THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS E •Th« Printing get* thing* done. Phone 2 A rapar" L IV E NEW SFAFBR IN A L I V I T O W N ____________ TWENTY-FOURTH YEA It RPRINOmOLD, I j ANH COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY JUNE 30, 1927 Made Bide Awarded SHERIFF RETAINED; Headway On Bridge Plans by School Board MEASURES LOSE ¡found Trip To Paris Trio Willnmatta Bridga Bids Will Be Booth-Kally a n d Vaaby Will Furnish Wood and Paint Opened On July 15; Piare To High School Ba Built At Low Water Racnll Defeated by About 300 Votaa In County Wide Vota; Optomlatic reporta on th« prow«»« Income Tax and Other M a jo r'„r puna for the new Hprinaiieid Billa All Voted Down by Peo- j highway bridge were brought bark to pie at Special Election. I Hprtngfleld thia weak by B K Morrl- The ret ail of Hberlff Frank Taylor lout by about SUO voir» In laine county and all the major meaaurea aubmltletl to the people by the le«Jaluture w» 12 11 24 Surviving are hie wife and one »on. 14 YES UNIQUE SELECTIONS to Eugene to the county superintend week's sojourn at the new nat! >nal NO ...................... 26 «1 46 42 little harm to other crops. The guard camp at GearharL Clatsop coun­ enl's office, where he 'Will receive the Roy Glenn, of Reedsport cherries. It Is said, were too far ad­ State Tax Limitation— Two piano arrangement« of classi­ laat portion of the county high school • 11 13 14 vanced to suffer from splitting. The ty. Twenty-five men. Including the YR8 cal musical «election« featured the fund apportioned to thia district Just INDEPENDENCE DAY company commander. C. A. Swart», 36 61 46 37 crop Is of fairly good quality, although NO piano recital of Kuphremea 1-araway. whst the amount will be Is not cer­ TO BE QUIET HERE and adJutanL Walter Gossler, made the late froets and cold spring have Income Tax Bill— 13-yearold pupil of Reuben Charlyle tain thia morning, although Mr. Smith the trip. reduced the cherries to about 60 per YES .................. 14 30 25 30 Golfrelere, at Laraway hall Tuesday expects that between 92600 and >3000 July 4 will be a quiet event In Cold and wet weather was the cent of a crop. 26 40 45 27 NO .............. _ .... evening. A large audience greeted will come In Receipt of the fund has Springfield. No local celebration Is weather man's chief offering while the Property Aeaaaamant and Taxation Grain la reported thriving during her «election« with the appreciation been delayed, and some difficulties In planned and many Springfield people Springfield troop was at camp, and the wet weather. Enforcement — due the talent of the youthful per­ paying out on the warrant Indebted­ will be out of the city. The beaches many of the local men suffered from 15 13 18 _________ IS YES ness as the board had hoped to will and the mountains will attract moat former. colds. Otherwise, the heath situation NO _________ 30 46 43 40 UNION SERVIICES ARE Mias Laraway haa preaented a com­ be encountered It la expected. of them. was good according to Mr. Swart». plete program from memory each »ea­ Mr. 8mlth thia morning made a call At Coburg Bridge and Swimmer’» Ntstucca Bay Fiah Cloalng— About half the local troop were vet­ PLANNED FOR SUNDAY YES _________ 17 28 eon under the direction of Mr. Oof- for more warrant», eattmatlng the Delight celebrations will be held. erans of last year's camp at Medford, N O ___________ 24 41 EVENINGS OF SUMMER and the others saw camp service for trelcre Tuesday »he played twelve amount of money which will be re­ Traffic through here Is expected to be Sheriff*« Recall— number« In addition to the two groups ceived from the county superintend­ heavy, aa many city folk will seek the the first time this year. Arrangements have been made by Y E S _________ 23 31 26 tn two-plano arrangement. Including ent. I-ast year the total received for cool shade of the McKenxIe river There were about 3300 guardsmen Springfield pastors for union services NO ___________ 21 52 66 the work of artlata like Chopin. Mac- the high school fund waa 96614.31. country. at the camp. Mr. Swarts said that of the three protestant churches dur­ coming In two Installments