T U B BPKINOrnCLP NEWS TH U R SD A Y JUNE 23, 1927 PAGE T U R E S ■h PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULE SPRINOFIELO STOP* Cascade Line Northbound West Coast, to Portland, ... I:M A. M Local. No. * 2 ____________8:11 P- M. Southbound Ixical No. *1 ............ ........ 8:48 A. M. Weal Coaat____ __________8:81 F. M. Number *1 carries a sleeper, and connect« at Black Butte for Ran Fran­ cisco and Loe Angeles. ROOF REPAIRING Wangling Trains For Roof Repairing call 2818J Bastbound mixed, at Springfield. Eugene, and get result«. I. T. Loomta. 8:16 A. M exparlancad and permanently located Westbound mixed, at Springfield t l 1:60 P. M. All kind« of house painting; Kalao- ihlnlng 82 per room and up. Roy Koch, Call 126-J. tf. FOR KALB—Carbon paper la large (grows wsmSity SEPTIC TANKS BOY IS years old wants work and hoard for summer Call at Spring Ready (or you to luaUll field Eugene Auto Camp. Arthur For family of #v» 111 Sweat. it. For family of nine .................. — »28 * NOTICE TO CREDITORS at oar plant NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Hewer Plpw—Druln Tile F. W Heedon has been appointed ad* Chimney Blocka mlnletrator of the estate of Nellie EUO INE CONCRETE FIFE CO. Heedon. deceased, by the County Court N O T IC K TO C R E D IT O R S tf of Lane County, Oregon Notice 1« hereby given, that all per All persons having claim s agalnal sons having claim against the eatate Ill'll K H KKMARKAIII.K IlK ultl> said eatate are required to present of Philip A. Wegner, deceased, late them, with the proper vouchers, with­ of Springfield, Oregon. It F. D. No 1, ONB HUNDRED U K R CKNT IN in six months from the 18th day of CRKAHN IN LANK CXIUNTY BALKS June. 1(27 to the said administrator should present the same duly verified to the undersigned, at the office ol OVEIl PREVIOUS YEAH MAKER at the law office of L. L Ray In the 8 D. Allen. Hovey Building. Eugene. OUR UHBD CAR DEPARTMENT i Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon. Oregon, within six months from thia F W DEEDGN, Administrator of date. June 9. 1927 THE IIUYINO CENTER FOR T H « | the estate of Nellie Deedon. d«cea«ed. MINER R WBONKR. Executor. BEST UHEI) CAR VALUE« L I.. RAY, Attorney for Eatate. J *18-83 30: Jl 7: J 1« 83 30 Jl 7 14 C IT A T IO N Our preaent offering Includes: NOTICE OF B H B R ir r S HALE ON IN THE COUNTY L m URT OF THE 1*1« I lodge Special Hedan EXECUTIO N IN FORECLO SURE STATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR 1*87 Hodge Hpeclal Coupe Notice la hereby given that by vir­ LANE CO1TNTY. 1*8« Htudebaker Special «"" Brno* tue of aa execution and order of sals In the Matter of the Eatate of Char­ lotte Emily Pengra. Deceased In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ ham. To Baptist Church of 8prlngfleld, cuit Court of Lane County. Oregon, 1*88 Chevrolet Sedan on the t le t day of May. 1827. In a «nit Oregon, Amerlan Baptist Foreign Mis­ 1*87 Ford Coupe wherein on the 17th day of May. 1327. sion S o ciety ; Ella V. Walker. Emma 1*8« Ford Coupe In said Court Thomas Orr. plaintiff V Walker. Emma Belle Black. William recovered Judgment against, the de- 1 J. Pengra. Anna F Hill. Oeorge W 1*8« Bulck Four Touring. fendants JK . D. Brown. Oladys Brown I-artson Emily A Swan. Glen L. Lart- 1*83 Quirk Sedan. Claude Loper and Adena Loper for i son. Harry I-artson. Fred I-arlaon. 1*32 Dodge Roadster the sum of »4*7.14, together with cost« Willard Lartsnn. Phillip 7-ohel, Arthur 1*81 Nash 4 Touring. and disbursement« herein la the sum Zobel. Pearl 7-obel, Velma Zobel. Elsie of »8* 60. and the coats and disburse NOW IB THE TIME TO BUT TO tnenta o f sale, which Judgment waa en­ Havner. Lulu W Whltwood. W H. Kanoff, Jam es Wilson Kan off. Stella GET T U I MOST F O R Y O U R rolled and docketed In the Clark. of- D. Montalhano. Roy Kanoll. Claude flce of said Court In said Comity on Kanoff, Harvey Kannn Jr., and all HONEY. COME IN TODAY. the 17th day of May. 1*27, and »aid ' otehr persona Interested In the estate M T T Y JO H N ’S execution to me directed comandlng of said deceased. OREKTINO. BllICK DEALER» me In the name of the State of Ore­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF 7th and Ollee Streets. Eugene. Ora gon. In order to satisfy «ahi Judgment, ORBOON. You are hereby cited and coats of «nit and accruing costs to required to appear In the County Phone 1197. sell the following described real pro­ Court of the State of Oregon, for the perty. to-wit- I County of la n e, on Tuesday, the 9th Ixit number four In section thirty day of August. 