PAGK TWO and Bandar with bar mother. Mrs Carrie Parshall of Jaactloe City. M ra Bert New toa and chttdrea of Cottage Orovw visited a t the W. H. Aaalereoa home Monday. Nora Bell Brantley of Eugene la visiting at the Uates home. The Gates and Bramley famaltea are old friends both having been former reel dents of Lewiston. Idaho. Chase Gardens Ball team w as de­ feated Thursday evening In a game with the Booth Kelly team by a score of 6 to 7. Battery for Chase Gardens was Cole and Chase and for Booth- Kelly. Casteel and Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Brace Thomas and children left by auto. June 4th. for $orth Dakota, where they will visit relatives. They will return sometime in July. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Chase nri receiving congratulations on (he ar­ rival of a little daughter born June 16 at the Pacific Christian Hospital. A miscellaneous bridal shower was given Saturday In honor of Miss Mar­ garet Haugann. at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs. O. H. Haughann The rooms were tastefully decorated with orange blossoms and Miss Huu- gann received many beautiful pre­ sents. Refreshments were served 1st.' In the afternoon. Those present for the afternoon included: Mrs A. J Hammer and daughters. Gudrun and Ovtdla. Mrs. J. Holton. Miss Alms Fish. Mrs. B. McPherson and daugh ter. Esther. Mrs. Glen Riddle. Mrs. W. Ruth. Misses Margaret and Katherine Hemenway. Miss Mary Fisher. Mrs. Otis Ravborne, Mrs Clair (•’a rsons. Miss Helen Myers, Miss Naontl Le Vee. Virginia Chase, Helen Haugunn. Mrs. Cora Lindly, Mrs Clair McHenry Mrs. thin Driscoll. Mrs. Smith. Miss Myrtle Lindly, Mrs. O. H. Haugunn. Miss Gertrude Haugann and Miss Mar­ garet Haugunn. Will Dodd, who has Just returned from Honolulu, vistled with his sister. Mrs H. E. Wylie. Monday Pleasant Hill, they found changed to • fruit barn with no » U lli left- And "Where la the old well" they asked The annual Pleasant Hill picnic »»» The large maple true» were mere sap- held thia year without the uaual rain lings when they left. They Identified that tradition says came» when the “Old Bushy Top," a «rand old oak »till pleasant HUI picnic la held The day standing on the Jordan ranch where w as warm and bright and the ice children generation» hack have swung cream and miscellaneous stands were beneath Its sheltering branches. eery well patronised. A splendid pro- and y p W. L. Bristow and T. F. Kabler. who gram was gtTen in the morning b> I . , past local talent. Or. Harry Benton o i ‘ “ 3V,; month, are both about again. Eugene gave the address in the morn Ing In the afternoon the baseball GARDEN W AY games between the high school alumni and the team of 1*17 was the main attraction. The .core was 17 to 5 in K 8® oc* accompanied bv favor of the alumni. Family reunions « te a . - h o reside, e a .t of spring were held, many people coming a long «*<«’• Tuesday Io distance to shake hands with old •««•»■> ‘he Rose Carnival, returning friends. The picnic was under the Friday, F R. Oates was brought home from auspices of the Christian Endeavor. the I’aclfic Christian Hospital Tues­ At the annual election of the school day. He had been confined there tor District No. I at Pleasant Hill held — — ^ u r t / u m a t t o Tnd will at the school house Monday June SO. be obliged to remain in bed for thre- L. D. Garnlne was elected director to weeka longer. take the place of E. B. Tinker, who Mrs. Ida Hosford and daughter of has served six years and Mrs. Ernest Eugene visited at me O. H. Neal home Bchrenk was chosen as clerk to take Wednesday. the place of Mrs. Tinker, who has Mrs. L. H. Allen and children served for four years. The present I^muel and Margaret, of Weiser. board Is Ernest Schrenk. chairman; Idaho, arrived last week to spend the E Y. Swift, and L. D. Oarnlne. summer