THURSDAY JUNK 2S. 1927 THB SPRINGF1BLD NBWS PAOS SIX ............... . ' . ; ■ . ( I Attend Encampment | Boy la improving—Ths small »oil Atteudlug the G. A. H. encampment I of Mr and Mrs C. M Millar, who Is through the trap at once. number Ntn« Black Street to-night a t ' gt B ale« thia week were Zach Ki»t ’ lu tb« l*aulfic (h r laitan kosptial, is ten If you would learn ha rtuth about • «l«*> and V M Itorlty. the «äly Civil reported lo be Improving nicely. Jeaun Beaufort." i War veterans left here able to make "lUmph! Thia amelia strongly of I trip Mee. 0 . F Kgxlmann and . w « , '« r ffvsff tl; «« ■■W'tJW' Is? my old friend Morgau. We've nipped Mrs. Bert tloane, members of the* hit claws, but we must draw hts teeth I.adlea of the tl. A ft . attended an- took a prominent part in the state to be rid of him.* aecreta from you?" Asked the man at conclave Mrs. Kggtlnann waa on the Jeanne Beaufort, daughter of a up her mind quickly. He found Captain Armltage reading It thia man proved to be Armitage the desk. Virgin Lan. aneara vengeance against a letter Idnutlcally the sam e aa hts memorial committee* and Mrs. Doan« •T repeat I f served aa Inner guard. the North for the death of her father he should go free; her debt would be own. “ Who Is Alice Trent?" and two brothers In the Civil War She paid. It It waa a man ahe did not "It's a trap, ton—plain aa day." “Alice Trent?" Kennedy blinked. To Open Station la enrolled aa a spy for the Confeder recognlge. well, ue would have to pay “But suppose we take a look at “Why. so far as I know, sbe la a The Mutt and Jeff service station. ate government and instructed to use th,‘ penalty. It?" Migxeetml Armliage | She tiptoed to the door silently, and young woman from Ualtimore. at pre "All rlghi We 11 go to Number b“" ‘ hy U r ’ °" “o‘l Jon"" the w iles of her sex to bring waited. A etair creaked. He was • sent living with the Caldwells, a Parson John Kenedy, a Union ape. Nine Forewarned Is forearmed. I tn ami Main streets, will be opened form coming down Fearlessly she seiseo • family inclined to sit on the fenne. kind of curious myself If the house ally Juue 25. Hpeclal offers are heln(^ within the powers of the South. Dis­ i The Trents are of an old stork In the knob and Bung the door open doesn't look right, why we can ahy made by the owner* on that date. covered In the act of spying upon the A man s body plunged against her's ’ Baltimore, of established loyally " off." group of Secret Service agents of Her revolver exploded harmlessly. i “Armltage calls there quite fre CARD Off THANKS The block lu which Number Nine whom Kennedy Is the leader. Jeanne The spy dashed Jeanne aside, leap- ’ quently." was situated waa partially deserted, la given the alternative of death or ed through the window and waa gone. | "What of that?" We wish to thank our many friends Kennedy mounted the stepa and for their kind help and sympathy dup­ marriage to one of their number. They I A shot broke the silence; then came I "Well, Morgan has called two or rang the bell. Then things began to ing the recent Illness an W * w their sudden unexpected volleying, offerings. I» s m ie B y Manta tl sa H a a r e e k . g elt she call« him Irony. Parson pre«slvely *tlll. today merely to open Senator X s f l. a l a l a r . l h a * w a . » < l l ha a .|a a a l l a they toppled Kennedy and Armltage Mra. Nettle Voris and family. Kennedy performs the ceremony and Jeanne, a hand pressing down the ! eyes. The President Is to entrust to l la a a a l a l a U l a a * f r a a w M M ** M sa. to the aide-walk. the bride and groom, ignorant of each thundering throbe of her heart, ran the care of Senator X some valuable EASY WATCH Neither had the slightest chance lo U Al.l. W>R SCHOOL WARRANTS other's names and ahe not even know- downstairs. She had not seen the papers at four. We have spread ths TO IT defend himself. School District No. IP, of laine tng what he looks like, sign the Mar man's fare! ' rumor quietly that these documents A PPLY DR Y They were swiftly bound and gag­ County. Oregon, will pay at the office rata aBm/ar e shew rlage Certificate a s “Mary Smith" and in the garden she espied a e-.