvrs „( (ke commission are J. A called on friends In Thurston tost team in a live inning game, the score summer by President and Mrs Kerti pburchlll of Ashland George W. Ilog Bendar. being 8 to 4. Batteries for Chase of Oregon Agricultural college ! oj Salem. A. C. Hampton of Astoria Mrs’ Arch Shough and daughter. Gardens were Chase. Pengra and Cole W illis C. Snow. 71, W ell I It R Turner of tiullas and Austin I Capt. Patricia, are spending several days and for the Main Street team Milligan known figure on the W illamette anil lattili ret h of P e n d ìi,on with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John and Meats. John Cox was umpire The enrollment of approximately Columbia rivers for 48 years, died al Price. Frank Tompkins of Pondosa. Oalt- his home In Piwtland las, week «00 student» the first day of th»' Uni Mrs. Pay Morgan and two children fornia arrived Tnes,toy morntg for a Gradge members of three counties vwrstty of Oregon summer session in from Washington, visited at Charles Tjsn at the home of his uncle. T. J. Deschutes, Jefferson and Crook, held! Eugene exceeds by 175 the total num •• T aylors home last Sunday. She is Maxwell. a picnic Saturday In Redmond Morel her to do summer school work on ,h leaving for her home in Washington than 2000 grangers were present. ' campus las, year, according to the 1927 Tou rin g C a r and a in a few days. Beginning next Saturday eampfln by A1,r,,‘ UPPER WILLAMETTE Dwialn Buell from Klamath Falls 1 92 7 T u d o r Sedan Dem onstrator permits will be necessary to the Cra ', «»«'Gor of “ * * -” lon motored in Monday to visit his aunt. Mrs. Charles P. Mason (Elda Bris ter national foreat. according to th« The secretary of war recently a, Miss Heersma. tow , and aon. Morton, left for their forest office headquarters In Medford | proved the application of the port ol Mr and Mrs. Pberne Crowe from home in Gallup. New Mexico, las, ! Astoria and the city of Warren, ui Fifty-four residents of Woodburn Loraine and Mrs Howard Cotton from TuPS<|ay sh e was called to Oregon for the establishment of combine»! Eugene visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest by , he jUneM Qf ker father, w L past the age of 70 years were ban pierhead and bulkhead lines tu Skip qneted In the basement of the Meth Bertsch tost Sunday Bristow Mr. Bristow has no, been ac anon creek from the Columbia rlv.-i The teachers' training class met at well the past few days. Morton Bris­ odist Episcopal church las, Thursday to the city of Warrenton. The old Charles H astings las, Tuesday even­ tow and wife and two children '.aye All of Malheur. Baker and Union lines established In 191« were abol ing moved to the Bristow home and are counties are placed under quarantln»: Ished. Ross Mathews and son. Albert, from remodeling the house, making an for alfalfa weevil and shipment ol Jackson county’s expense In the hay to outside points in Oregitn is Pleasant Hill was in Thurston on apartment of the upstairs. prosecution of the three D'Au,renion, Monday Little Vadette Curts, who has been forbidden. 5th and A Street Springfield. Ore. brothers Is estimated a, IlSOOO Melvin Buell. Harvey Calvert. Miss auffertng wlth , rouble in her limbs Miss Grace Morrison. 2«. a . teachet j which does not Include attorneys' fees Heersma and Mrs Herrington motor- {Qr se¥era, yea„ u k e n to the of Pentane, III , was Instantly killed, u l pro. e( Tbe ed to Monmouth on Monday to visit Mercy hospital where she underwent In an automobile wreck near U ar Hu post week here. Sw ift of Pleasant Hill was elected In Salem last Saturday. Between 35, Pacific Coast Advertising Clubs’ us Leonard Beaman, who has been at- d,rector t„ 8(.rTe a term of flve years. and 400 of the civil service men wert sedation, the biggest In the history tending school at Salem. Is spending j A phelpl| motored to gwlsshome In attendance. of the organisation, ended In Port I the summer with his aunt. Mrs. Law gaturday and returned Monday. He At the annual meeting of the boorf luud lust week with the election and rence Gossler. , ng tQ brjng h)a rami,y t0 piea8an, of directors of the North Pacific Nui Inauguration of Harold J Stonier ol Miss Maude Edmlston. who has Hjn tblc under , he aUHptCeg Saturday, all officers of the exchang» >e4,.