at the W. J. Pengra hom- The last few warm days h ate y ra Ayen was formerly Ixdta Pengra brought crowds to both Swimmers' The Sunshine club will meet with Delight and Riverside Park. Mrs. George Harrington Thursday At the meeting of the school board afternoon, of Union High school district No. 1, School District ISO held a school the contract for building the addition meeting Monday evening Two mem to the present high school building bers were re-elected, W R Hardk. was given to J. Halliday of Eugene director and H. L. Chase, clerk, for the amount of $5981.50. Work is Robert and Paul Olson of Portland to begin immediately. Mr. Halliday made a short visit at the Pengra States that he will hare the It com­ home. They are on a camping trio pleted In plenty of time before up the W illamette river near Oak school opens September 27. The ridge. board Is now advertising for bids on Mr and Mrs. George Campbell read« negotiable interest bearing warrants a short visit at the W. H. Anderson THURSTON for $6000 00 to cover the work on the home Monday. They are on their •Edition. way to Betnap springs, where they Cecil Harblt had the misfortune to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson of Salem will spend their vacation. cut his foot quite badly a few days Mra Norton Pengra visited her ago It requiring nine stitches to close visited with Mm. T. B God bolt at the mother. Mrs. W. H. Hill of Newberg. the wound. Tinker home last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bristow of Oakland. w*10 » critically 111 In a Portland hos- Miss Haze! Edmlston spent the Callfornia. and their daughter. Mr. and P“ * 1 ' deek end In Thurston with home folks Mrs. Helen Truman accompanied by She '.a returning to Ashland Monday Mra Bert Shelley and daughter. Doris, and son. Darrel, of Los Angeles. Mr. Mrs. Cook of Coburg have gone to where she will take special work for and Mm. Leo Shelley, and daughter. Yakima valley for a short v is it the next six weks. The P. T. A. will sponsor a com- Betty Lou of Condon. Oregon have Misses Maude Ruasell. Flossie visiting at the Lettin home. Being munlt!r Picnic, open to the public, next Herrington and Marjorie Grant, who former residents of Pleasant Hill they Sunday Jane 26. at the C. I. Anderson have been attending Normal at Mon- «rove to Pleasant Hill from their res­ ranch (formerly 8need ranch) on the ! mouth returned to Thurston last pective hornet In time to attend the McKenxIe river. A small fee will be week end. annual picnic. Tbey have been going charged, for each car the proceeds to Flossie Herrington returned to gbont the district trying to find fami­ go to the piano fund. Each one will Monmouth Sunday where he will at­ liar spots and haunts they knew and bring their own picnic lunch which tend summer school. li ved yearn ago. Mr. and M-s. Pant will be held from one to two o'clock, Mrs. W alter Ermlston and daughter. Bristow and daughter lved oa what after which a baseball game will be W ills Riixl, attended the roee carni­ la now the Tinker ranch, h avljg left played- Races and sports will be val In Portland last week. there In the year 1*06. Thsy called Indulged In. Melvin Buell and Mrs. Robert Her­ Mm. Charlotte Barnes. Mrs. Phoebe rington from Klamath Falls arrived a* the Tinker home Monday morning •ad greatly enjoyed banting for old Foster and Mm. Pierre Bogart all jf Sunday morning for a few days visit •Igne The “Old House" le gone, the Springfield visited Mrs Jo Neal. Tues­ with relatives and friends here. They elder treet and northern spy that day. drove through. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ambrose, and Stood near the old bouse are gon--. Miss Esther McPherson of Spring- the barn which was built in 1855 son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. field spent Sunday nlrht in Thurstoc. where the family stock, whose names Cleve Ambrose of Yoncoila spent Miss Lucile Johns from Junction Mrs. Shelley still remembers altho Thursday at the O. H. eal home. City Is visiting at Ray Baugh's home she was a small child when she left, Mm. A. W. Ferree spent Saturday Miss Undine Danner from Bbedd U P P E R W IL L A M E T T E THURSDAY JUNK 28. 1 »27 THE BPIU NO m LD NBW8 j e . spent Bunday night with Hadal Kd last weeg In Tkurstoa taklng care ef week. m lstoa Tbey drove to Ashland Mon kis atrawberrtes. CARD OF THANK« day, Darrel Homer from Toledo vlslted We wish Io express our thnaka Io Merrit Beater from Cushman »pant frlends la Thurston last Hunday »Ven­ the members of ths Masonic lodge the week end la Thurston. la«. The teacher's training class mat st Mr and Mrs. Ray llaugh and famlly. I end friends fur their many acts of kindness and beautiful Dural offerings John Bdmistoa's Tuesday evening Mr and M ra John Kdtulstoa and fani Mr and Mr» A W Weaver received lly and Mm Jenule Edmlslon drnve 1 during our r w e s l bereavement. Mrs. N ellie K llarlletl and famlly. the announcement that Mr and Mrs. to Junctloa City last Hunday «haro Curtis l>e Witt of Bun Francisco have Ihey attended the Richard reunlon a baby boy. born the 1st of June. CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emery Ths telephone llne here ha» been This Is their first greatgrandchild out of workln< order for the pesi ou prices ou plate and other work. U Mr and Mrs. De Witt spent several I week here during the winter. Pete Thurman from Springfield 'a j r^ saew ak ve*) « s ie le « IT - _ _ 1 . . . Ss^ n" w SO-gJ building Walt«,. Platt a uu» uaiu. Mr. and Mm. Belmont Russell from Silverton visited relatives here Sun day. Mr and Mrs John Williams from Cottage Orove were In Thurston la«l O P T O M K T R IB T — IV K B IQ H T S P E C IA L IS T Sunday. B78 WUhunett® St. Eugene, Ore. Mr. Ross Mathews and family from Pleasant HUI spent the greater part -if j u s t ONE t h i n g . BOT IDO IT BlOHTt Dr. Roijdl Qiçk 618t Anniversary SALE For Diving or Swim m ing A n d Its O p p o rtu n itie s Close on Saturday, June 25 Select One Item or a Houseful f The new styles are no­ on display. “Terms If Desired” The Aero Model shown above Is an excellent div­ ing cap. Be up to Swlm-Kaps. date ■Ith “ The S to re o f G ood F u r n itu r e ” Flanery’» Drug Store "w/ETHERBEE «■ w -POWERS EL You’ll find it easy • . to choose and to pay for the new S e rv e l... TODAY NO HOME IS TRULY ‘Busy smokers of today select Camel as their favorite smoke PRESENT-DAY people, the fastest workers of all time, claim their right to enjoyment. And they choose Camels for the utmost in smoking pleasure. Camel is made to please and delight the modern, expert- enced smoker. I t is rolled of the choicest tobaccos grown. I t is matchlessly blended for mildness and fragrance in the smoking. Let Camels demonstrate their goodness and you’ll know why the smokers of today choose them over all other ciga­ rettes. For that exalted tense of taste-satisfaction, no other smoke can compare with this one. "Have a Carnet!" MODERN WITHOUT AN ELEC­ "Accessories TRIC REFRIGERATOR - - - - AND NOW THAT IT IS SO EASY TO BUY, CAN YOU AFFORD TO WAIT ANOTHER DAY ? ? Think of It!! With no red tape —just the payment of $10 down, balance In 18 months, you can have this up-to-the-minute ser­ vant, completely Installed In your home. A n Electric R efrig erato r operates ItBelf, preserves food, keeps “left-overs” fresh and ap- petilng, and prevents sickness and waste. Get Your» Today!! F R E E Worth Mors Than $30 00 The complete set of frnsen dessert sllverwars, shown above, will be given FREE to each pur­ chaser of a SBRVBL Electric Refrigerator during Special eale! ! MOUJhlTAm STATES POWER C O M PA N Y g IW , «- J. ••rwdd. T.dwee c— — I . N. G