of 93038 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor will Powell and Grieg. the performance of the Sprirgileld ing July and August Meeting Tuesday Mr. Golfrelere la well-known In and $2476.32 spend the Fourth at Waldport. Mr LUCILLE D. SM ITH IS company was very commendable. US evening, the pamtora declred on a Springfield, coming here once each More money haa been received by and Mrs. Dallas Murphy will go to MARRIED AT VANCOUVER schedule of speakers and meeting had much praise for the entire first week from his Eugene studio to teach (he school district thia year than haa Newport. The latter reaort also will battalion, including Companies A of piano at the home of Mrs. W. P. usually been the case. Mr. Smith said. attract Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kenyon Mias Lucille D. Smith and Clarance places for the Joint serrioes, and an- McMinnville. B of Salem, C of Rose­ As a result, the warrant Indebtedness Tyson. C, Wilson, both of Reedsport, were ounced It as follows: burg. D of Eugene, and the local head­ July 3—Baptist church. Rev. 8. B. Incurred through the year amounts to MRS. ALLISON PASSES married at Vancouver, Washington. quarters company. Childers of the Christian church about eight months of disbursement«, DELEGATES TO ATTEND Many of the Springfield guardsmen AT NATRON RESIDENCE Monday, according to word recolved as against the entire year In the past. by the bride'» father, R. W. 8mlth, speaking. found time to visit the nearby beached LEGION MEETING SOON At the u m e time, the board has been Jnly 10—Methodist church. Rev. Funeral service were held Tuesday Justice of the peace and achool clerk. and reeorts while tn camp. Some of Charles Blot» of the Baptist church paying out on hark debts as It hai for Mr». Mary Francis Allison, who The bride was a resident of Spring- thoes attending last year declared Anton T. Oravoa and J. H. Will have died at her home at Natron on Sunday field for many year«, and la well- speaking. ♦h»t they preferred the Medford been named delegatee from the Spring- been able. July 17—Christian church. Rev. at the age of 69 year» Rev. Gabriel known here. For three years ahe haa grounds to the Clatsop county loca­ field poat to the atate department con­ Sykes officiated at the service», and been teaching In the Reedaport dis­ Gabriel Sykes of the Methodist church tion. while others ware caught with vention of the American 1-eglon at VACATION IS GRANTED speaking. Interment was at the ML Vernon the lure of the beaches. ImOrsnde July 21, 22 and 23. Clarence REV. GABRIEL SYKES cemetery with W. F Walker In charge trict. July 21—Christian church. Rev. They plan to live at Reedsport Mr. Pandrem and Carl B »enaeney are Childers. Surviving Is Mr«. Alllaon'a husband. Wilson Is studying salesmanship. The official board of the Metholist alternates. July 31—Baptist church. Rev. Blom. GRASS MUST BE CUT, David B. Allison. She was a resident Many Intereating event» are sche­ Episcopal church met this week and August 7—Methodist church. Rev. of Natron for six year». SAYS CHIEF SMITSON duled on the convention program. granted a four-weeks vacation to the TWO SCOUTS SIGNED UP speaking. Among theae Is the public wedding of pastor, Rev. Gabriel Sykes. The minis­ FOR LUCKY BOY OUTING August 14—Baptist church. Rev. Grass on vacant city lots and park­ v » Albert lam h, prominent member of ter will not be on duty for the laat FREAK WEATHER VISITS Sykes. LANE COUNTY DISTRICT the IxiOrande post and Ml«» Blanche two Sundays In July and the first two But two Springfield Boy Scout« August 21—Methodist church. Rev. ings must be cut within the next Klee, member of the auxiliary. Judge In August. three days according to announcement Franklin Drury and Earl Wheeler, Freak weather played havoc with are signed up so far for the anual Blom. The board alao agreed to the union Hugh Brady, commander of the La- August 28—Christian church. Rev. today by Police Chief Jess Smltaon. church service plan to be In vogue the good Ume of many Springfield Boy Scout outing on Camp Lucky Boy Sykes. Authorities tn other cities are making Grande poat, will rend the aervloe. residents