PA oanva T H K SPR1NOFIKLD NEW « TH U R SD A Y JUNB 28, 1927 OREGON STATE NEWS MAIN S T R E E T LEADING T W IL IG H T LEAGUE BALL OF GENERALINTEREST • • • • • • • • • FARM M ARKET R EVIEW and Increasing receipts of new crop winter w heat Pacific eoaxt markets were (airly ateaidy with N a Brief Summary of Commodity Trend« 1 hard quoted at *1.41 in Bna Fran­ cisco and milling wheat nt Los June 20. 1927 WOOL: The Boston market was , Angeles *1 44 to *1.*3 a buaheL Malting grades more active last week, with some ad | FEED GRAIN«: vanee In asking prices on domestic f . advanced 16-2* cento a hundred wool on Increasing Inquiry from mill pounds at Ban Francisco and Euro- operator» No particular change was pean markets continued Arm although reports Indicate good crop« of barley noted In the mohair situation. LIVESTOCK: Heavy beef ateers In foreign producing district*. Feed advanced again last week In eastern barley market* In the east declined markets to new high level for the aca , on heavier receipt* but corn advanced sou auu O4i uttier classes except bulla ou light receipts and continued un­ were In strong demand on light re­ favorable growing condltlns tor a near ceipts. Western markets were ateady crop. but anticipating more grass cattle. Hogs took a alight upturn In eastern Drury Is Her »— Forest Drury of markets when receipts fell off. More Rainbow waa a Tuesday visitor half fat and grassy pork I» arriving Springfield. Portland was ateady but Han Fran­ cisco weak on hags, lam b markets weakened materiali In the east but held nearly steady on the co a st BUTTER: Score »2 brought 42 to 43 cent» at San Francisco and waa in good demand. Poor grade» went alow ■ Eastern butter markets were unset­ tled but there -was no decline in prices. : "Centralized'' stocks moved very slow-1 ly. The shortage of cold storage b u t-, ter compared to last year lias about , been wiped out. Production Is run- j nlng above last year and conditions . are still good In leading dairy sections. : WHEAT: The market weakened slightly with good weather for spring The Main etreet team, with two win« and no looses, la lending the Twi­ Hsra From Calltornla— Mr and Mrs Drive» to Maraala—Dr. Eugene K m light l-engue baseball. Cagey beat Clarenoa N slsoa and »on of California tar wa« a vUllor at Marcela’ Friday Booth-Kelly In lost night's game: are visiting at the home of hl» par­ Brief Resume of Happenings of The standings follow: Drury la Visitor—bam I»rury of Ja» ent», Mr. and Mra. N. Nelson. the Week Collected for Lost Won • per paid Hprlngfleld a Vlalt Monday Drive Up McKangle— Mr and Mra. 0 Main Street Our Readers. In From Daator—G H Hmllb of N. Nelaou. daughter Pearl, and Mr. 0 Danner Motor |><*Klor waa a visitor here Haturday. and Mra C. Nalaon were vlaltora on 1 Caaey Service Continued warm weather and luck Booth-Kelly _________ _ the McKensto rlvar Sunday. 1 Coma from Croak—f'bartoa Drawer with the snowplow will result In thr I chaae (}ar ttgbt to eater mont baa ben posted In the poatoIBce Thelma Hamilton, both of Eugene; braid« the bill offering reward tor Millard A. Cornelius. Pleasant Hill tala the 1922 eeealea ef the atoti “Where Service la King” thetr capture. In the poaloHlce »Ince and IJIIlan H Perelle. Juneau. Alaska; ( r » [ > when la a spirited reoteat with I te r a n c e Shumaker, and Florenee Gregea City sad Bead It polled a cleai the Siskiyou train hold up and murder Couch, Eugene; Joseph Aubel and majority ef 24 vetee ever Its two rival» with which the three are charged. Nancy Arnold, both of Swlsahome; aw the first ballot. Drive to McMinnville— Paul Freae Donald Flow. Eugene, and Freda Frel- Warning that rity offlalala every Mr« Fred Freae, Mr». H. Schlewe and tag. Portland; Hen Henry Hultgren where throughout the state should Dorothy Freae motored to McMinn­ and Florence