1927. at ten o'clock In CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emory In township 17 8 R « W est of W. M. the forenoon of that day. then and oa priera vn plaie and other work, tf In IJine County. Oregon j there to show cause, If any you have. Now. therefore. In the name of the . why and order shouhi not ite made and State of Oregon. In compliance with entered by said Court, licensing A. E NOTICE TO CREDITORS »aid execution and order of sale and NOTICE la hereby given thal the In order to »ntlefy »aid Judgment ! Wheeler ns executor of tue last ■will undersigned hae been «(»pointed Ail costa nnd accruing coats. 1 will on ¡and testam ent of salil Charlotte Bmllv m lnlatralrli of the relate of J. 8 Saturday the 2nd dav of July. 1927. : Pengra. deceased, to sell, at private Stophenaon. by the Countv Court, of nt the hour of one o’clock In the after­ J sale subject to tho approval of the I a n , County. Oregon All person« noon of said day. at the southwest I Court. In one tract or in parts the having claim« ngalnat «alii e«tn»e nr« front door of the County Court House. I I-ot "D" in Block Number Three of hereby notified to pre«ent the ««me In Engene. Lnne County, Oregon, of­ Springaold. in Lane County. Oregon, property verified Io the undi*rwl the surveyor general. count and that Saturday the 83rd -lay said sale will be aubject to confirma­ new line of ribbons for Underwoods of July. 1*27. at the hour of ten o'clock tion and approval by the County Court Remingtons. Royals, L. C. Smith, A. M. at the County Court room in the of Lane County. Oregon, aa provided and other makes. tf. County Court house In the City ot by law Eugene. Oregon, has been fixed a M Dated thia 2nd day of June. 1927. appointed by the said Court as the FRED M FROST. Administrator NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING day, time and place for the hearing of ALTA KINO. Attorney for Estate. Notice 1« hereby given that Ira C. objections to said final account and J Í-M 8 23-30: Gates has filed his final acount as the settlem ent thereof. the executor of tne Last Will and A1I objections to said final account Testam ent of H. Oates, deceased, and must be in writing and filed with the SU M M O NS that Saturday the 16 day of July, 1*87. clerk of said Court on or before said IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE I at the hour of ten o'clock In the for» tlme STATE OF OREGON FOR THE noon of s a d day has been, fixed for ; Dated June 21st. 1927 COUNTY OF LANE. BESSIE H. SMITH. Administrativ* R 0 . Marks. Plaintiff, vs. Lota Marks. FRANK A. DePUE, Attorney for Defendant. held at the Count Court room at the To Lola Marks. Defendant. Court House In I^ n e County, Oregon. Bald estate. J 23-30: .1 7-14-21 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF All persons having objections to OREGON: You are hereby notified , fl^a| KOUBt are j,ereby notified and required to aP{*-»r and answer tQ fl)e , he game ,n wrlting wlth ti,e NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT the complaint of Plaintiff filed a g a in st, Connt_ C|erg of ij ine county. Oregon, vnu In the above entitled Court and on or W o p l , hp date nt Raid hearing. you In the County Court of the State *f cause within six weeks from the date IRA C. GATES. Executor of the Oregon in and fo r the County •» of the first publication of this sum­ Last Will and Testam ent of H. Gstes. Lane in Probate. mons, and If you fall to so appear deceased. ln re Estate of Thomas Adam YoaL and answer, for want thereof, the DONALD YOUNG, Eugene. Oregon. deceased. Plaintiff will apply to the said Court Notice is hereby given that the 0 » Executor. for the relief prayed for In the com­ Attorney for J 18-23-30: Jl 7-14 derslgned. William A. Yost, as a d m l* plaint. to-wlt: for a decree of this Istrator of the above entitled estate court dissolving the marriage rela­ has filed In said Court hls final * • NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tion and contract now existing be­ count; that the time for hearing t*S FOREST EXCHANGE tween plaintiff and defendant and same la set for 19:00 o'clock. A. 11» « No. 016*84 granting plaintiff an absolute divorce 18. 