THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Pebhahed Every Thursday at Springfield. Lan» Connty. Dragon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. B. MAXEY. Editor M second rlaee matter February K pqetefDcw SprlnrfleM. O re « « THURSDAY JUNK M. 1927 TUB SP R IN O FO U Ï NKWS PACK FOUR 1H8 at tbe O IIT U A R Y ing the burden. The property assessment anil taxation enforce­ ment bill ordered to referendum by the people has some good features but as a whole is too broad. It is all right to require sworn statements concerning the value of property but to compel statements concerning incomes and earnings is not In the held of property taxation. A man's business in a free country should be his own private affair and he should not be compelled to give out information that would benefit his coui- , line Knnpp. Mr. and Mra. Prank Clark and eon. and Mr. and Mr». II. T. Honoring Mra. A K. t'ray o( Seattle Mitchell. a »later or Mra. It. T. Mitchell vlaltlng here, «ever« I re la liv e , and friend» W atci wp(Url|,g doo. correctly, gathered tor a picnic at the city park , omorT1>w. Hoyt Sunday. I Mt Main aL Pienle 1» Enjoyed Albert Ernest Bartlett, ■eciaal of the teu children of Jahn Colby aud Albania Itartlelt, wa» burn January Uth. 1846 in Melbourne Province ul Quebec. Canada, and »pent hl» early boyhood Uiere. He came weal to Thoae preaent In addition to Mra. I 1 Howling Ureen, Mlaaourl. in 188« anil Cray and her eon. LowelL were: Mr | uiauk Promtaaory note» and re- moved to tlaage, Iowa In 1871. In , and Mr» I. K Murphy. Mr, and Mt» oelpta printed and In »lock at the December 1881 he waa married to Delia» Murphy. Haael Murphy. Pau- New» offlce. Nettle H Duran and to thia union were born tour children all of whom ««re at hi» bedaide except Moyd. who » •» unable to come, In 1883 he moved to Dokalo Terrl- ««7 where he with hi» two brother» »»re pioneer» taking up government l*nd »“ <• residing there until moving to Springfield In 1807. where he ha« Root Beer? Oreen River? lived, continuously, until hla death. Malted Milk? Cock Cola? Phosphates? Milk Shuke? Mr. Bartlett wa» converted and Lemonade? Plain Sodait? Jointed tha Free Will HapU»t church Orangeade? Fancy Sundae«? at tha age of 18 yaara He wa» a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and of the Maaonlc we serve ’em here.—ail absolutely pure and delicious. Also Order Liberty Lodge No. 171, Spring- Ice cream, sherberts and fine candles. Held. "Where the Service Is a Uttle Different" He waa taken »ick In September and pay»ed away at the family home Friday June 17th. 1887, at the age of 88 year» 6 month» and 8 day». The funeral waa held In the Walker “n Sunday afternoon at two M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATS t e e Tear in Advance___ »1.78 Three Month» _ __ 78» h tuv u . o . __ 4e $LM Single Copy ----------- H e Moetka While the closing of the Nestucc» river will put forty or fifty small fishermen out of business it Ukely should be done from a sportsman's stand­ point. Prom reports the fishermen will put them- RITLB TO VOTE “NO" WILL WORK WE1-L selves out of business in a few-years and then the T in s TIME. fish will be gone. The stream is said to be too When in doubt vote-“No“ has been the advice small for net fishing. passed out during the last several elections when The recall election directed at Sheriff Taylor is a multitude of measures have been passed up to the people. It has never been safer to vote "No" unfair and uncalled for. It is clearly an abuse of than at this coming election. Scarcely half of of the recall system. None of the charges have the measures to be voted on at this election can been proven and some of them are abfiurd. The be to be unquestionably go«xi for Oregon and recall is an outcropping of an offended group who at least half of them can positively be said to be could not dictate to the sheriff how he should run bad— selfish el^ss legislation. I his office. The fair minded citixen will require a great deal more proof before voting to -oust The first measure on the ballot, "Repeal of Sheriff Taylor. Negro, Chinaman and mulatto sufferage sections of the constitution,” is a mere matter of form. It INSURANCE RATES is unconstitutional now; might as well vote “Yes-' altho we can't see for the life of us where it will I The underwriters assured the city council that make any difference if you vote "No.“ the purchase of a new fire truck and starting a The Portland School District tax levying paid fire department would bring down Insurance ° chxk w,,h l>r Syke» offlcta- amendment merely gives more power to the rates. That was a year ago. We haven't Been t,n« ,nd ,he ***” J,mM T. Moor* The Baptist Mai» quartet voters of the district If they want it we might as any reduction yet. Someone should see If they »eng "The End of a Perfect Day." I well give it to them. And if they don't want it are really working on it. ''Shadow».' and BeauUful Isle of j they can decline to use it when once it is given » a a Somewhere.'’ them. The Maaonlc Order vraa In charge The Criminal Information Amendment. If pass- Now. let's get the old light poles removed before of aervlcei at Laurel Hill cemetery , ed. it is claimed will save time and expense in dis- «he tourist season is on us. The effect of the new posing of the cases of criminals who dealne to ornamental l^hting system is Kreatly reduced by where Mr. Bartlett wa» laid at rest. Be»Idee hla wife be leave» to mourn plead guilty. If tt will we are for It. The pro- unsightly poles. This Job should be done hla loaa four children J. Em eat of poeed law will not alter the grand Jury system. right now. . . . THUR SDAY JU N E 28. 