>up relate to the munition storea You will ged; bundled roughly Into an evil- of the District Clerk, School Warrants “John Jones" Aa w itnesses the group of officers and men looking down at ¡escort the messenger from the White amelling hark and driven away. An up and Including No IftdO Interest Springfield Decorating Co. sign as follows: something which lay quietly at their House to the Senator's. Morgan la his hour brought them to their Journey's Vasby Broa. ceases after June 25tn. 1*27, on all fe e t I private secretary, aa you know." John Kennedy. O. D. end. They were lifted out. A cabin 312 M ain Phon« 73-J warrants so called “What has happened?" : Kennedy began to rub bis palms C-WO-L H-RDM stood back of the road. R W SMITH. Clerk of said district. "The Yankee. Mias Beaufort" said together In pleasurable anticipation A-NK-S P-PA-Q They were carried Inside, and a one of the officers. "We got him on "Morgan knows the combination to GRD-A JN K -F glance was sufficient to acquatni them ' ~ “ the third shot." He held the lantern the Senator’s dispatch box. But If J VG A F-BN-S close to the fallen man's face. 1 those are bogus dispatches, we'll lose with the deeperateneea of their altua-' FWG-S W BKH j tloa. Upon a table stood a keg of . The stab of Joy drove a sigh past him." They leave her bound and disappear h(fr Bot A nntuut to carry on her work. She Is unawar*» that had stood on the dresser. She and reads, h e ll go into h u. lly for a pace— then stepped over and that a real “Alice Trent" lives in was puzxled. Th»«- showed h»r s dl«- he will not leave W ashington at this relieved them of their gags. patch in a cipher that was as much I time. If he doesn t go into the dis- Baltimore. "They say a prayer la more aatls- a— of a mystery to her as the others. But patch-box. then w ell have to try some _ John Armltage. a Union officer, rei ' ' • factory If spoken aloud . ___ 'he four capital letters at the b»»toir. other method. cues JR_9 _______ lea Jeanne _ _____ from _ a drunken man _ . .. . , . . 1 “Are you going to II, light that fuse. MYnu You art* are tnkinr taking rr#*Ht great rlfttrn risks, 1 Jeanne induces Morgan to abduct r»< of fhn * * /liarvatnh— d ^ 'c h - G — - f?.R R D FL - A A * On® of the* Morgan?" asked Arniilage, eleven * grumbled Kennedy. , Kennedy so that she may question "1 am.” Jeanne rolled back the sleeve of th“ “Sooner or later, he'll hang Go to him about the names on the certlfi There was no mockery in Morgan s mans left arm. There it was. the Baltimore to-morrow. Come back as cate and about the carious tattoo eyes He swore in his heart that this dreaded unforgetable circle with the soon as you can. For Armitagc's sake mark on the arm of the man she mar­ was war, that the death of these two I hope there's nothing to my idea. If strange device in the center. led. Armltage rescues him. but Jeanne men was a military necessity. Rut It She was free! For there, at her there is anything off-color. I'm sur<- escapes She sees placards announc­ was a ragged defense, and his con- i feet, lay the man with the devil's that the boy Is Innocent. Ordinarily science saw through the U tters and ing a reward for her capture, “dead banter, the man she had married! [ it would be water off a duck's hack. voiced the truth. or alive." Parson Kennedy leaned against the But he's under a cloud. And if you “This la not war; It is murder." sal J General Armitage. father of the Cap- side of the window and looked across warn him. there'll be trouble for you." Armltage. "Til not warn him. But If Morgan tain. Is discussing plans for the final Pennsylvania Avenue. The man at "Well, what Is war but murder? You succeeds in getting South. I'll never : campaign against Richmond when the desk asked: would have shot me quickly enough. i •« Are you keeping an eye on Arml- forgive you." Jeanne, attempting to steal them, is “Best easy on that score. That's I win—that Is all." captured. Though she is in boy's Kennedy ran his tongue across his "I am keeping two eyes on him. all." clothers. Captain Armitage recognizes Kennedy went sw ay somewhat dis­ battered Ups. her. but says nothing, and she is bound He doesn't keep any secrets from me." "Will you ever be able to forget us "Could you put your hands on turbed. What new coll bad the boy to face a firing squad in the morning. after this night's work?" asked sprung about Ms feet? Morgan’s shoulder?” Armitage helps Jeanne to escape Morgan left 8enator X s at ten Armltage. “You mean arrest him for a spy? and she makes her way back to her “You are In my way." As eaffily as that,* said Kennedy o’clock In tbe evening. The Senator home it .« Is now the ■ center "It Is an abominable crime you a e . of » a Con- aw snaplng hts fingers. "Buf If *we spring saw him to the door. Immediately /»• «we vwm ■« ♦ Sentries W - — federate o encampment. _ _. «.