lllalr. both of Eugene; survey their water ayetema to prevent ville Sunday. They vlalted Mr. and Clark Aydelott and Dorrta Haines, further epidemic» of typhoid fever wa» Mr» O. Isaac, old friend», »nd Paul both of Eugene; and to Garrett Klug- laaued by Dr. Frederick D. Stricker Fmee visited at the home of Mr. and kert and Elsie Partney, both of Eu­ secretary of the »tale board of health gene. Mr». Tom Stalling. S p r in g fie ld S e r v ic e S ta tio n Special Service Saturday, June 25th FR EE One Quart Of Your Favorite Oil On the air­ on your car- ¿ihertoum T he m usic you get on your radio every week from th e Goodrich S ilv e r to w n C ord o r c h e str a is sw e e t— but i t ’s n o sweeter than th e reports o f m ileage which we get from Silvertow n tire users— and Goodrich RadioCordusers, too I Goodrich Radio Cord These tires were specially b u ilt in the Goodrich factory in recogni­ tion o f the trem endous success of theGoodrich radioprogram son the air. AU Goodrich resources are be­ hind them —in th e p ast year they have created a real sensation. For low cost and high m ileage. Service Garage P h on e 9 5 W ». S p r in g fie ld Goodrich .if". S ilt et W " ’ LONG RUM 30c CAN Th era is still lots ol life and usefulness in m a n y an old thing around the houae,— all they may need io serve you longer is a coat of Dependable SUNSHINE FINISH A Stain e n d V a r n is h Combined. * Cetera I t restore» b rig h tn e s s and beauty. It w ill make your floor» and furniture like new. Y o u ’ll be proud of them again. USE THIS --C O U PO N --------- , / q P H IS C O U P O N properly signed and x presented to an authorised H e a th ft M illig a n dealer en titles you to a 30c can (a n y color) of Sunshine F in ish absolutely free, and upon p a y m e n t of 10c you w ill receive a l" va rn is h brnah w e ll w o rth 20c. Sign Arre--------------------------------- Springfield Decorating Co. Vasby Bros. 312 Main Phon« 73-J To Add Impetus To The ‘‘Great White Way” Event the Drug-Toiletrie Department H a s Its Q u o t a Of Out-Of-The-Ordinary Buys — The call of Summer brings with it the call for a blood purifier that will aid nature in adjusting your blood and general system into fit shape for the warm er weather. You yourself know how you feel. If you feel listless, lazy; not sick, but far from well; then you need a tonic. — Here— at J. C. Brill’s— standard brands of pre- pard tonics and drugs (inspected by the pure food and drug act) may be purchased at a saving. — S. S. S. Tonic, $1.00 Size .............................. .......... 73c — Scotts Emulsion, $1.20 Size .................................. 73c —Ovaltine, Regular 80c S iz e .......................................56c — Listarine, Regular 50c Size .................................. 34c — Absorbent Cotton, 2 Pound Rolls ........................ 98c — Jergens Lotion, 50c S iz e ........................................... 37c —50c Kolynos Tooth Paste......................................... 29c — Vicks Vapo Rub, 35c S ize ......................................... 23c — Pond Cold and Vanisning Cream ...........................23c —$1.00 Danderine Hair T o n ic .....................................63c —60c Djer Kiss Face P o w d er.....................................39c —25c Woodbury’s Facial S o ap ................................... 18c —Jergen’s Toilet Soap, 9 B a rs ..................... ............. 79c A LC O H O L RUB 2 BOTTLES 98c Regular 75c Bottles Attractively boxed and come tn several delightful (assorted) odor6. P. S.— To complete your summer vacation outfit you simply must have these everyday needs In toilet articles, and to help you prepare we offer them at ap­ pealing prices just when you need them. A partial listing above. (M ain Aisle, First Floor) HEADQUARTERS FOR W ARM W E A TH ER NEEDS