( tion of Honolulu as the conved of the Dully vacation Bible school Qf g(uldajr drew , were re-elected. tlon city for 1928. work, returned to her home here Tues­ good crowd last Saturday In spite of People of Bandon will vote August Because of th».- low prices being of day evening. the rainy weather. A goon program Every bunk Is undnr the control of federal Thurston is planning a big celebra­ was given In the morning. Rope walk­ 15 on the proposition of selling th< fered by .canners for Royal Ann» and «late I uwh . They subject to t»xatnlna- tion on July 4. There will be a pro­ ing. rope climbing, auto stunts, races, city's electric plant and hydro-elec,rt< cherries, the Hooil River Apple Grow tlon at all times. Their Investments must gram beginning at 10 o'clock. Prof­ and a baseball game between the system to Portland and Tacoma In era' association has announced tlial meet certain definite requirements. There this variety will b puckeil anil for I essor Landles with an orchestra from married men and the single men were teres,s' for $120.000. must be no speculation or Kamhllng with The first bear of the season It warded under refrigeration to eastern ' Eugene will furnish music. Rev Elkin features of the program The mar­ hank funds that will Jeopardize the safety of markets. The wage schedule foi , Clackamas county has b«en kl'.let from Eugene will be one of the speak ried lost by a score of 13 tolO. the money entrusted to it by the depo-u. near Marmot by Henry A- itoff. Snoa cherry picking has been announccil | ert of the day. At noon there will be The Beaver mill closed doom last hot coffee, sandwiches and pie served week temporarily. The men who have in the mountains Is fo. < Ing bear, as I 1*, to 2 cents per pound. All this legal protection Is an udded precau­ la the afternoon there will be varlojs been employe« at the mill, with their down Into the foothills. ; patilsh American war veteran« j tion to protect you. In this bunk th< •- - representing widely scattered sti-.i: B •ports, foot races and a baseball gam« wives and friends, had a “blow-out” More than 700 pioneers of the Or« guarding of your money Is th»* paramount cl ihc- union formed the Central G r e | l besides various other attractions. gon country sat down at the annu- last week and feasted on Ice rream idea. Without any law you would he safe banquet given by the Woman's Aux.i gon camp of the l'nit<-d Spanish War and other goodies. thus you are doubly protected. Why not Ve terans at a meeting In Bend Iasi ; lary of the Oregon Pioneer associa MOTK’E OF FINAL SETTLEMELNT The women of Pleasant Hill met it bank here? vesk. Juy H. Upton, past stale com j Notice Is hereby given that H. B the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Swift tlon. held In Portland recently. Burton, Administrator of the Estate . . . . _____ „„„„ mander of the organlxallon, »»» The Washington County Ploneei of Mrs. S B Burton, deceased has Thuraday afternoon and gave Mrs association and the Native Sons ant elected commander. Twenty-six vet Hied his Final Account and Report as C edi Wheeler a stork shower. A erans signed the charter at the first I m eh Administrator, with the Clerk of large clothes basket Allied with gifts Daughters of Oregon held their an the County Court of Lane County. Ore- from friends was presented to Mrs i.ual meeting at Shasta Park aurtl meeting. Major H. 8. Llllagar. Portland, wa» j gon. and the Court has set Saturday, w heeler. Ice cream and cake were torium In Hillsboro last Sunday. July 30. 1927 at 10:00 A. M in the . . elected department commander of the A prl<-e of 8 cents a pound for Roya County Court Room in the Court 9ervPd by j Protected by Electric Burglarly A la rm System House at Eugene. Lane County. Ore- ' Mrs. F. B. Oodbolt and tw o children Anne cherries has become general It Oregon department. Grand Army o f ; gon as the time and place to hear ob- left Pleasant Hill for a few days visit Salem It was said that the straw the Republic, at the closing Session | Jectlons to the same, and for the Anal Salem before returning to her home berry barreling situation had becomt of the annual encampment held lu . A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY •ettlem ent of said estate. Salem tost week LlUagnr Is serving at Red Bluff. California. serious because of Inadequate stor H. B BURTON. Administrator. his eighth consecutive term as com | age