1*27. before aald C ourt «■< from the defendant and for such Departm ent of tha In te rio r, United July States Land Office. Roeebur*. Orc. that all persons having any obje*> other and further relief as to the SUM M O NS tions thereto shall file the same tk gon. May 31. 1*2? IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE court shall seem equitable. N O T I C E Is hereby given that writing on or before laid tim e fd* Thia summons Is published once a STATE OF ORBOON, FOR LANE week for six successive and consecu­ the Western Oregon Securities Co., by hearing. COUNTY WILLIAM A. YOST. Administrate*. O. E Hegburg. PUIntlff. va. T. H. tive w eeks In the Springfield News, a Leland S. Johnson. President, of Eu­ H. E. SLATTERY, Attorney for AM Spooner and Saddle L. Spooner, hla newspaper of general circulation pub­ gene. Oregon, filed application No. wife. A. N. De Vaul and Juanita De lished nt Springfield. Lane County. 016*84. under the Act of March 20. mlnletrator. J 16-2*30: Jl 7-14 Vaul. his wife. Osll De Vsul. Carl Oregon, by virtue of an order made 1*22. (42 Stat.. 486) to exchange the De Vaul. and the First National by the Hon. C. P. Barnard, County N% SW U . SEM N W U . A NW14 SEU- S«c 16. Tp. 16 8.. Range » West. Bank. Eugene. Oregon, a corpora­ Judge of Lane County. Oregon, which W. M , within the Sluslaw National NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT order -wns made on the 6th day of tion. Defendant». Forest, for the timber on the NBM To T. H Spooner and Saddle L. Spoon­ May. 1927. In the County Court of the State Ef The first publication of this sum­ NWM NEM. bee. 4. Tp. 2* S.. Range er. hla wife. A. N. De Vaul and Oregon In and fo r tho County 9r 12 West. W’ M., within said Sluslaw Juanita De Vaul. his wife. Gall De mons Is on the 12th day of May. A. D.. National Forest. Lano in Probata. 1*27, and the last publication thereof N otice Is hereby given that the EM The purpose of this notice la to V aul and Carl De Vaul. defendants: will be on the 23rd day of June, A D. derslgned William A. Yost, as the allow all persons claiming the land« In the name of th» S ista of Oregon selected, or haring bona fide objec­ mtnlstrator of the Estate of Fraud»* you ai* hereby required to appear sn-l 1927 CALKINS. Attorney for PUln- tions to such application, an oppor­ M. Yost, deceased, has filed ln saw answer the complaint which has been tlff S M. Residence and Postofllce Address tunity to file their protest with the Court his final account: that the tiBM filed against you In the above entitled Eugene. Lane County. Oregon. Register of m e U. S. Land office at for hearing the same 1« net for 10:0* court snd reuse within six weeks from Ms. 12-1* 26: J-2-9-16-23: Roseburg. Oregon. Any such protests o'clock. A. M . July 16, 1*27; and the« the date of the first publication of this or objections must be filed In this all persons having any object, OS8 summons or -within six weeks from the date of the service of this sum , NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON office within thirty davs from the date thereto shall file the same in w rltls# of the first publication of .als notice, on or prior to the said time. nions upon you If the same be person- - EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURB WILLIAM A. YOST, Administrator. ally served upon you outside of U»« j Nottce hereby given that by vlr- which first publication is June 9, 1927. Non-coal H. E SLATTERY. Attorney for Ad­ S .s .e of Oregon; snd If you fail to | HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. ministrator. so sppenr and answer for | foreclosure Issued out of the O r J *18-23 30: Jl 7: J 16-23-30: Jl 7-14 the plaint ff will J® ' ‘‘J’’"* ! cult Court of Lane County. Oregon for the relief prayed for In hla com- | (hp 3n(J day. of JunP , 927. In s suit pliUnt; Ito w it: wherein on the 1st day of June. 1927. ’T That you. and each of you. he h e ll McCarty, plaintiff. i Thia coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned ,o he in the de- i to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel- Kote, r X / w b X . ’ *Eff«C F ^ r < ^ . I fondant, Mary J. Breeding for the sum any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. and T H Spooner which contract Is of »200.00 with Interest thereon at the dated the 8th day of September. 