out for a Sunday's outing In the Blue River region. Other boys. nere through the next two months. similar demands as the Fourth of July Yesterday, the Methodtat Sunday this week. Including Carroll Adams, have been nears. OILING DONE. SECOND Those who spent the week-end In planning to make the trip but have WORK ON STREETS IS achool held a picnic at Midway park Grass has grown exceedingly high oB STREET IS TRAVELED tn West Springfield, attended by a the mountains fishing came home NEARING COMPLETION many lots, and it addition to the fire not paid the registration fee y et menace Is a detriment to th * appear­ County Scout Executive C. R. Clark Oiling of Second street t the bridge large proportion of the membership. soaked aa a reault of heavy rains that fell at various points in the hills. At this week finished construction work Final touches are being put on the ance of the city, according to the chief. and of East Main atreet haa been com Games and refreshment« were diver­ Oakridge, snow fell at various times at the camp. A new cabin, diving Improvement of two blocks of local A fire cracker tossed Into high grass plated, and car» are now traveling sions. through the day. melting as It »true t hoard, and other equipment has been streets, on F between Ninth and might cause a great deal of damage, over the newly Improved »treats which the ground. Higher In the Cas­ Installed. Samples of the mountain Tenth street» and on Ninth between he pointed out Four-L Meets from the McKenxIe highway route The Springfield local of the Loyal cades «now flurries were common. spring water now piped to the kitchen F and G street«, according to Street through Springfield. Thia morning, Damage to crops In this section aa were brought down and tested. Commissioner George Valller. The SHOWER IS GIVEN IN Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen places on the route between the yet has been negligible. It Is reported A Scout hike 1« being planed by stretches have been graded and rock­ bridge and the Pacific highway ware met Monday night, hearing a talk by HONOR OF MISS MYERS Scoutmaster Clayton Barber of the ed, and the last eoat of finer rock wus being "«potted" by workmen with oil. R. B. Daniela, field officer of the state Mrs. Keaaay Leave«—Mrs. Mary Lions club troop. The trip probably laid this week. A miscellaneous shower was give* The McKenxIe highway between organisation. Mr. Daniela declared Kessey has left for Seattle, where she will be taken in July. No meetings of Some work Is necessary yet on the Tuesday In honor of Miss Hale« here and Waltervllle hae been oiled, that the lumber business generally 1» Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ruth Hall. the local troops are being held thia K street Improvement This Job ie Myers, whose marriage to George Car- and la now open to traffic. The road not good thia year. She also plans to visit a nephew. Ray­ being graded and rock will be laid. son of Springfield will be an event of month. la eald to be very good and the dust mond Kessey. at Fort Townsend. 8he Servloe Station Complete the summer. The shower waa gtven le nil. The 1 xiraon-Jonea service atatlon, will return noxt week. by Mrs. Odta Rayburn at the hme af Finishing Building—The new build­ Finger le Removed—Mrs. L. M. better known a» the Mutt and Jeff her mother, Mr«. A. B. Kepner. Many ‘ Planning Intertalnment ing being erected on Second street by Gossler underwent another operation Retruns to Beattie—Mies Katherine useful gift» were presented the com­ The Kktaale Klda Kompeny of the atatlon, haa been completed and form Hawton, who has been visiting her to her finger at a local surgeon's of­ D. W. McGKlnnon was being faced Woodcraft lodge la rehearsing for Ita ally opened to the public. The at­ thia morning. The place will be naed ing bride. fice yesterday. She has been suffer- Meter here, Mrs. Myrtle Beeson, re- Abont twenty fr'.n-- *a " are ■next play to he presented î'JïT -T*»- .The tractive station la located at Second aa a resident and sowthaldo gTOoery. , MlfBld to her home at Seattle. Irg greatly from a felon. ra m i if the piay 'r " ¿a -1 ’».■*• W-" nrd Main -trsst».