■ — o - u u i c bring w ing u,_ hjm __ we > |oge a _ more valuable quarry. Morgan returned through the garden About to com m it Take us out sad A r e tb? W e s t’s G reatest Shoe V a lu e word that a Obion spy Is ou t h e ’ Armstrong ‘ ' could have handled them window which he had left open and shoot us. If you will. But not this— • ■ 4* . | «. » i ' • t* V grounds both, poor lad.” j was tn the act of lifting back the lid mutilation!" You may pay $2.00 and $3.00 more, hut are “I do not care to have you found. I Do you know where Armstrong i 0,1 tbe dispatch-box. when the por- CH A PTER V III. ou getting more value? Our shoes are the g**1 ’ ' i tleres rattled on the poles and the intend that you two shall vanish from died1 est proof-of-what sp.*?in!:".?(l shoe buying and Senator him self with candle in hand, the haunts of men. John Armitage, "Somewhere Inside the enemy's Supposing It were Armitage appeared. 1 Parson Kennedy—adieu!" I selling does. |k< «' -t thought Jeanne; to act would be to ’ lin** . Morgan sprang, bore the elder back- | He ared the f * , , placed tbe candle send tb hir death the man she loved, j “At the home of Jeanne Beaufort," ward, toppled him to the floor. nD table, bowed and backed out of •L O W E S T -IN -T H E -W E S T -P R IC E S -.A L W A y 3 " She could not do It. a tnousand tim es "«Id R>e other gazing curiously at the bundled the dispatches In his pocket, the cabin, closing the door gently. no! ’ ’ broad back of his friend. and ran all the way to his lodgings. (TO BE CONTINUED) She knew no sleep that night. She Kennedy whirled around. ' I**nn:ie There he burned what papers he had. spent the hours listening, listening. Beaufort's home? G-RD-A d i e d saving only his various passes, and She imagined footsteps; ahe saw j there? . . . They are paring us down fled to another part of the town. Armitage running the gauntlet of fire, , Fogarty has been hanged. ar.d The room he ent«*red was rather she saw him totter and f a l l ---- What Schmidt; Henderseon has died of ex bare. He lighted the candle and was that? posure; Skinner has b^en shot; and placed the sealed document befoae In the garret above something now comes Armstrong. And you tell him. One by one he broke the seals. I heavy had Icattered to the floor. 9h<- me he died at Jeanne Beaufort's!" He stared entranced. Suddenly he J waited, holding her breath. She made You say that Armltage has no jumped to his feet furlons. Fooled, tricked! ' He swore. He ; ripped these cyndlcal Indictments In- j to tatters. They had played with j 1 him. Henry Morgan, as they would j have played with a tyro! W e'll put this tire on your wheel f He laughed shortly. Clever, devil- ! — quickly and correctly. Ishly clever! They had gotten rid of him without dragging the Senator j through the mire of a political scan- ; dal, a thing every sympathizer would W e'll inflate it to proper pressure. 942 W illam ette St., Eugene, Oregon. have hailed with delight. i “Devil take them all! Well, the I game's up. But Parson Kennedy, and ' We ll inspect it regularly, after it’s you, John Armitage. watch out. Im I on and running, to make doubly a masteries» man from now on. I'll | never leave Washington until I see j certain th a t you get long and you both dead! Jeanhe Beaufort Is : mine, mine!'* trouble-free mileage from it. He rolled up his sleeve and stared j B ring Thoughts o f Suitable at the symbol on his forearm. He I laughed again as he recalled a night O uting Clothes To sum it all up w e’ll make it otfr I h4 had entered Jeanne's room anil W e knew you’d be ready soon— for stuffed the little note In the side of job to make you a regular custo­ camping, hiking and picnicking! Come her mirror. If only eh could get hold m er by saving you tim e, bother in and select the right clothes for those of that certificate to see If she had good times! I written her name there! and tire money. Next day Morgan recounted to Jean- H ere Is T h e Place T o J no the trickery which had brought ' about hts downfall, and he was keen B uy T h e m - Inexpensively for reprisal. He must, now remain In ' ' hiding, but he would manage to keep I In our stock you will find values that ( In communication with her. Besides, i cannot be duplicated — knickers, two- time. i he had some news for her he could piece suits, riding breeches and blouses Bound to the >1 B yr,Harold MacGrath Beautiful W ALL R A C K , £gQ Bear in Mind Breier’s Women’s Shoes a m £ We’ll Sell You a GOODYEAR TIRE 25th Anniversary] Warm Weather and Vacations Ford and Chevrolet Special 2 9 x 4 . 4 0 S X ? . $ 9 . 4 5 ^ — .«< for the whole family. not put on paper.« • Knickers, 98c to $ 3 .9 8 M iddies, 98c to $ 1 .4 9 Other Gaumenta— Low Priced T7< ' f t A * V He was determined to attack Par­ son Kennedy first. And this fell 'n with Jeanne's plan agreeably. Parson Kennedy knew, and torture should wrest the secret from him. When Parson Kennedy got out 01 « 'b e d tbe next morning he found an k 1 1 Interesting note under bis doorslll. ' Springfield Garage W . H . A D R IA N , Prop.