1887 l*ortlan S p »»*’*» « ’ar vet» held a pic until he is in office a year or two. One would not three most dangerous sports. We always though’ nlc •< P*rk Saturday night. employ a competent man with the understanding there was something the matter with golf—being a,”on* Springfield people attending * ' he quit “ * his ‘ ’ less competent ----------* 11 a8 how the s cotch GAVE it to us. being Mr». C. F Kgglmann and Sam when successor would < Richmond, »dicers of the orgnnlxatton be paid more. ] After the picnic the group went to the “No" should be the vote on the legislation armory of Eugene and finished the amendment. We should make it easier for people j One of our residents remarked the other day year'» buslneaa. to vote instead of harder. Too few vote now and that he could remember the day women worried there is a tendency for the reigns of government as to whether their petticoats showed, CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emery to fall into the hands of the minority. » » » ob prices on plate and other work, t! While the city and county consolidation plan The truth of today. Most of us. if we are going refers only to Multnomah and does not effect the p NOTICE TO CREDITORS rest of us we might be Inclined to vote for it. But . Estate of Ida May Lolfer. Deceased. it looks to us that the practical working ou of Notice Is hereby given that O. J. this amendment would be to permit Portland to Lolfer ha» been by the County Court reach out into Multnomah county and take in A lot of women have volunteered to be back of the State of Oregon. In and for farming districts to help - pay her taxes. We are in seat drivers when aviators attempt their flight of the estate of Ida May Loiter, donbt as to whether we should be a party to this to the Hawaiian Islands. Man can’t escape their deceased. as we might be ashamed of it later on. instructions anywhere. All person» having rlalma against said eatate are hereby notified to pres The veterans memoriai and armory amend- ' » e • ant the »am* duly stated and verlflea. ment refers only to Multnomah and it is merely i The chicken doesn’t stop scratching because j the o,”ce A- E w heeler. In giving the voters the power to vote bonds for - ~~ —~ ~ ■- Engane, Oregon, within six month» armories if they desire. , the y °y ms are scarce. They should be an ex th|< ?n() day of Jone 1M7 ample for most of us. O. J LOFFER. Administrator. The state tax limitation amendment is designed e # • A. E. WHKEI.KR Attorney. J 8-8-18 28-30: to give power to exceed the six per cent lim its-, tion. or in other words to raise more taxes. If Some folks never had a chance because they NOTICE TO CREDITORS you want an income tax you might as well take wouldn t take it. « « » the lid off and vote for this as it paves the wav j NOTICE la hereby given that the un i for unlimited taxes. We feel that if cities and The truth of today may be the error of to- deralgncd ba« been appointed Adralnl-| atrator of the estate of Agnea J. - counties can keep inside the six per cent lim ita-> morrow Conger, by the County Court of I-ane i tion in the long run the state should. County, Oregon. All person» having agalnat said eatate are hereby The income tax bill without a property offset ~_______ _____ _____ ____ Sometimes _ the warm friendship between a man claim« notified to preeent the aame. properly J will work out to be an additional tax. In fact it an(j a woman j8 destroyed bv marriage, verified to the underilgned at the of­ is designed to raise more tax money. To most of • » » e flce of Well« * Well». Bank of Com : ns it will be an additional tax. In an attempt to „ . H v. i-i m erce Bldg. In Eugene, Lane County, reach tax exempt and escaping property this law The grocer usually has to walk because his Oregon, within s is month» of the d a te ! of the first publication of thi» notice j will fall hardest on the taxpayer who is now hear- slow paying customers ride. — — Drinks You Like EGGIMANN’S O R O N IT E K ills 'em d e a d '" ies.mosquitoes.roaches.iifbths \\n \ K \ I \ i si i» a s y FLY SP R A Y Have a business of YOUR OWN A man on a salary can seldom get as far ahead as he can in a business of his owy. It is the goal of practically every man, parti­ cularly young men, and there should be no letup until the ambition is realised. But be­ fore It Is possible to start out for yourself it is necessary to have capital—and It should be your own capital so that you can operate the business the way YOU want to. So It may be said that saving is absolutely essential to the success that comes from your own business. Oet started. Be ready for the unexpected opportunity. Bring one or more dollars here today and start getting ready to open your own place of businnAS. Protected by Electric Burglarly A la rm System A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank SPRING FIELD, OREGON Date of first publication June 18th.' 1827. Í Bang! Goes the Receiver HAROLD J WELLS. Administrator. WELLS * WELLS. Attorneya. J 1« 23 30: J1 7-14 by AUttn T. R t J NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, That the undersigned ha» been duly ap­ pointed by the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of I^ane a« the a'lmlhlatrator of the eatate of Allen Horlehaver decea»e