facilities. WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys. mander of a Portland G. A. It, post ( Down to Facts J 30: Ji ,-»4 21-28: W. R. Keenan of Lockport. Next “In my business, the harder 1 work York, purchased from Pickard Bros, The next annual encampment will be | SPRINGFIELD, OREGON CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emery the lower I get," bemoaned the trench of Marlon, near Salem. “Darling'» held at Roseburg. Cost of Instruction per pupil In the on prices on plate and other work, t f 1 digger. Jolly Lassie,” the highest record Jer sey cow In the world. The consider« Albany high school district during tho year, was 980.75, compared with lion was $2600. 973.90 during the p$ vlous year, a» A $25.000 bond Issue for a new cording to the report of Mrs. Ednu water main on the west side carrlet Geer, Linn county school superin In a special election at Seaside, by lendent. The Increase Is explained four votes. The count was: For, 164; in tho fact that this year Interest on against, 160. Several weeks ago th< the value of high school building: program lost by five ballots. charged was 35368.65, against $tiuo Over 3000 troops with full equip last year, which was In error. la it Conaiatent to T a lk T rade a t H o m e to Your rnent, Including steel helmets, pass«,) Mud Hull, Karook Indian from the Cuatomera a n d Neighbora a n d Then to In review nt Camp Clatsop befor» Klamath Falls country, plugged his Governor I. L. Patterson and Brlga S end Y our P rin tin g to a C ity way to victory in the 472-mlle San (lier General George A. White. Tie You will find our pure ready to eat, cold cut meats the Francisco to Grants Pass Redwood , guardsmen marched with bayonet» M a il O rd er or O rd er ideal way to avoid cooking and fixing in the Summer’s heat . highway marathon last week. Mad I Used exactly thp same as they woulc Delicious—appetizing and wholesome. Just the thing for Bull limped gamely Into Grants Pass > Tabing Houae? be equipped If moving into action. Ir sandwiches! with the applause of the throngs : the reviewing stand besides the gov along the streets ringing In his ears Bologna Head Cheese • rnor and General White were Majoi He had maintained an average o l ; General Hunter C. Liggett and many Dollars Spent in the Home ITIntlng Plant are almost three miles an hour for tho on Frankfurters Boiled Ham other slate and nationally known mil tire distance. Dollars that will find their wny ba, k Into tile nary notables. Summer Sausage Minced Ham After a short, hot spell that did m ‘ Trade Channels of Springfield. Dollars sent The roads to Crater lake will bf da mug« to grain around Condon, II Sliced Ham Cold Corn Beef open to traffic by July 1. Road crew» away remain away and your business Is Just I hut rained last week. Wheat Is filling | are now working overtime In the at fine and promises a 30-bushel crop i Sandwich Spread much poorer. Practise What You I’reaeh and tempt to clear the roads for the first all grading number 1. It Is estimated How about a nice Fried or Roasted Chicken when you car by the first of next month. Theli Ask Us to estimate with the out of town or out of there will be 1,600,000 bushels ship return from the celebration. We have some Extra nice labors are being expedited by warn: state printer. pod from Condon alone. ones this week. weather. Two old pioneers of the Bluslaw A record was set for reglstratlor country of western Lane county, Ben at the Oregon Normal school at Mon Jamln Franklin Sweet and Charles mouth last Monday when 860 sigrio T ry Your H om e P rin t Shop P irat Stoucfleld, died last week. Mr. Sweet Bp for work in the summer scbool settled- In that section In the early Many more were expected to r gl.i.i r E. C. STUART PRATT HOLVER8ON '80s and Mr. Stonefleld settled near and a record summer attendance wn. 4th and Main Sta. Phone 63 Ileceta Head lighthouse In 1803 • Progress. Community News OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Dependable Eyeglass Service Dr. Hoijdl Q ick FORD WILL ANNOUNCE NEW CAR SOON In the Meantime We Offer a at BIG REDUCTION E. R. Danner Motor Co. BANKS and the law C om m ercial S tate Bank DELICIOUS COLD MEATS WE ASK YOU For that 4th of July Picnic INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. for Delivery THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Opposite the Postofflce Phone 2