1925 | rate of eight percent Pet Name.. l and under the terms of which the said the 31st day of August. 1*86 until paid T II Spooner contracted to purchase | and the further sum of »60.00 At- Address----- from W F. Barger and Effa F Barger | tornevs fees and the costs and dl»- ' the East se v e n ty fe e t of I-ot No flvo I bursem ents herein In the sumof » 1 0 0 . in block No tw enty-on. of driver,on's which J»«*" }™ ^ ro ,d addlton according to the recorded plat Court ln County on the 2nd day To acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are thereof in Eugene. Lane County, Ore- | Tnnp 5927. and said execution to making a special offer for a short tLae only. gon; that the court fix and determine d| rPC(prt comment, ng the in the the amount due under sakI con reel namp nf (hp StJ|te of 0Tegon, jn order and Ret nnd determ ine a tim e within Rft(u f v RRld ludKment Interest, at- which «aid amount should he paid to t(irnpvg fpp(J RU{f nnd aocrulng the plaintiff and *h »f “ P°^ i cost« to sell the following described x, ’ special offer old surfaces R E N E W E D ! so pay said am ount to the plaintiff with-1 - _ I in the tim e fixed by the court that v™ j r™ \ ^ X c l n r at a p Commencing st a point 29.406 chains nnd each of you he forever barred west of a point In the East line of nnd enjoined from asserting any right the L. Poindexter D. L. C. Twp. 17 title or Interest In nr to said contract South, Range 4 W est of the W illam­ 1 or property and that your Interest ette Meridian. 20.10 chains south of therein be declared to be forfeited the Northeast corner of snld claim { nnd that any pernon. Arm. or corpora­ thence south 8 chains, thence w est tion claiming: under, bv. or through 3 7fi5 chains, thence north 8 chains, vnu or any of you he lik ew ise forever thence e ss l 3.755'Chains to the place ................... barred ...... nnd enjoined from assertin g of beginning, all in Lane County. Ore- I anv right title or Interest In or to said I gon contract nr proper*'' and that the de- 1 Mow. therefore, lYiiw , nit icivi ' . in the nam e Oi_lne iav fendant, the F'rst National Hank. Eu­ Slate of Oregon, in compliance with gene, Oregon, he authorized and said execution nnd order of sale and directed to turn over to the plaintiff in order to satisfy said Judgment. In ! all papers In its possession in connee- terest. attorneys fees, costs of suit J tlon with said transaction. and accruing costs. I will on Saturday This summons is served upon you the 9th dav of July. 1927. nt the ho ir hv the publication thereof In the of one o'clock in the afternoon of said ' Springfield News, a paper of general dav. at the Southwest front door of i clrculatton, published In Lane ( ounty, the County Court House. In Eugene. Oregon In accordance with an order Lana County, Oregon, offer for sale made by the Honorable 0 . F. Skip- nnd sell for cash, at public »«c»’on worth on tho 14th day of June, 1927 subject to redemption as provided by directing that aervlce of this summon» law, all of the right, title and Interest be made by publication or that In lieu of said defendant Mary J. Breeding- thereof the defendant be personally and all person« claiming by, through served with summons outside the or under her In nnd to the RRid Stale of Oregon Date of first publica­ premises. tion of summons June 28rd. 1927. FRANK E. TATTX1R. Sheriff of DONALD YOUNG. Attorn y for plaintiff 880 W illamette Street, Eu Lnne County. Oregon. By BEULAH BRINN1CK, Deputy. gene, Oreffotl. J *16-8*30: Jl 7: J »3-30: Jl 7-14-21-28: Au 4: This tells you of a new discovery thousand* of women are making. I t it Enamel K o tt, the woodwork and furnitura finish with which dingy and dull things can be brought back to beauty in a fascinating, simple way. Pay out no money for new furniture to replace old, until first you have made a trial and convinced yourself about Enamel-Kote. ACME QUALITY Paint-dVarnish For over forty years, the beet paint and varnish for every purpoee has been Acme Quality. Before you buy any paint, come in and see us. Wa arc here to serve you. , W right ag Son